Book Read Free


Page 17

by Kelsey Nicole Price

I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe not. You could try dreaming.

  Cyborgs don’t dream.

  The voice gave another chuckle.

  We do when the humans we bond to do. And currently, she’s dreaming of you. You may want to get in there. It appears to be the first time I-you-, the voice sighed. We met.


  Follow the bond. It will always lead you to her, no matter where she goes.

  The voice suddenly silenced, leaving nothing but quiet inside my head. Follow the bond huh? Not exactly the best directions, but I could try. I dimmed the lights in my eyes and quieted my processors, focusing all my circuits on finding my female. A hazy image came into view. I drew closer, the world falling away as I slipped into her dream.

  I sat on a cold exam table; my feet dangled over the edge. A cool breeze drifted over my frame and I shivered. I glanced down. I wasn’t wearing any clothes.

  My eyes darted around the room, but I didn’t see anything to wear in sight. I also noticed, with a small amount of horror, the walls of the room weren’t walls at all. They were glass panels, completely transparent and my naked frame was on display for anyone who walked by.

  I slapped a hand over my cock, trying to at least cover that part of me. I heard a laugh sound next to me.

  “Feeling shy, cyborg?”

  My head twisted to the side, and I saw a service model perched on another exam table. He wasn’t clothed either. My eyes drifted over his bare blue frame, but quickly shot up after I got a peek at what he was packing below the waist.

  Another laugh burst from his lips. “Go ahead and take a look. Everyone else does. That’s what I was built for.”

  I shook my head. Nope, not happening.

  A door opened and in walked a female. “Marley,” I whispered. It really was her. Her head buried in a pile of papers, a hum coming from her lips. She no longer appeared to be far too thin, her body filled out the simple, tunic-style dress she wore. She wore a white lab coat over the dress, and her honey-colored hair pulled back in a messy bun. Strands fell around her cheeks; she blew out a breath trying to get them off her face.

  Her eyes landed on the Service Model, first. A smile spread across her face, then it was gone. She nervously looked up, and I followed her eyes, seeing a video camera attached to the ceiling.

  I scanned the ceiling and found three more. Someone watched us.

  She turned her eyes to me, and I saw her suck in a breath. It was slight, but being a cyborg, I noticed it. She ignored the Service Model and walked to me. Her gaze washed over my frame, not one ounce of disgust in it. Instead, I felt something spark between us and, she nearly tripped on a box on the floor.

  “Whoops. I can be so clumsy.”

  A cruel laugh echoed from behind her. “Clumsy, huh? Are you sure it’s that and not because of all this cyborg cock hanging out in the open? Dear god, I really wish they would at least throw a sheet over it or something. Who wants to see a blue or yellow dick? Or, maybe that’s your problem, MechTech Marley. Do you enjoy seeing blue and yellow dick?” The man cupped the front of his pants. “If you do, I think you need a real man to show you why metal cock can’t compare to the real thing.”

  I released a low growl.

  The man laughed. “It doesn’t like that. What’s the matter 763 893? Think you got a shot with this one?” The male gave Marley a shove, sending her closer to my table. “Keep dreaming, test model. No one is ever going to want to fuck you. You look like some sick science experiment gone wrong.”

  “MechTech Miller, you will shut your mouth and leave MechTech Marley to complete her assignment.” A voice ordered from above. “She is far more brilliant than you will ever be. Maybe you need some time working in the spare parts wing?”

  The man paled. “No, sir. I’m just leaving.”

  Marley’s cheeks stained bright-red. “Sorry about that.” Her gaze dropped to something attached to my exam table. “763 893, correct?” she asked softly.

  My number. I shifted uncomfortably on the table. “Yes.”

  The corners of her lips turned up. Her back was facing the door, and with her head down, I didn’t think the cameras would catch her if she dared a smile. “I didn’t know I would meet a new model today. I am MechTech Marley.” Her blush deepened. “But, I guess you already know that now, huh? She looked down at the paperwork in her hand. “Ah, here you are. You are getting a full diagnostic done today. Don’t worry. I’ll make it quick.”

