Crimson Warrior

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Crimson Warrior Page 5

by Amanda McLaren

  //…I submit to your request. Sybel and Ryeger have caught up with me. They sent somebody to protect the city. She wants to be there for you. //

  I lay there, basking in the bond between us.

  “Do you miss Sanquility?” Sonya suddenly asked. “You keep speaking to her through the link. She must be healing.”

  “…I miss her a lot. Our bond is strong.”

  “I felt that. I’ve seen this bond before. It makes an Azhi not quite an Azhi, and the human not quite a human. They share an emotion not meant for our kind; one I know her sister felt her searching for.”

  “You mean love?” Fay asked gently.

  “Yes…that is the word used.” Sonya said quietly, laying her head down.

  “San, why are you doing this? If I die my soul is yours, and I know it would be.”

  //I’ve told you before, and I will tell you again. I don’t want your soul, Kariken. I love you. The bond has forced it, but now I can’t imagine being without it. I can’t say I enjoy feeling this way, but I do. //

  “San – Anshumali…I love you.”

  A feeling of release was overwhelmed by a strangely comforting feeling of great joy.

  //I will serve you for all of eternity if I must, Kariken. I am your knight. //

  “…Yes, you are my knight in blood red armor.”

  A sense of joy and amusement trickled between us. //Yes, love. Your knight in blood red armor. //

  Fay shifted to lie against me, trusting me. I had a feeling she knew Sanquility was coming, and we would be free.

  The sound of fire and hooves on stone woke me. Fay coiled deeper into me as I heard the snarling. It was frightening all over again to open my eyes to the dark nothingness that greeted me. The terror threatened to consume me until a familiar mind swept through mine.

  //I am here, my love; be at ease. //

  “S-San, Sybel and Ryeger are here.” Fay explained as if I couldn’t hear.

  “You will all die.” Sonya snarled furiously. “I figured she’d sent for you, that you were free. I just never thought you’d arrive before our Lord.”

  “He’s my master no longer!” Anshumali snarled back.

  The sound of battle sent a confusing blend of emotions through me. Above all was a bitterness that I could not join them as Sonya’s yelps and snarls of pain echoed over the stone, rubbing me in two different ways.

  The white fox didn’t have a chance.

  I heard her gasp as steel finally laid her on the stone, and she did not rise again.

  “Sis? Why are you crying?” Fay gasped in shock.

  “I shed tears of joy and sorrow for her death. The sorrow for the skills ripped away from the world, and a life lived for so long. The joy…I feel joy that she died at far less cruel hands than her pitiless master.”

  “She took your sight.” Sanquility told me firmly.

  “Under orders given by our enemy. Should you be blamed if I ordered you to take another life?”


  “Then I can’t blame her – instead I blame the dragon who has given the order.”

  The chains slacked and the shackles clanked to stone. Then Sanquility’s powerful arms embraced me; I huddled into her chest as she cradled me, and her lips pressed to mine.

  In the background I heard Sybel and Ryeger making sure Fay was okay.

  “Don’t worry, my love, you will see again.” Anshumali promised me.

  “I love you.” I told her in person with a quivering voice. “I missed you so much.”

  “I love you too, Kariken.” She whispered in my ear. “Sybel and Ryeger brought Seishin, since Redemption couldn’t make it up the mountain. He really tried. He’s waiting at the base, pissed that he can’t fly.”

  I snickered at the idea. “I suppose that was a guarantee that I was here.”

  “Yes, it was.” She placed me on the horse, getting on behind me. I let her hold me as for the first time in flight, I wasn’t able to watch the ground go by.


  They landed not in the holy city, but Whitestone Village. Anshumali knew Kariken wouldn’t want to return to Taiyuan. Sybel and Ryeger stayed behind as Fay got down and Anshumali led the way toward Callie’s house.

  “NO!!!!” Callie shouted in pure horror as she opened the door and saw Kariken in the Azhi’s arms. “XIA!!!” She ran to Anshumali, slapping her hard. Anshumali resisted the urge to smack the only other woman Xia had said those three blasted, wonderful words to.

