Crimson Warrior

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Crimson Warrior Page 4

by Amanda McLaren

  At least he’s getting training in. Now if only one of them would stop sniffing at random tracks and actually pick up on Fay’s scent.

  The black wolf growled angrily at the tracks; Al’re snorted as if a bad smell was in his nose. The two conversed a moment before Sanquility became human.

  “These are fox Azhi tracks. Al’re says it smells familiar, and I told him it smells familiar because we’ve encountered fox trails, but he insists that he smelled it at the temple right before we were thrown out. So the evil I sensed was probably a fox Azhi.”

  “Oh, that’s just terrific.” I snapped angrily. “A fox Azhi kidnapped my sister! How the fuck are we supposed to find a master of illusion?!”

  “I haven’t the slightest clue, Kari-”

  Al’re launched himself into a thicket of grass snarling. There was a yelp of pain before a fox with three tails leapt from the tall grass and became a purple ball the size of a cat. The dog jumped up and down after it, barking angrily.

  “Al’re, heel!” I commanded.

  The dog hurried over to me, his entire body prepared for a fight as I unsheathed my new swords. Four more balls of light erupted from the foliage. Sanquility’s swords appeared in hand to stand near me, as if to protect me.

  “Whatever you do, don’t let them separate us. We won’t make it out alive.”

  “What are they? They’re not Azhi, and they’re not foxes!”

  “They’re foxes warped by fox Azhi magic. They no longer have their own minds, and use fox fire and illusion magic.”

  There was a rush of heat as they began to twist faster and faster around us. I blinked, trying to focus on an enemy as I raised my blade. One second they were twisting in purple shapes; the next they launched themselves at us all at once, becoming foxes once again. Al’re leapt between one of them and me, pinning it down. The two rolled away in battle, snarling and yelping.

  I sliced through another as pain tore through my ankle, then my shoulder, as the foxes bit into me. No matter how I sliced and where I cut their wounds healed. Sanquility became a wolf and began to rip into them, fighting them with fire instead.

  A howl of pain took me by surprise. Seeing Al’re pinned, I launched myself at the beast pinning him. From nowhere a huge six-tailed fox launched itself right for me.


  //I can’t move! //

  The next thing I knew, shadows engulfed me, pain – unbelievable, unbearable agony – ripped through my entire body, and all went dark.

  Searing hot, sickening pain woke me. The taste of blood lingered in my mouth as darkness took by surprise. I could feel the sun on my face and smell the heat of the summer day, but it was so very dark. My eyes were open, but there was no light. Nothing blocked my vision – I couldn’t even see shadows. I saw nothing as the wind tore at my hair.

  Why can’t I see? Sanquility? San, where are you? Why can’t I see?

  I forced down a rush of panic when the black wolf didn’t answer. I pressed my mind deeper and deeper in a desperate attempt to find her mind, but I couldn’t find the link. I could feel an echo of her – a whisper saying we were still bound and she was still alive, but that was all.

  “Surprised, Crimson Blade?” A sickeningly familiar voice made the hair on the nape of my neck rise. The laugh that came from Sonya’s lips were humorless. I heard the click of claws on stone. “Isn’t the daylight beautiful? Oh, and the view of Mist Peak Village is just breathtaking. I can still smell their flesh burning; I can almost taste it.”

  My stomach did summersaults at the thought; I twisted my head to vomit on the hot stone which made my bed. Iron chafed my wrists. I blinked, trying desperately to see.

  “Where’s my sister, you bitch?”

  “I’ve blinded you with your own blade and you ask me what I did to your sister? What is wrong with you humans?” There was such disgust in her voice I wanted to run my sword through her. But even if I’d been free and left with a weapon, how could a blind woman fight? “I wanted to kill the bitch. But no, Lord Dahaka wouldn’t have it. She’s alive and in one piece. He wouldn’t even let me be rough with her.” She gave a high, shrilling laugh. “He will use her as a vessel and swallow your traitor bitch’s souls!”

  Lord Dahaka? Dread settled into the pit of my stomach. The Fallen One.

