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Page 7

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  Warm hands clasped my cheeks. “Acer? Look at me. Focus on me.” Lips pressed into mine, claiming me in front of the whole common room. Marley kissed me without hesitation, her hands clutched my face to hers, keeping me locked to her in a fierce display of possession.

  My fists uncurled, and my hands found the small of her back, dragging her closer to my frame. The voice of insanity faded into the dark recesses of my mind as I took what Marley offered.

  A round of cheers went up around us and she pulled back, color staining her cheeks.

  “You with me again, handsome?” She asked quietly.

  I gave a slow nod, loosening my hold, I let her take a step back.

  “How did the unfinished one get a female?” Brone boomed loudly, cutting off the cheers.

  The metal on my face heated, my internal cooling sensors malfunctioned as Brone broadcast my inadequacy to the whole room.

  Marley spun around. “He got one by being himself.” She reached back and grabbed my hand, entwining her fingers with mine.

  Brone’s eyes widened as his eyebrows lifted. “You don’t find him lacking or unattractive?”

  “Acer is perfect.” Her words rang out loud and clear, and the flush of embarrassment faded. My female was tiny but mighty, declaring how she saw me to the whole room filled with complete cyborgs. In her eyes, I wasn’t a freak. I was simply hers. I lifted my chin, not hiding my face behind a hood, pride instead of fear filling my frame.

  Her eyes met mine, the green burning with desire. “And in case someone forgot to give you the memo, metal is hot.”

  Brone’s mouth went slack. He took a step closer, leaning in. “By implying that metal is hot I understand that you aren’t referencing temperature, but that you find him sexually appealing, correct?”

  Marley curled her arm around my waist. “I find him very sexually appealing, big guy.” She winked at me and held onto my frame a bit tighter.

  “I hate to interrupt, but there is a kid present.” Aria said as she looked down at Theo, clearly engrossed in the conversation.

  He rolled his eyes. “Mom. I can handle it. I’m not little anymore. My processors have access...”

  Aria threw up her hands. “Stop! I don’t want to know. Let’s just have pancakes. Yes! Pancakes for everybody!” She clapped her hands and pulled Theo to a table, handing him a fork, and shoving a plate of pancakes towards him.

  “What did we miss?” A voice rang out from behind us. Iris breezed up to Marley and me, blue Service Model in tow, her fingers wrapped around Dash’s, a smile on her face. “Aren’t you pretty!” Iris beamed at Marley, her gaze full of appreciation. “Acer did good!” She held her hand in front of my eyes, her five fingers extended as she waited for me to do something. Confusion must have shown on my face because Marley jumped in to help. “She wants a high five.”

  A bald, blue head gave me a nod to confirm. Dash is willingly going to allow me to touch his female?

  The first time I ever met Iris, she held out her hand without hesitation and told me I didn’t have to shake it if it made me uncomfortable. Her kindness was something foreign. For a moment, she reminded me of Marley. Maybe that was why I shook her outstretched hand even though, up until then, I had avoided any type of contact.

  I stared at her hand and slowly raised my own, mimicking the position of her hand. She struck her open palm against mine and gave a happy shout. Truly, this female was odd.

  “I thought you were going to leave me hanging there.” She smiled at me then looked at Marley. “Now, how about we join Theo and Aria for some pancakes, and you can tell me all about yourself.”

  “I’d like that.” Her gaze drifted to Brone. “Would you like to join us? I would still love to know more about you.”

  Brone cocked his head to the side. “You would allow me to join you?”

  She mirrored his movement, tipping her head to the side and looking over his frame with a serious expression on her face. “Were you purposely trying to insult my cyborg?”

  Brone shook his head fiercely. “No. I was simply curious. I am sorry that my curiosity wasn’t worded appropriately.” He waved an arm over his massive frame. “I, too, am different. My size is intimidating to most cyborgs. How would a human female see me and not run in terror if I expressed interest in her?” His gaze dropped to the floor. “Reaper told me it wouldn’t matter. That if a female liked me, she wouldn’t let my size bother her. I thought that he might be right since...” He didn’t finish his sentence. Instead, he shuffled on his feet, his cheeks turning a darker shade of gray.

