Crimson Warrior

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Crimson Warrior Page 3

by Amanda McLaren

  “Who’s Fay?”

  “My little sister, a priestess, who I left at the temple so she could be safe. I can’t protect her now either. I left you here with the woman I love so you can live your life as a child, not die as an Azhi slave or victim, or get kidnapped or…all those terrible things that happened to me.”

  “…You didn’t want me.” He said quietly, weakly, as the boy stumbled backward.

  “Yes, Vortix, I did.” I said very carefully, standing up and reaching for him. Vortix backed further away from me, making me feel as if my heart were about to burst into tiny pieces as I went on. “I wanted you. It wasn’t my choice. I can’t take care of you, and you weren’t safe – you’ll never be safe with me. I even tried to remain here to raise you. Because I’m a Templar, an Azhi almost killed Callie and attempted to kidnap you, so I left to protect you both.”

  “So if you want me, why won’t you train me?”

  “I don’t want you to go through what I did. I want you to have a better life than I did.”

  “I don’t mind getting beat up.” The kid protested hotly, reminding me of myself in the back of my mind.

  “It’s not just getting my ass kicked.” I told him evenly, trying to keep calm and speak to him about this instead of yelling at him. “I’ve almost died so many times I lost count soon after I began training. I’ve lost my memories three times. I sleep with one eye open and will never stay with the woman I love. Recently, I’ve lost the soul to the creature I’ve sworn to protect mankind from. Vortix, the only reason that Azhi in there isn’t killing you is because our bond forces her to care about me. She’s not so bad anymore, but it’s a constant battle to remain her equal. I face dangers you couldn’t even imagine. Those little necklaces are from –” I stopped myself just in time before saying Dahaka and replaced it with “The Fallen One. We have to figure out how he…um…”

  “Isn’t he trapped?”

  “Err, yeah…but he’s out now, or at least he’s found a way to work trapped.” I stated carefully. “We don’t exactly know how he’s influencing the Azhi, but he is, because those necklaces can only have come from him.” I answered. I turned away, no longer interested in this. He was changing the subject.

  “Wait.” Vortix grabbed me, looking up at me with pleading eyes. “Do you…do you love me?”

  “Very much Vortix.” I answered softly. “Now listen to me carefully. I want you to stay here. Learn to be a militia warrior like Callie-”

  “No.” He stated firmly, a new fire in his eyes. “I’m going to learn to be even better of a militia commander than Mom…and a great warrior like you.” He returned to pick up his sword and begin going through stances. I noticed for the first time that it was a blend between the way Templars and the militia in Whitestone fought.

  Huh. I might want to incorporate some new moves into my fighting style too…but that sword is so damn heavy. I can’t move right with it.

  Sanquility came outside to see Vortix practicing. “Did you tell him?”

  “Yep. He…I think he understands. He said he’s going to train to be a better warrior than Callie and I.”

  She gave a booming laugh. “He’s your son alright. Only nine years old and already wants to be the strongest.”

  “Hey, I was thinking…I want to learn how to fight Monobi style, but that sword is so damn heavy I don’t know if I can. The little I remember about it suggests they’re quick on their feet.”

  “…I’ll handle that.” She told me gently, leaning forward to give me a kiss. I glanced at Vortix and stepped away from it. She frowned, looked at the boy and sighed. “Fine. I’ll be back, okay? I want to scout the area for Templars. They’ll be sending people out, and I want to know how far they are.”

  “…right. I, uh…I’ll…”

  “Enjoy Callie’s company of course.” She suggested gently as she walked away.

  …Yeah. I’ll enjoy Callie’s company.

  I went inside to find her cleaning up around the house. I wasn’t too good at the cleaning thing, so I sat in a chair to simply watch, trying to think of what to say. It all felt so strange, sitting here watching her. It was peaceful, yet somehow slightly unnerving.

  “Uh, you…want something to drink?” Callie asked uneasily.

  “No. I’m fine.” I replied passively.