  I lay still, trying to think.

  My own blade took my eyesight.

  Why was I so cold, when there was so much warmth everywhere else?

  I can’t feel San. I can’t see.

  Is this how it all ends?

  “You’re in shock, you poor thing. Don’t worry; they won’t kill that traitor either. They’re keeping her in a nice cold place where you can’t get to her. And your priestess sister – she won’t stop crying for you. The gods don’t seem to hear her pleas, so don’t you try, Guardian of the Seven Gods.”

  I twisted angrily in my chains. “I’m not a guardian to some piss-ant legend, so don’t confuse a fiend overlord with a fallen god! Dahaka is a myth!”

  “This is just wonderful! Yes, yes, keep believing it’s just a story. It’ll only make it easier for Dahaka to devour your faithless soul. Perhaps you will join us this time, as well as the Black Wolf. He won’t ever let you two be together, but at least you’ll be on the right side.”

  That warped laugh was starting to piss me off.

  I thrashed, attempting to free myself, sending more searing hot pain through every part of my entire body – hot, stick, blistering agony. I clenched my jaw to seal away the scream until the pain became so much I couldn’t contain it.

  “Feel that? Oh, yes – that sensation isn’t your own pain. Sanquility has awoken, and now your real nightmare begins.”

  Her voice burst into that laugh again.

  I hate that fucking laugh.


  Something was wrong – very, very wrong – as Anshumali came too. She couldn’t move her wings or legs, but that wasn’t as pressing. It was something else; something – something different. She opened her eyes to a moment of darkness, spreading panic through her. When she blinked, it was gone.

  No! Something’s wrong with Kariken!

  Panic gripped her, making her try to struggle. Growling made her flinch; she looked over to see the foxes surrounding her. She couldn’t move because their magic trapped her.

  That bitch thinks she can keep me away from Kariken like this?

  The pain of the link fading in and out and the fox magic, Anshumali struggled to focus. She blinked away her hazing vision and the whirling world as it darkened and brightened. The foxes snarled as she attempted to move.

  A familiar mind pressed into Anshumali’s, taking her by surprise. She sent a wave of distress, hoping – praying – the one she called to wouldn’t kill her instead. A moment later a gray wolf Azhi landed next to her. Circling around her with little sniffs. The foxes wouldn’t see her as a threat.

  From nowhere, there was fire – fire, and yelping. Blood splattered, and the scent of charred flesh. With the foxes dead, I was free. Then, stillness. Her magic began to flow into me in painful waves as she healed me rapidly to save my life.

  When the process was complete, the black wolf stood up to regard her ex mate with interest. “Thank you Cinder.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. We may fight another time, if you live. I will not betray him again.” The other wolf took wing.

  I will find you, Kariken, and I will save you.


  The pain was gradually easing, and I knew she was healing herself. I felt my muscles relax, but my head wouldn’t clear. I didn’t seem able to think of a way out of this; San was far away and injured, nobody at the temple could possibly know where I was, how to reach me or care. And worst of all – I couldn’t see.

  I couldn’t see.

  I’m bind. So what’s the sense of trying if I can’t fight? I can’t even run away. Even if we were in the plains, I could run right into a lion’s den and never even realize until it was too late. There’s a
good reason the blind aren’t warriors.

  How can I save my sister if I’m like this?

  I’m – weak…useless.

  San’s mind suddenly and abruptly tumble into mine. She was fully healed, as impossible as that seemed.

  //Where are you? // San pressed immediately.

  “I don’t know. How are you alive? Who healed you?”

  //A very old friend who was willing to risk everything. Where are you? //

  “San, I don’t know.”

  Sonya began to chant in an oddly familiar language. It was strange, because part of me blamed delusion – there was no way I’d heard that before. Another part wanted to shove the notion away as if it were a torn cloth or shattered glass; useless information I didn’t need to know. Yet I forced myself to grope for solving this enigma.

  Is that – Draconic? Is she singing in dragon? How in the Gods’ name does she know that?

  …How do I know that?

