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Hope for Christmas (Hope Ranch Book 1)

Page 12

by Elizabeth Maddrey

  Hm. Ninety-six. Not low. Technically. But he’d been higher than that when they left home, which suggested his levels were dropping. She reached for her purse and dug out a butterscotch candy and offered it to him. Calvin grinned and unwrapped it, popping it in his mouth.

  Maria turned her attention back to the pastor.

  “One of the reasons we give gifts at Christmas is to remind one another of the love of Christ. So, as much I urge you to work to keep from getting caught up in the gift giving and receiving, I’ll also encourage you to accept, with grace, gifts that are given. Don’t look for an even exchange. Instead, use your gifts as an expression of God’s love, and accept the gifts given as a reminder of it. God loved us so much, that He gave us His Son...”

  Maria looked down at her hands, tuning out the rest of the sermon. She’d already received so many extravagant gifts in her life. Salvation, though she’d ignored it for many years as a teen. The love and acceptance of the Hewitts. Calvin. How could she deserve more?

  How could she deserve Cyan and everything he offered?

  * * *

  Maria tucked the blanket up around Calvin’s shoulders and kissed his forehead. “Good night, baby. Sleep well.”

  “Night, Mama. Merry Christmas.” Calvin grinned, though his eyes were sleepy. “Can’t I stay up a little later?”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “It’ll be morning before you know it.”

  “Waffles! And presents?”

  “We’ll have to see, won’t we?”

  Calvin sighed. “There’s always presents on Christmas morning. Even though we hafta wait until lunch to do Christmas with Mr. Hewitt and Mrs. Hewitt.”

  “Is that so?”


  Maria laughed and kissed his nose. “If you know everything, why do you ask?”

  “Just making sure.” Calvin wiggled deeper into his pillow. “I love you. So so much.”

  Her heart swelled. She’d never get tired of hearing it. “I love you so so much. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Turning off the light as she left the room, Maria pulled the door so it was almost closed behind her and let her shoulders slump. They’d run into everyone from the ranch at the punch and cookie gathering after the Christmas Eve service. Cyan had sent her a few questioning looks, but had otherwise been friendly, like nothing had ever happened between them. Including the kisses.

  Were they back to square one?

  She filled a mug with water at the tap and stuck it in the microwave. She was half-tempted to go to bed herself, but she’d just toss and turn. When her water was hot, she dropped a chamomile tea bag into it and carried it to the sofa. The room was dim, lit only by the Christmas tree and the light over the stove in the kitchen. Before she could settle completely, there was a quiet tap at the door.

  With a sigh, she set her mug on the end table and padded over. Her eyebrows drew together as she tugged open the door. “Cyan?”

  “Hi.” He wasn’t wearing a coat. He tucked his hands in his pockets as one corner of his mouth quirked up. “Can I come in?”

  “Sure, I guess.” She stepped back and reached for the light switch. Her heart hammered against her ribs and she fought to keep her movements from becoming jerky as she went back to her tea.

  Cyan perched on the edge of the couch, his knees angled so they almost bumped hers. “I’ve decided to head to New York early.”

  “What? Why?” Maria wrapped her hands around the mug and held it close to her chest.

  “I—it seemed like maybe you could use some space. Away from me, I mean. Here, at the ranch, we’re always going to run into one another.” He paused and ran a hand through his hair. “It hurts, knowing I’ve made you feel uncomfortable in your own space. I’ll apologize for that. Not for offering to get the pump for Calvin—although, it would be as much for you as for him—but I wasn’t trying to hurt you by suggesting it.”

  “You didn’t hurt me.” Scared her, maybe.

  He lifted a shoulder. “It got awkward, anyway. And that was never my intention.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” The words were out before she fully registered she’d intended to say them. Before she realized how true they were.

  Cyan angled his head to the side, his eyes holding hers. “You don’t?”

  Barely able to catch her breath, she shook her head.

  “I guess I’m confused.”

  Maria couldn’t stop her chuckle, though she wished it didn’t have a hint of desperation clinging to the corners. She set her tea on the end table and reached for his hand. “I’m sorry. I’ve handled this all so badly. I—if you really want to buy the pump. If you can, without it being a hardship, I’d appreciate it. And I don’t know how to thank you. It’s hard for me, because I have all these feelings for you, feelings I promised myself I’d never have for someone again, and yet there they were.”

  “Were?” His eyes shuttered.

  “Are.” Maria swallowed. It was time to accept the gifts that God sent her way. “I love you, Cyan. I know Calvin feels the same. And I—we—want you in our lives. Not because of money you spend on us or anything like that, just because you’re you.”

  A smile bloomed on his lips, his eyes crinkling at the corners and lighting from inside. “You have no idea how much I want to hear that.”

