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Elsie's children

Page 22

by Martha Finley


  "Such sheets of fire, such bursts of horrid thunder, Such groans of roaring wind and rain, I never Remember to have heard." --SHAKESPEARE.

  Early in the morning of a perfect June day, our numerous party arrived atthe wharf where lay the steamer that was to carry them to Philadelphia.

  The embarkation was made without accident. Molly had had a nervous dreadof her share in it, but under her uncle's careful supervision, wasconveyed safely on board.

  The weather was very warm, the sea perfectly calm, but as they steamed outof the harbor a pleasant breeze sprang up, and the voyage began mostprosperously.

  There were a hundred lady passengers, and not more than a dozen gentlemen;but to Virginia's delight, one of these last was a gay dashing young armyofficer, with whom she had a slight acquaintance.

  He caught sight of her directly, hastened to greet her, and they were soonpromenading the deck together, engaged in an evident flirtation.

  Mr. Dinsmore, seated at some little distance with his daughter and herchildren about him, watched his niece's proceedings with a deepeningfrown. He was not pleased with either her conduct or her companion.

  At length, rising and approaching his sister, "Do you know that young man,Louise?" he asked.

  "Not intimately," she returned, bridling. "He is Captain Brice of thearmy."

  "Do you know his character?"

  "I have heard that he belongs to a good family, and I can see that he is agentleman. I hope you are satisfied."

  "No, I am not, Louise. He is a wild, reckless fellow, fond of drink,gambles----"

  "And what of it?" she interrupted. "I don't suppose he's going to teachVirginia to do either."

  "He is no fit associate for her or for any lady. Will you interpose yourauthority----"

  "No, I won't; I'm not going to insult a gentleman, and I'm satisfied thatVirginia has sense enough to take care of herself."

  "Waving the question whether a man of his character is a gentleman, let meremark that it is not necessary to insult him in order to put a stop tothis. You can call your daughter to your side, keep her with you, take anearly opportunity to inform her of the man's reputation, and bid herdiscourage his attentions. If you do not interfere," he added in hisdetermined way, "I shall take the matter into my own hands."

  "Isadore," said Mrs. Conly, "go and tell your sister I wish to speak toher."

  Virginia was extremely vexed at the summons, but obeyed it promptly.

  "What can mamma want? I was having such a splendid time," she saidpettishly to her sister, when they were out of the captain's hearing.

  "It is more Uncle Horace than mamma."

  Virginia reddened. She knew her uncle's opinions, and she was not entirelyignorant of the reputation borne by Captain Brice.

  She feigned ignorance however, listened with apparent surprise to heruncle's account of him and promised sweetly to treat him with the mostdistant politeness in future.

  Mr. Dinsmore saw through her, but what more could he do, except keep astrict watch over both.

  The captain, forsaken by Virginia, sauntered about the deck and presentlyapproaching an elderly lady who sat somewhat apart from the rest, liftedhis cap with a smiling "How do you do, Mrs. Noyes?" and taking an emptychair by her side entered into a desultory conversation.

  "By the by," he said, "what an attractive family group is that overyonder," with a slight motion of the head in the direction of theTravillas. "The mother is my beau-ideal of a lovely matron, in appearanceat least--I have not the happiness of her acquaintance--and the daughtersare models of beauty and grace. They are from your neighborhood, Ibelieve?"

  "Yes; I have a calling acquaintance with Mrs. Travilla. She was a greatheiress; has peculiar notions, rather puritanical; but is extremelyagreeable for all that."

  "Could you give me an introduction?"

  She shook her head. "I must beg you to excuse me."

  "But why?"

  "Ah, captain, do you not know that you have the reputation of being anaughty man? not very; but then, as I have told you, the mother is verystrict and puritanical in her ideas; the father is the same, and I shouldonly offend them without doing you any good; the girls would not dare, oreven so much as wish to look at or speak to you."

  Growing red and angry, the captain stammered out something about being noworse than ninetenths of the rest of the world.

