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Almost Paradise

Page 25

by Chris Keniston

  The moms were huddled around the corner table waiting for their offspring. As each child hurried over to the parents, praise and cheers abounded.

  This was what Tom had wanted for his boy. What Billy wanted for his child if that should ever happen. Squatting down by the edge of the pool, he dragged his hand through the warm water. Closing his eyes, his mind filled with all the words that had battled around in his brain for the past two days, none as loudly as Lt. Jim Borden’s—think again, asshole.

  “You okay, man?” Nick stood dripping wet beside him.

  “Yeah.” Taking his time, Billy waved his arm back and forth in the salt-water pool. He still had a long way to go. “But I might be needing some help.”

  Arms crossed, Nick smiled. “You got it.”

  “Oh my God.” Lexie burst through the pool doors. “Oh my God.”

  “What?” Billy shot to his feet, immediately scanning the distance for Adam and Jim. Both came running out at the sound of Lexie’s cries.

  “Kara. Angela. Oh God.”

  Grabbing her with two hands, Billy yelled at Lexie. “What about them?”

  “Accident. The hospital just called. I’m Angela’s emergency contact.” She sucked in a much-needed breath. “I just left them. How?”

  Nick bolted across the patio to his phone on the table. Set to silent. He hit voicemail. “Shit. I am never setting this thing to silent again. They’re at Kona Memorial.”

  Everyone sprinted back inside and out the front door.

  With Adam in tow, Jim hit the key fob. “Everyone climb in. I don’t need anyone else landing in the hospital.”

  Nick opened his mouth as though about to argue and then dipped his chin in agreement and hopped into the backseat. Billy rode shotgun. With a speed unprecedented on the narrow roads of Kailua-Kona, Jim delivered them to the emergency room entrance.

  Rushing inside the three-story building, Nick and Billy reached the receiving desk at the same time. Without thought, Billy let his former Lt. speak up first.

  “My wife, Kara Harper, and her friend Angela Carson were just brought in. We need to see them.”

  Whatever words were uttered next drowned out under the voice in his head screaming on a never-ending loop. Think again, asshole. So much wasted time. So much stupidity.

  Jim and Adam had taken a seat in the sterile blue waiting room, Lexie wringing her fingers in the chair beside them. Nick paused from several paces ahead, noticing Billy hadn’t moved, and shouted, “Chief!”

  “Yes, sir.” Snapped to attention by Nick’s use of his naval rank, Billy trotted up behind him. “Sorry.”

  “Keep it together,” Nick ordered. Though the tick in his jaw spoke loudly of how rattled he was, no one else in the room would know.

  Nurses and doctors shuffled about. There were only six curtained areas in the small emergency room. Nick stopped a short redhead with a stethoscope around her neck. “Kara Harper?”

  The woman glanced up at a large white erase board, then pointed to the curtain on their left. “Right in there.”

  “And Angela Carson?” Billy managed.

  Looking to the board again, the woman frowned, and Billy thought his heart would forever stop beating if she was gone. “She’s been taken upstairs. We’ll keep you posted, Mister…?”

  “Everrett. For what?”

  “Mr. Everrett, the doctor will be out in a moment.”

  Already standing where the nurse had pointed, nearly yanking the curtains off the rod, Nick pulled them open with a loud whooshing noise penetrating the surrounding area.

  “The baby’s okay!” Kara screeched, tears rolling down her cheek. “I wanted to call you myself, but my cell’s in Angela’s car, and the doctor wanted to do the sonogram right away.”

  Nick leaned a hip on his wife’s cot and, enveloping her hand in his, raised it to his lips, and planted a gentle kiss. “How’s Angela?”

  “I don’t know. She blacked out behind the wheel. I reached over to steer away from the oncoming truck, but I couldn’t stop the car. We crashed head-on into a parked car. The airbags went off. Angela was still out cold. The ambulances arrived so fast. The doctor’s won’t tell me anything.”

