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Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3)

Page 7

by Tory Richards

  "Martin scares me," she admitted, taking a small bite of her food.

  I didn't ask her why. Something told me that once she was done chewing her food she'd offer it up, and I was right.

  "I thought he was a friend. He told me that when he saw the conflict between you and me that that was when he came up with the idea to use me." She paused, and then laughed without humor. "He thought you wanted me."

  I stopped chewing for a minute, meeting her eyes. Martin saw too fucking much.

  "I thought he was a nice man," she went on, her eyes hardening. "I'm beginning to think there are no nice men."

  I grunted. "You're learning." I finished my food.

  She huffed. "What are you, anti-people?"

  She was beginning to pick at what was left on her plate.

  "Anti-women," I corrected.

  "Do you hate all women?"

  I wasn't going to respond to her question. "Finish up; I want to leave as soon as possible."

  Her laughter was genuine. "I don't have any clothes to wear, thanks to you."

  She shouldn't have reminded me that I'd had my fingers inside her. She shouldn't have reminded me that I knew that she was naked beneath my t-shirt. My eyes dropped to her tits as I wondered what those heavy mounds would feel like cradling my dick, and what her nipples would feel like in my mouth. Jesus. I moved in my seat a little, hoping to ease up on the pressure behind my zipper that was squeezing my hard dick.

  I thought about the closet full of Maggie's clothes in her old room. Shit, I hadn't been in that room in years. I kept the door locked, along with all the memories. But now it looked as if I'd have to go in there. Bailey was a curvy little thing, which may be a problem. Maggie had been slim and small-breasted.

  "Think I've got that covered." I scooted back my chair and left the table, aware that Bailey's gaze followed me out of the room.

  Chapter 9


  I gave myself a critical look in the mirror, turning this way and that. I didn't know who owned the dress that Moody had tossed at me and ordered me to put on, but she didn't have my body type. He'd made a good choice, though; as the stretchy material allowed room for my large breasts, and the emerald green was a good color on me. I frowned, tugging at the hem behind me, but no amount of pulling made the dress any longer. It was short, and tight enough to outline my every curve. What was worse, I didn't have any underwear on. I'd never gone without before. It felt kind of naughty. I fluffed my hair and turned to slip into the heels he'd also provided.

  The door opened and I shot Moody a scowl for not knocking first. I stood and faced him defiantly, waiting for his approval, but he just stood in the doorway with a hard look on his chiseled face. His sharp eyes missed nothing.

  "Let's go. We'll take your car."

  I followed him out of the room. "Ah, that may not be a good idea. It's been acting up lately. I was nervous driving it here."

  Moody halted and looked back at me, his eyes going to my bare legs. He seemed to be pondering a decision, finally releasing an annoyed breath. "Okay we'll take my bike." He began walking again.

  His bike? How was I going to ride on his bike in this short dress? He was crazy! "I've never been on a bike."

  "All you have to do is wrap your arms and legs around me and hang on."

  "Well, okay then, I'll just pretend that I'm having sex," I said sarcastically.

  Moody stopped short and I plowed right into him. I caught my breath when he swung around. "When I fuck you there'll be a helluva lot more than just you holding on."

  My eyes widened with stunned surprise, his words causing an image to flash through my mind that instantly turned me hot.

  We were going to have sex?

  Huh! In his dreams!

  I didn't care how hot he made me. I didn't like the man, and he didn't like me. I wasn't so hard-up that I'd fuck just any man, no matter how fucking hot he was.

  Before long we were in his garage behind the house. His bike was huge, there was plenty of room for two on the seat, I thought, until Moody got on. He hadn't left much room for me, and to make it worse, there was no back to rest against. If I made it to the bar alive it would be a miracle.

  "Get on," he grumbled when I didn’t make a move.

  I took a breath. "Look, I don't really feel like advertising to the world that I'm not wearing any panties," I explained with irritation. "This dress feels like a fucking shirt."