  Marley slipped from my grasp and dipped down to catch Brone’s eyes. “Since Acer is different and has a female, you thought you might find one that will accept you too?”

  Brone gave a quick nod.

  “You’re big, there’s no hiding that. By my guess, you must be at least seven feet tall.”

  “Seven feet 4 inches to be exact.” Brone supplied.

  Marley let out a deep breath. “Like I said, impressive.” She placed her hand on his arm, and I fought the instinct to tear it free from his frame. The dark voice in my CPU tried pushing its way forward, but I managed to hold it back. I was the cyborg she had kissed. The one she had announced was perfect to the whole the common room. Her touch didn’t signal her desire for Brone. It was simply in her nature to comfort and care for those around her. Her heart far bigger than the small frame holding it.

  “You know what truly matters?” she asked Brone with a soft voice. “How you treat her. How you care for her. Show her your heart, Brone. If you do that, your size won’t matter.”

  Chapter Eleven


  The sound of forks clanking on plates caused a grin to spread across my face. Theo had started quite a trend. Every single cyborg I passed on my way to the table had a stack of pancakes piled a mile-high sitting on their plates. I slid into a chair next to Aria and Acer sat down beside me.

  I looked at the enormous number of pancakes towered on Theo’s plate and a loud rumble roared from my stomach. Everyone at the table, cyborg and human alike, looked at me with wide eyes.

  I felt the tips of my ears grow warm. “Sorry about that. I guess I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now.”

  Iris raised an eyebrow at Acer. “Have you not been feeding your human?”

  Acer bristled. “There have been interruptions.” He tossed a look at Theo and Aria. “Plus, Marley needed time to recover. My human has been through a lot.” His hand found mine under the table and gave it a squeeze.

  God, how had he gotten so good at this? It was like he had downloaded a ‘how to take care of your traumatized girlfriend’ manual to his CPU.

  His free hand grabbed a plate and filled it with pancakes, adding a good dose of maple syrup before putting it front of me. His fingers snagged a fork, and the smell of fresh, hot buttermilk pancakes wafted up from the table. My stomach gave another rumble.

  “Eat, lovely.” He gestured to the plate in front of me.

  I picked up the fork and shoved a bite of pancakes into my mouth, the sugary goodness hit my tongue like a heat-seeking missile, and I groaned.

  “So good.” I sighed before I went back for another bite. Theo looked up from his plate and grinned. I gave him a thumbs up. “Awesome choice.” His gray cheeks darkened slightly with the praise. Conversation sounded around me, and I was happy to just sit here and be among it.

  “So, Marley, how did you meet Acer?” Iris’s voice broke through chatter, and everyone at the table stopped talking and turned their eyes to me.

  A sudden rush of panic gripped me. The guilt of being a MechTechrose like a tidal wave, threatening to drag me under. I could lie. I could make up some story, and I knew Acer would go along with it. I trusted he would understand why I had done so especially after my freak-out earlier. But, did I really want to start out with a lie? A lie that I would have to keep up until one day I broke and admitted the truth. It might be better to treat it like a bandage—rip it off quickly a
nd expose the wound. I could then let it heal into a scar. One that would remind me where I’ve been but would no longer darken what would come.

  Acer’s hand tugged on mine under the table, drawing my gaze to his face. His eyes burned, his frame completely rigid as his mouth pressed into a thin yellow line. “You don’t have tell them anything.”


  Acer stood, taking me with him, the fork still clutched in my hand. “We are leaving.” His tone offered no alternative.

  Iris quickly rose from the table and touched my arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. Acer is right. You don’t have to share anything if you don’t want to.”

  “It’s okay,” I said with a shaky breath. I willed myself to relax. “Promise you won’t hate me?” It was unfair to ask, but I couldn’t stop myself. Iris and Aria seemed so nice. I wanted friends. It had been so long since I had any real friends who cared. Friends who understood that cyborgs deserved love, too.