  The silence went on as she washed dishes. Finally, unable to take the awkward silence, I marched over to wrap my arms around her and kiss the back of her neck. Callie snickered.

  “I’m cleaning.”

  “Well I haven’t seen you in forever. You can clean after Sanquility gets back.” I told her in a very quiet, sultry voice.

  With a strange sigh, Callie set down the dish she was washing to turn around and meet my eyes. “Xia, the love of my life, listen to me.”

  My gut twisted at the look on her face. Before she even went on I knew what would come out of her mouth.

  “You’re married now, Xia. We can’t be fooling around.”

  “We’re not fooling around.” I replied firmly, feeling my eyebrows crunch. “I fool around with Sanquility because I can’t stop myself. I make love with you.”

  “I’ve seen you two. Like it or not, the bond is strong. It’s not far from love, and even if it wasn’t, it isn’t right to cheat on your wife.”

  “She said it is fine.”

  “But she doesn’t feel that way.”

  “She told me to spend time with you.”

  “That doesn’t have to be sex.”

  I opened my mouth to protest – I missed Callie’s hands more than anything – but shut it when I saw that look on her face.

  I’m not going to win this, am I?

  With a great effort, I took my hands off her. “If this is what you want, Callie. Though I have to say, if I’d known the last time we fucked was last time, I wouldn’t have stopped so soon.”

  “…Xia, we started at dawn and didn’t stop until dusk. It was only interrupted by a nap and lunch.”

  “Well I could have skipped lunch.” I said with a half-smile.

  Callie gave a little laugh. “If you say so. Look, while Sanquility’s off being an Azhi, why don’t we pretend you’re on a usual visit?”

  “Because you just said no.” I told her cheekily. “We could train though.”

  Callie gave a rogue smile. “Maybe I can get you on your back this time.”

  “Good luck trying.” I sneered back playfully.

  The woman dropped her housework and went out back with me, where we did the next best thing to sex; sparring. This time I paid close attention to the way she fought me, so I could learn from her fighting style. Sanquility would return around the time the sun set, but until then it was just her, me and two swords.

  Chapter Two

  Priestess of the Fallen

  Mid-Summer, Year of the Bear, 200 ATF,

  I have some huge news. News I refused to write down, but realized was ridiculous to not record. It happened, like it or not…

  I’ve been chased from Fay into a life of exile. I’m no longer welcome in Taiyuan City where my sister and I were raised. I’m no longer a Templar. To all but Fay, I am the puppet of Sanquility Anshumali. Now I’m living with a family in a small village, a family I refuse to mention in these pages should something happen to me. If I’m reading this because of amnesia, I’m sure Anshumali has already explained who they are. If not, ask – or command – her to do so. Just to remind you, her soul name allows you to force her, but I don’t recommend using it for just anything; it’s agonizing for us both.

  I at last told my son that I’m his mother, though I’ll never let him know of Quinn, or how he was conceived. It isn’t right to burden a nine-year-old child like that. The kid’s begged me to train him, to take him with me when I leave, but I refuse. I can’t put him in danger like that. He swore to me that he’d become the best swordsman the village has ever seen. Hopefully he never leaves this tiny hamlet, and nothing too dangerous seeks him out.

miss Fay. I wish I could see her smile at me one more time. I would settle for one of her countless scolding lectures about safety and not respecting the gods enough. I want to hold her in my arms and protect her from the evil gathering around us. I miss her, because wherever she is…that’s my home.

  “Xia?” Sanquility’s voice made me jump a little. I tried to slow down my racing heart at the sight of her, but didn’t quite stop the smile. “Are you ready to leave yet?”

  I looked up toward the pasture, hoping to see the black stallion had left. At the sight of the unicorn, my heart squeezed painfully.

  He’s still there. I was hoping that he’d leave before we were ready. At least he gave us four blissful days.

  I glanced toward Vortix, who was playing fetch with Al’re. When I wasn’t training Al’re in war, they were joined to the hip. “…Should I leave the dog here?”

