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Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3)

Page 11

by Tory Richards

  "But I want to," I said softly, pulling the corner of my bottom lip into my mouth. His nostrils flared and I pulled away from him, continuing my journey down his magnificent body.

  When I reached his cock I didn't hesitate to take it into my mouth. One long glide and I'd almost swallowed him to the root. He groaned and jerked his hips, pushing himself deeper, until I felt him at the back of my throat. I swallowed, squeezing my throat muscles around his shaft, causing him to shudder. I smiled around his cock, and began to run my tongue along the ridges and veins lining it. Like the rest of Moody's muscles, this one was just as hard and well formed, a thin layer of satiny skin over an unyielding steel bar. It was hard to believe that I'd been able to take this impressive tool.

  I focused on the head, running my tongue beneath the ridge where I knew the nerves were located. His thighs quivered, and he clenched his hand in my hair, holding me firmly where he wanted me.

  "Fuck, Bailey," he groaned when I stuck my tongue into the slit. His hips left the bed, and then he crammed the rest of his length into my mouth, jabbing the back of my throat. I moaned and swallowed again to keep from gagging. His pre-cum was thick and smooth, and the smell of musk that it was giving off fueled my desire to taste more.

  Moody began to piston in and out of my mouth with a vigorous speed. His hips were rocking so hard I had to clench my hands into his thickly muscled thighs to keep from being bucked off. I sucked his cock hard, and, reaching his balls, I lavished them with sloppy kisses and careful sucking.

  "If you don't… want… to swallow… you …better pull the fuck off!" Moody grunted in between pants.

  I ignored him and sucked harder, squeezing his balls. His cock swelled, and the first squirt of his cum hit the back of my throat. After that it just kept coming, filling my mouth before I could swallow it all. Moody convulsed, panting heavily, his hand clenching tightly in my hair.

  "Fuck. Fuck," he repeated harshly, relaxing against me in time. It took longer for him to catch his breath and calm the rise and fall of his chest.

  I moved up and away from Moody before he could reject me. "I'm going to get a shower before we leave."

  He didn't acknowledge me. I hadn't expected him to. I didn't know what we were doing, but I did know one thing--Moody kept his emotions close to his chest. He wasn't a sharing man, and he tried his damndest to remain detached. But he had needs just like anyone else, and for just a few seconds, when he lost control and found release, he was completely in the moment.

  He couldn't deny that we'd given each other something that we'd both needed.

  Chapter 14


  I gave Bailey a long look when she walked out the door. Maggie had been taller than her, so the jeans were a little long. However, Bailey was curvier, which was clear from the way the clothes clung to her tits and hips. The off-the-shoulder blouse was sexy as fuck on her, and I wondered if she realized how beautiful she was. What set her apart from every other woman that I'd known was that fucking wild, red hair. No matter what she did, she couldn't seem to tame the curls. She'd pulled it back today, but some of it had escaped the tie and fell against her creamy neck.

  My dick jerked behind my zipper. All he thought about was keeping Bailey flat on her back and fucking her. Hell, we'd just about done that. This morning had been a surprise. I hadn't expected her to go down on me as eagerly as she had. She had a talented little mouth. While I'd been filling her mouth with my cum, the thought that I could get used to her had flashed through my mind, which was quickly followed by the sensation of fear.

  I'd have to be careful that she didn’t get the wrong idea about what we were doing, and I knew just how to make sure that she didn’t when we reached the Desert Rebels’ clubhouse. Grabbing a club whore would show Bailey that she was just another woman that I'd fucked, nothing special, that any woman would do for me. Showing her would save me from having to explain it to her. I flicked my cigarette away when she got closer.

  "Hop on." I kicked my bike to life while she climbed on behind me, using my shoulder for balance.

  "Why couldn't we take my car?" she hollered in my ear.

  "You said it was having issues, and I don't like cages," I shouted back, turning enough for her to hear me. I sat and waited for her to slip her arms around me. "Bailey?"


  "Wrap your arms around me, baby, and hold on tight."

