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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

Page 14

by Raven Moon

  ‘This is my gift to you. Power of the elements. You must learn to combine them that is the secret of escaping this Hell.’

  “A Forbidden Amulet?” I noticed a small band of words written, Diabolus Laqueum. My Latin wasn’t the best, but somehow, I knew that meant, Devil Trap.

  Suddenly a hand reached down, yanking the amulet away. Like it was a scared trinket I shouldn’t have touched. My eyes shot open to find Lucian in front of me, “What the Fu…?”

  “This doesn’t belong to you.” He said harshly, “This is my amulet. It is forbidden for a witch as yourself to have in her possession.”

  I watched as the man walked toward me then noticed ink on his neck that wasn’t there when last, I saw him.

  “When did you get a tattoo on your neck?” I asked exploring his face. His long fingers tapped the coin then scraped the wall closing the space between us.

  “You are not Lucian. I demand your name.” I shifted backward adjacent to the small opening; Lucian wasn’t in sight.

  “Bingo.” It snarled. Sharp teeth protruded from its mouth in rows of three.

  “What the fuck are you?” Its eyes narrowed then it struck out raking my shoulder leaving a large gash.

  “Lucian, where are you!” I yelled out. My calls filtered the room. The figure closed the space quickly striking out hitting the rocks as I ducked from the swing.

  “Your precious Lucian can’t save you now. You will make a tasty treat for my king.” It hissed. A forked tongue flickered tasting the stagnant air.

  “I’m not afraid of you.” I breathed deep swallowing hard trying to slow my pulse, “Tell me your real name.” I demanded.

  “You are scared Rainelle.” Its head rotated. A smirk grew across its thin lips, “I will make this as painless as I can for you. Don’t fight me. Apollyon wants you home.”

  “I don’t belong to that motherfucker.” Lucian snuck up behind the creature shoving his razor claws in the back, cutting bone, vital organs and tissue as he forced the heart out landing it at my feet. My mouth gaped in disbelief as pieces of flesh and blood covered me entering my mouth before I got out of the way.

  My body reacted to the stench of rotting flesh sending me hurling forward on all fours, vomit spews everywhere releasing chunks of organs. I spit then wiped my mouth, “What the actual fuck! You could have warned me dammit.” I gagged on the metallic taste of the creature’s blood.

  “Great. I hope whatever creature that was, its blood isn’t flowing in my veins!”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want the thing to have the upper hand on us, I had to kill it, and this was the only way.” He said as he helped me up.

  “What the fuck was that thing?”

  “A hellion. It was the malignant spirit of the beast you executed.” Lucian explained as he plucked hunks of meat off me from my clothes.

  “Well, that explains why it wanted me dead,” I replied spitting more goop out. Lucian leaned against a pillar; his face grimaced.

  “What are you keeping from me?” I asked. He grabbed my hand. Memories of Reed played like a movie. I jerked away, “Why?”

  “It wasn’t my story to tell.”

  “But you’ve known all this time? Why are you just now telling me?”

  “When your brother’s vision started to happen when he was a teenager, he didn’t know how to deal with it all. Your Mother and Father tried to help him, but he fell in a deep depression and turned to drugs. When he told Samuel, their friendship suffered.” Lucian sighed, a haunted look filled his eyes, “Then hell broke loose. Reed used magick in front of mortals and killed several shapeshifters. He wanted to one’s responsible for his demise before it ever happened. He wanted you safe. You always came first with Reed. The coven renounced your family. Now, members of every shifter pack, clan and pard are out for your head.”

  “I never knew any of this.”

  “Our meeting was not by mistake Rainelle. Reed killed my family.” Lucian stated; his eyes faltered as the haunting memory of my brother crashed over him.

  My eyes filled with tears, my body shook nervously, “I’m sorry Lucian.” My voice shook. I dropped my hand. I didn’t want to fight Lucian, but I will not go down without a fight.

  “Rainelle you don’t need to fear me. If I wanted you dead, you would have died that first night I stalked you. But the stars lined that night you gave yourself to me, mind, body, and soul. We have been linked ever since.” His eyes sank, and involuntarily he sighed. I took his hard hands into mine; he turned his gaze to meet mine. I gave a gentle smile.

  “I loved you, Lucian Constantine Black. A part of me always will, but my heart belongs to another.” He nodded. A low growl escaped his throat. I dropped his hands and backed away, waiting for him to pounce.

