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Ivar's Escape (Assassins of Gravas Book 2)

Page 9

by N. J. Walters

  He shook his head. “It wasn’t just sex.” He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “It was making love. I botched it. It was a shock to discover an incredible woman like you hasn’t had a lover.”

  She would not be moved by his words. She wouldn’t. Yet all her resolve wasn’t enough to stop the melting of her anger. “Listen, it’s okay.” They needed to get things back on an even keel between them. They weren’t out of danger yet.

  “It’s not.” He lifted one of her hands to his mouth and kissed it. First the knuckles, then her palm. “Let me show you how it should be done.”

  “Right, you didn’t finish.” She’d avoided looking below his waist until now. Yup, still as hard as titansteel.

  He gave a rough laugh. “I could use my hand if all I wanted was to finish, as you put it. I want to make love to you, to show you how things should be between us.”

  Us. That tiny word reverberated inside her, as crisp and clear as a bell.

  “There is no us.” There couldn’t be. Even if they got out of this alive, he’d go home and she’d go … somewhere. It was her and Zaxe. It had always been her and her twin. And then later Sass had become their sister by choice. But Sass had Spear now.

  Her purpose for volunteering for this mission had been to secure a place for her siblings and herself. When had her priorities shifted to it becoming all about Ivar and getting him home?

  “There will be.” His certainty would have worried her if she didn’t know better. Once his memories returned—and she had no doubt they would as Gravasian medicine was rumored to be the best in the known universe—he’d forget all about her. She’d be nothing more than a footnote in his personal history.

  Overwhelming sadness threatened to crush her. She tilted her head back and faced Ivar squarely, not willing to back down. “I don’t think so.”

  “Then let me love you. What are you afraid of?”

  That he’d steal more of her heart than he already had.

  “Let me show you how it should be.” His voice was pure seduction. It wasn’t fair. Now that she knew what his touch did to her, it was impossible for her to stop her breasts from swelling and her core from throbbing.

  Damn him. And damn her. She’d been better off not knowing. But if that was the case, she wanted it all. “You get one shot at this.” She didn’t care how pissed off she sounded. Something had been lost. What he gave back to her would have to replace it.

  It wouldn’t be a fair deal.

  Sometimes ignorance was bliss. Before Ivar, she’d speculated what it would be like to make love to a man, to have him desire her above all others. It wasn’t anything like she’d imagined. It was messy and emotional and not all parts of it were pleasant.

  But it was real.

  If these stolen moments were all she’d have of him, she wanted every one of them.

  He didn’t laugh, as she’d half-expected he would. His nod was solemn, almost regal as he tugged the blanket away from her. He spread it out and lay on his back. “This time, you’re in charge.”

  Intrigued, she tilted her head to one side. “You want me to be in control?” Not many men would.

  Holding out his hand, he invited her closer. “Climb on top of me. You decide how deep I go and set the pace.”

  Heart galloping, she licked her lips and almost smiled when he groaned and his shaft twitched. She had as much power in this as he did.

  Delphi straddled him and smiled.


  This was either the best idea he’d ever had or a huge mistake. She was staring at him the way a liger did a jackalope just before it took down its prey. His hunger stirred as she licked her full lips.

  Relief warred with lust. He’d almost blown it. And if she’d walked away from him, he would have regretted it for the rest of his life.

  He ran his hands over her strong thighs, up her hips, pausing at her waist. “Whatever you want,” he assured her. His cock protested, the tip leaking. In his head, he recited laws from every planet he could remember to keep from exploding.

  Talk about a challenge. Not the reciting. That was easy. The not coming? That was a whole other thing.

  Delphi was lush and strong and beautiful. Her curls bounced around her shoulders, thin and springy. He’d give anything to have her rub them over his dick.

  He squeezed his eyes shut but quickly opened them before the image could form. He was going to blow this if he wasn’t careful.

  Her breasts beckoned, so he propped himself up on his hands, ignoring the screaming of his ribs, using the pain to ground him. He licked one nipple and then the other. He couldn’t make out their exact color in the dim light—dark pink or beige—but they were large.

  “I thought I was in charge.” The breathiness of her reply made him smile.

  “You want me to stop?” Capturing the tip, he sucked.

  “Yes. No. Not yet.”

  He nuzzled his way to the other breast. “Which is it? Yes? No? Not yet?” He dragged his tongue over the nub.

  She adjusted her position so her sex was right on top of his shaft and pressed down.

  Stars exploded in his brain as he fell back. “You don’t play fair,” he accused, gasping from both pleasure and pain. Sweat beaded on his brow.

  “I never said I did.”

  He loved that she wasn’t shy about her body, even though he was her first lover. “Take what you want, what you need.”

  “What do you want?” she countered.

  “You.” He feathered his fingers over her stomach before dipping between her thighs and finding the taut bud. Her neck arched back, exposing the slender column, her lips parted on a thin cry.

  Her eyes were slightly glazed, but he imagined his were, too. When she lifted slightly, his dick bobbed up, as though seeking entry. She wrapped her hand around his length.

  “Fuck me.” Both swearing and a plea. If he didn’t get inside her, he was going to come. Then the tip was inside her wet warmth. “Thank the gods.”