  "I don't give a fuck, get on." He was busy checking gadgets on what I considered to be his dash board and not looking at me. I stood glaring at him stubbornly. He finally noticed that I wasn't doing what he wanted and spared me a glance, and then a heavy sigh. "No one is going to see your pussy once you're on," he began crudely. "It will be snug up against me."

  I visualized it in my head. He was right. Okay. I grabbed hold of his shoulder to get on, groaning when the dress rode up and exposed me from my hips down. As I tried to tug it down over my ass, Moody let out a growl, reached back, wrapped his arm around me and gave me a sharp jerk. The movement forced me further up the seat and tight against his backside. I caught my breath at the impact of my exposed sex against his ass. If I’d thought I was hot before, it was nothing compared to what my body was experiencing now.

  "Put your feet there," he instructed, nodding to where he wanted me to place them, "and don't touch the exhaust, or you'll get burned." He started his bike. "Lean into the curves! And hold on!" he yelled over the sound of the engine.

  I locked my arms around Moody's middle and linked my fingers. I clenched my legs against his hips. Most of the ride to Boulder I kept my eyes closed and my face buried against his broad, leather-bound back. I was terrified of the speed that we were going, and yet I couldn't deny it was thrilling to fly down the highway with the wind against us. The ride came to an end way too soon, and by the time we pulled into the parking lot of the Naked Lady I felt as if I'd been given a shot of adrenaline.

  "Oh, my God, that was exhilarating!" I’d forgotten all about why we were there, about Martin, and about how much I disliked Moody. I was still locked around him like a human backpack. He'd turned off the bike and we sat there for a minute. "I want to do that again!"

  The longer we sat there, the more I became aware of us. I was burning up between my legs where my open pussy was smashed against Moody's ass. His body heat was the culprit, that and how closely our bodies were pressed together. For the first time I realized what the constant vibration of the bike had done to me, because my clit was positively throbbing. I felt wet, too, so fucking wet that I was afraid to move. Shit!

  "Okay, off," Moody snapped in his ever present good mood.

  I got off with his help, finding my legs a little shaky. I grabbed him for balance, laughing softly. Our eyes met and clung, and then I looked down at his mouth. It was always set so tight and hard, but I remembered that it could soften in a kiss. I licked my lips without realizing that the gesture could be taken an invitation to kiss me.

  Moody cleared his throat and I blinked back to awareness, stepping back so he could dismount. "Now here's the plan-—"

  "There's a plan?"

  He shot me a scowl. "You're going in alone. Tommy called when you were dressing, Martin is in there. I don't want him to know we're together. Find him and act stupid, as if you haven't told me anything. Don't let on that you know the SD card is missing, because there's a slim possibility that he doesn't have it." He pulled something out of his pocket.

  "What's that?" He reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear, and then slipped something inside my ear. I held my breath as he arranged it where he wanted. Once he was satisfied, he pulled my hair forward again.

  "This will allow me to listen in on your conversation from a distance."

  "What if he finds it?"

  I considered the tiny curl on his lips to be a smile for Moody. "You planning on letting him get that close?"

  "No!" No way! I realized that I was beginning to feel nervous. "Moody, I don't mind telling y
ou that I'm a little scared." I took a deep breath.

  "You'll do fine. Just act normal, and I'll be there if anything happens, and so will Tommy. Now go inside. I'll follow you in about five minutes."

  I did as he ordered, opening the door to a loud and noisy bar. I could see Tommy and Marnie working furiously behind the bar, and Layla and Alex waiting tables. Alex saw me and gave me a wave, and I waved back. As I casually made my way to the bar, I scanned the bar for Martin. I made eye contact with Tommy and cringed at the frosty look he gave me.

  "Hi, Tommy."

  "What can I get you?" he asked, keeping it impersonal.

  I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, I wanted to explain what was going on, but I didn't know how much Moody had told him. Judging from the way he was treating me, I guessed that it had been enough. I forced a smile and sat down carefully on one of the stools. "Beer, please." He promptly got one, set it down in front of me, and turned away. As I was taking a sip, I glanced into the mirror to see Martin making his way toward me from behind.

