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Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3)

Page 13

by Tory Richards

  "What's wrong, baby?" she asked in response to my hitting the wall. She turned around, sensing my disinterest. "Let me work out some of that aggression." Her hands were already moving to my undo my pants.

  Yeah, a blowjob would fucking do nice, but I found myself brushing her greedy hands aside with a snarl. "Get lost," I growled.

  "But, baby—" She couldn't seem to get the message, her hands returning to my pants. "You don't want to waste this, do you?" Her hand squeezed the hard ridge straining against my zipper.

  I grabbed her wrist and gave it a hard squeeze until she let out a gasp. "Get. Gone."

  She yanked her hand away with a red face, her brown eyes spitting daggers at me. She knew better than to pursue it. I wasn't a Desert Rebel, but I was affiliated with the club, and the same rules applied. She was there to service the men anyway they wanted her—and to not ask for anything if they didn’t. With a huff, she turned and rushed away.

  What the fuck? I pulled out a smoke and lit it, inhaling deeply. I was seething inside, not dealing well with the unexpected shit that was suddenly running through me. I had a hard-on and had just sent away the remedy. Since when had I ever thought twice about free pussy when I was in need? This wasn't me. I knew what I wanted, and I took it. The truth was, I'd sent her away because she wasn't the woman I wanted.

  No. I wanted a little redhead with sass, an Irish temper, and enough curves to keep my hands busy, with a pussy so hot and tight that every time I entered her it felt as if I was fucking a virgin. I should have never fucked Bailey. I should have stuck with the women that I knew were in it for the sex and nothing more. Sure, maybe I had to work a little harder to get off when I sank my dick into their overused, sloppy holes, but I never had to worry about shit afterwards.

  Fucking Bailey had done something to me. She was an addictive little drug hiding behind the green eyes of a siren, with an innocence I'd never experienced and I'd never wanted before. Purity in a woman was dangerous. It gave her power, even when she didn't know how to use it. That's why I'd stayed away from women like her. Fucking Bailey had given me a taste of what if--what if I wasn't the kind of man that I thought I was.

  A fucking monster who didn't give a fuck about anyone.

  Didn't care if today could turn out to be my last on Earth.

  I should never have touched her, because it wasn't going to end well. Once the shit with Martin was over she would be out of my life, and I couldn't wait. In the meantime, I was going to use her--use her to trap Martin, and use her to satisfy my dick, because she'd never satisfy my soul. That already belonged to the fucking devil, and Maggie had taken my heart the day that she'd killed our son.

  There was no coming back from that.

  I took a last drag of my smoke, opened the window next to me, and flicked the butt away. I needed to quit that habit, but it was just one vice of many. The nicotine had soothed the shit inside of me enough to where I could return to the bar without wanting to grab Bailey and fuck her in front of all my brothers. Innocence tasted better, and claiming her in front of them would send them a message--hands off. I couldn't do that, though. I couldn't give her that kind of power. She was a temporary distraction.

  And she'd remain that way.

  I entered the bar to find her and Cole still talking. They were sitting close, but not touching. I knew Cole, and I liked him, for the most part. He'd been the club enforcer for about eight years, and he was good at it. He was soft-spoken and good-humored most of the time, but get on his bad side, and he was a dangerous fuck. He had a knack for getting people to talk and drop their guard before he pounced.

  I had to wonder what they were talking about. The look on Bailey's face revealed that it was something important to her. I could clearly see that she was pleading with him about something, and guessing what that something was, I walked over to them.

  "Are you in a better mood now?" she asked with sass and a forced smile that didn't reach her eyes.

  Cole snorted. "Moody only has one mood, darlin', and it isn't good."

  "Yes, I'm beginning to see that."

  I growled and grabbed Bailey by the arm. "You and I need to talk." I ignored her huff as I pulled her off the stool and away from Cole. He didn't say a word, and I knew that he wouldn't. She was my concern.