  “They had nothing to do with this.” She pushed down a bit more, taking another couple of inches.

  “How do you know?” He was sucking air into his lungs, making talking almost impossible. “They brought us both here to this place and time.”

  “Do you believe that?” She paused with him only about halfway inside her.

  “Yes.” Gripping her hips, he eased her down another inch. “Finish it.”

  She gave a nod and thrust downward, not stopping until she was sitting on his pelvis. Surely this was heaven. Like before, she was snug, surrounding him in her heat, bathing him in her desire.

  All his bruises and aches were forgotten, the nagging pain washed away by sheer pleasure.

  Then she moved, destroying his control. She lifted almost all the way off before lowering herself again, her hands gripping his arms for stability. Even now, she took care not to press against his ribs.

  It only took once for him to come. The orgasm started in his balls and shot out through the tip of his shaft. A supernova exploded in his head. He momentarily went blind. His entire body was wracked with pleasure that bordered on pain.

  When he finally caught his breath and reality descended once again, Delphi was lying on top of him, her head tucked under his chin, her body blanketing him.

  He ran his fingers up and down her supple spine, loving the way she arched beneath his touch. “That was incredible. Sheer perfection.”

  She raised her head and smiled, but it wasn’t the smile of a sated woman. A pleased one, but because of what she’d done, not because she’d found satisfaction.

  “I came too soon.” It wasn’t a surprise, but he’d wanted her to be there with him. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not.” She started to dismount, but he rolled her to the side and kept going until she was under him.

  “We’re not done yet.”

  She frowned. “We’re not?”

  His cock was already swelling again, in spite of his orgasm. Seemed he had a quick recovery time, a
t least around her. He pumped once, loving the way her breath hitched. “No, we’re not.”


  Delphi had assumed it was over. After all, she’d come and so had he. This time there’d been no pain when she’d taken him inside. The sense of fullness, the intimacy of being joined had remained, but it had been tempered with pleasure.

  Her breasts still tingled from where he’d sucked on them. Her core was wet from her earlier orgasm and now from his. She’d always wondered what that would feel like, if she’d find it messy and disgusting. It was certainly messy, but not disgusting at all. It was natural and beautiful.

  At least with Ivar.

  She wasn’t naïve enough to believe it would be like this with every man. On the contrary, sex was often a monetary or power exchange.

  This was making love.

  There was a huge difference.

  He was hard again, even though he’d softened briefly. “How?” Sex wasn’t new, even if this was her first hands-on experience. Men finished, rolled off women, and left. That was how it was done.

  “You inspire me.” He thrust lightly and the nerve endings in her core sparked to life. Every muscle in her body, which had been loose and relaxed, tensed again in anticipation.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea. I mean, I already came.”

  “That’s the beauty of being a woman. You can orgasm many times, as long as you have the right partner.”

  “And you’re the right partner?” The teasing, like the lovemaking, was totally natural and something she’d never done before. Not for real. Sure, she’d put on for a target before taking him down, but this wasn’t anything like that.

  “Yes.” His gaze was solemn. There was no twinkle in his eyes. He meant it.

  She ignored the jump of her heart. “Show me.”

  He moved over her, in her, his body rocking back and forth, sliding in and out of her sheath. It was enjoyable, so she went with it. After a minute or so, it wasn’t enough. She hitched her legs around him and ground her pelvis against his, massaging her clit with each stroke.

  “That’s is,” he crooned. “Take what you need. Gods, you’re incredible.”

  They were both panting as though they’d run for miles. His battered and bruised body shone with sweat. His short hair was plastered to his skull.

  “This is hurting you.”

  “Stopping would hurt more. Touch yourself, kismara. Put your hand between your legs and stroke your clit.”

  Her pulse spiked. Did he realize what he’d said? The word had tumbled off his tongue easily. Delphi had heard her sister’s husband whisper it to her when he thought no one was around. She didn’t know what it meant, only that it was a Gravasian term of endearment.

  She could have asked Sass. Her sister would have told her, but it seemed too intimate a thing.

  It didn’t mean anything. This was nothing more than a sharing of bodies. More than sex, but not everlasting love or a commitment.

  Determined not to spoil the moment, she brought all her attention back to what was happening now. She’d touched herself many times when she’d been alone but never in front of anyone. There was a slight tremble in her fingers as she dipped between her legs and stroked. Like explosives primed and ready to go, everything went hot and she detonated.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes,” she chanted, even as he thrust harder and faster. Then he threw back his head and yelled his release. Eyes slitted, she watched, lost in the primal power of it all. Every muscle in his arms and chest stood out in relief, and the cords of his neck were tight. He collapsed over her. He was heavy, but it wasn’t unpleasant.

  Before it became a problem, he rolled to the side, gasping for air.

  The cool air of the cave wafted over her overheated body. Her nipples pebbled, and she had to swallow back a moan as it stroked her core. Every inch of her skin was incredibly sensitive.

  She turned her head to stare at him, this man who’d touched her soul and irreparably changed her. Sensing her gaze, he opened his eyes and smiled. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” They’d both gotten pleasure. It had been an even exchange.