  Iris dropped her hand, and her eyes narrowed. “Why would I hate you?”

  “Don’t,” Acer growled.

  “It’s okay. I can’t keep this secret forever.” The whole room went deathly quiet. Every single cyborg had their eyes glued to what was going on at our table. With their enhanced hearing, it wouldn’t matter if I whispered; they would hear me no matter what.

  I met some of their eyes, and suddenly I knew some of them already knew what I was about to say. I knew because I recognized them. They remembered me. I scanned their faces, trying to see any trace of hate but found nothing. In fact they all looked almost happy to see me. It gave me the courage I needed.

  “I met Acer back when I was a MechTechfor the Global Allegiance.” The words rushed out faster than I expected. Then, I waited.

  A handful of gasps echoed around me. Iris’s mouth fell open, her hand going for her throat, her fingers gripping it like a lifeline. Her wide, blue eyes stared at me with a look of confusion and horror.

  “Technician,” one of the cyborgs hissed from another table.

  “Acer,” I whispered, stepping closer into the shelter of his frame. One metallic arm went around my waist while his head whipped up to find the cyborg who had shouted at me. It was a dark-purple Technology Model, one I didn’t remember ever working on. His violet eyes flickered with pure rage as he stood from the table and headed straight for me, his long legs eating up the distance between us.

  Acer pushed me behind him, using his frame as a shield.

  “Move,” the Technology Model growled.

  “No.” Acer snarled his fists curling. His frame seemed to expand in front of me, blocking me from view of the Technology Model.

  “You protect one of them?” Disgust dripped from the Technology Model’s voice.

  “She’s not one of them!” Acer moved faster than I could blink. He grabbed the Technology Model by the neck, his metal fingers wrapping around his purple throat like a vice. “She’s mine!” The voice that came out of Acer was almost unrecognizable. Deep and low, the force of it rattled the dishes on the table. Fighting the Technology Model over me was a sure-fire way not to win any friends.

  “Please put him down,” I said softly.

  Acer twisted his head around, his golden eyes rimmed with black. Never in all my years as a MechTechhad I ever seen eyes like that. Normally, when a cyborg’s eyes went black, it meant their processors went offline. Usually due to engaging their off switch, or in the worst-case scenario, they were offline for good.

  Acer’s eyes were something new. The black seeped into the gold like spilled ink, taking over swirl by swirl, a darkness invading the light. The sight sent a wave of unease through me. The MechTechin me knew that something was wrong, but I couldn’t investigate that right at this moment. Not when my Sunshine had a Technology Model pinned by the neck.

  “Acer, I need you to let him go.” The Technology Model’s amethyst eyes flashed. I saw the look of confusion on his purple face. I ignored it. He could hate me. I refused to hate him in return. I understood why he thought I was the enemy. I guessed every MechTechhe had ever seen hurt or abused him.

  He let out a roar in the Technology Model’s face then dropped him. The purple cyborg hit the floor with a hard thud. Acer didn’t retreat. He towered over him, his massive frame coiled and ready for another strike if the Technology Model decided to make trouble.

  His broad shoulders shook with barely-contained rage. “That MechTechis the only reason your head is still attached to your frame. You owe her your life, Torque.” Acer leaned down, his uncovered face getting up and close and personal with the Technology Model’s. “You’d be wise to remember that.”

  “You should listen to him Torque.” A new voice added. A voice I recognized. A voice I’d never thought I’d hear again.

  My head swung in the direction of the cyborg whose face I knew so well. I had literally put it back together after a round of testing had fried his CPU, causing massive damage to his face and skull. 578 453 had been the one to sneak me footage of the technicians daring to punch one of the cyborgs. The files that I guarded with my life had allowed me some satisfaction against the cruel technicians who got a taste of their own medicine.