  “You were supposed to protect her!”

  “…Callie?” Xia asked weakly. “Did you slap San?”

  The woman broke down in tears, holding Xia. “She was supposed to protect you.”

  “She tried. We were surrounded, and…a very powerful shape-shifting Azhi took me. She took my sister, and San saved me with these two Templars. Now let me down.”

  She put her down.

  A bark made them all jump and whip around to see a puppy race up to them from the back of a unicorn. Xia grabbed him up and held him tightly. “I missed you too, Al’re.”

  “I guess Redemption protected him.” Anshumali told her. “Let’s do this inside. Sybel, Ryeger, take Fay home. We will send word on what comes to be.”

  “But,” Fay took a step forward just as Vortix came out. The two froze, and knowing entered their eyes. “You…you told me he was dead…” Fay whispered.

  Xia sighed, looking down. “I told you that to protect him. I couldn’t take care of him, and if he wasn’t dead then somebody might find out.”

  “…You can come back.” Fay said quietly. “They won’t make you leave again. They cleared your name…”

  “I know, Fay, but we have a lot of thinking to do.” Anshumali answered quietly.

  “What are you talking about? I can protect her better there.”

  //Not if I can’t heal your wounds, Kariken. I don’t know if I can. //

  “Don’t tell her what to do!” Fay shouted, running up to her sister. “That’s what got her into this mess!”

  “No, Fay. It’s me not belonging in the temple that got me into this mess. Go back to the temple. I’ll see you there soon, okay? Just not right now.”

  “…What if I want to stay here?” She asked very quietly.

  “Finish your training first. Then maybe you can establish a temple here. For now, the temple needs you there since the priest is dead.” Sybel assured the priestess, an understanding in her eyes. “I think Xia needs a vacation.”

  “…Okay. I love you sis.”

  “Sybel, you better not let anything happen this time!” Xia snarled furiously.

  “I assure you she won’t be left alone.” Sybel stated firmly. “She’ll always have somebody watching her.”

  When Fay simply hugged her sister, nodded to Callie and Vortix and left with the two, Anshumali realized she would never protest to having somebody there to watch her again.

  She’s been hurt, and that hurts Kariken more than losing her sight.

  Callie led Xia inside with Vortix, who offered to get her something to eat and drink. Callie paused, looking back at me. “Well? Are you coming in to help her or what?”

  “…Yes.” Anshumali followed them inside to the dining room table, her heart aching as she examined the wounds very carefully, hoping they’d not truly healed. They allowed her in silence. “Vortix, go get your mother something strong to drink.”

  “…But I want to watch you heal her eyes.”

  “Now.” Xia stated firmly.


  He got up and marched into the cellar where they kept their alcohol.

  “Xia, do you know how a wolf Azhi heals?”

  “Speeding up the natural healing process.” She stated very quietly.

  “That’s right. We have Chrono magic. On another Azhi, we can reverse the damage and heal the wounds.” Anshumali shifted in her seat. “It’s known to kill humans who are extremely tolerant of magic to use it that way and…on you…it would be certain death. I…Xia…my l
ove, I have failed you.”

  Kariken slowly shook her head, all the emotion gone from her face. “No, San. You couldn’t fail me if you killed me yourself.” She patted the Azhi’s hand. “I knew deep in my heart that I would never see again. Not the sun rising in the east or setting in the west. Not my sister’s smile or the terror in my enemy’s eyes. And…” She reached over for Anshumali, who pressed her face into Kariken’s hands. “I will never again see your golden eyes, Anshumali. I am blind, and you cannot mend it.”

  Vortix came up with a bottle of whisky just as she said that. He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes huge. “But San-”

  “Isn’t a god.” Callie corrected gently.

  “How will Xia fight if she can’t see?”

  “She can still fight. I can teach her a new form of battle; the Monobi have blind warriors because they must be able to fight without sight. The problem is...the temple will not take a warrior who is blind. Xia can never be a Templar again.”

  “How will I get around?” Xia asked quietly.

  “Al’re.” Callie stated surely.

  Anshumali cocked her head to the side. “Dogs can lead the blind?”