  Only now did Billy notice the reddened blotches on Kara’s face and the agony in her voice. Clearly torn between the elation of a healthy baby and the fear for her friend.

  “She’s upstairs,” Billy said, not knowing if that was good or bad. But he’d never known a morgue to be anywhere but on the ground floor, so he was going to take that as a positive sign.

  “Are you related to Ms. Carson?” The doctor standing at the foot of Kara’s bed asked.

  “Her family is in Wyoming,” Billy answered. “We’ll need contact information—”

  “How is she?” Billy stood ramrod straight.

  Nick slid off the cot and took his place at Billy’s side.

  The doctor’s glance went from Billy to Nick and back, then down to Billy’s prosthetic leg. “Navy?”

  He and Nick nodded.

  “How is she?” Billy repeated the question with a military calm he didn’t feel.

  Giving a curt nod, the doctor directed Billy to follow him, waiting until they were outside the ER area to speak again. “Ms. Carson is stable but unconscious. We’re doing a CT scan now to determine what caused the blackout.”

  “She has endometriosis and a history of blacking out from the pain.”

  “Yes. Mrs. Harper mentioned that.”

  The ride up the elevator was truly the longest of his life. A life that would mean shit if it didn’t include Angela. And why the hell did he need a surly lieutenant and damn car accident to make him see he’d fallen head over prosthesis in love with one adorable Miss Angela Carson?

  Like every military man had done at some point in his career, he found himself bargaining with God. He’d do everything and anything, including wrestling alligators, if she would please be all right.

  “You’ll have to wait here.” The doctor waved at a row of plastic chairs along the corridor wall. Billy nodded. And then, much to his surprise, the doctor took a seat beside him. “How long ago?”

  Billy followed the doctor’s gaze to his leg. “Three years.”

  “You don’t hide it. That’s good.”

  What was there for Billy to say? He nodded. “Does she know how much you care?”

  The direct question surprised him. “I…I don’t think so.”

  This time the doctor nodded, then lifting his pant leg slightly, revealed a state-of-the-art prosthetic leg. “Six years ago. Afghanistan.” Letting go of his raised pant leg, the doctor pushed to his feet. “Life is too short. Tell her.”

  Watching the man retreat down the hall, Billy wondered where the hell this guy was with advice when Angela had walked into his world two years ago?

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The corridor walls had begun to close in on Billy, so he began to pace. How long does it take for a CT scan? By the time the door opened and Angela’s gurney pushed through, Billy thought he must have left a five-foot rut in the long hallway. Her eyes wide open brought him close to getting down on bended knee to thank God and all the saints for not taking her away from him.

  “Hey.” His strained voice cracked.

  Angela’s head snapped sideways, and big tear drops washed onto her cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh.” Walking beside her, he took her hand in both of his. “It’s okay.”

  “But Kara—”

  “Is fine. And so is the baby. You’re the one who had us all scared shi…to death.”

  Her brows curved into a long V.

  “Don’t look so surprised. When Lexie got the call you’d been in a car accident, I came the closest I’ve ever come to peeing in my pants from sheer terror.”

  This time her brows shot up high over big, rounded brown eyes.

  “I’ve learned a lot in the last few days. I’ve got a lot to share. As soon as they let you out of here, we’ll go someplace quiet and talk.”<
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  The gurney stopped at the elevator, and Billy leaned over and very gently pressed a barely there kiss to her lips. He had so much to make up for.

  * * *

  Not only had the doctors insisted Angela spend the night, they’d given her something to help her sleep. Which meant, unable to sleep, Billy had spent the night boxing his pillow again. By four o’clock in the morning, he’d given up on sleep and chose to work out at the gym instead. At least the bags there were worth punching. Besides, it would be hours before he could put any of his plans into place.

  At seven he pulled up to the marina beside

  Nick. “Thought you could use a hand.”

  For a few seconds, Nick stood perfectly still, then flashed an approving smile. “You know the routine.”