  As I listened, my heart began to race as it occurred to me she was summoning Dahaka.

  I have to distract her! He’ll eat me for breakfast – and probably Fay!

  Thinking fast, I slammed full force into her mind, making Sonya squeal in utter agony and stopping her chanting as the woman began to wreathe on the ground. Forcing myself deep into her mind, I pulled her speech ability to shreds. Twisting about in her mind, I searched for the language.


  Seizing it, I singed the synapses around it until they were useless.

  It was gone. She couldn’t use it if she couldn’t access it.

  The sound of her screams was enough to cause a throbbing migraine. I sailed away, damaging her mind further as I barged out. After lying there, breathing heavily, I realized what I’d done.

  How’d I do that?

  Closing my useless eyes, I swallowed hard, trying to ignore how drained and sick I felt from the overloading magic I’d just performed. So I let the darkness sweep over me and carry me away.

  //My love, hear me and awaken. // The voice was strong, waking me from a cold, dreamless sleep. When I realized it was San, I didn’t even try to hide the relief flooding through me. //Send me images of where you are. I know it won’t be easy; I saw you damage her mind with yours. But I need to know where you are. //

  “I can’t.”

  //I can show you how. //

  “I know how, you blasted wolf! I can’t send you images of it because I can’t see it!”

  Her mind pressed into mine – seeking. I guided her right to where she needed to be; my sight. The wolf Azhi pulsed energy through me, sending searing pain through my entire body. I heard shuffling on stone as my kidnapper got to her feet, shocking me that the bitch could stand.

  //I can’t heal you from this distance, my love. Forgive me, but you must find a way to tell me where you are. Is Fay near you? //

  “She took Fay too, and it was Sonya for sure. But she’s too smart to leave us near one another. She said she can see what’s left of Mist Peak Village after she destroyed it.”

  //Damn it! There’s six different mountains surrounding that village. I need more than that. And I need to know where Fay is. //

  “Let me think – let me try.”

  //While you’re doing that, I’ll head for Mist Peak. There should be some survivors, and I’ll be closer to you than staying here. I’ll tell everybody Fay is in that area so they stop searching Sunset Plains. //

  “Still in pain, Crimson Blade? Especially after destroying my ability to contact Lord Dahaka?” She came up to snarl at me.

  “I’m shocked you can speak at all.”

  “I can’t heal what you did to my memory of Draconic, but I’m not incapable of healing your sloppy work on my speech.”

  How do I ask about these things without giving my rescue away?

  “I always knew mystics were trouble; those abilities were never meant to be in human hands.” Her voice was strained, and it hit me that though she may be standing, but she’d not moved.

  “Tell you what, human; since you’re so powerful, I’ll grand you the honor of one final request. You can ask me anything except letting you out of those chains.”

  “…Let me say good-bye to my sister. Please…she’s like a daughter to me. Let me hold her one last time, and tell her I love her.”

  Sonya was quiet, clearly unsure of this request.

  “Don’t you have children, fox?” I asked with a shaky voice. “Wouldn’t you do anything to say good-bye to those we Templars have ended?”

  She gave a low growl, but it was one of pain rather than anger. I heard the clopping of claws. “I will return shortly.”

  There was a shifting, and I knew she was taking another shape despite her weakness. Then I heard Fay screaming in anger and fear.

  “The gods will punish you for this! Maya’den’s bite will find your soul!” Fay shouted furiously.

  “Fay!” I struggled in my chains.

  Then she was tossed into my arms.

  “Xia! Oh Xia! What has she done to you, my sister?” She began to wail immediately.

  “Shhh. It’s okay. Sit close to me; never mind what’s wrong with me.” I pulled her into my arms, petting her hair as I resisted crying to feel how thin she was. She was shivering with cold and fear.

  “Can you see?”

  “No.” I breathed. Pulling her close, I calmed her down. “Sister, tell me; where is the village?”

  Sonya growled. “Don’t you tell her!”

  “Mist Peak is like a second home for us!” I snapped angrily. “I just want to know which way to face to honor those families!”