  Sanquility cocked her head. “I’ll ask Al’re. I speak dog as well as wolf. The common animal tongues aren’t any more difficult than human to learn.”

  She set down the string of huge fish she’d caught, became a black wolf and trotted over, barking like a dog at Al’re. Both Vortix and the dog stopped dead to stare at her like she’d gone mad. Al’re and her barked back and forth. Al’re gave a fury of angry barking before racing up to me and jumping into my lap to lick all over me.

  Swearing angrily, I shoved the dog off me. “Down!”

  Al’re happily lain down, staring up at me lovingly like I’d not just scolded him. Sanquility became a human, laughing her ass off.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “The dog’s mouth! That pup has spunk! You’re training him well, Xia.”

  I blinked over her curiously. “What did he say?”

  “He called me an old she-wolf bitch. The rest I’m not repeating in front of a nine-year old child.”

  I tossed the dog a scrap of meat, making him even happier. Vortix hesitantly came over. “Was Sanquility mean to Al’re?”

  “No. She was giving him the option to stay here and protect you. He apparently has no respect for his elders and certainly doesn’t want to stay behind.”

  Vortix shrugged. “I could have told you that. He just likes to play with me. Al’re’s your dog, not mine. But…if you can find one like him,”

  “If Callie says yes.” I answered instantly. “Go get your mom. I want to say good-bye to you two.”

  “…yes mother.” He muttered, baby-stepping toward the house, but I doubted he’d fetch her too quickly.

  Sanquility handed me a metal black bar surprising light in weight. I gave her a ‘what the fuck’ look. With a smile, she winked. “Twist and pull.”

  With a cocked eyebrow, I looked down; set my hands on either end. Twisting until I heard a click, I pulled hard – with the sound of steel against steel, two blades slid free of their sheath. I stared at it in utter disbelief.

  Sanquility gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Happy anniversary.”


  “Six months ago, we forged a bond. This is the longest relationship I’ve ever been in, and the first I’ve ever felt this way. You…you’re a special human, Kariken. Thank you for not killing me, and not refusing this bond.”

  My cheeks flushed deep red as I realized I’d completely forgotten. I stuttered out the words “I-I, uh – I didn’t get you anything,”

  She snorted, waving her hand like it didn’t matter. “I didn’t expect anything. You’ve been a little preoccupied. It wouldn’t have been easy to remember.”

  “…So how did you?”

  “How could I forget the day I met you, Xia?” She stated quietly, with such feeling I forgot I didn’t want to like the Azhi. I sheathed the weapon to throw my arms around her and give her a tight hug far beyond foreplay, and relaxed completely for the first time in her embrace. I breathed in the smell of sunshine, fish and water off her, the slight scent of singed fur I’d grown to secretly adore.

  “You smell so good,” I whispered quietly.

  Sanquility gave a snort. “So do you.”

  The sound of hooves pounding on the earth and the brush of wings followed Sanquility releasing me. “Sybel? Ryeger? What in the Abyss are you doing here?”

  I whirled around with a sick stomach. “Where the fuck is my sister?” I snarled, unsheathing my weapon. Al’re was between us in half a heartbeat, snarling at those I’d raised my new blades to.

  “Fay’s been kidnapped!” Sybel shouted from a safe distance.

  Redemption trotted over to me, offering his back. I felt Callie and Vortix hanging back.


  “NO!! We didn’t let it happen!” Ryeger cried out hastily, his waving hands almost spooking his mount. “We woke up to find the priest dead, the priestess gone and your sister missing! We think they were training together and something took them! We’ve sent Templars to every city in every direction searching for you and them!”

  “Why me?! I wouldn’t take my own sister and I have no use for some priestess!”


  “We think Lyrea and Quinn took them.” Sybel finished with utter dread in her voice. “As well as several very old books and all the amulets we’ve collected.”

  “IDIOTS!!” I threw myself into Redemption’s saddle. “Callie, I have something to take care of. Apparently everything falls apart the moment I turn my fucking back on these children!”

