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All Consuming

Page 10

by Burton, Jaci

  When she came out of her room, her mom’s eyes widened.

  “Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Oliver looked up from the kitchen table where he was working on a puzzle with her mother. He smiled. “You look pretty, Momma.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Where are you going tonight?” Oliver asked.

  “To a wedding with Kal.”

  He cocked his head to the side and frowned. “You’re getting married to Kal?”

  “No, honey. Kal’s brother’s getting married, and I’m going to help celebrate.”

  “Oh.” He shrugged. “Okay.”

  She’d forgotten her lipstick for touch-ups, so she went back into her bedroom to tuck it into her bag, then came back out.



  “If you marry Kal, I’ll get to come to that wedding, right?”

  Oh, wow. Now that was a question. “Yes, baby. If I get married again, you’ll definitely be there.”

  “Okay.” He went back to doing the puzzle.

  Hannah looked over at her mom, who smiled and shrugged.

  Sometimes her son would ask her things that she thought would require a long explanation, when in fact it ended up being nothing at all. At least nothing to him, anyway.

  The doorbell rang, so she went to answer it.

  Whoa. Kal in a tux. Now that was something to behold. They’d gone to prom together, and he’d looked amazing. But they’d been kids then. Now? Now he was a full-grown man who looked like a secret agent she wanted to undress. He made her heart beat faster.

  “You look incredible,” he said.

  “Thank you. So do you.” She itched to run her hands over all that muscle. But since her family was right there, she resisted.


  She held the door while he stepped inside.

  “Hi, Paige.”

  “Hi yourself, Kal.”

  “Hey, Kal.” Oliver put on a big grin. “You’re all dressed up, just like Momma.”

  “Yup. Doing the fancy thing tonight. How about you?”

  “I’m not fancy. I’m workin’ puzzles with Grandma.”

  “Puzzles, huh?” He took a seat next to Oliver and spent a few minutes putting some pieces in. Since he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to shuffle them out of there, Hannah sat and also helped Oliver with the puzzles, while appreciating that Kal took some time with her son. Finally, Kal stood.

  “Hey, Oliver. I gotta go, but next time I see you we’ll have to do something together, okay?”

  “Yeah. See you, Kal.”

  “See you, buddy.”

  He got up and hugged her mom goodbye.

  “Don’t be home too early, you two,” her mother said. “I’ve got this covered.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “Mom.”

  Kal slanted a smile at her mother. “Thanks, Paige.”

  When she walked outside, she was surprised to see a sleek black Lexus instead of his truck.

  “What’s this?”

  He opened the door for her. “I can’t have you climbing into my truck in that outfit. I rented this for tonight.”

  She slid inside, her butt cupped by the smooth leather.

  When he got in, she smiled at him. “Wow. Impressive.”

  “Well, it’s not as cool as my truck, but it’ll do.” He put the car in gear, and they drove off.

  “How have the wedding activities gone this week?”

  He let out a soft laugh. “It’s been good. We had the rehearsal dinner last night. Rafe is nervous as hell.”

  “Aww. I’m sure he is. I’m sure Carmen is, too.”

  “Actually, Becks said she’s cool as could be.”

  “Rafe will probably calm down after the ceremony.”

  “He’s been walking a tightrope for a couple of weeks now. I think he’s nervous that something will go wrong at the wedding, and he wants everything perfect for Carmen.”

  Hannah smiled. “Weddings rarely go off without some small issue or another. No one seems to care because it’s all about the bride and groom. As long as they’re happy and in love, nothing else matters.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  She noticed him flexing his fingers on the steering wheel as they drove down the highway.

  “And what about you?” she asked. “Are you nervous?”

  “Me?” He gave her a quick glance before turning his attention back on the highway. “No. Why should I be nervous?”

  “Best man, right?”

  “Sort of. Jackson and I are sharing best man duties. But I’m mostly giving them up to Jackson since he’s the oldest brother.”

  “Uh-huh. But still, you have things you’re responsible for.”

  “I guess, yeah.”

  “Are you in charge of the rings?”

  He blew out a breath. “No, thank God. That’s Jackson’s job.”

  She laughed. “So you didn’t want the responsibility for the hardware?”

  “Not at all. I mean, not that I couldn’t handle it. I could. But, you know, Jackson’s got that covered. Or at least Becks does.”

  She heard the nervousness in his voice. So despite him saying he didn’t, he most definitely had a case of the jitters. Which was sweet. “Of course. So what’s your job?”

  “Making sure that Carmen’s grandfather’s wife is seated comfortably in the front of the church before the service. Carmen’s parents aren’t around, so her grandpa is going to walk her down the aisle. I offered to pick them up, but Jimmy—her grandpa—said he and his wife, Felice, would get themselves there, that way they could leave when they got tired.”

  “Independence is important when you’re older.”

  “He’s very independent. We also offered to get them a car service. He turned that down, too. Said they could still drive just fine.”

  Hannah smiled at that. Her grandparents had been the same way. Fiercely independent for as long as they were able to be.