  Together they walked to the Kona Queen. Billy took a long, deep breath and, following Nick, climbed aboard his dad’s favorite boat for the first time in too many years. Back and forth, gear was unloaded from the shop and piled onto the Kona Queen. Tanks were checked. The camera and equipment barrels were filled with fresh water. Coolers of snacks were brought on board.

  Jonathan arrived a few minutes late, and Billy wished he’d had his phone handy. The startled look on Jonathan’s face would have made great Facebook fodder. To his credit, Jonathan swallowed his surprise and got in step with the workers. He even ventured to ask with total aplomb if Billy would be driving the boat today.

  “Not today,” he’d answered. Not yet. He had a lot to work through still.

  He made two more stops on his way to the hospital to pick up Angela.

  “Good morning! Ready to escape?”

  “Am I ever.” Angela tossed her feet over the side of the bed and shoved off.

  “Ah, ah. You know hospital rules. You have to wait for the orderly with a wheelchair.” Slipping his hands around her waist, he hefted her back onto the bed

  “But I can walk.”

  “I’m sure you can. But rules—”

  “Are rules,” she finished for him.

  “Since you don’t have a car at the moment.” Angela winced. “Please don’t remind me.” “Sorry.” He clipped the tip of her nose. “I’ve planned out the day. First I’ll drop you off at your place so you can change.”

  Angela nodded.

  “While you do that, I’m going to run over to the condo and pick up Adam. Then we’ll come back for you and head to the shop. I have something to take care of. After that I thought we’d have lunch together and play the rest of the day by ear.”

  “Sounds like a well made plan, but I’d just as soon get started.” She shifted on the bed, and he shook his head.

  “Maybe this will help pass the time.” Nudging her knees apart, he stepped into her space, lifted her chin with his index finger, and softly whispered, “you’re beautiful” before his lips came down on hers.

  Slowly, almost timidly, her hands settled on his chest before gliding up to his shoulders and wrapping around his neck. Her lips molded perfectly to his. His tongue teased along the seam of her mouth. Just as he was about to delve into the richness of her kiss, a throat cleared behind him.

  “Excuse me.”

  The last thing he wanted was to back away. He never wanted to let go. But if he ever wanted to make love to his Angel again, she had to leave the hospital. In a wheelchair. Pushed by the smiling young girl now standing beside him.

  “Rules,” she mumbled. “Rules,” they echoed.

  * * *

  If she thought she was confused yesterday, today Angela was completely dumfounded. From the moment she’d found Billy waiting in the hospital hallway, she knew something had happened. That twinkle in his eyes she’d found so transfixing in the photo on the shop wall was back. And she shouldn’t dare hope it had something to do with her. But oh, she hoped.

  The CT scan had not shown any reason for her blacking out other than what she’d already guessed. The endometrial tissue was growing back faster than expected. Early this morning her gynecologist had assured her not enough to close her fertility window. Yet.

  Now she stood in her bathroom freshly showered, dressed, and drying her hair, waiting to be whisked off to who knew what by a side of Billy she hadn’t thought she’d ever get to see.


  Crud. “In here.”

  Billy walked into her room. “I rang. Twice.” “When the hairdryer is on, I can’t hear a thing.”

  “I noticed.” He clipped the tip of her nose.

  Something she might have to get used to from this new Billy. “Jim is driving Adam to the shop. You almost ready?”

  “Not almost.” She turned off the blow dryer and set it in a drawer. “Ready.”

  Buckled into the car, she shifted to face Billy. “So what’s on the itinerary?”

  For a short instant, the newfound gleam in his eyes faded. “I need to take care of something at the shop. At least I hope I can take care of it.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “It could be. I’m hoping I’ve caught it early enough.” His one hand reached over and encircled hers.

  The warmth that shot up her arm and settled in her heart made her want to grin like the village idiot. God, she hoped this meant he was really going to let her into his life. No matter how long it took, she wanted to be an integral part of Billy Everrett’s life.