  "Very true, no doubt," she said; "and please understand that you are nottabooed by me. I'm not so strict. But perhaps," she added laughing, "itmay be because I've no daughters to be endangered by young fellows who areas handsome and fascinating as they are naughty." He bowed hisacknowledgments, then, as a noble looking young man was seen to approachthe group with the manner of one on a familiar footing inquired, "Who isthat fellow that seems so much at home with them?"

  "His name is Leland; Lester Leland. He's a nephew of the Leland who boughtFairview from the Fosters some years ago. He's an artist and poor--thenephew--he had to work his own way in the world; has to yet for thatmatter. I should wonder at the notice the Travillas take of him, only thatI've heard he's one of the good sort. Then besides you know he may make agreat reputation some day."

  "A pious fortune-hunter, I presume," sneered Brice, rising to give hisseat to a lady; then with a bow he turned and walked away.

  Mr. Dinsmore was taking his grandsons over the vessel, showing them theengine and explaining its complicated machinery.

  Edward, who had quite a mechanical turn, seemed to understand it nearly aswell as his grandfather, and Harold and Herbert, bright, intelligent boysof ten and twelve, looked and examined with much interest, asking sensiblequestions and listening attentively to the replies.

  They were active, manly little fellows, not fool-hardy or inclined tomischief; nor was their mother of the over-anxious kind; she could trustthem, and when the tour of inspection with their grandpa was finished,they were allowed to roam about by themselves.

  Captain Brice took advantage of this to make acquaintance with them, andwin their hearts by thrilling stories of buffalo hunts and encounters withwolves, grizzly bears and Indians, in which he invariably figured asconquering hero.

  He thought to make them stepping stones to an acquaintance with theirsisters, and congratulated himself on his success when, on being summonedto return to their mother, they asked eagerly if he would not tell themmore to-morrow.

  "Just try me, my fine fellows," he answered, laughing.

  "Mamma, what do you want with us?" they asked, running up to her. "Agentleman was telling us such nice stories."

  "I think the call to supper will come very soon," she said, "and I wantyou to smooth your hair and wash your hands. Dinah will take you to yourstate-room and see that you have what you need."

  "I'm afraid we're going to have a gust," remarked Isadore as the ladshurried away to do their mother's bidding; "see how the clouds aregathering yonder in the northwest."

  "A thunder-storm at sea; how romantic!" said Virginia; "'twill besomething to talk about all our lives."

  "Silly child!" said her mother, "to hear you talk, one would think therewas no such thing as danger."

  "Pshaw, mamma! we're hardly out of sight of land--our own shores," sheretorted.

  "That would but increase our danger if the storm were coming from theopposite direction," said her uncle; "but fortunately, it is from aquarter to drive us out to sea."

  "Do you think it will be a gust, grandpa?" asked Violet, a littleanxiously.

  "I fear so; the heat has become so oppressive, the breeze has entirelydied down, and the clouds look threatening; but, my child, do not fear;our Father, God, rules upon the sea as well as the land; the stormy windfulfilling his word."

  The storm came up rapidly, bursting on them in its fury before they hadleft the tea-table; the lightning's flash and the crash and roll of thethunder followed in quick succession; the stentorian voices of theofficers of the vessel, shouting t
heir orders to the crew, the heavy hastytramp of the men's feet, the whistling of the wind through the rigging,the creaking of the cordage, the booming of the sea, mingling with theterrific thunder claps and the down-pouring of the rain, combined in anuproar fit to cause the stoutest heart to quake.

  Faces grew pale with fear; the women and children huddled together infrightened groups; the men looked anxiously at each other, and between thethunder peals, spoke in low tones of the danger of being driven out tosea, and asked each other of the captain's skill, on what part of thecoast they were, and whether the vessel were strong enough to outride thetempest, should it continue long.

  "Oh, this is dreadful! I'm afraid we shall all go to the bottom, if itkeeps on much longer," Mrs. Conly was saying to her niece, when there camea crash as if the very sky were falling; as if it had come down upon them;a shock that threw some from their seats, while others caught at thefurniture to save themselves; the vessel shivered from stem to stern,seemed to stand still for an instant, then rushed on again.