  “I won’t hurt you Rainelle. None of this is your fault. Your brother and I came to an agreement a long time ago, and I vowed I’d keep you safe. I know you have Trevor and Samuel in your life, but I also know what the stars have in store for you and your Fates destiny. I will bow out gracefully when it is time, but right now, your safety is my only concern. You have a family waiting for you and a Grandmother that needs to make up for the lost time.” His eyes held mine. A slight glimmer of hope peeked behind his eyes of Honey.

  “Why tell me all this now Lucian?”

  “I want you to know the truth before anyone could tell you otherwise. Your family knows, but Samuel doesn’t know any of this, and I don’t want him to blame Reed for anything that has happened.”

  “Did Sage know any of this?”

  “No, only Reed and your family. That night I let him catch me with you, it haunted him for years of what he did, but he accepted his Fate. After that, he made me vow to protect you as he knew he had to die for his mistakes.”

  “Were you part of his death?” I narrowed my eyes at him, searching his face for the truth.

  “No. I tried to stop it, but I’m not a powerful shifter and Klyde, and his pack took me in. But I knew that first night I gazed into your eyes, that I could never hurt you. You took my heart that night.” I let my shoulders slump. All this latest information left my head confused with jumbled thoughts.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Suddenly the narrow passage turned claustrophobic and eerily quiet. The darkened space held an ominous hue. Spiders crawled on the Demon walls digging their tiny feet in the pores. I yanked Lucian’s hand to an abrupt halt and smashed into his back, like a car hitting a brick wall, no give.

  Blood trickled from my nose.

  “I thought you wanted me to stop.” He apologized wiping the blood away, “Lean your head forward and add pressure to the bridge of your nose. It should let up.”

  “I can heal myself but thank you,” I said.

  “Your magick won’t work. The Black Tourmaline will absorb it.” Lucian blurted.

  “Well, then I guess I’ll bleed to death. That is better than being ripped to shreds by a beast.” I snipped, “Do you even know where you are going?” I probed. I didn’t want to doubt his way, but this place has a way of messing with your mind and turning you around.

  “Yes. I can smell fresh air roughly fifty feet ahead.” Lucian answered.

  “Okay, let’s go. The bleeding stopped, but I think my nose is broken.” I gave Lucian slanted eyes. He quickly did an about-face and walked ahead. The smell of fresh air tantalized my senses. A beam of light shined in the crevices. The passage became tighter narrowing to a point. A ray of soft white light peeked in the small opening. I don’t like this space. I cringed and squirmed as thoughts of spiders and scorpions crawling on me.

  “UHM, how do you expect me to get on the other side?” Lucian’s brow raised.

  “Wolf boy, that’s how.” I roll my eyes.

  “Really, who is the one that can’t morph and has to crawl with the spiders?”

  Lucian inspected the hole, “The opening is bigger than it appears. But we will have to crawl.” Lucian said. I got in front of Lucian, then dow
n on all fours.

  “Just like I like my ladies.” He chuckled. I kicked my leg landing my foot in his stomach. I looked back, and he had changed. Facing forward, I hurried my pace trying to run on my hands and knees. Not a clever idea. I hit a pile of slick moss making me slide onto my stomach. I went down like a fat kid doing a belly whopper at the pool. The air quickly escaped my lungs. I rolled over letting my tears stream down my face in laughter. A snort echoed the passage. Lucian stopped sitting like a good pup he had become and licked my face. After I gained my composure, I returned to all fours with Lucian right on my ass.

  Finally, we reached the opening, “You expect me to go in there?” I asked.

  ‘It is bigger than you think.’ I squeezed in the opening like a worm.

  “Liar!” I screamed back down the hole. I hoped the wolf could make it. A sharp rock caught my pant leg ripping the denim leaving a gash in my calf. “I don’t have time for this shit right now.” I blocked the stabbing sensation radiating up my leg and focused on Lucian.

  “It’s a tight fit. But I think you can make it. Take your time, so you don’t wedge yourself and get stuck.” I watched on the other side as the wolf stuck his head out the opening than one leg at a time, squeezing his muscular body out, inch by inch. I move backward. He takes a few moments, but then emerges full of mud and webs. He rubbed his snout with his paw then raised his head. He laid down beside me panting. I closed my eyes and laid back wishing the cut to heal.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes. I didn’t think I’d make it. I know I need to slim down, but I never plan on doing this again.” Lucian leans on his elbow over me laughing. He slowly stands and helps me to my feet. He brings me in a bear hug kissing my forehead.