  She did, actually. He hadn’t said it back. Maybe her response to the pump made him need more time? She’d give it to him. Even if it killed her.

  Cyan reached into his back pocket and drew out an envelope. “This is for you.”

  Frowning, she looked down at the simple scrawl of her name then back up at Cyan.

  “I was just going to leave it with Betsy to give you later. Or throw away.” He tentatively took her hand. “It’s a letter telling you I love you. Asking if you and Calvin will come visit me at spring break. I was hoping time might make you realize you felt the same about me as I did you.”

  “You love me?” A tear slipped down Maria’s cheek. Then another.

  “I really do.” He scooted closer and wrapped her in his arms.

  Maria burrowed into his chest. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Didn’t you listen to the pastor at all tonight?” With one finger, Cyan tipped her chin up so their eyes met. “The best gifts? The ones that matter most? They’re not the ones we can earn.”

  “Like Jesus.”

  Cyan nodded and lowered his head so their lips brushed. “And love.”


  Thanks so much for reading Hope for Christmas! I hope you enjoyed reading about Cyan and Maria as they start down the path to love. Novellas are always a challenge for me. I very much want to give my readers, and my characters, that happily ever after ending that’s always so satisfying, but it’s hard to do in such a short space of time. Because of that, we didn’t get a ring at the end of this story, but you’ll see much more of these two in future books in the Ranch of Hope series. I hope you’ll stick around for that!

  As always, I owe a huge debt of thanks to my husband and sons for giving me the time and space I need to write. They’re always so supportive and often shoo me out of the house when I need to get words down. Thanks also go to Valerie Comer for being an extraordinary critique partner and, more delightfully, friend. I’m blessed to have you in my life.

  Thanks also to my heavenly Father for sending us Jesus so that we can have a relationship with Him. I’m so grateful for His grace in my life and for the stories that He continues to allow to form in my mind.

  Finally, but by no means least, thank YOU for reading. While it’s entirely likely I’d continue to write books if everyone stopped reading them, it’s so much nicer to know that the characters I love are getting a chance to meet and spend time with the readers on the other side of the page.

  About the Author

  Elizabeth Maddrey is a semi-reformed computer geek and homeschooling mother of two who lives in the suburbs of Washington D.C. When she isn’t writing, Elizabeth is a v
oracious consumer of books. She loves to write about Christians who struggle through their lives, dealing with sin and receiving God’s grace on their way to their own romantic happily ever after. You can find out more and sign up to receive her newsletter at

  If you enjoyed Hope for Christmas, you’d also enjoy Cyan’s older sister, Azure. You can read about her in A Heart Realigned, book 3 in my Peacock Hill Romance series.

  A Heart Realigned

  She has no roots. He has no wings.

  Repainting historic murals at Peacock Hill will pad Azure Hewitt’s bank account and allow her to drift where the wind takes her. If only the group of friends working at the old mansion weren’t so welcoming. Their immediate acceptance and inclusion reinforces one of the downsides of her footloose life. Add in the local car buff and mechanic? Putting down roots could almost be attractive.

  The more Matt Patterson’s uncle pushes him to take over the family auto shop, the less Matt’s sure he wants to stay where he’s planted…but even as he contemplates spreading his wings, he can’t imagine a life like Azure’s with no fixed address. Even so, he’s positive a settled life isn’t something she sees in her future.

  With Azure’s project nearing completion and Matt’s uncle anxious for a decision, neither is sure where God is calling them to be. But if their hearts are aligned to His desire, surely their love will have a chance.

  Other Books by Elizabeth Maddrey

  Hope Ranch Series

  Hope for Christmas

  Peacock Hill Romance Series

  A Heart Restored

  A Heart Reclaimed

  A Heart Realigned

  A Heart Redirected

  Arcadia Valley Romance – Baxter Family Bakery Series

  Loaves & Wishes

  Muffins & Moonbeams

  Cookies & Candlelight

  Donuts & Daydreams

  The ‘Operation Romance’ Series

  Operation Mistletoe

  Operation Valentine

  Operation Fireworks

  Operation Back-to-School

  The ‘Taste of Romance’ Series

  A Splash of Substance

  A Pinch of Promise

  A Dash of Daring

  A Handful of Hope

  A Tidbit of Trust

  The ‘Grant Us Grace’ Series

  Wisdom to Know

  Courage to Change

  Serenity to Accept

  Joint Venture

  Pathway to Peace

  The ‘Remnants’ Series:

  Faith Departed

  Hope Deferred

  Love Defined

  Stand alone novellas

  Kinsale Kisses: An Irish Romance

  Luna Rosa (part of A Tuscan Legacy)


  A Walk in the Valley: Christian encouragement for your journey through infertility

  For the most recent listing of all my books, please visit my website.




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