  "Wait a minute!" She was smart enough to wait until we were out of the room before pulling away. "I'm getting tired of you man-handling me all the time." I halted, and looked down at her stubborn little face while she rubbed her arms. "Holly and I want to go home."

  "Not happening." I crossed my arms. "Not until I get my hands on Martin. If he doesn't have the card he still works for someone who wants it, and I want to know who. And in case you forgot, he made it clear that he wants you, too. Your friend, Holly, will be safer here, too."

  "And what about me? If I can't go home, I can stay here with her."

  I shook my head. "You're going to be with me."

  "The whole time?"

  "The whole fucking time. Sooner or later Martin's going to contact you."

  "But now that Holly is gone, he has no leverage over me."

  I snorted. "He was using Holly to get you to help him, not because he wanted to fuck you. I can guarantee that Martin wasn't going to let either one of you live. He's a professional, Bailey. If he doesn't work for someone, than he's working for himself."

  "But he knows I don't have the card."

  I shook my head. "All he cares about is that he doesn't have the card, and he wants you to get it for him. He's not going away; men like him never do, even when he realizes that Holly is gone."

  I could see the effect my words were having on her from the flush staining her cheeks. "Well, then we can go to the police and report what happened to us. I'm sure they'll protect us."

  She was stubborn and naive, and I was losing patience. "No police." I didn't want the fucking law snooping around, trying to figure out why someone would want that SD card so badly that they'd kidnapped one woman to force another one to do their dirty work. I was involved, it was my business, and I handled shit my own way. I wanted to know who the fuck Martin worked for so that I knew who to go after. By now he'd probably figured out that I knew what his involvement was in all of this, so he wasn't about to show his face again. He'd be expecting a trap, but I had the perfect, pretty bait.

  "Don't worry about protection. I'll protect you. I'm giving you your job back." It was the only fucking way I would be able to keep my sanity while she was around me all day, and in order to draw Martin in, Bailey needed to be accessible. Keeping her locked away in my house wouldn't solve anything.

  "You're giving me back my job?" A slightly surprised but pleased smile spread across her face, making her eyes sparkle like polished gems.

  I hated to burst her fucking bubble, but I'd never been one to play games. I wanted Bailey to know exactly why I was doing what I was doing. "I want you somewhere where Martin can find you and I can keep my eyes on you."

  Her smile faded somewhat. "Oh, so I'm to be the bait?" She released a feminine snort. "I should have seen this coming, because you-—" She poked me in the chest, "Are-—" Another poke, "An-—" A harder jab, "Asshole."

  I was about a second away from putting my hands on her, growling a warning that I was sure she was going to ignore. "I've been called worse."

  "Oh, I'm certain of that. And you're crazy; too, if you think I'm bait-worthy. I doubt Martin is stupid enough to show his face at your bar."

  "I just want him to know that you're still around. I don't expect him to show up at the bar." I knew men like Martin. He wouldn't be happy at failing. He'd come back for Bailey, because he'd think that she had double-crossed him in some way, especially now that Holly had been rescued.

  She slapped her hands on her hips. "Do I have any choice?" she asked with enough sass to turn my dick hard.

  I liked her spark, I liked the fact that she wasn't scared of me, and that she wasn’t afraid to dish back what I gave her. But her stubbornness was goi
ng to land her in trouble. When it mattered, I didn't deal well with defiance, and every time Bailey defied me, all I wanted to do was fuck her into submission. "Yeah," I finally ground out between my teeth. "You can work for me at the bar, or you can stay at my house as my personal fuck toy. Your choice."

  When a pale, redheaded woman turned red, you knew it. She was either angry or shocked, but there was a different emotion in her eyes, too, a spark of excitement that she couldn't hide. I knew which one she'd say, but I had a feeling that she was tempted to say the other. I wouldn't have minded having a personal fuck toy, it would save me from having to ride into town, but I hadn't meant it when I'd said it. It was just my way of telling Bailey that she really had no choice at all.

  She finally released a loud breath. "Gee, that's a tough one, they're both so enticing."

  "Bailey… "I was getting irritated."I thought you wanted your job back," I reminded her.