  His top lip raises, “You ready to leave this place?” He asks.

  “Why ask such a stupid question? I miss Samuel. I have so many fucking questions that need to be answered by Eve, my entire family.” The words come out heated. Suddenly a scream bounces off the stone walls. Lucian searches for my hand, grabs it and tightens his grip. Our eyes lock when another shrill reverberates piercing my ears knocking me to my knees.

  “What the fuck!” I scream standing to my feet.

  “I don’t know, but it didn’t sound good,” Lucian said looking like a deer caught in headlights. I took off running toward the scream, not knowing what I’d find. Silences filters around me. Inky darkness fills the small chamber. I take a deep breath and swallow hard when something knocks me. My face planted the smooth rock wall. A gust of air blew past. Blood spewed from my lip. Swelling is instant as I wipe the wetness from my mouth and chin.

  “Fuck!” I yelled as pain shot in the deep laceration. Great, now I’m going die down here from some deadly infection due to an open wound., “What the hell was that?”

  “I’m not sure.” Lucian sniffed the air, “There is no scent. We are close to the entrance, and that was a fluke accident.” He shrugged.

  “No, the wind doesn’t have that energy,” I said leaning against the wall. My entire face felt swollen, bruised, and busted.

  “If my ex were around, this would be on purpose since he loved me that way.” Hatred flickered in his eyes. He wiped dried blood away and gently kissed me. I flinched at his touch.

  “Let me see.” He said, a meaningful look in his eyes.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Come on.” He took my hand.

  We walked for a what seemed to be miles then came to a chamber. Sunbeams shined on my face warming my skin. The air blew slightly allowing the mist from the waterfall tingle my face.

  “Where are we? Is this the way out?” I ask, standing there enjoying the sound of the rushing water falling over the massive cliff as it splashed down into a small pool surrounded by rocks of all sizes. Lucian turned to look around the enormous room. In the distance, I saw a figure of an animal coming toward us. I bent down planting my hands on the ground, feeling for any vibrations.

  “Do you see that?” Lucian asked laying his hand on my shoulder. I was already on guard and staring right at the creature behind the mist and fog. Slowly rising, I took a stance, I was ready to fight. The form raised on two legs striding out of the grayness. A low growl vibrated to the water ricocheting off the boulders. Violet eyes watched our every move. I’ve seen those eyes before, but for the life of me, I can’t remember where. They are like a distant memory hidden deep within my mind. Something blocked me from recognizing that memory. The closer it got to us, I made out a figure. A muscular outline emerged from the mist.

  “STOP! Don’t come any closer.” I shouted fire-balled between my palms.

  Lucian stood next to me fists balled, “You heard the lady, stop!” he said in a deep voice that seemed to vibrate along my nerves.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Ben said with a menacing tone of voice.

  “Ben? Don’t come any closer. I don’t give a flying fuck who the hell you are.” He is a fucking beast! I lived with a fucking werewolf!

  “Yes?” He blurted his voice empty, “You are such a stupid, stupid girl. I reeled you in, and you had no fucking clue.”

  “Why? How did you know…? How did you get…?” I stammered over my words. Anger boiled deep in my soul. Fury shook my body.

  “You fucked him?” Lucian thumbed. He said a hint of mockery in his voice.

  “Not now Lucian.” I growled, “Stay the fuck out of this.” I added, “This is between Ben and me.”

  “Answer me, Ben.”

  “Take it easy. I’ve been following you since you left Nashville. It is amazing how a small tracking device can be so helpful without the person even having a clue.” Ben stepped forward. He stood in all his glory.

  “Dude get some fucking clothes on.” Lucian chuckled, “Now I understand why you beat on women, to compensate for your shortcomings.” Lucian roared in laughter. My eyes dropped below his waist.

  “You fucked that after having me?” Lucian graveled.

  “Lucian shut up,” I said holding my laughter.

  Ben gave a sideways glare. I knew that look; I knew he meant business.

  “This is not going to end well,” I spoke in an amused tone.

  “You killed my youngest brother Rainelle” Ben answered; his voice held a savage edge to it. That was enough to bring me back to my senses.