  Her hands touched a spot on my skull, and I felt a panel slide open to reveal the internal workings of my processors. “It’s kind of a mess in here, 763 893. Just what have you been getting into?” She blasted me with a full smile and my heart stuttered inside my chest.

  She pulled a tool from her pocket, and her smile fell. “This might hurt,” she said softly. She shifted her body, so she was further blocking the camera’s view. Her hand reached forward and grasped mine. “I am sorry,” she said so low, only a cyborg would have been able to hear.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered back as I squeezed her hand gently. Her eyes went wide and glanced down at the sight of our hands locked together.

  This was the first time I ever held her hand. Emotion surged in my chest and a warmth settled where only moments before I knew only cold.

  Marley had been right. It hurt like hell, but she never released my hand the whole time. She closed the panel and put the tool back in her pocket. “All done. It was a bit of a disaster in there, but I fixed it. Maybe I’ll see you again. You never know around here.”

  Bits of a song, mixed with a hum, fell her lips as she moved towards the door. “You” She risked a glance over her shoulder and her eyes warmed, sparkling under the harsh lights.

  I dipped my chin. “Until then.”

  Fog swirled as the dream vanished; the old versions of Marley and me slipping away, leading us to the present where we lay snuggled together.

  Her eyes opened slowly as she placed a kiss on my chest. “I always wanted to do so much more than touch your hand.”

  “You worked for the Global Allegiance.” Maybe the knowledge should have stung, but it didn’t. By the way the other MechTech treated me, I confirmed my time there wasn’t anything pleasant. Knowing my female worked for them didn’t change anything.

  She sighed, her warm breath ghosting over my skin. “I wish I hadn’t, Sunshine. I am happy you got to share the memory of how we met, but I wish with all my heart that it hadn’t been there. You don’t remember.” She shook her head, her hair tickling my bare chest. “It was awful, the way they treated the cyborgs. The way they treated you. None of you deserved that.”

  “They didn’t treat you any better. I saw, and heard, how that man treated you.” I nuzzled the top of her head. “You were the only one who held my hand. You tried to lessen my pain. What would have happened if you had been caught?” I squeezed her to my frame a bit tighter. “Nothing good, I imagine.”

  “It’s over, Acer. I don’t want to waste another minute on those bastards. Our future is waiting for us, Sunshine. Let’s chase it.”

  I caught her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze like I had done inside her dream. “Together.”

  “Together,” she affirmed.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I stared dreamily at Acer for the hundredth time today. His head thrown back as he laughed at something Viper said. He rocked his signature hoodie, but unzipped it, showing off a navy t-shirt underneath. The hood remained against his back, he no longer felt the need to hide his face behind it.

  It had been two weeks since the wipe. Every day we got closer, the bond growing stronger as the other cyborgs adjusted to the updated version of Acer. Reaper informed them about what happened, and they no longer stared at him like he malfunctioned. Instead, they embraced his happier, more carefree version who was now always willing to help.

  The first cyborg he had offered to help almost passed out. It had been hilarious. Now they expect it
and are genuinely glad to have it. We spend a lot of time in the lab. Rust became a dear friend, and Acer made it his mission to do whatever he could to be there for the Medical Model. I knew he still struggled with a heavy dose of guilt, but the time he spent with Rust seemed to lift the weight a little each day.

  Next stop, the lab. First, we stopped for breakfast in the common room. Acer didn’t like how thin I was; he actively tried to fatten me up. I glanced down at my stomach. A little bulge peeked out above my waistband. I guess his plan was working. A sudden stabbing pain shot through my abdomen; I doubled over at the table, letting out a cry.

  “Marley!” I heard Acer roar before he leapt from his seat and rushed to my side. Another wave of pain struck, and I fisted a handful of his t-shirt, clinging to it as I rode it out the wave.

  “Help! My female needs help!”

  The room erupted into chaos; Acer slid his arm under my knees and scooped me up from the table, panic flashing wildly across his eyes.

  “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”

  A blur of gray raced to the common room door, flinging it open. “This way! She needs Dax!” I dimly recognized that the voice belonged to Brone.