  578 453 was, by far, the smartest and most impressive Technology Model I ever met. No one could crack a code or hack a system like he could. His processors were a thing of beauty. For a cyborg geek like me, I wanted to spend days exploring what went on in that brilliant head of his.

  I moved from behind Acer and stared at the face I had put back together. “578 453,” I whispered.

  His gaze sought mine, and a smile broke out on his dark purple face. “You remember my number.”

  I returned his smile. “Of course. How could I forget the smartest Technology Model I have ever met?”

  “Hey,” The Technology Model, still pinned by Acer’s towering frame, exclaimed.

  I turned my gaze to him. “I have never met you.” I glared at him. “Besides, I am pretty sure you were not charging over here to shake my hand.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You were a technician. What did you expect, a fucking hug?”

  “She deserves more than a fucking hug,” Acer spat out.

  “You got that right,” 578 453 echoed. “Got one for me?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  I busted out laughing. 578 453 had always been a flirt, at least with me. I think he did it simply to make me smile. Smiles were hard to come by when caught in the Global Allegiance’s web.

  “Any part of your frame that contacts with Marley, I will sever, Viper,” Acer warned with a low rumble coming from his chest.

  I reached for Acer’s s hand. “He’s teasing,” I reassured Acer. “Viper?” I asked. He nodded. “I like it.”

  Viper moved closer but kept a watchful eye on Acer, making sure he stayed far enough away that he wasn’t touching me. “Don’t worry, Acer, I happen to like all my parts attached to my frame. Hard to hack systems without hands.” He put his hands up in mock surrender.

  A well of tears sprung up. I stared at Viper and thanked God for saving my friend. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” my voice cracked, and tears filled my eyes. I swatted at them with the back of my hand, trying to keep them from falling.

  “For her, I’m willing to risk losing a hand.” As quick as a flash of lightening, his purple fingers captured my hand, engulfing it within his larger palm. “Had to make sure you were real,” he said quickly, then he let go. The rumble of Acer’s growls had Viper quickly taking a step back.

  I rose on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to Acer’s cheek. “Stop. He’s just a friend.” I looked out into the common room and met the eyes of others I remembered. Every single one of them gave me a smile. “I didn’t think I’d see any of you again.”

  The tears flowed freely as I stared at the cyborgs who had become my friends. Whose frames I put back together, whose processors I saved by working for hours, refusing to give up on them. Whose souls I saw behind the metal, connections, and wires. />
  “You all look so good.” Joy bubbled up, and suddenly I didn’t care that some of those here would hate me. Let them. I could live with their hate knowing I had others who I could call friends. Friends who were now free and safe from the all the horrors they had known.

  “Viper touched her.” Iris said behind me.

  “Willingly.” Aria added.

  In all the chaos of the past few minutes, I had completely forgotten them.

  “She must be good, then,” Theo announced loudly.

  From another table, a Military Model stood. “She is,” he said. “MechTechMarley treated my injuries after a brutal training session. She ignored the other technicians when they suggested I should be terminated. Instead, she worked through the night, refusing to give up.” His voice broke. “I would have never known freedom if it wasn’t for her.”

  Another stood. This time, is was a red Medical Model. “I had a defect. I hid it knowing I’d be terminated, but during a routine processor check, it was discovered by her.” His ruby eyes sought mine. “Engineer Marley fixed my defect and never revealed it to the Global Allegiance, saving my life.” He dipped his head in my direction. “I’m grateful I get to finally say thank you.”

  One by one, cyborgs stood from each table and told their story of how I helped them. I couldn’t stop the flow of tears cascading down my cheeks. I had never known what I did had such an impact. In my heart, I wasn’t anything special. I only treated them like they should be treated—with respect, care, and kindness.

  Blood and bone or metal and circuits. Why did it matter what we had beneath our skin? What mattered was that in the all the ways it truly counted, cyborgs were the same as humans. The Global Allegiance declared it a flaw. I believed it was something miraculous.

  Viper glared at Torque then turned his glare on every other cyborg who, by the look on their faces, weren’t happy a MechTechnow lived among them.


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