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Katrina's Sight

Page 2

by Marie Higgins

  “Indeed we are.” Her mother stepped forward first, trying her best to look like a proper, educated, and sophisticated woman.

  “Mrs. Landon,” he nodded, “I am Mr. Jamison. Would you please come in to my office so we can discuss Mr. Landon’s wishes?”

  Katrina didn’t like the sound of that. His wishes? Did nobody care about her wishes, which right now were to find the nearest body of water, strip off her clothes, and jump into it for a quick cooling down of not only the rising temperature of her body, but her quickly accelerating temper?

  I must act like a lady... Starting her performance, she stood tall, inhaled a deep breath, and gave him her best smile.

  As soon as they walked inside his office, he closed the door behind them. “Please have a seat.” After Katrina and her mother sat, the man waddled around his wooden desk and sat in his large chair. He looked directly at Katrina. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here.”

  “Indeed, I am. It’s not every day I’m asked to travel to a different country just to see what my father,” she bit out the words, knowing that man had no right to the title, “wants of me and my mother.”

  Mr. Jamison removed a letter from a thick envelope. It surprised Katrina how many pages he had.

  “Miss Landon, your father is getting his affairs in order and has written a will. He would like to meet you before he dies.”

  “How advantageous of him.” Katrina’s lady-like tone failed her, because the sarcastic words that shot out of her mouth were burning through her. “Why does he suddenly want to meet me after twenty-four years? Unless, of course, it’s because he feels he won’t make it to Heaven unless he makes amends for his sins.”

  “Katrina!” her mother gasped. “That tone of voice is not acceptable.”

  Katrina growled silently. It was hard not to continue her tirade, but for her mother’s sake, she would refrain. Well...she would try to refrain. She took a cleansing breath before saying anymore. “Mr. Jamison, I would appreciate it if you skip the formalities and get right to the point. It’s too blasted hot in this place to sit and listen to nonsense.”

  Oh, dear. I did it again. Maybe one of these days she would learn to control her temper.

  Her mother bumped her elbow against Katrina’s. Another warning, obviously.

  “Fine, then. I shall forgo any more chit-chat and get to the point.” He gave her a curt nod. “It comes down to this. In order to obtain the funds your father wishes to give you in addition to your inheritance, he wants you to travel through the Amazon jungle to his rubber tree plantation and personally meet him.”

  Shock washed over Katrina. She’d heard the man loud and clear, but her mind took a little longer to absorb the full impact of what he had said. Was that the very reason she’d had the strange sight about him with the dart in his neck, and with a house burning? Silence stretched between them as she stared at him while he drummed his fingers on the polished oak desk.

  Confusing thoughts swam in her head. If not for her mother sitting next to her to give her comfort, Katrina’s mind would be in ashes. A small breeze floated through the open window, but it wasn’t enough to cool her disposition. The disturbing news from Mr. Jamison only served to grate on her already fried nerves.

  She kept her shoulders rigid and chin lifted as she cleared her voice to reply. “Mr. Jamison, it’s hard for me to grasp the concept of having a father, let alone, one who cares.” Wounded emotions mixed with anger surged through her as a glimpse of her past flashed through her mind once again. Because of his absence, she’d gone without so much as a child. Even as a young woman, she still went without because of his neglect. “Up until I received his letter, I wasn’t aware my father was even alive.”

  Irritation over everything that had happened lately brought her to her feet, and indecision about her new status as a would-be heiress mystified her. “All of this has happened so fast and I don’t understand any of it.” She wrung her hands against her middle. “One day I’m serving ale in a low-life pub, and then suddenly, the man who doesn’t deserve the title of father is sending me money to dress myself like a lady. He also expects me to travel to places I’ve never heard of just so he can settle his conscience regarding his past mistakes? And, to top it off, I have a strange feeling that there might be danger lurking in the jungle.”

  Her mother grasped Katrina’s hand as sharp finger nails dug into Katrina’s skin. Anger kindled in her mother’s gaze as her lips pulled tight.