  “Move, cyborg!” Viper barked and all three of us were out the door so fast I didn’t have time to blink. Cradled in Acer’s arms, he ran, a blur of yellow with a blur of purple right next to him.

  Viper slammed his finger against his communicator. “Dax, we are coming in hot. Something is wrong with Marley. Get Dr. Shaw and be ready!”

  “On it!” Dax replied.

  I clawed at the fabric of Acer’s shirt, watching in horror as something inside my stomach moved. “Acer, faster.” I pleaded.

  He followed my gaze and the look of horror I knew plastered across my face reflected on his.

  I couldn’t stand looking at whatever moved inside me, so I buried my head in his chest, silent tears streaming down my face as Acer pushed himself harder, Viper hot on his heels.

  I only knew we made it to the lab when I heard Dax’s voice barking out an order. “Put her the table.”

  I clung to Acer’s arms, shaking my head. If I was going to die, I wanted it to be in his arms, not on some cold exam table.

  “It’s okay. I’ll be right here. Dax needs to see you. He can help you.”

  I nodded, but before he could set me down, a wave of fire ripped apart my belly. My hands automatically tightened around Acer’s arms, shredding the sleeves of his hoodie as my body bowed, and I let out a blood curdling scream.

  Something cold pressed against my neck, and Acer’s face blurred before my eyes. “No,” I whimpered, trying to fight off whatever drug I had been given. “If...”

  “Shh, rest now.” Acer’s cool fingers brushed off the hair my sweat soaked forehead.

  “Nooo...” my speech started to slur... “If I don’t you.”

  Once the words were out I stopped fighting and slipped into the welcome relief of nothing but pure blackness.


  Marley lay pale and limp in my arms; inside my chest, my heart came to a complete stop. It only restarted when my processors detected the steady beat of her heart and the sound of her breathing.

  I couldn’t bring myself to set her on the table. Dax and Viper were the ones to take her from my arms and lay her down.

  Dr. Shaw was at the edge of the table, ready with a scanner in her hand. She moved it over Marley slowly.

  “When did the symptoms begin?” I heard a loud beep, and Dr. Shaw’s brow creased. There was confusion clear on her face.

  I wanted to ask why, but a strong hand landed on my arm. “To help Marley, you need to answer, Acer.” Dax implored softly.

  “Mere minutes ago, in the common room. She had been fine, and she suddenly cried out in pain and clutched her stomach. She cried out again while in my arms, and she saw something moving inside her.”

  Viper’s mouth fell open first followed by Dax’s.

  I looked at them and then at Dr. Shaw. “I wouldn’t have believed it, but I saw it too.”

  All of us turned our attention towards her stomach and waited. It gave a soft flutter. “See?” I pointed at it even though I knew they were seeing the same thing I was. “There! But before, the movement was stronger.”

  Dr. Shaw looked back at the scanner and then at me. “Acer, I would like you put your hand on her stomach, please.”

  I reached out my hand, but quickly yanked it back. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

  Dr. Shaw patted my shoulder. “You won’t. Trust me.”

  I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. I gently placed my palm on top of Marley’s stomach and watched her face in case it appeared to pain her. Nothing. She didn’t whimper or cry out, so the breath I had taken I exhaled in relief. It was short-lived.

  Something hard struck my palm. I pulled my hand back like it caught fire. “What is it?” I growled.

  “According to the scanner, it’s registering a cyborg in the initial stages of development.”

  “That’s not possible. Cyborgs are created in a vat, not born.” Dax said, shaking his head. “Except for...”

  “Theo.” Viper supplied.

  “Marley was rescued from the same place that crazy doctor held Reaper and Theo. The same place Dr. Rosenfield used to conduct and carry out her vile experiments after we destroyed her first location while freeing Aria, Dash, and Iris. We know from Aria of Dr. Rosenfield’s experiments. We know that she had one success—Theo. What if...”

  “She did the same thing to Marley,” Dax finished.

  “And it worked,” a new voice added.