  "Yeah, but not to be used as bait to lure in someone who may want to kill me. I'm not so sure I trust you to protect me."

  Fuck. She was serious. No one had ever questioned my capabilities before. If I said it, I did it, at whatever the cost. I really couldn't blame Bailey for not trusting me. Hell, she didn't know me.

  "Will I get to keep my job after this is all over?"

  I gave a brief nod. "As long as you do your job. Tommy tells me you were good at it." That seemed to make her happy.

  She tugged her bottom lip inside her mouth, drawing my eyes there. "Well, I need the job, so there's really no choice. Does that mean I'll be allowed to go home?"


  She frowned, giving me a suspicious look. "Alone?"


  "Are you going to be there with me?"


  She thought about it for a minute before dropping her eyes down to the bulge in my pants. "Then you can be my personal fuck toy."

  A snort of laughter escaped me. I couldn't help it. That was the last thing I'd been expecting her to say. She was full of fucking surprises, and I couldn't remember the last time I'd laughed. The noise sounded strange coming from me, but at the same time freeing, as if it had been bottled up for a long time and the cap had finally exploded off, releasing it. As I stood there staring at Bailey, I noticed that she was looking at me as if I had two heads.

  "Oh, my God! You laughed!" She giggled lightly. "Better call for an ambulance. Something must be wrong with you. You sounded almost human."

  "Don't let it go to your head," I murmured.

  "Oh, don't worry, I won't. I'm used to your moody, grumpy, irritable, and bad-tempered ways." She sucked in a breath.

  I snorted. "Those all mean the same fucking thing, Bailey." She rolled her eyes. "Go say your goodbyes to your friend. I want to leave soon."

  I followed behind her, my eyes glued to the sexy sway of her little ass. At his rate, I was never going to go soft. We entered the bar, and she continued through to where the rooms were located, while I continued to the bar where my brothers sat.

  My gut was never wrong.

  That woman was going to mean more trouble for me.

  Chapter 17


  I reached Holly's door and listened for a minute to make sure that she and Sax weren't doing anything that I didn't want to walk in on. When I could hear nothing but muted conversation, I knocked lightly before turning the knob and peeking in. Holly and Sax were sitting closely together on the bed, although Sax got to his feet when he looked up and saw me.

  "We were wondering if you were going to come back," Holly murmured with a smile.

  "I'll see you later, baby," Sax said, looking down at Holly. "Got work to do this afternoon."

  I waited until he had closed the door behind him before I sat on the bed next to Holly. "He's interested in you." I was pretty sure she was already aware of that.

  Holly smiled. "I'm interested in him, too."

  "You don’t think it's kind of fast? I mean, you just met what, yesterday?"

  "Well, actually we met before that," she said, surprising me. "He's a regular at the restaurant."

  What? She'd never mentioned him before. "How come I'm just hearing about this now?"

  She giggled. "I met Sax for the first time about six months ago, the first time he came into the restaurant for breakfast. Until now we haven't exchanged anything but a few words. You should have seen him last night when he realized that I was the one being rescued. He wouldn't let anyone else touch me. He was very possessive and protective."

  "Nice," I said, not missing the suggestion that they had exchanged more than words now. "What do you mean, ‘until now?’ Have you had sex with him?"

  For as long as I'd known Holly, I'd never seen her blush the way she was blushing now. My jaw dropped as I realized that they had. "You gave him your V-card?" I whispered in stunned surprise.

  Impossible! She turned even redder! "I had to give it up to someone."

  I'd been after Holly for ages to just get it over with and give it up, but she'd insisted on saving herself for the right man. "Does this mean that Sax is the right man?"

  "I'm not sure, but I'm glad it was him, Bailey. He, um, definitely knew what he was, ah, doing." She was blushing profusely and had a hard time meeting my eyes.

  I gave her a smirk, raising my brow. "And how would you know that he knew what he was doing? You were a virgin."