  “Really? Payback is a torched bitch from hell. I wish I’d known; I would have enjoyed the killing a lit bit more.” I hissed.

  Lucian gave a sideways glance. His jaw tightened, as he emphasized each word, “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum. Sicut Scriptum Est In Astris, Et Fatali Est.” Wide-eyed and speechless, I waited and watched for the brawl to begin.

  “If you want peace, prepare for war. As written in the stars, so it is Fated.” Ben said watching us.

  “You know your Latin, impressive,” Lucian said, his voice held a bitter note.

  Ben moved closer, “Cockiness will not win you the fight. It’ll only make you sloppy.”

  Lucian stepped forward, “I’m not cocky,” he snapped. “I’m confident.” He smirked, then grinned looking at me, “This guy’s going down.” Lucian narrowed his eyes and huffed pushing me away.

  Scoffing, Ben planted his feet on the hard-rocky ground and got into a fighter’s stance, clenching his fists tight, “I’m going to knock that smirk off your face.

  “Total Knockout.” I taunted while leaning over his limp figure and added, “My mistake, I thought it would only take fifteen seconds.” I glanced up at Lucian and smirked. “It was actually under three.” Ben laid motionless; blood pooled near his mouth.

  “I think you broke his jaw.”

  “He will be fine. He will heal, but since he can’t turn, his face will be misshapen.” He guffawed, “Shall we get the hell out of here before the twatwaffle wakes?” Lucian said grabbing my hand.

  “No, not yet. I some unfinished business with this bastard.” Flames filled my soul; heat flared off me in waves.

  “Rainelle, your eyes…” Lucian gap
ed. A smirk formed on my lips, I watched in Lucian’s as fire swirled mine. My stomach muscles contracted to buckle me over. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath riding the wave of nausea out. Claws scrapped my insides. Emerald eyes stared back at me. My beast wanted out, but I wasn’t ready, not yet. I faced Lucian. I cupped his face, his eyes glowed.

  “I’m your fire; you’re my flames. Together as one, we stand alone. Fate has decided.” He whispered before locking me in his hold kissing me deeply.

  I pushed away looking in his eyes then turned my attention to the person lying still on the ground and remembered what I had to do. I walked over to Ben, he stirred looking up at me, his eyes cold and dark, “Rainelle, your eyes.” His face went pale.

  I circled him like prey then bent down beside him. My head tilted side to side gazing at the wounded wolf before me. I reached down; claws replaced my nails. I traced his chest, over his heart digging in deeper with each trail I made. His shirt buttons flew off one by one as I flicked my sharp nails. I gently bit my bottom lip drawing blood. I wiped it away and stared at the drop of blood before sucking it off my finger. Ben looked up wide-eyed still unable to move. I willed his body motionless. I revealed in his fear as I toyed with him as he did me for many years.

  Ben grimaced as he swallowed, “Rainelle, please, I’m sorry.” He begged. He licked his parched lips. Lucian leaned against the wall.

  Lucian cleared his throat, “Okay, Rainelle stop playing with your prey.” I snapped my head around rolling my eyes upward, a low growl escaped my throat.

  “I suppose you are right. I have people to see and a life to live.” I said with a slight laugh. I placed my hands on my knees, “Well Ben, you fooled me for five fucking years. You ripped my heart out and tore me down.” I hissed, dragging my nail across his Adam’s apple bringing blood to the surface. Ben grasped at his throat; tears glistened his eyes. “You caged me like a rabid animal. Night after night in fits of rage, you beat me to an inch of my life leaving bruises and broken bones in your wake.” I reminded upright, “I really enjoyed killing your brothers, Jeb and, UHM…” I tapped my forehead staring upward as to think, “Nathan. Yes, poor Nathan, he went up in flames. Next on my radar, Klyde. Big bad fugly Klyde.” I inhaled deeply savoring the fear that radiated off Ben, “I bet when you came here to kill me you didn’t bank on me having shifter blood. I assume I contracted it off you, but with my magick, I can change into anything I want, making me your worst nightmare.” My mouth twisted, he squirmed under my foot. I squatted back down next to him and leaned over, “I gave you my heart, I gave you my soul, you took my brother, and you took my baby, and for that I condemn you to die.” I threw my head back in laughter. I peered into dull eyes one last time before ripping his heart out. His body shook then went still. Blood collected around his lifeless body. I rotated my body up then crushed his cold black heart in my hand.


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