  "Oh!" she laughed. "I was wondering about what a cage is!"

  I smirked, not bothering to explain it to her. She was in for a culture shock when we got to the clubhouse.

  I was eager to get to there. I wanted to talk to Killer, their prez, about finding Martin. He’d told Bailey that he hadn't taken the SD card, but I was pretty sure that he was playing Bailey so that he could control her. Still, I would look for other possibilities as to who could have taken it until I had proof.

  Once Bailey's arms were tight around me, I took off. It wouldn't take us long to reach our destination. The road to the clubhouse was a long, straight stretch of desert highway, and I'd be able to go full throttle. It was an exhilarating ride. Once we turned down the side road that led to the compound we'd have to take things slower.

  Killer had lucked out in finding an abandoned building isolated enough and big enough to turn into his compound. Apparently, the building had been built for a movie set, but had never been used. After purchasing it, he'd turned it into his clubhouse and bar. A one-percent MC with about fifty members, the Desert Rebels made their money on both legal and illegal enterprises, including gunrunning and strip clubs. They also owned a couple of brothels around the Vegas area.

  The compound came into view a good half mile before we reached it. By the time we pulled up to the gate, the prospect on guard had opened it so that we could ride on through. He'd obviously been told to expect us. I'd told Demon the night before that Bailey and I would be there this morning. I acknowledged the prospect with a chin lift and rode up close to the building, where twenty or so other bikes were parked.

  Bailey slipped her arms from around me and dismounted once I’d shut down my bike. I knew that she was anxious to see Holly, I could feel it in her movements, but I had some shit that I needed to say to her before we went in. I didn't know how much knowledge she had about MC's, but I wanted to make sure that she at least knew the basics. I sat back on my seat, watching her quietly. Her eyes were all over the fucking place, taking in the area--the huge building that looked like shit from the outside, the bikes, the few trucks in the lot, along with a single black SUV. Three vans were parked at the side of the building. She looked at the guard at the gate with trepidation, biting down on her sexy bottom lip.

  Her gaze came back to me. Damn, those green eyes lit a fire of need in me. She was vulnerable. The bikers inside would eat her alive if they got wind that she was an unclaimed woman.

  "Look, there are some things you need to know before we go inside."

  She gave me her full attention. "Okay."

  "You're an unclaimed woman, which means the majority of the men in there are going to make a move on you if you give them the slightest encouragement. Some won't even need that much."

  "Won't they leave me alone if they think I'm with you?"

  "You're not with me, and they'll know that within minutes of my grabbing the first available whore and taking her to the back." I could tell instantly that Bailey didn't like what I'd said, which confirmed that I was doing the right thing.

  "I hope she can satisfy you, since I didn't," she said in a bitchy voice. "Anything else I need to know?"

  "Yeah. Leave your attitude and sass out here. The men rule here. They're territorial, possessive, and they like to fuck."

  She huffed. "Just like you. If I can handle you, I can certainly handle them."

  She was fucking cute, but I had to make her realize that I wasn't kidding around. "Bailey-—" I purposely hardened my expression. "When we walk through that door you're going to think that you've entered another world. Unless you w
ant to become part of it, you'll listen to what I'm saying. We're at their home."

  "If they're so evil, Moody, why did you have them bring Holly here?"

  She was getting angry now. I let out a breath of irritation. "Because they do have some scruples, and one of them is protecting innocent children and woman."

  I saw her relax at this news.

  The door opened. Demon came outside, followed by Sax. "Hey, brother! We've been waiting for you to get here." The entire time he spoke to me his eyes moved over Bailey like a hungry shark.

  "I've just been warning Bailey away from married men," I joked, receiving a mild scowl from him. "How is your old lady?"

  Demon laughed. "She's away visiting her family in Texas right now, so I've been a lonely man."

  Somehow I doubted that. Demon was a man whore, and his old lady didn't seem to mind.

  "Hi, I'm Bailey." She stepped forward with a smile on her face and her hand held out.