  “They do it all the time here. Xia trains animals. I’ll just take her to the person who knows how.”

  “We don’t have time for me to learn an entirely new way of fighting! Dahaka is out there, trying to kill my sister and erase Taiyuan from existence!”

  “I know, love.” Anshumali gently took her hand. “I will find a way to fix this. There is always a way.”

  “You promise?”

  “Yes. I swear.” She kissed her, even in front of Callie. “Until then, let’s work on you getting settled into this new way of life. You are the Crimson Blade, even blind. Now you are no longer bound by the Temple law.”

  “…Yes. I – I will try to stay strong. So long as you are with me, Sanquility, I believe I can.”

  Callie watched Kariken with a pain Anshumali just couldn’t take.

  “San, can we be alone?” She asked very meekly. “Callie…stop staring at me, please. I love you, baby, but stop.”

  “…I’m sorry. I’ll send a request for a temple.”

  “Request Fay as the priestess, and Sybel and Ryeger as her guards.”

  “Of course.” Callie leaned down and very hesitantly kissed Kariken. She pulled her in for a harder kiss – honestly turning Anshumali on. She watched lustfully, feeling Kariken’s love for the woman overwhelm her – and her desire.

  “If you two want to get a room, can I watch?” Anshumali asked at last when the kiss simply grew more intense.

  The two broke away with red cheeks. Kariken didn’t surprise her wife at all when she said with a cocky grin “If Callie doesn’t mind, you can join in.”

  “Stop teasing me!” Callie said with blazing red cheeks, smacking her lover’s shoulder.

  When she walked away, Anshumali chucked at the insulted look on her mate’s face as she said “I wasn’t teasing.”

  “She may come around, darling. For now, why don’t you eat?”

  Vortix slammed down the bottle. “You said you love this Azhi!”

  “I can’t stop loving her, boy.” Kariken snapped angrily. “I still love Callie. People can love more than one person, or I couldn’t love you and Fay.”

  “If you loved me, you wouldn’t have given me away!” Then the boy stomped outside.

  Kariken looked like she’d break down. Anshumali got up, gripped her tight and opened the bottle for her before going to their cooler to make them something to eat. She didn’t stop Kariken from chugging the bottle, and wouldn’t even try to stop her from getting drunk.

  Sometimes, all a woman needed was a drink.

  When Anshumali looked back, Kariken was crying quietly to herself. “…Kariken, I’m here.”

  “But you won’t be.” She whispered. “If I can’t see…”

  “I won’t leave you just because you’re blind!” Anshumali almost shouted the words, feeling her mate and soul-bound’s love.

  “Don’t shout at me!”

  “Then believe in me!” Anshumali growled. “I have no logical reason to abandon you! The blind can fight, and I will teach you how! I told you I’ll find a way to fix this!”

  “Everybody is talking about forgotten promises, old gods and the seven guardians! We’re in the middle of a holy war I don’t even fucking believe in, and now I’ve lost my sight!”

  “…Kariken, you’ve told me the stories are just for teaching. If you don’t believe, why would you be the focus?”

  “How the fuck should I know? Maybe because everybody around me has decided the war involves me, a traitor Azhi and my damn sister!”

  “Hey! Watch it – I gave everything up so you could have your damn free will!”

  Kariken became very quiet. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

  Taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it, Anshumali abandoned cooking to hold her mate. “I’m sorry too, Kari. I know shouting frightens you, and shouldn’t have done it. I just – I’m here for you, and it hurt for you to think I won’t stay. We’ll get through this war, Kari. I love you and will protect you to my last breath. He’ll have to get through me to do you or those you love any harm. Is that clear?”

  Anshumali wouldn’t let the human shove her off. “I don’t want to lie in Callie’s house, Anshumali! I want to fight! I want to be there, protecting the people I love, trading blows at your side! This is my battle too, and I was born to fight!”

  “For now, you need to mend – mentally and physically. You must adjust while I find a way for you to do just that.”

  “…yeah. I guess you’re right.” She took another gulp from the bottle, and then kissed Anshumali. “I’m not hungry.”