  The church sat on a corner, a small brick building that looked as if it had been around for quite a while. It was quaint and beautiful. Kal told her that Carmen’s grandmother had belonged to this church, and it held sentimental memories for her.

  Inside was lovely, with wooden pews and beautiful windows that let in tons of light. There were flowers decorating the end of each row of seats, and the altar was decked out with roses and lilies.

  “I have to go do best man duties,” Kal said. “Can I walk you to your seat?”

  She slipped her hand in his arm. “I’d like that.”

  The first few rows had been reserved for family members. Kal sat her in the third row on the groom’s side. Then he bent and kissed her hand.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  Her stomach fluttered as she smiled up at him, then fluttered again as she watched him walk down the aisle.

  There was a harpist playing lilting music as guests filed in. She recognized a few people from high school, since all three brothers were so close in age. She also enjoyed watching everyone else come in, because she loved clothes, and seeing how everyone was dressed was fun. The weather today was beautiful—bright and sunny and warm, and women dressed accordingly in colorful dresses. Hannah enjoyed perusing the short dresses, the longer ones and everything in between. She particularly liked when Jackson walked Mrs. Donovan down the aisle and saw the amazing dark copper dress she wore. She looked beautiful in it.

  All the groomsmen took their place in the front of the church, and Kal had been right about Rafe. He looked like he was about to pass out. But then everyone stood, and the harpist started playing Canon in D as Carmen and her grandfather appeared at the back of the church.

  Carmen looked stunning in a silk cream-colored princess dress that swayed back and forth like a softly ringing bell as she walked down the aisle. She had the biggest smile on her face, her gaze riveted to Rafe’s as they made their way to the altar. And Rafe had tears in his eyes, which made Hannah tear
up as well.

  Now that was love, when you could see it on their faces, could feel it as Rafe and Carmen looked at each other. And when they said their vows, Hannah’s heart swelled with emotion as they spoke their words of love to each other. She sent up a fervent wish of forever happiness for these two.

  When the priest pronounced them husband and wife, they kissed, and everyone applauded. The whole ceremony had been lovely. Everyone walked down the aisle, then the guests started filing out of the church.

  She stood outside and chatted with a few people she knew, until Kal came out of the church and made his way to her.

  “The ceremony was so nice,” she said.

  He smiled. “Yeah, it was. I can’t believe my brother is married.”

  “He looked so happy.”

  “And he didn’t pass out.”

  She laughed.

  “I have to go back inside and take some pictures. But I’ve arranged for one of my work friends and her husband to give you a ride to the reception, if you’re comfortable with that.”

  She nodded. “Of course. That’s fine.”

  He signaled to a beautiful redhead who in no way would Hannah have ever guessed was a firefighter. She was tall and slender, and her husband was just as good-looking.

  “Hannah Clark, this is Callie Vassar and her husband, Aaron.”

  She shook hands with both of them. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You, too,” Callie said. “Wasn’t that a great wedding ceremony?”

  “It was lovely.”

  “I almost cried,” Aaron said.

  “You had tears in your eyes,” Callie said.

  Aaron lifted his chin. “Did not.”

  Callie shot a knowing smile over to Hannah.

  “I definitely got teary-eyed,” Hannah said. “Especially when Rafe and Carmen said their vows.”

  “Right?” Callie said. “So sweet.”

  “I gotta go,” Kal said. “I’ll see you at the reception.”

  Hannah nodded. “Okay.”

  She followed Callie and Aaron to their car. On the way to the reception she learned that both Callie and Aaron were firefighters, and they had a little boy named Max who was a year old. Callie showed her photos of their son, who was just as cute as could be with the most adorable dimples. Hannah told them she also had a son, so they talked about their kids on the drive over.

  Hannah was excited about the reception at the Sonesta on the beach. The venue was beautiful, right on the water, and she breathed in the nice cool air as they walked inside the hotel lobby and made their way upstairs in the elevators.

  “Fancy,” Aaron said as the doors opened and they were directed to the penthouse ballroom.

  Hannah gasped as they walked inside to see the floor-to-ceiling windows with stunning views of the ocean.

  “Wow. This is amazing.”

  People were already starting to arrive, and drinks and hors d’oeuvres were being served.

  “Let’s get a drink and some food,” Callie said.

  “I’ll get the drinks,” Aaron said. “What would you like?”

  Callie looked to her. “Glass of white wine for me. Hannah?”

  “Same,” Hannah said.

  “Got it,” he said, then looked over at Callie. “Grab me some food, would you, babe?”

  After Aaron walked away, Callie slipped her arm in Hannah’s. “Let’s go find the food.”

  Hannah grinned. “Yes, let’s. Apparently weddings make me hungry.”

  “Me, too.”

  The table where the snacks were located was swarming with other hungry people, so they had to wait their turn, which was fine, because Hannah had an opportunity to scope out this amazing ballroom. The tables were beautiful, with turquoise and bronze décor to match the wedding colors. It was absolutely gorgeous, and all the fresh flowers adorning the table smelled incredible.

