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Marcus (Signature Sweethearts Book 6)

Page 16

by Kelsie Rae

  It's in that moment that I hear a definitive squeal coming from my phone that is still in my hand. Somehow, I'd forgotten about my best friend, who apparently, is still on the line.


  Grimacing at Marcus, I lift my forefinger up in the air and mouth, “Give me a second,” then bring the phone to my ear. "Uh, sorry about that. Apparently, your brother decided to pay me a visit."

  "I know!" she screams excitedly. "I've been dying to tell you for weeks, but he wanted to surprise you! Were you surprised? Are you so happy? You both better fly down here when I have my babies! I already talked to Chef Thomas, and he agreed that you couldn't miss it. Hope you don't mind that I made him pull a few strings. Just sayin'."

  I laugh as my best friend rambles on, grinning from ear to ear. Trying to remember her questions, I respond, "Umm...yes. I was surprised. Yes. I’m very happy. No. I'm not mad you had Chef Thomas pull a few strings. Aaand am I missing anything?"

  Marcus's hands squeeze my hips impatiently as his eyes burn me from the outside in.

  "Nope! I think that about covers it! Love you, Noogie! Talk to you soon!" Sophie shouts before disconnecting the call.

  "You too." I smile as I drop my hand to my side, and Marcus leans in for another kiss. We spend the next ten minutes making out on the side of a street in Paris, until someone on a Vespa honks and starts yelling at us in French. I think he said something about a bed, but I'm still not certain. However, the honk was enough to pull us from each other long enough to break in the bed in the best way possible.

  And I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I was dreaming.

  And that Marcus was right. I don’t want to wake up, either.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I never noticed how big Marcus’s body was until we attempted to sleep in a full-sized bed after a muscle-melting session of s-e-x. The only solutions we could find to fit in the small space involved us spooning, or me using him for a pillow with my leg thrown over his.

  Thankfully, he was a fan of both positions, and we both slept like babies for the first time in a month. I doubt it had anything to do with the lumpy mattress and more to do with the fact that we were together again. Finally.

  As the morning light filters through the window, I find myself snuggled into his chest. Lazily, I drag my fingers across his bare skin, drawing random shapes along with the name Natalie Calloway in cursive, though I’d never admit that to him.

  “Morning,” he grumbles. His warm breath causes the hair on my head to stir.

  “Morning.” I lift my head and rest my chin against his pec. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Like the dead.”

  I grin before placing a peck against the warm skin on his torso. He hums his appreciation before lacing his fingers through my hair and playing with the strands.

  “Damn, you’re gorgeous,” he murmurs as if he’s talking to himself. Seconds later, he blinks a few times and zeroes his focus on my eyes. “I need to ask you something, Natalie.”

  Raising my eyebrows in curiosity, I silently encourage him to continue.

  His mouth tilts upward as he does exactly that. “Are you okay that I’m here?”

  If my chin weren’t resting against him, I can guarantee it’d be on the floor. “Are you serious?”

  “I know you’re happy I’m visiting,” he clarifies. A soft smile tugs at his lips. “But, I mean, are you okay that I’m here for the long haul? If you feel like you need to do this alone, then just tell me. I’ll go back to New York, and I’ll wait for you. No questions asked—”

  I place my forefinger against his lips.


  His brows crinkle in the center, making me smile.

  “I told you I needed to do this. I never said I needed to do it alone.”

  Slowly, I remove my finger, but our gazes remain connected. Hell, I’m pretty sure the apartment could catch fire, and it wouldn’t break us apart.

  His tongue peeks between his lips as he licks them before responding. “Are you telling me that the last month of hell never needed to happen?”

  I squirm under his intensity, barely restraining a huff of laughter from escaping me.

  His eyes narrow. “Is that what you’re telling me?”

  I grimace before burying my head against his chest.

  “Natalie?” he grits out.

  A giggle slips past my defenses, and he pounces immediately. Digging his fingers into my rib cage, he tickles the shit out of me, making me twist and turn until I’m tangled in the sheets as he tortures me in the best way possible. Well…one of them, anyway.

  As my chest heaves from laughter, and I try to catch my breath, I find myself pinned between the mattress and a very sexy, very naked man on top of me. His hands are holding mine hostage above my head. Leaning forward, he drags his nose from the bottom of my neck and past my jaw before gently nibbling my ear. “Why didn’t you ask me to come with you, Nat?”

  I sigh while tilting my head to the side to give him better access. He shakes his head slowly, and I savor the way his scruff tickles my cheek.

  “Answer the question.”

  “Because I didn’t want you to give up your life for me,” I whisper.

  Pulling away, he rests his forehead against mine. “Babe. You are my life. And what exactly do you think I would’ve been giving up?”

  “I don’t know…” I hedge. “Your job? Your family? Your home?”

  He laughs dryly. “My job? I work remotely, babe. I can go wherever the hell I want as long as there’s an internet connection. My family? Let’s be honest, we can fly and see them as often as we want. You might not know this, but being a professional video gamer is pretty damn lucrative. And my home? My home is wherever you are, Natalie. I thought you would’ve learned that by now.”