  Sanquility handed me Al’re and took her place behind me, holding on.

  Sybil snapped “We’re not children, Xia. We’d just come back with a dead comrade. She asked to be alone to grieve, so we left her to sleep. Are we not supposed to sleep now?”

  “Where do you think they’re headed?” I snapped out angrily. “Redemption needs a destination.”

  “I don’t know.” She stated guiltily. “It’s hard to track them down without knowing who took them.”

  Sanquility gave a heavy sigh. “Where are you looking?”

  “All the closest villages, the planes and the foothills.”

  So they’re randomly searching this entire continent up to Mist Peak – and want me to think of them as more than children!

  “We’ll head toward the Mist Peak Mountain range. If it was an Azhi who took them, they’ll head outside the spread of the Seven. The land beyond those mountains is still dominated by Azhi.” Sanquility decided.

  Sybil nodded in agreement. “We’ll go with you in case you encounter something,”

  “No.” I stated firmly as Redemption snorted and stomped a hoof, beginning to get impatient. “You need to protect the city. From what I’ve heard, you’ve left the city up to the palace guard. They’re not used to handling Azhi and Templars are trained to do it. What do you think is going to happen if they attack it?”

  Eyes huge with realization, the two kicked their winged horses into the sky as Redemption threw back his head and took off so suddenly I nearly fell backward. Regaining myself, I leaned forward and held on; the black stallion knew where we were going – I just hoped we weren’t already too late.

  I swore as Redemption pulled to a stop near a grove of trees pressed against a rock outcropping. Sanquility dismounted and tugged me down, as little as I liked the idea. I put Al’re down and immediately fed the pup as Sanquility quietly set camp. About the time she was done, Redemption was clean and fast asleep.

  We nibbled silently on salted fish. I pulled out a flask of whisky and took a swig; Sanquility snatched it away from me.


  “Now’s not the time to drink.” The tone of her voice told me I was getting nowhere with an argument, but I wasn’t going to give up without trying.

  “I won’t get drunk.”

  “Kariken, please; alcohol clouds your mind. Besides, you seem to always drink a little too much. It’s why I carry water instead.”


  “Whatever.” I stood and began to
practice with my new weapon. After only a couple minutes Sanquility heaved a sigh.

  “It’s dark, Kari. We should rest.”

  “I’m not tired.” I protested hotly. “I need something to do.”

  She watched me a moment. “If you must practice, you should do it right. Let me show you how. Come in the firelight; to train we have to see.”

  I inched closer as she took an entirely different stance than I was used to seeing. I blinked at her; she looked pretty damn open. She showed me how to stand, then began different simple stances and movements I came to realize in the back of my mind were brand new.

  I was learning an entirely new way to fight. The movement was faster, with a different kind of flow. Though it seemed more on the defensive than offensive, I didn’t ponder it much. My body was moving; I was focused, and that was what I needed right now.

  “Enough.” Sanquility muttered almost silently when I tripped over my own feet trying to spin in a circle. “You’re dead on your feet. It’s time for bed.”

  Too tired to protest, I tied Al’re to my wrist to protect us both. Sanquility laid the other way. I blinked over at her. “Um…San?”


  “…why are you way over there?”

  She glanced over with a raised eyebrow. “I can’t get any closer, Kari.”

  “Yes, you can.” I snapped angrily. “You could stop being a bitch and hold me.”

  The Azhi snorted as if I were ridiculous, but turned around and held me either way. I coiled up into her chest. Though I’d held the tears of fear for my sister back all day, they burst now, in her arms. She held me tighter, silent but comforting. It was like this I finally drifted off into terrible night terrors about finding Fay dead.

  Sanquility circled the tracks again with Al’re. She’d explained to the pup that we were looking for the girl who smelled a lot like me and had told him I’d be very pleased with him if he could help find her. So he was doing his best, but the pup was mostly just mimicking the black wolf in an attempt to understand.


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