  “Katrina, we don’t need to talk about our past in front of a complete stranger.”

  Katrina shook her head and scoffed, not believing her mother would actually defend the man. “Mother, that man left you before I was even born to enjoy a life of wealth while we lived in squalor. Do you honestly believe we should just go along with his wishes?”

  “Katrina, please, no more of this.” Tears glistened in her mother’s eyes. Within seconds, a fit of coughing erupted from her, as they always did when she became upset. She pressed the white handkerchief to her mouth and took in deep breaths until the coughs subsided. “I’m certain Mr. Jamison doesn’t want to hear about our pathetic past. The fact of the matter is, you are still entitled to your father’s money, and that is what we must focus on now.”

  “Mother, he has never acknowledged our presence, so why does he want me to trek into the Amazon? And why is he giving me money for fancy gowns?” She tugged at the suffocating bodice of her new dress again. Irritation was increasing by the second because of the material rubbing against her perspiring skin.

  “My dear Katrina, you’re a lady now.” Her mother sat a little taller as if proud of what Katrina had accomplished.

  A shout of laughter blasted from Katrina’s throat unexpectedly. “I’ve suddenly become a lady just because I’m entitled to an inheritance from my wealthy father?”

  “Well,” Lucy replied with a softer voice, “it appears your father is finally making amends for neglecting his only daughter after all these years.”

  Katrina folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes heavenward. “Oh, please, Mother. Don’t get all sentimental on the old codger now. We both know why he’s doing this. He’s afraid Hell will be hotter than the place where he’s been living all these years.”

  Mr. Jamison loudly cleared his throat. “I’m sorry your life has been so miserable, Miss Landon, but the sizeable amount your father intends to leave once he dies will keep you in luxury for the rest of your life. All he wants to do at this time is give you a small portion of that.”

  “Mr. Jamison,” her mother said sweetly and leaned slightly forward toward the desk. She laid her hand on it. “Exactly how ill is Henry?”

  “He is practically on his deathbed.”

  “So, he could be dead by the time my daughter arrives?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Landon.” He tapped his fingers on the desk. “That is possible.”

  “Please, call me Lucy.”

  Katrina studied her mother as she fluttered her eyelashes at the man. Dear heavens! Why, at a time like this, would her mother flirt? Then again, Katrina was used to the way her mother always flirted in order to get her way. It was in her nature to be so open—and somewhat bold—with men.

  “That is just terrible to think Henry is so ill,” her mother said softly.

  “Indeed it is, Lucy.” Mr. Jamison reached across the table and touched her hand.

  Katrina rolled her eyes. Her mother didn’t care about Henry Landon nearly as much as Katrina didn’t care, and yet the older woman was putting on a good show. Apparently, even as sick as her mother had been lately, she still had that certain charm men appreciated. Of course, her mother still was very attractive. There was very little gray that streaked the woman’s brunette head of hair, and of course, her mother was a very slender woman.

  Sinking back in the chair, Katrina blew out a frustrated breath of air between her lips. She needed to focus on the matter at hand. Should she go after the money, especially knowing that she would be in
the jungle when these awful things from her premonitions happened? Would she be able to stop them? Although she received these visions, she never knew if she’d be able to change things or not. Thankfully earlier, she was able to save that girl, but could Katrina do the same for her father?

  And yet...having money was something she’d never experienced, and just thinking about it brought excitement to her soul. Her mother coughed again, the sound rattling her chest deeper this time. Money would certainly enable them to pay for a doctor. Perhaps this trek was Katrina’s answer to her mother’s health issues and the lack of funds they had for a doctor or even medicine. In order to obtain the money for treatment, Katrina must go on this trek to meet her father.

  Absently, she played with one of the tendrils curling by her ear. The fancy hairstyle done up for this meeting was not how she usually appeared at the tavern. Instead, she had always liked to wear her hair long as it fell over her shoulders and down her back.