  Fay didn’t even ask why I was lying; she said quietly “East. The village is to the east of us. The smoke’s still blowing our way, but I can’t smell it.”

  “Mist Peak is east of us, and Fay is in my arms.”

  //Keep her in your arms. I’m not far now, and Veeri has alerted the others. //

  “How soon?”

  //I won’t be long. //

  “Is the sun setting?” I wanted to keep Fay calm.

  “Yes.” Fay answered quietly.

  Sonya surprised me by speaking. “Did…did you like the setting sun?”

  “I loved to see it, and the dawn over the horizon. Sanquility’s eyes reminded me of the sun…”

  Fay gasped at my comment. “You never told me you like the sunrise and set.”

  “You never asked.” I chuckled at her sadly. “I love the stars, too. Would you tell me which ones touch the sky tonight, sister?”

  “Yes. Yes, and I will tell you their stories.” Fay told me quietly, running her hand over my cheeks sadly.

  She should know them well enough, since she used to beg me to tell her once more before bed.

  “I’m sorry.” Sonya breathed, making me face her in shock. “I could never have bested you if I didn’t blind you, Crimson Blade. You were killing my foxes, and I cannot disobey him.”

  “Shut up! Leave her alone!” Fay shouted at her angrily, cutting into my heart and making me flinch inwardly.

  She’ll piss Sonya off and be taken away or killed if she keeps this up.

  “Fay, hush.” I said instantly. “This is a time for warriors.” I faced the village, honestly mourning the loss of the Wu family. “Sanquility disobeyed. Veeri did. Why don’t you?”

  “He hasn’t forgiven them. They will always be hunted and out casted by those they live with, and by their own kind. They live alone, Xia. I don’t wish to be alone. Besides…Sanquility – she wasn’t born one of us.”

  Shock pulsed through me at the thought. “You can’t be made an Azhi.”

  “She wasn’t originally Azhi, Crimson Blade. How can you forget the pain of your true love’s soul being swallowed? You two were lovers two hundred years ago. Before she was reborn. Lyrea and Sanquility have one half of her soul. Anshumali Kysiren was her soul name. Now, one is Anshumali and the other is Kysiren. Nobody is sure which one is which…except you and the Fallen.”

  When Fay d
idn’t protest, I shifted uneasily. She should tell Sonya that Azhi were created from sin and could never have been a human.

  “You’re a split soul?”

  //All twins are, Kariken. //


  She shook her head, clearly not wanting to correct Sonya.

  There was an uneasy silence. “When will Dahaka get here?”

  “Thanks to your little stunt he’ll have to find us.” She spat on the ground. “I hope your lover can live that long, Xia, because either way you will day. But now you have put my life on the line.”

  “Will you suffer alone?” I felt my heart squeeze at the thought of dying without San and Fay – alone. Memories of all those years without Anshumali surfaced all at once, nearly bringing tears to my eyes.

  I’ve suffered my entire life alone, for Fay and myself. I’m glad I will be remembered after my death.

  She grunted. “Don’t worry, Crimson Blade. My death will be slow and go unheard. Unlike you, I was born alone and will die that way.”

  “You misunderstand.” I stated very quietly. “I wouldn’t wish suffering alone on my worst enemy, Sonya. So know that I will be here to listen to your screams, so that that your death will be grieved for. I will suffer with you. I won’t let him take me until you’ve breathed your final breath.”

  Fay gasped. “Why? She’s taken you and wants to feed you to the Fallen One!”

  “Fay, this woman is a warrior; it isn’t her fault her master is unkind. I can’t grieve for her as friend, but I can mourn the skills that will die with her. You always honor those who you kill.”

  “Thank you.” Sonya whispered. There was a shift in the air, and claw clicked on stone. Suddenly soft, warm fur pressed to us. I stopped Fay before she could hurt the fox. “You are a worthy warrior, Xia Crimson Blade. Forgive me for taking the sunset away.”

  “San, can you reach us?”

  //I’m almost with you. //

  “I want to be here for her when she dies.”

  //Why? //

  “Nobody should die alone, Anshumali.”


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