  "It struck! we're lost!" cried a number of voices, while many women andchildren screamed, and some fainted.

  "Courage, my friends!" cried Mr. Dinsmore in loud clear tones, that couldbe distinctly heard by all, above the storm. "All is not lost that is indanger; and the 'Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neitherhis ear heavy that it cannot hear.'"

  "Yes, it is time to pray," said an excited, answering voice; "thelightning has struck and shivered the mast; and look how it has run alongover our heads and down yon mirror; as you may see by the melting of theglass. It has doubtless continued on to the hold, and set fire to thecotton stored there," the speaker--a thin, nervous looking man, who waspushing his way through the throng--added in a whisper close to Mr.Dinsmore's ear.

  "Be quiet, will you!" said the latter sternly; "these helpless women andchildren are sufficiently frightened already."

  "Yes, yes and I don't want to scare 'em unnecessarily; but we'd better beprepared for the worst."

  Elsie had overheard the whispers and her cheek paled, a look of keendistress coming into her face as she glanced from one to another of herloved ones, dearer far than her own life.

  But she showed no other sign of agitation; her heart sent up one swift cryto him to whom "all power is given in heaven and in earth," and faith andlove triumphed over fear. His love to her was infinite nor was there anylimit to his power. She would trust him that all would be well whether inlife or death.

  "'Even the wind and the sea obey him,'" she whispered to Violet, who wasasking with pale trembling lips, "Mamma, mamma, what will become of us?"

  "But mamma they say the vessel is loaded with cotton, and that thelightning has probably set it on fire."

  "Still, my darling, he is able to take care of us; 'it is nothing with himto help whether with many or with them that have no power;' he is the Lordour God."

  Her father had come to her side. "Daughter, my dear, dear daughter!" hesaid with emotion, taking her in his arms as was his wont in her earlyyears.

  "O grandpa, take care of mamma, whatever becomes of us!" exclaimed Elsieand Vi together.

  "No, no!" she said, "save my children and never mind me."

  "Mamma, you must be our first care!" said Eddie hoarsely.

  "Your sisters, my son, and your brothers. Leave me to the last," sheanswered firmly.

  "We will hope to save you all," Mr. Dinsmore said, trying to speakcheerfully; "but, my child, if you perish, I perish with you."

  "Horace, is it true? is it true that the vessel is on fire?" gasped Mrs.Conly, clutching his arm and staring him in the face with eyes wild withterror.

  "Try to calm yourself, Louise," he said kindly. "We do not know certainlyyet, though there is reason to fear it may be so."

  "Horrible!" she cried, wringing her hands. "I can't die! I've never madeany preparations for death. Oh save me, Horace, if you can! No, no save mygirls, my poor dear girls, and never mind me."

  "Louise, my poor sister," he said, deeply moved, "we will not despair yetof all being saved; but try to prepare for the worst, turn _now_ to himwho has said, Look unto me and be ye saved all ye ends of the earth."

  Virginia had thrown herself upon a sofa, in strong hysterics, and Isadorestood over her with smelling salts and fan.

  Mrs. Conly hurried back to them with tears rolling down her cheeks.

  "Oh what is to be done?" she sighed, taking the fan from Isa's hand. "IfCal and Art were but here to look after us! Your uncle has his hands fullwith his daughter and her children."

  "Mamma let us ask God for help; he and he only can give it," whisperedIsadore.

  "Yes, yes, ask him! you know how and he will hear you. Virgy, my child,try to calm yourself."

  Isa knelt by her sister's side; there were many on their knees crying forsuccor in this hour of terrible danger.

  The storm was abating, the rain had nearly ceased to fall, and the wind tolash the waves into fury; the flashes of lightning were fewer and fainterand the heavy claps of thunder had given place to distant mutterings; theywould not be wrecked by the fury of the tempest, yet alas, there stillremained the more fearful danger of devouring fire.