  "Hi there, honey. I've been looking for you."

  He was putting on a show.

  "I'm here now," I said icily. I didn't want him to touch me or pretend that he felt something for me, not after what had happened. I didn’t know what he had in mind, but he leaned in, and I leaned away. "Don't," I hissed, loud enough for him to hear me.

  He laughed it off. "Come with me, I have a table where we can talk more privately."

  I thought I would follow him to a table somewhere in the room, but when he led me to the hallway at the opposite end of the room I held back. "No!" I snapped, causing him to turn around and face me. He actually thought that I'd go into one of the private rooms with him? Where the strippers did lap dances, along with other extracurricular activities? "Where are we going?"

  His laugh sent shivers down my back. "So suspicious. Relax we're just going to talk."

  I knew about those rooms and what went on inside them. My heart began to pound. Would Moody be able to hear me from another room? I didn't want to go into a private room with Martin. I didn't trust him now. My feet refused to move, but then Martin took the decision out of my hands by grasping me by the arm and pulling me with him. I tried to relax, because really, what could he do? We were in a public place. I resisted looking back to try to find Moody because I didn't want to give anything away.

  We came to a door with the number two in gold lettering on it, and a light above the frame that had been turned on to red. I swallowed and followed him inside. As soon as the door was closed, I began to bombard him with questions.

  "What are you doing here? I thought you wanted me to look for the SD card. Did you find it? Is this over? I want to talk to Holly!"

  Martin remained calm in the face of my panic and nodded towards a chair. I had a feeling that I wouldn't get anywhere until he was good and ready, that he was in control and he was going to take his sweet time. I sat down with a huff, hating him. He sat down, too, and I was glad that there was a table between us. I grudgingly met his eyes and crossed my arms, realizing what a mistake that was when his gaze dropped down the front of me.

  "You look stunning in that dress."

  I stared at him, concerned by the look of interest I saw in his eyes. This look was different from any that he’d given me before. It was not as respectful. I tried to ignore the fear he instilled in me. "How did you know I would be here?"

  "I didn't. I booked the room with one of the dancers in mind, but then I saw you come in. Why haven't you returned my calls?"

  "I lost my phone." I decided not to let him control the conversation with mundane chit chat. "What's going on, Martin? Is Holly okay?"

  "She's…," His face twisted into an evil grin. "—hanging in there."

  "What have you done to her, you bastard!" The image of her hanging helplessly from a ceiling somewhere turned my stomach. I wanted to reach across the table and hit him. "I want to talk to her. You said that I could."

  "You talked to her yesterday, and watch your tone with me," he snapped, his face darkening. "She'll be home as soon as you get me that card."

  Well, that confirmed that he hadn't been the one to ransack Moody's office. And here I'd been expecting him to say that he had the card. Panic set in when I realized my precarious predicament. What was I going to do now? Someone had ransacked Moody's office before I’d had the chance, and that someone had taken the card. I stared at Martin. Would he really kill Holly?

  There was a deep frown between his eyes. "What's wrong? You look worried."

  "Of course I'm worried! You're threatening the life of my best friend if I don't get that card."

  He shrugged indifferently. "Then get it. You still have a few days left."

  I stared at him with all of the hate that I felt toward him. "What if I don't find it?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I wanted to tell him that someone had already stolen it to see if that would make a difference, but I couldn't admit that with Moody listening in.

  He shrugged again. "That's not an option, Bailey," he said in a hard tone. "You find that fucking card or you're both dead."

  His comment confirmed my worst fears, and for the first time I realized that even if I did get the card for him, he was still going to kill us. I found the courage to get to my feet. I just wanted to get out of there. Moody would have enough proof now that what I'd been telling him about mine and Martin’s involvement with stealing of the SD card was the truth. And if neither one of us had the card, then Moody had a problem with someone else.

  "Sit. Down." Martin's tone was cold, commanding, and I hesitated from taking the step that would take me out of the room. "I'm not done with you."