  “Mr. Jamison?” Katrina said, which pulled his attention away from her mother and back to her. “How does my father expect me to go traipsing through unknown territory? I don’t know the first thing about the jungles of Brazil. All I’ve heard is how uncivilized the place is.”

  Mr. Jamison shifted in his chair. “Not to worry. Your father hired an escort.”

  “An escort?”

  “Mr. Felix Knightly will be taking you. He is very familiar with the jungle, and your father has already paid him.”

  Katrina turned to her mother. Lines of worry crinkled her forehead as dread filled her amber eyes. Her expression was etched with panic. Her mother looked exactly as Katrina felt. “What should I do, Mother?”

  The corners of her mother’s mouth lifted into a helpless smile as another cough escaped her throat. “As much as I fear for your safety in the jungle, I truly believe this is something you must do.” She took Katrina’s hands in hers. “You deserve the inheritance, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. We’ve been paupers for too long, and it is high time Henry Landon paid for his abandonment.”

  Katrina moved her gaze down to the expensive gray Persian rug where her new shoes touched. Stretching her legs just enough to show the points of her shoes from under the dress, she marveled at how perfect they looked on if she’d been born to wear such finery. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to dress with such refinement. Although the experience was foreign, she could get accustomed to feeling like a lady. Of course, it might take longer to act—or talk—like one. She hadn’t had the same advantage her mother received many years ago when her mother was the personal maid to a wealthy widow. But it didn’t matter if Katrina hadn’t had that experience. She’d gone to the upper streets in London to watch the wealthy people come to town many times, so she knew how they acted and conducted themselves.

  She traced her finger along the gray lace sewn through the green fabric of her skirt and imagined dancing in grand ballrooms. Men would write their names on her dance card, while other maidens glared with jealousy. A tiny smile tugged on her lips. If only her friends in London could see her now! But could she do what was required in her father’s will?

  Her thoughts wandered. She’d survived this long without luxuries, which meant she could live without them. However, her mother could not. She glanced at her devoted parent who continued to cough into her handkerchief. There was no guessing any longer. They needed the money to pay for her mother’s care.

  The treacherous task ahead made Katrina pause once more, but Mr. Jamison had made mention of a guide. Perhaps the trek wouldn’t be so hard. After all, there had to be villages along the way and a nice road to travel since her father’s rubber tree plantation was buried somewhere in the thick jungle. She wasn’t even afraid of getting dirty since she’d been living in filth all her life.

  Her attention shifted back to her father’s solicitor. “Very well, then. When can my mother and I leave?” Beside her, a whoosh of air escaped her mother’s throat accompanied by a harder cough.

  The older gentleman shook his head. “Oh, you’re mistaken, Miss Landon. It was specifically instructed that only you would be going.”

  She gasped, and her heartbeat tripped. “That’s improper, even for a pauper such as I.”

  Her mother leaned forward. “Mr. Jamison, I will not allow my daughter to travel with the guide without another woman present. It’s scandalous, and I just won’t have it. I insist on going with her.” Once again, because of her raised voice, deep coughs wheezed through her chest.

  He shrugged. “I’m sorry Lucy, but those are Henry Landon’s rules.” He paused for a brief moment. “If it makes you feel any better, Mr. Knightly is an acquaintance of Henry’s and a true gentleman.”

  Katrina’s cheeks grew warm with unease. “Mr. Jamison, I don’t even know Mr. Knightly, and I’d feel extremely uncomfortable if—”

  He held up a hand. “No need to fear, Miss Landon.” He pushed away from his desk and walked to the door and opened it. “Mr. Knightly? Would you come in now?”

  He’s here? When had he arrived? Then again, Mr. Jamison would have been expecting him, she was certain.

  Katrina clasped her hands tightly against her stomach and kept watch on the door, waiting for her guide. When a rugged-looking man with a large frame entered, her breath caught and moisture gathered in her palms. The man, whom she’d expected to be twice her age, was nothing like she’d conjured in her mind. He was much younger, appearing to be in his late twenties. His expensively tailored clothes stretched across his muscular body.