  “Eat, and then I will let you get drunk and fall asleep in my arms.”

  “…can I skip eating?”

  “No.” Anshumali broke away to cook, knowing tonight Kariken wouldn’t be aware of anything but her booze.

  Chapter Three

  On Clipped Wings

  Fay paced at the sight of the letter. It’d been rushed by gryphon, and she knew it was from Callie herself – and the request was from Xia. It meant Xia wasn’t returning – and that she was permanently blind. Her Azhi lover couldn’t mend those wounds.

  “Sybel, get Chrono. Tell him we have to talk about Dahaka returning.”

  “…What about Xia?”

  “She’s blind. We need her, and I need to talk to you guys about the seal.”

  She hurried away, the gravity clear in her eyes. When she returned, it was with Ryeger and Chrono.

  Chrono gave her a look. “He’s coming, then?”

  “Yes, and she needs to be ready – we need her to be ready.”

  Ryeger stepped in – Fay didn’t realize he’d come back from the healing rooms. “Fay, I know she’s the strongest, but there’s a reason that was sealed.”

  “That was a hundred years ago!” Fay actually raised her voice. “The gods have regretted their decision to this day! Don’t you think it’s time Xia was made whole again?”

  “Think about the consequences! It’s why the Monobi were banished to the outlands!” Sybel’s eyes were full of pain. “Do not escape the fox to run into the lion’s den, Fay. The gods would have never sealed her abilities away if they weren’t too dangerous.”

  “Xia has lived a long, hard life.” Fay told them in a solemn voice. “She has been alone for two hundred years now. She’s had life after life of pain, regret and loneliness. I’ve watched her suffer in every life. Don’t you think that changes people?”

  “She has also steadily ticked her path away from the gods.” Chrono argued fiercely. “I will do as you wish. But Fay…if Xia becomes what she was…I will kill her for good.”

  “No.” Fay looked into his eyes. “Sanquility created this. She will end it.”

  Chrono walked out. Sybel and Ryeger turned to follow him when their Priestess stopped them.

  The t
wo looked to one another. Then Sybel paused. “Have you found the other one?”


  “Then we have time.”

  Then the Templar continued her way out. Fay turned to face each statue in its glory. Lisken the Raven, god of twilight and duality; Xien the Stag, god of seasons, travel and nature; Alatek the Wolf, goddess of love, family, brotherhood and children; Azure and Azen the Twin Dragons, god and goddess of time and destiny; Shen the Bear, the war god; Balic the Cat, goddess of luck and chance. Lastly, Maya-den the Two-headed Serpent, the god of life and death.

  “Please,” Fay whispered to them. “Help us.”

  But they were quiet as stone.


  Quiet voices from just outside the door brought me too. The door creaked open slowly and noiselessly, but I refused to open my useless eyes. There was no point in it when they wouldn’t see anyway. I heard the rustle of clothing, and felt Sanquility stretch beside me as Al’re jumped down. Something was set down on the ground, followed by the sound of the dog eating.

  “I’ll feed her, Vortix.” Sanquility told the boy quietly.

  “Tell her I’m sorry? Callie said that…there’s magic that makes you two love one another, and that neither of you like it. That it wasn’t right for me to say mean things to her when she’s like this.”

  I choked back the rush of pain at his words, then reached up. “I’m sorry too, Vortix. I wanted to raise you. I just couldn’t.”

  He burst out in tears, falling on my chest. “I love you! I always have! You and Callie both! I’m so sorry for all of this!”

  “…I love you too son. Now let me be while I talk to San. Where’s Callie?”

  He hesitantly let me go. “She’s talking to the person who trains dogs to lead the blind.”

  “I guess that’s fine, but San could just tell him…”

  “No.” Sanquility surprised me.


  “Humans train dogs because it builds a relationship. I’ll help by telling him why the training is happening, and maybe explaining something he just isn’t getting because of communication issues, but I’m not doing it. You have to.”

  “…Okay. I’m sure I can work with him.” I said with a shrug. “I don’t have anything to do but train and spend time with you and Callie and Vortix.”


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