  Demon looked amused but took her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed it. "Pleased to meet you, beautiful lady. I see why my brother didn't want us to get a look at you the other day," he quipped, recalling the way I’d refused to let the brothers near Bailey when they'd stopped off at my place.

  Bailey pulled her hand from Demon’s, and Sax stepped in front of him. "I'm Sax, sweetheart." He released her hand after a brief handshake. "Your friend Holly is doing a little better this morning."

  Bailey's eyes lit up. "Can you take me to her please?"

  "Sure." Sax glanced over Bailey's head at me.

  I knew that this simple look from Sax was a request for my permission to allow him to take Bailey to Holly. He assumed that Bailey was mine. I was on the verge of correcting his assumption, but then decided against it for now. It was safer for Bailey that way. I gave him a chin lift instead.

  "Come with me, sweetheart." Sax put his arm over her shoulders and led her away.

  I watched Bailey's ass as she walked away. So did Demon. When they disappeared inside the clubhouse, he turned back to me and let out a low whistle. "That is one fine woman, brother."

  I was sitting on my bike with my arms crossed, studying the look on his face. I'd known Demon for a long time, long enough to see the signs that he was too interested in Bailey. "I don't know why Julia puts up with you," I said. His wife was either getting some on the side herself, or there was something wrong with her. "And Bailey is off limits to you."

  His eyebrows shot upward. "Only me?" he laughed gruffly.

  I shrugged. "She's her own woman. She can make her own decisions. But I know you, brother, you're a charmer. You strike when they least expect it. I've seen too many women end up in your bed."

  "You sound jealous," Demon laughed. "Can I help it if they fall for the mysterious outlaw with a patch over his eye?"

  I snorted and got off my bike. "Is Killer around?"

  Demon nodded. "Yeah, come on, he's at the bar waiting for you."

  We went inside. I took in everything with a look, wondering what Bailey had thought when she'd first stepped inside. Bikers were everywhere, and so were half-naked women. There were some old ladies around, too, and you could definitely tell them apart from the whores. Most of the married members lived outside the compound in their own homes and only frequented the clubhouse when Killer held church or if there was something going on. Right now shit was quiet, but I knew the evenings around there were loud and busy.

  Killer was sitting at the bar with a couple of his brothers when Demon and I joined them. Beers were instantly set down in front of us. "Brother," I acknowledged Killer with a lift of my beer.

  He was a grisly old coot who'd been president of the Desert Rebels for thirty years, and he had the scars to show for it. He had to be at least sixty, but the years of smoking, drinking, and riding in the sun had taken a toll. His brown skin looked wrinkled and baked, he had a white beard that he kept braided which fell halfway down his chest, and the only vibrant thing about his face were the sharp, blue eyes that seemed to see everything. He had an uncanny ability of being able to communicate to his men without opening his mouth. It was something that many good MC Presidents learned to do in time.

  He held his bony hand out. "Good to see you, brother. It's been a while."

  I shook his hand, nodding. "Thanks for the help."

  He shrugged. "Glad to do it, we owed you one."

  I rubbed the bottom half of my whiskered jaw. "I'd like your help in something else." I took a sip of my beer. Killer remained quiet, and I knew that he was waiting for me to continue. "You know anyone named Martin?" If any of the brothers sitting with us knew the name, they didn't acknowledge it.

  "That all you have on him, a name?" His voice was rough and gritty from years of smoking.

  "For now. Smooth talker, clean cut, shifty SOB that looks like a James Bond wannabe, and all of it fake. Showed up a few months ago at the bar, and just started hanging around."

  Killer laughed, along with a couple of his men. "James Bond, huh? You think he's a hit man?"

  I shrugged. "I think he may be working for Graves. Someone ransacked my office at the Naked Lady, found what they wanted. If it was him that should have been the end of it, but he's after the woman he forced to help him."

  "This Holly chick, the one we took from Crystal's Palace?" LD asked.

  "No. She was just a pawn he used to get my ex-bartender to dig around. The girls are like sisters. He threatened to kill Holly if Bailey didn't do what he wanted."