  “Are you sure that you’re okay with this? Moving across the world just so I can fulfill my dreams?”

  He closes his eyes as he shakes his head. “You don’t understand, Natalie. You fulfilling your dreams is all I’ve ever wanted. You might think you’re just the side dish, but you’ve always been the main course for me. I’m just happy you’ve been given the opportunity to prove it to the world too.”

  Digging my teeth into my lower lip, I whisper, “So you’re saying I get to have my cake and eat it too?”

  Grinning, he corrects me, “Nope. But you can have your eclair and eat it too.”

  I giggle, loving him more and more by the minute. “Promise?”

  He leans forward until our mouths are a breath away from each other. “Yeah. I promise.”

  “I ‘L’ word you, Marc Calloway.”

  “Love you too, Natalie Parker.”



  When Nathan sent the text about Sophie going into labor, I almost crapped my pants. By some miracle, she made it well into her third trimester, and the doctors were confident she’d be able to handle a traditional delivery with two healthy baby girls as the prize.

  I’ve been bouncing around the airport like a little kid hopped up on sugar as we wait for our Uber to show up. Normally, we’d take the subway, but there’s no time.

  Marcus received another text from Nathan as soon as we landed that said Sophie was a champ during delivery, and the babies are doing great too. He assured us that everyone’s resting for now and to take our time, but I couldn’t be more anxious to see everyone.

  It’s been four months since I left, and three months since Marcus moved to Paris to be with me. Not a minute has gone by that I haven’t felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have him by my side. He’s been the perfect sidekick during this adventure, and I fall more and more in love with him every day.

  When the Uber car pulls up to the curb, Marcus opens the door for me, and I slide in. Seconds later, he joins me before resting his hand on my bouncing knee.

  “How are you not freaking out right now?” I mumble through the side of my mouth while giving him the side-e

  He grins. “Who says I’m not freaking out?”

  “Well,” I huff. “You look as cool as a cucumber to me.”

  He’s currently hanging out in the back of the sedan with his legs spread wide and his elbow resting against the door.

  With a shrug, he removes his hand from my knee and wraps it around my shoulder, tugging me into his chest. After he plants a kiss against the top of my head, he adds, “I always thought I was meant to protect Sophie, and I am,” he rushes. “But I never understood the difference between brotherly love and this.” He motions between the both of us. “I didn’t trust Nathan, because I didn’t really understand how he felt. But now?” He pauses as I peek up at him. “Now, I get it. I don’t need to worry about Sophie anymore, because she has Nathan to take care of her. Just like how you have me. Don’t get me wrong. If Sophie ever needed anything, and I do mean anything, I’d give it to her, but now I know that she has Nathan to rely on. And that he’ll be there for her. No matter what. Just like how I know that I’d do anything for you.”

  He turns toward the window with a serene expression, so I take the opportunity to close my eyes and bask in his warmth, feeling calm for the first time since I found out Sophie was in labor.

  A little while later, we pull up to the hospital and jump out of the car before grabbing our bags and wheeling them inside.

  Indie and Rhett are already there with giant grins plastered to their faces.

  “Hey! Have you seen them yet? How’s everyone doing?” I pepper them with questions as soon as they come into view.

  Indie pulls me in for a hug before explaining, “They’re doing great, but no one’s seen them yet, other than their parents and your younger sisters, anyway.” She tilts her chin toward Marcus. “Sophie and Nathan wanted you two to have the honors.”

  “Where are they?” Marcus asks as he scans the waiting area.

  “Sammy and Sage are at the hotel, but your mom and dad are still in the room with Soph. Nathan’s parents left to give Sophie some rest. It’s been kind of crazy. But you’re welcome to go in. They’ve been asking about you. Room 307.”

  Marcus nods his appreciation as he entwines our fingers and starts leading me down the hall. When we finally reach the door, he grins.

  “You ready for this?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, confused that he’s stopped me from barging into the room the way I want to.

  “Well, there are going to be babies in there. And babies are kind of like puppies. And when women get around babies and puppies, they start to get baby and puppy hungry. And I just want to make sure that you’re ready to walk away without one. I mean.” He holds his hands up in surrender. “I know that Sophie had two babies, but that doesn’t mean we can take one home with us. And no dogs yet, either. That’s all I’m saying. Understand?”

  I snort before nudging him in the ribs with my elbow. “I’m not ready to be a mom. So I think you’re safe.”

  “Sure I am,” he mumbles under his breath as he pushes the door open.

  Rolling my eyes, I’m about to make another snarky comment when I see my best friend lying in a hospital bed with her hair a disheveled mess, and a wistful smile gracing her lips. I’ve never seen her more beautiful as I rush toward her and lean in for a hug.



  “Man, I’ve missed you,” I confess while squeezing the crap out of her. She giggles, squeezing me back with so much force I’m surprised I can still breathe.

  “I’ve missed you too!” she returns. “And I have so much to tell you! First, and most importantly, epidurals are the best things ever, and I highly recommend them when you have a baby. Second, make sure you get a kickass nurse when you’re delivering because mine was the best, and I’m not sharing her.”