  It was a night of terror; no one thought of retiring, and few but youngchildren closed an eye.

  Every preparation was made for taking to the water at a moment's warning;those who had life preservers--and all our party were supplied withthem--brought them out and secured them to their persons; boats were madeready to launch, and those who retained sufficient presence of mind andforethought, selected, and kept close at hand, such valuables as it seemedpossible they might be able to carry about them.

  The Travillas kept together, Mr. Dinsmore with them, and young Lelandalso.

  He was to them only an ordinary friend, but one of them he would have diedto save, and almost he would have done it for the others for her sake.

  Poor Molly had never felt her helplessness more than now; fastened to herchair as with bands of steel, there was less hope of escape for her thanfor others.

  Her thoughts flew to Dick in that first moment of terror, to Dick wholoved her better than any other earthly thing. Alas, he was far away; butthere was One near, her Elder Brother, who would never leave nor forsakeher. With that thought she grew calm and strong to wait and to endure.

  But her uncle did not forget her; with his own hands he fastened a lifepreserver about her.

  "My poor helpless child," he said low and tenderly, "do not fear that youwill be forgotten should there be any chance for rescue."

  "Thank you, dear, kind uncle," she said with tears in her eyes, "but leaveme to the last, my life is worth so much less than theirs," glancingtoward her cousins; "there would be only Dick to mourn its loss----"

  "No, no, Molly, we all love you!" he interrupted.

  She smiled a little sadly, but went on, "and it would be more difficult tosave me than two others."

  "Still, do not despair," he said, "I will not leave you to perish alone;and I have hope that in the good providence of God, we shall all besaved."

  Gradually the screaming, sobbing, fainting, gave place to a dulldespairing waiting, waiting, with a trembling, sickening dread, for theconfirmation of their worst fears.

  Rosie had fallen asleep upon a sofa with her head in her eldest sister'slap, Vi on an ottoman beside them, tightly clasping a hand of each.

  Elsie had her babe in her arms; he was sleeping sweetly, and laying herhead back, she closed her eyes while her thoughts flew to Ion, to thehusband and father who would perhaps learn to-morrow of the loss of allhis treasures.

  Her heart bled for him, as she seemed to see him bowed down withheart-breaking sorrow.

  Then arose the question "what should the end bring to them--herself andher beloved children?"

  For herself she could say, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadowof death; I will fear no evil; for thou art with me." Elsie, Vi and Eddieshe had good reasons to hope were true Christians; but Harold andHerbert?--A pang shot
through her heart. Good, obedient children thoughthey were, she yet knew not that they had ever experienced that new birthwithout which none can enter heaven.

  Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again,he cannot see the kingdom of God."

  "Mamma, what is it?" Eddie asked, seeing her glance anxiously from side toside.

  "Your brothers! I do not see them. Where are they?"

  "They went into their state-room a moment since;--right here, you know.Shall I call them?"

  "Yes, yes; I must speak to them."

  They came hand in hand, in answer to Eddie's summons.

  Herbert's eyes were full of tears, not of terror or grief; there seemed anew happy light in each boyish face.

  "Mamma," whispered Harold, putting his arm round her neck, his lips to herear, "we went away to be alone, Herbie and I; we knew what made you lookso sorry at us;--because you were afraid we didn't love Jesus; but we do,mamma, and we went away to give ourselves to him; and we mean to be hisalways, whether we live or die."

  Glad tears rolled down her cheeks as she silently embraced first one, thenthe other.

  And so slowly the night wore away, a reign of terror for hours, whileevery moment they were watching with despairing hearts for the smell offire or the bursting out of flames from the hold; their fears gave way toa faint hope as time passed on and the catastrophe was still delayed; ahope that grew gradually stronger and brighter, till at last it was lostin glad certainty.

  The electricity, it appeared, had scattered over the iron of themachinery, instead of running on down into the hold.

  Some said, "What a lucky escape!" others, "What a kind providence."


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