  They’d barely parked the car when Lexie shot out of the shop and pulled her into a strangling hug as Angela pushed to her feet.

  “I have never been so happy to see anyone in one piece before in my life.” And with that Lexie pulled her into another hug.

  “Come on, ladies.” Billy looped his strong hand around Angela’s arm and gave a light tug. “This is a place of business. Not a lovefest.”

  “Killjoy.” Lexie stepped away and followed them into the shop. “Jim and Adam are in the back waiting for you.”

  “Thanks.” He nodded, holding the door open for her and Lexie. Once inside he leaned into Angela. “Have a seat outside and wish me luck.”

  Slowly Angela made her way to the pool door, keeping an eye on Billy.

  Walking at a slower pace than usual, Billy crossed the room to where Adam sat reading a new book and squatted in front of him. “Hey, sport.”

  Adam grinned up at him. “Hey.”

  “I need your help with something.”

  Adam nodded.

  “It’s not going to be easy for me.”

  The little boy straightened in his seat, suddenly looking much older than his ten years. “I’ve made some wrong choices in my life.

  And it’s time to fix one of them.”

  “Which one?” Adam closed the book he’d been holding.

  “The one where I stopped diving. You see, a friend of mine. A really good friend. Someone I loved like a brother, died in an accident.”

  “Like my dad?”

  “A little. But like your dad, my friend loved the water. We were a team in the navy.”

  “He a diver, too?”

  “He was.”

  “Did he blow up bombs like you?”

  Billy smiled. “He did.”

  “Is that how he died?”

  Swallowing hard, Billy nodded. “But you see, my mistake was I thought since he couldn’t enjoy the water anymore, I shouldn’t either.”

  Listening intently, Adam nibbled on his lower lip.

  “But that wasn’t right. It was the other way around. Joe would have wanted me to go on diving and enjoying the water enough for both of us.” Billy hesitated, giving Adam time to say something. When the boy kept silent, still nibbling on that lower lip, Billy continued. “I’ve decided it’s time to get back to what I love, but it’s going to be a little different for me now.”

  “Because of your leg.”

  “That’s right.” Billy smiled again. “Because of my leg.”

  “So what are you going to do now?”

  “Well, that’s where I need your help.”

  Adam glanced over to the pool and back to


  “Yep. I need to start out slow and easy. I’m going to suit up and head into the pool. I thought you might want to do the same and join me.”

  This time Adam’s gaze shot over to Jim, who gave an encouraging nod, then to the display of kid-size scuba gear. “Just the pool?”

  Billy nodded. “Just the pool.”

  Adam bobbed his head in one curt nod.

  Hand outstretched for Adam to grab, Billy pushed to his feet. “Come on. Let’s get you fitted.”

  Twenty minutes later, Billy and Adam walked out onto the pool patio suited up in matching shorties, pint-sized aluminum air tanks in hand. The wetsuits only coming to his knees, Billy sat near the edge of the pool and removed his prosthesis, holding it out for Angela to take. She had to blink back the tears.

  On the edge of the pool, his leg in the water, Billy slid off the side and turned to face Adam. The boy’s grip on the stone edging tightened. Billy stood on one leg and, arms flailing, teetered unsteadily. Adam’s eyes widened and he lurched into the pool, hurrying to Billy’s side.

  Through the splashing and sluicing water, Angela caught the moment Billy winked at her. A sly smile teased the corners of his mouth. Even she’d been startled when he’d wobbled clumsily. She should have known.

  “Be careful.” Adam leaned against Billy, looking very much like an elf holding up a giant.

  Her heart swelled with so much joy at the sight of man and boy in the water that she could feel the pressure building in her chest.

  Billy could have easily done this without her. Picked her up at her apartment after he’d done what he had to do with Adam. But he hadn’t. He’d brought her with him to share this piece of his life. This change in his life.

  The gesture told her more than any words could. The hope she’d feared to trust bloomed inside her.

  * * *


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