  "The pretty little thing that just walked through here with Sax?" Killer asked.

  "Yep." I thought about Bailey walking through the clubhouse, and what the men had probably thought as she’d walked by--fresh pussy. It was natural for them to have sex on the brain. After all, this was their clubhouse, and not much went on there other than drinking and fucking. Bailey was a sexy woman, and she'd most likely walked right on by without an inkling of the dirty thoughts being thrown her way.

  Killer snorted. "Bailey your woman, brother?"

  I shook my head. "Ex-bartender."


  "I fired her ass."

  "Don't mean she's not your woman," LD smirked.

  I knew that, but firing her should have been enough to convince them that I hadn't wanted her around. If she'd been my woman, I would have kept her at the bar to keep an eye on her. The thought suddenly occurred to me that it was possible that I would have to give Bailey her job back in order to keep her safe until I found Martin. I had to think of her friend, Holly, too. Fuck. I didn't like being involved in messes.

  "You want this fucker ended?"

  I glanced at Killer's son, Junior, who was sitting on the other side of Killer. He was young enough to be Killer's grandson. He had the same piercing blue eyes as Killer, but you wouldn’t know by looking at them that they were related. Other than eye color, there was no resemblance between the two men.

  "That's the plan. He kidnapped and threatened to kill one woman, and he still wants Bailey."

  "Why do you care, brother? You fired her. She's not your woman." Junior shrugged. "Just fuck her and kiss her ass goodbye," he suggested crudely.

  I narrowed my eyes on him and stared for a full minute. I had to give the kid credit, he didn't blink, but I knew that was because he was feeling pretty safe sitting there next to his president. I finally responded. "You have a lot to learn, kid. A real man doesn't abandon a woman in trouble, whether you like her or not. We protect women and children." I knew that Killer agreed with me, because he was nodding his head.

  Junior pressed his lips and turned away, slightly red-faced.

  Killer pulled my attention back to him. "What makes you think he's working for Graves? Did the bastard take your copy of the SD card you have on Graves?"

  Everyone in the MC world knew about the incriminating SD card. Fuck, every president of a club in Graves' district had a copy of it in case they needed it for leverage. Graves didn't know that, though. He thought there was only one copy.

sp; I shrugged. "I don't know. He says no, but it disappeared around the same time he forced Bailey into looking for it. Graves is the only fucker who'd want that card, so it stands to reason that Martin works for him."

  "What if he wasn't hired by Graves?" LD asked.

  I'd considered that possibility, too. "Won't know anything for sure until I get my fucking hands on him. I need a place to bring Martin when the time comes, a place that's already set up for interrogations." I couldn't help the smirk from forming on my mouth.

  A wide smile spread across Killer's weathered face. "My home is yours, brother. You need help in pulling him in?"

  "No. I have something he wants." A curvy little redhead with an Irish temper. "Pretty sure he'll be back on his own." He'd be walking right into a trap when he did come back.

  He'd made a mistake thinking that he could steal from me.

  He'd made a bigger mistake sticking his finger inside Bailey.

  Chapter 15


  I felt self-conscious walking through a clubhouse filled with big, rowdy men and half-naked women, and I kept my gaze glued to Sax's wide shoulders. A few comments were thrown our way as we made our way through the clubhouse, but I pretended that I hadn't heard anything, recalling Moody's warning to me. I was on my own. We left what I assumed was the main area and turned a corner to another part of the building. Sax stopped in front of a door and gave a light knock before turning the knob and leading us inside.

  "Holly!" She was sitting in a chair staring outside the window.

  She turned, saw me, and jumped to her feet. "Bailey!"

  We went into each other's arms and hugged fiercely. "Oh, God, honey I've been so worried about you!" I stepped back and looked her over. She was still wearing the same work clothes that she'd left the house on the morning of her abduction--a pair of cream-colored linen slacks and a pretty violet blouse that now had several rips in it. Her short bob framed a clean, if not tired-looking, face.


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