  I thought about telling him off, but held my tongue with Holly in mind. I was completely at his mercy, and I'd have to bide my time. "What more do you want from me?"

  He leaned forward. "I want that fucking card." He was obsessed with that one thing. What the hell was on it, anyway? "You find it, or you'll never see Holly again." He sat back in his chair suddenly, his hand moving up to brush against his mouth. "And I've decided something else. I want you, too." My blood turned cold. His eyes, which I had used to think of as warm and friendly, moved over me lasciviously.

  A cold shiver ran over me with the thought of what those words meant. It might have been possible once, but the thought of his hands on me now made me sick inside. He'd taken my best friend and threatened to kill her if I didn't do what he wanted. He’d threatened to kill us both. He was crazy if he thought I would forgive all that and willingly be with him. In fact, if the opportunity presented itself, I had every intention of going to the police. It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut from telling him everything that I planned to do, because damn it, he still had the upper hand.

  I had to find Holly before my time ran out.

  "Want me all you want, Martin, but after what you've done, what you're forcing me to do; I can't see us having a happy future together."

  His laugh should have been my first warning that he was coming unglued. "A future together?" he scoffed. "Maybe, but right now I just want your pussy."

  I shook my head, still in total disbelief that he'd had me fooled into thinking that he was a decent man. I looked at him now, really looked at him, marveling that beneath his put together good looks and his intelligence, he was really a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  "You're sick if you think I'd let you touch me."

  "Even to get your friend back in one piece?"

  His threat infuriated me. "You pig! You have no intention of releasing Holly, do you?" Tears burned in my eyes.

  I wasn’t surprised when he lost control and jumped to his feet. The next thing I knew, he had a hand wrapped around my throat and he was pushing me back against the door that we'd come in through. "I told you to watch your tone. Now I'm warning you to watch what you say, or I'll find a way to shut you up that you won’t like."

  "Go to hell," I managed to squeak out, tears spilling down my cheeks. It was no lon
ger about the damned SD card. His hand tightened even more, his other one moving beneath the edge of my dress. Before I knew what he intended to do, his finger flicked over my naked mound. "No! Don't!" He wiggled the tip inside, causing me pain. "Get your hands off me!"

  "No panties, nice. You're so soft here," he whispered close to my ear. "Dry, but I can take care of that with a few licks of my tongue." I shuddered with revulsion. "Right now our time has run out, though." He laughed against my cheek. "Know why I requested this room, Bailey?" He didn't wait for me to respond. "It has a back door for anyone important that comes in and doesn't want to be seen leaving. Especially when there's a raid." He released me, and I sucked in deep breaths. "Be seeing you around. Oh, and just a reminder, don't do anything foolish like telling anyone what's going on."

  Why would he be leaving out the back door? Unless he thought I may have already said something to Moody about him. He wasn't taking any chances.

  His threat was clear. I glared at him, worried for Holly now more than ever. How was I ever going to find her? Maybe I should go to the police now. Tears ran down my face as I watched him slip from a rear door that I hadn't noticed before. Almost instantly, the door that I'd been leaning against opened, knocking me forward. Tommy came rushing in, his wild gaze moving around the room.

  "Moody asked me to make sure you were okay," he explained.

  I was going to be sick--sick for worry over Holly, sick because Martin expected the impossible from me, sick because that man had had his finger inside me. A man that I had liked at one time. I covered my mouth and pushed past Tommy, heading for the ladies room.

  Chapter 10


  Christ, I was tired. I was drinking coffee as if it were fuel to keep me going, smoking one cigarette after another to calm my fucking nerves. The usual serenity that I took in sitting on my porch early in the morning wasn't cutting it for me. The peace and quiet that was interrupted only by the occasional sound of a nocturnal animal was not the usual balm for my soul. And I fucking needed a balm, because my soul was as dark as they came. There was no saving me after all the shit I'd done through the years. Not even the good shit was enough to balance out the bad.


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