  "He was gentle and patient with me once I told him that he was my first. And after that first time, he carried me to the bathroom and tenderly cleaned me up in the shower. Then we did it all over again, several times. And the orgasms he gave me--damn, honey, they were so intense, I swear I saw stars."

  "Well, it sure sounds like he knew what he was doing," I agreed, happy for her.

  She'd been waiting a long time for someone special to come along. I was just surprised that the someone special had turned out to be someone like Sax. Not that there was anything wrong with being a biker, it was just that he was nothing like the kind of men Holly had been involved with before. Come to think of it, I was in the same situation with Moody. I hadn't been a virgin, but the orgasms I had experienced at his hands had been out of this world. Damn, I was getting wet just thinking about them.

  "I'm happy for you, honey. I hope Sax turns out to be everything you want."

  "It's too soon to be thinking long term, but I like him, Bailey. We're going to take it slow and see where things go. Our lives are so different."

  "I couldn't agree more." I couldn't help thinking that Sax must be serious if he'd become a regular at the restaurant Holly worked at. It was a good hour away. That knowledge gave me some hope that she wouldn't end up hurt.

  "So, are we going home?"

  "I need to talk to you about that, honey. You're going to have to stay here for a while. Martin is still out there, so it would be dangerous for either one of us to return home right now."

  "You're going to be here with me?"

  I shook my head. "I'm going to be with Moody." I still wondered what that meant exactly. Her frown reminded me that she hadn't met Moody yet. She only knew him as the owner of the Naked Lady, and the man who'd arranged for her rescue. "He, ah, has a plan on how to draw Martin out."

  "And it involves you?" Holly was quick. "You are not going to let him use you like that!"

  "Relax, honey. Moody will protect me. He gave me my job back. You know how much I liked that job, and the tips were phenomenal. I can get back on track now."

  The more I talked, the more Holly glared at me. "Don’t change the subject. I'm glad you got your job back, but what if Martin comes for you?"

  I laughed it off, hoping that she didn't see through my ploy. "Why would he come after me? He only wanted to use me to help him find that SD card."

  Holly pinned her gaze on me disbelievingly. "You're kidding, right? I saw how he looked at you when you weren't looking, honey."

  I recalled that Martin had admitted to being interested in me until he’d decided to use me to find that car
d. I hadn't had much association with him except at the bar and a couple of casual dates that we’d gone on. He'd always been polite and unassuming. Maybe he had been overly friendly, but he hadn't been pushy. I couldn't see what Holly was insinuating. Even though his true colors had come through that night in the private room at the bar, I'd never felt that he was attracted to me in that way.

  Maybe I'd been blind to it because I hadn't been attracted to him.

  "If he was interested in me in that way, I didn't see it," I finally said with a small shrug. "Anyway, until Moody gets his hands on Martin, you're staying here where, it's safe. You don't know what I went through when I found out that you'd been kidnapped, and there’s no telling what he had planned for you once he had the card," I lied. I knew exactly what he’d had planned. "I'm sure by now he knows that you've been rescued. You're the one he may be after."

  I could see the changes come over Holly's face as she accepted the fact that what I was saying could be true. It was clear that her ordeal hadn't been pleasant, and when I saw the fear in her eyes I felt sick. It hadn't been my intention to frighten her. I took her hand in mine.

  "Whatever Martin does, I'll be safe with Moody." I knew with every fiber of my being that this was true. We squeezed hands. "I don't want to worry about you."

  "Oh, but it's okay for me to worry about you? I'm not sure I have as much faith in Moody's ability to keep you safe as you do," she muttered.

  "He got you rescued," I reminded her. We laughed together, and I could tell that Holly had finally realized that she wasn't going to win this argument. "Don't worry about me. I'll call you every day."

  "You'd better!" she laughed, and then released a deep breath. "I guess it's a good thing that you got your job back, because I've probably lost mine. I'm not worried, though; restaurants are always looking for servers."

  "You deserve a break anyway." She'd been working six days a week for weeks on end, saving up for a vacation to Florida. "Maybe your boss will consider this as your vacation time and hold your job. You should call him."


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