  All our heads turned to see Rust leaning against a doorway. His ruby eyes glued to Marley’s still frame on the table. He took a step in our direction, his red hands wringing together.

  “I had hoped...” He shook his head before he hung it. “I am sorry. I failed her.” He lifted his eyes and sought mine. “I failed you both.”

  I looked around at the grim expression mirrored on every face. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Dr. Shaw’s eyes moved over Marley, her face moving from grim to sad. “Human females aren’t designed to carry cyborgs, but Dr. Rosenfield used them as incubators anyway. The process killed both the females and the cyborg child they carried. Theo’s the only one to survive the process, and Dax and I don’t have a clue how it happened. He is an exception, Acer. Do you understand?”

  I understood. The thing inside Marley would kill her. I didn’t care that it was a cyborg. I wanted it gone. Nothing threatened my female. My eyes flashed. “Get it out,” I ordered. “I don’t care what it takes. Get it out of her!”

  “But it’s...” Dax started.

  I grabbed him by the shoulders. “I don’t fucking care! It is killing her! I won’t lose her to some sick attempt to make more cyborgs by some crazy doctor.” I pointed a finger at her stomach. “Whatever is in there is not one of us. It’s an abomination of science.”

  Disbelief and horror raced across their faces, as they all took a step back from me.

  My hands curled into fists. “Don’t look at me like that!”

  “Acer is right.” Rust spoke up. “The likelihood of Marley and the cyborg child surviving is slim to none.” He leveled a look at Dax and Dr. Shaw. “If the two most brilliant minds I have ever met haven’t figured out how Theo managed to survive, we don’t stand a chance to somehow figure this out in time to save them. We have a couple of months at best. The gestation of the cyborg moves rapidly and we don’t have an exact date for when it was implanted.”

  Dr. Shaw looked at Marley. “We are arguing over something that we have no right to. The choice belongs to Marley. It’s her body. Wake her up, Dax. We let her choose.”

  I took her hand while Dax pressed the injector against her neck and could only watch as her eyes popped open, fear still swimming in them.

  My shoulders drew tight, the fingers that held her hand trembled slightly.

  She felt the tremble in my
hand and her eyebrows furrowed. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  Chapter Thirty


  I felt the tremble in Acer’s fingers and watched his eyes flicker with fear. I looked around at the other people gathered around my table, and they all wore solemn expressions. Yeah, I had no illusions that what I would hear was good news.

  I watched Acer’s mouth move, watched the anguish pass over his features. ‘Dr. Rosenfield. Experiment. Implantation. Small cyborg. Slim chance for either of you to survive.’

  “Marley, we need to remove it. It’s the only way to save you.” Acer’s voice pleaded.

  My free hand drifted to my stomach. A sharp kick to my insides caused me to gasp. It wasn’t some infection coursing through my bloodstream or a disease destroying my insides.

  It was a cyborg.

  A small cyborg who needed me to protect it. An image of Theo flashed in my mind. What if the small cyborg inside me is like him? How could I live with myself if I gave up on him to save myself?

  The truth was, I couldn’t.

  My eyes filled with tears as the hold on my stomach tightened protectively. “I can’t, Sunshine. I just can’t.” I choked on the words, knowing full-well I could be choosing the life inside me over my future with the cyborg I loved.

  He released my hand and backed away from the table.

  I reached out to him, my outstretched fingers looking for his. “Please, I can’t do this alone.”

  He stared at my hand but never took it, instead, he turned from me, fleeing out the lab door like he couldn’t escape me fast enough.

  My hand fell back down to the table, cold and empty. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and drew my knees up tight, curling into a ball. Sobs shook my shoulders, and someone began to rub my back, trying to offer me comfort.

  “Give him time,” Dr. Shaw whispered.

  The problem was, I didn’t know how much time I had left. I started to cry harder.

  A set of purple arms scooped me up from the table, and I found myself settled against a warm chest. “Shh, I’ve got you.” A large hand stroked my hair as I drenched Viper’s shirt with my tears. The Technology Model didn’t offer a single complaint, simply allowing me to fall apart in his arms.


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