  “For the most amazing gift in the world.”

  Needing some time to gather her defenses once again, she rolled to her feet and gathered her clothes and weapons.

  Ivar groaned as he pushed himself up. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. I’m going to get washed and dressed and scout around a bit. It wouldn’t be smart to get lax. You should put some more salve on your bruises.” Ignoring the concern in his eyes, she hurried to the hot springs room and plunged into the water. She’d forgotten the cleaning cloth and soap, but that was fine. She rubbed her skin until she was clean.

  In her haste, she’d also forgotten the blanket to dry off with. Couldn’t be helped. She wasn’t going back there.

  She’d just levered herself out of the water when a blanket was thrust at her. “Here.”

  It was stupid to feel shy around him now, but she did. “Thanks.” She wrapped it around herself and tried not to watch him as he stepped into the pool, sighing as the hot water surrounded him.

  He kept his back to her. That was intentional on his part. Taking advantage, she dried off and dressed. She’d just shoved her last weapon into its sheath when he stirred.

  “How will they know where to find us?”

  “What?” She walked around so she could see him. With the steam rising around him and his golden eyes gleaming, he was more god of the underworld than man.

  “The Gravasians. How will they find us?”

  She finger-combed her hair and shoved it out of her eyes. Did his eyes linger on it or was that her imagination? “It’s a beacon they can track all the way to the cave.”

  He nodded and then crooked his finger at her.

  It would be smarter to walk away, but that would be cowardly. “What?”

  He waited until she knelt beside him. “This.” He snaked his hand around the back of her neck and kissed her. It was hot and passionate and had her blood pumping and temperature soaring.

  When he released her, he smiled.

  Without a word, she got to her feet and stalked out of the cave.

  Chapter Ten

  Ivar rolled onto his side, ignoring the rock digging into his hip. He could barely make out Delphi’s outline even though she was only a few feet away.

  It might as well be a million galactic miles.

  When she’d come back from scouting, she’d been back to the cool professional he’d first met. It frustrated him, even as he understood. She could pull back all she wanted. He wasn’t going to let her get away with it, not for long.

  He stacked his hands under his head but couldn’t get comfortable. After sleeping in a cell for so long, he should be used to sleeping on a hard surface.

  “I can hear you thinking,” she muttered.

  “Sorry. There’s a lot to think about.”

  “Sleep now. Think tomorrow.” She turned over until she was facing away.

  Good advice, but too bad he was so wired. He flipped onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. Through the openings in the cave, some pale-pink moonlight shone through from one of Tortuga’s two moons. Several stars twinkled in the sky. He loved the stars. Had missed them while he’d been locked away.

  Had he watched them as a child? He’d certainly traveled among them, even if he couldn’t remember. After all, he’d been brought to this planet. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, held it, and then slowly released it. He did that several times until some of the tension seeped from his body, his muscles relaxing.

  It was a balmy night, the air inside the cave warm but not too hot.

  As his thoughts drifted, Delphi filled them. She was such a strong and courageous woman. Passionate too.

  He bit back a groan when his cock stirred. Then he grinned. It was good to feel alive. He’d been all but buried alive in that prison cell. And in spite of Balthazar’s threats to sell him to the Gravasians or a pira
te captain, he might have died there if not for Delphi.

  He owed her everything.

  And she was going to turn him over to the Gravasians.

  He could sneak out while she was sleeping. It would be tricky, but he might be able to get past the guards and into the docking station. And then what? Could he operate a ship? Maybe. But where would he go?

  Why can’t I remember?

  Trying to force the memories didn’t work, otherwise, he’d have them all back by now. He listened to the sounds around him. The slight rustle of the wind through the cracks in the cave, the call of a bird in the distance, and the barely discernable whisper of breathing.

  It was a gentle lullaby. He drifted into sleep…

  “Get up.”

  His eyes snapped open at the toneless whisper. “What?” But the boy was already gone. Ivar threw back the covers of his bed, slipped out, and padded silently from the room. Two boys waited impatiently for him.

  Without a word, the taller one led the way through long corridors. The place was like a palace, yet familiar.

  “Hurry,” the second boy whispered.

  Keeping to the shadows, Ivar followed. They evaded guards, large men in battlesuits armed with blasters. Yet he was more excited than afraid.

  He belonged here.

  The rightness of it settled over him as he hurried after the boys before they disappeared.

  The tallest boy opened a door and waved them forward and they slipped inside. “Why are we here?” Ivar asked. His stomach was jittery, his palms damp.

  “I learned some new moves today.” The tallest one lit a lamp, allowing the dim light to spread across what was obviously some sort of training room. He had dark hair and eyes of gold. The younger one had dark-brown hair and eyes. They looked enough alike to be brothers.

  “Show me, Spear,” the younger one almost danced in place, he was so excited.

  “Spear.” Ivar said the name slowly. The tall boy tilted his head to one side, seeming confused.

  “What?” He got into a fighting crouch. “Pay attention. You’re stronger than you think.”

  The image started to fade. Ivar lunged for it. Disoriented, he bolted upright, surrounded by darkness, sucking in air like he’d run for miles.


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