  So did the food, and when they got their plates, Hannah piled hers high with some tasty snacks, before she and Cassie spotted Aaron over at a table by the window and joined him.

  “I hope some of that is for me,” Aaron said, eyeing the plates.

  Cassie laughed. “Don’t worry. It is.”

  “Good. Because otherwise I wasn’t going to share the booze.” He slid the glasses of wine over to them, and they were joined at the table by several firefighters from Rafe’s station. She met Ethan Pressman and his wife, Penny, along with Adrienne Smith and Miguel Acosta. All of them were super friendly and included her in conversation.

  Ethan and Penny had a kid as well, and Adrienne and Miguel were EMTs who had just gotten engaged, so there was a lot to talk about.

  Hannah chatted with them, noshed on the food and sipped the wine, which was smooth and delicious, just like the appetizers. Tables started to fill with people, and the ballroom quickly became populated. Soft music was playing, the lights were low as they watched the sun disappear and the water take on a silver hue.

  Then the deejay came on to announce the arrival of the wedding party. She looked toward the door to see the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk in arm in arm, her pulse spiking as she saw Kal come in with a beautiful redhead who looked to be about midway through a pregnancy. Kal had his hand firmly wrapped around hers as they shimmied into the ballroom while wild music played and the lights shone on them.

  And then Rafe and Carmen came in, everyone applauded and the wedding party took their seats at the main table. The best men and the matron of honor gave toasts to the bride and groom, everyone applauded and then there was a break.

  “Rafe looks damn happy,” Miguel said.

  “Doesn’t he?” Adrienne nodded.

  Hannah felt a touch on her shoulder and turned to find Kal smiling down at her. “How’s it going over here?”

  “Just fine.”

  “Hey, we’re taking good care of your woman,” Aaron said.

  Hannah’s entire body warmed at Aaron’s comment. She most certainly was not Kal’s woman, but she appreciated that they thought she was.

  “Thanks. Got a second, Hannah?”

  She nodded and took Kal’s hand as she stood. He walked her past the tables and outside the ballroom.

  “I’m sorry to leave you for so long. I had no idea all that picture taking and the rest of this stuff would take so much time.”

  She laid her hand on his forearm. “Don’t worry about it. Your friends are great, and we’re having fun.”

  “You sure? I have to sit at the main table for dinner, and then once we do the official wedding party first dance thing, I’ll be free and I can come sit with you.”

  She loved that he was thinking of her comfort. “I’m fine. Really. You do what you need to do for your brother.”

  “Okay. But I want you to know I really want to spend time with you tonight.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it, but really—don’t worry about me. I’m having a great time.”

  He escorted her back inside, and Hannah saw that they were serving dinner, so Kal walked her back to her table. He leaned in and kissed her, briefly, then headed to the main table. She couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh.

  “Hmm,” Adrienne said, offering up a smile. “He really likes you.”

  “We’re just friends.”

  “I don’t kiss any of my friends like that,” Penny said.

  “Can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear that, honey,” Ethan said.

  Penny laughed, and Hannah’s cheeks warmed. Fortunately, at that moment, the servers started delivering their food, so she and Kal ceased being the topic of conversation. Then all the talk was about the delicious seafood and steak and amazing side dishes.

  Hannah absolutely loved the sea bass, which was melt-in-your-mouth tender. And she couldn’t get enough of whatever that sweet potato fluff was, but she wished she had a recipe for it. She also had brussels sprouts, and it was the best wedding food she’d ever eaten. Certainly better than the homemade food they’d had at her super small wedding to Landon.

  Of course t
hey’d had no money, but to her it had seemed fine. At the time she’d been way more interested in their impending move to Georgia and less engaged in the fuss and expense of a wedding. Her mom had been the one who’d insisted they do something, so she’d agreed to the bare minimum, just to get it over with.

  She should have taken her lack of enthusiasm over the whole ceremony as a warning. But she’d been oblivious back then, only wanting to escape. Seeing Rafe and Carmen’s wedding today made her realize what she’d missed out on—and what she hadn’t had with Landon in the first place.

  She wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  Not that she was planning on another wedding, or falling in love again. She had way too many things going on in her life to even entertain the idea. Her focus was on raising Oliver and growing her business. And that was all she had time for.

  But tonight? She intended to enjoy this wedding and have some fun.


  THERE’D BEEN STANDING AND PHOTOS AND TOASTING and photos and eating and photos and smiling and photos and dancing and photos. And videos. All the videos. So much talking and videos. Hopefully, now he was done. Because if he never got his picture taken ever again for the rest of his life, Kal would be a happy man.

  Though he had to admit, he couldn’t have asked for a better partner in all this than Tess Blackstone. She was Carmen’s coworker and good friend, and she was funny and sarcastic. And also six months pregnant, so he’d been solicitous of her feelings and her condition the entire time they’d had to pose together. Not that she’d needed it. She was a nurse and on her feet all day. She’d told him this had been easy. Except for wearing heels.

  Once they finished the wedding party dance, she looked at him. “I am so putting my sandals on.”


  She laughed. “What? You didn’t bring yours?”


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