  When she tore her gaze from his build and focused on his face, her mouth turned dry. He was absolutely the most handsome man she’d ever beheld. Azure eyes and raven hair were complemented by his tanned skin. His square, shaven chin was lifted high with authority to emphasize his proper upbringing.

  The man’s gaze met hers and held. The pleasantness she’d first detected when he sauntered into the room vanished. When his mouth tightened into a frown, her heart dropped. For some reason, he wasn’t impressed with what he saw—just like the first man who had left this room earlier. Mr. Knightly must also know of her lowly circumstances. His dark expression told her that this journey was not going to be enjoyable.

  “Mr. Knightly,” Mr. Jamison introduced, “this is Henry Landon’s daughter from his first marriage, Miss Katrina Landon.”

  Using all her strength, she lifted up from the chair and stood on wobbly legs. Stretching forth a shaky hand, she smiled politely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Knightly.”

  The handsome man ignored her hand, and his angry expression didn’t waver. “Miss Landon, before we go any further, I need to make one thing clear.” He folded his arms over his broad chest. “I will not cater to the pampered comforts that a spoiled little rich girl is accustomed to. We’re taking a journey through the Amazon jungle, so prepare yourself for hard labor.”

  Although his rough voice made her shudder, she wanted to laugh in his face. Spoiled little rich girl? Why did he think that? He’d be surprised to learn that she’d been working hard her whole life. She was not accustomed to any type of pampering, and she should rectify that point immediately. But just as she opened her mouth to enlighten him, mischievousness took root.

  Perhaps she should make him believe she was what he thought. And when the truth finally came out about her past, she’d make this judgmental man eat his words. Katrina may look like a lady on outward appearance, but she’d let her true streak of stubbornness unearth itself in due time.


  Felix Knightly heatedly glared at the stunning female. She didn’t look anything like what he’d been told. Mr. Landon had hinted that his daughter had been down on her luck, but she appeared completely opposite now. The dresses both she and her mother were wearing looked to be the latest fashion from Paris. This was certainly no woman who’d been down on her luck. And if it was, Felix didn’t want to see what she looked like when good fortune smiled on her.

  He knew women like
Miss Landon who had wealthy fathers and had been taught to flaunt their money. He hadn’t met a rich woman yet who was sweet and kind with a giving heart. In his eyes, wealthy women were ugly no matter what their outward appearances displayed. Miss Landon was no different. Eventually, she would show her true self, and he’d bet good money that deep down inside, she was rotten to the core.

  He’d been paid well to play nanny to a rich’s man brat, and although he had gladly accepted the payment, he wouldn’t abide her spoiled antics. They were going to get dirty, the heat would suffocate them, swarms of mosquitoes and poisonous ants would try to eat them alive...and those things would be the enjoyable part of the journey.

  He wasn’t looking forward to the days ahead when she discovered their time in the jungle would be no trip to the dressmaker or a tea party in London’s high society.

  As he studied the heiress, her smug, green gaze challenged him. She lifted her chin, letting him know of her stubbornness. She’d be a handful, but he was up to the test. The longer their gazes held, her body relaxed and the darker her eyes became. He wasn’t certain he liked that, only because it made her look prettier.

  She folded her arms across her bosom. “I’ll certainly try to keep up with you, Mr. Knightly, but you’ll have to remember I’m a lady, and I have delicate sensibilities.”

  Just as I suspected. He arched an eyebrow. “I shall keep that in mind, Miss Landon.”

  As she stepped forward, her hands slid down the sides of her dress and drew his attention to her graceful curves. Her flowery scent purposely teased his senses. He’d always enjoyed the fragrance of roses. It reminded him of his grandmother’s flower gardens back home in England, and made him homesick for his family.

  “Let me know what I need for this journey,” her voice softened, “and I’ll be ready first thing in the morning.”

  “I shall get you a list, but let me warn you, I intend to leave by sunrise. I’m aware young ladies like yourself aren’t used to rising early, but—”


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