Prostitution in the Gilded Age
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Valentine, David and Elizabeth, 235-237
Waller, Thomas, Gov., 38, 81
War of the Rebellion (see Civil War)
Warren, George and Clara, 177-180
Warwick Cycle Mfg. Co., 157
Waterbury (Brass City), 46, 168, 173-175, 186, 200, 221
Washington College (see Trinity College)
Webb, Celia, 41-43
Webster, Carolyn, 91, 171, 223
Weeks, Joseph, 68, 74, 78-79
Welles, Gideon, 40
West, Billy, (born Ernest H. Stetson), 100, 155-180, 203, 216, 228
West, Cora, (a.k.a. Cora Bordeaux), 162, 171
Westcott, Edwin S. (Atty.), 150-151
West Indies trade, 67, 106
Wethersfield and Hartford Horse railroad, 92
Wethersfield Prison (see Connecticut State Prison at Wethersfield)
Wheeler, Ralph (Judge), 246
White Slavery (white slave trafficking), 234-236
Williams, Alexander “Clubber”, Capt., 77-78
Williams, John, (Rev. Pres.), 51
Wilson, Annie, “Queen of Omaha’s Underworld,” 13
Wilson, Charles (Atty.), 224-226
Wilson, James, 108-109
Winslow, Gideon, 191
Wrinn, James, (New Haven police supt.), 167
Yale College, 33, 184, 188, 200-224, 242, 246
Yorkshire, 24
Young German-American Association, 127