  I laugh. “So you’re taking this one home with you? Because I’m pretty sure she’s supposed to stay at the hospital and help other women deliver their babies too.”

  “Nope! No deal. I’m keeping her. She fluffs my pillows, gets me ice water in a giant mug, and even brings me cookies,” she squeals, as if she’s staying at the Ritz instead of the delivery wing at the hospital.

  Marcus interrupts her rambling as he takes a step forward and plants a chaste kiss against her cheek. “Hey, Soph. How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good. They’ve got me on some painkillers, but the doctor said there was minimal tearing, so I should recover without any major issues.”

  “Good.” He nods. “Now, while I love you and think you’re awesome, you’re kind of like chopped liver now that you have kids. Sorry, but it’s the circle of life. Now, where are my nieces?” He rubs his hands together. “I have some spoiling I need to do.”

  Sophie grins. “Har har. Mia is sleeping in her bassinet, but you’re welcome to hold her.” She points toward the corner of the room, and Marcus walks over like a man on a mission.

  “And you say I’m the baby hungry one,” I mumble under my breath as he passes me. Subtly, he pinches my butt in retaliation, making me jump.

  “And Nathan’s hogging Charlotte. You’re welcome to steal her from him, though. I’m starting to get jealous,” she teases.

  Nathan rolls his eyes from across the room, and my heart leaps in my chest when I see the bundle he’s clutching.

  Gasping, I take a step closer. “Can I hold her?”

  Like a proud papa, he nods before handing her over.

  I grab her carefully, tucking her against my chest and pulling away a bit of the blanket covering her face so I can take a better look at her.

  “She’s gorgeous,” I murmur to no one in particular. Red, pouty lips. Soft, blonde hair. A button-nose, just like her mama.

  A watery smile graces my lips as I look over at Sophie. “I am so damn happy for you.”

  Her eyes shine with joy before searching for Nathan. I watch in awe as he senses her need then walks over and tangles his fingers with hers as she reaches for him. Sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, Nathan leans forward and kisses Sophie’s forehead before whispering in her ear.

  I can sense the intimacy of their conversation and decide to join Marcus, who’s busy cooing at the little girl in his arms, in the corner.

  “Hey,” I greet him. It’s impossible not to notice how he’s already wrapped around Mia’s finger after having only met her five minutes ago.

  Snuggling Charlotte into my chest, I take a second to observe Marcus in his worn denim and T-shirt. He looks so relaxed. So confident. So freaking sexy.

  “You don’t look too shabby like that,” I note.

  He looks over at me, quirking his brow. “Like what?”

  “With a baby in your arms.”

  He grins before scanning me from head to toe, his gaze heating with lust. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  “Is that right?”


  Using his other hand that’s not gripping Mia, he pulls me into a side hug then plants a loud smacking kiss against my lips. I giggle before getting distracted when Charlotte stirs in her sleep. Swaying from side to side, she instantly calms. As we both gaze down at the precious gifts in our arms, he breaks the silence. “I changed my mind.”

  “About what?” I ask.

  “I want one.”

  A breath of laughter escapes me. “Well, you said so yourself. I don’t think Sophie would appreciate if we took one home.” I stick out my lower lip and pout. “Even though you were totally right. I definitely want one.”

  He chuckles under his breath before growling, “So the ‘L’ word freaks you out, but a baby doesn’t terrify you?”

  Looking up at him, I murmur, “Not if he or she is part of you.”

  “So, I guess a dog wouldn’t suffice, then?”

  I laugh. “Not a chance.”

  He leans down and presses his lips to mine. “Then we should get on that.”

  Grinning, I whisper, “I couldn’t agree more.”

  The End

; Interested in reading more by Kelsie Rae?








  Anthony-Coming June 25, 2019

  Stand Alones


  Sign up for Kelsie’s newsletter to receive exclusive content, including the first two chapters of every new book two weeks before its release date!

  Sneak Peek

  Remember Anthony? Indie’s ex? His crazy, sweet story will be releasing July 2019! Don’t forget to check it out!

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  I cannot wait to share his story with you. There’s so many twists and turns, and you’ll see a few familiar faces too! Did I mention his other half?? Gah! You’re going to love her!

  Turn the page for a sneak peek!

  Chapter One


  “Do you understand the severity of your actions, Mr. Wright?”

  With my gaze glued to the gavel, I nod. “Yes, Your Honor.” I’ve never been inside a courtroom. It’s different than I expected. Smaller, maybe. Probably because they put cases like mine in the tiny rooms and leave the giant courtrooms open for cases that have something to do with murder and money laundering, instead of a DUI with property damage.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Judge Jeffers interrupts my thoughts, demanding my attention. “Your record before the incident was squeaky clean. Hell, you’re even a boy scout. Do you have anything to say for yourself?” I pull my gaze away from the gavel and look Judge Jeffers in the eyes. When I’m greeted with his all-too-familiar look of disappointment, my shoulders hunch.

  “I screwed up, Your Honor. As you can see from my records, this is very uncharacteristic of me, but still unacceptable. I deserve every punishment the courts see necessary, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right.”


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