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Forge of the Gods 4

Page 27

by Simon Archer

  So, in honor of that hatred, I decided the apple was going to be the guinea pig.

  I took the round fruit in my gloved hand and chucked it as hard as I could into the barrier. Bethany flinched instinctively, using her arms to protect her head from any outward explosion or damage that might happen.

  But nothing did. The apple sailed right through. Since I wasn’t a Major League pitcher, it just landed in the unfrozen water rather than all the way on the beach, but the apple merely bobbed. It appeared to be unharmed, without a scratch or scorch mark on it.

  “Looks good to me,” I reasoned as I took a step forward. However, before I could even lift my foot, there was a hand on my shoulder.

  “We don’t know if the magic is different for humans,” Daniella said boldly. “And if it is, we can’t risk losing you. You’re the only one who can make the Ultimate Weapon and end the war.”

  “Daniella--” I protested but she shook her head, not letting me continue.

  “You know I’m right,” she assured me.

  “Yeah, but we can’t lose you either,” Bethany jumped in. She stepped between Daniella and me, pushing us apart as though she was parting a curtain to make a grand entrance. “Daniella’s the healer and Jade’s the only one who can drive the ship. We all know I’m the expendable one here.”

  The three of us collectively began to protest but Bethany ignored us all and leaped forward through the shield.

  There was a splash as she landed in the knee-deep water that still moved with the rhythm of the moon. Her eyes were closed and her shoulders were scrunched up to her ears but otherwise the daughter of Demeter appeared to be whole and healthy.

  “You okay there, Bethany?” I asked, wanting her to answer before she took a single step forward.

  The Eda soldier roamed her hands up and down her body as if she were checking that everything was in place. Then, she removed her gloves and wiggled her fingers.

  “Everything seems to be in order,” Bethany announced. She waded forward, stripping off her layers as she walked. “Oh gods, this place is paradise!”

  Daniella, Jade, and I all looked at one another before I held out my hands to both of them. They took them and silently agreed that we would jump in together. On the count of three, me and my two friends jumped through the pink barrier. There was a brief brush of wind, as though someone pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, it was that gentle. But other than that, there was no extra effect from the shield.

  Though it was hot as hell in there. The sun beat down with a heavy hand and sweat formed on every inch of my body. I could see that Bethany had already reached the shoreline, and was completely stripped down to her uniform minus her shoes and socks. Her gear and extra layers sat in a lopsided pile on the beach.

  Soon the rest of our stuff resided there as well. We kept our weapons on us as we readjusted ourselves for the sudden change in our environment.

  There was a dense jungle a couple of yards inland. I figured we would have to venture in there and search for Calypso’s camp. I wanted to be as prepared as possible. This goddess was known for her stubbornness, and if she had somehow managed to capture Hephaestus against his will, then it was going to be one hell of a negotiation in order to get him back in the mortal world and off the protected island.

  As the Fates would have it, however, we didn’t even have to travel very far to find the goddess. The goddess found us first.

  I felt her before I saw her. It was the same sensation of smallness and immense power that I experienced every time I met with a god or goddess. It felt like an iron grip on my stomach as I was reminded just how powerless I was as a mortal.

  She appeared within a sand tornado. It whipped up in front of us with a violent gust that rivaled the icy wind from before. We turned our heads out of the way and shielded our eyes from the flying grains of sand. Eventually, the sand congealed together in the form of a tall, thin woman. It looked like a statue made of sand before the grains fell away, revealing the immortal beneath.

  Her beautiful, smooth, brown skin glowed in the sunlight. And there was a lot of skin to see because the goddess didn’t have a single article of clothing on. She was as naked as the day she was born, standing strong with pushed back shoulders and a lifted chin. Black dreadlocks cascaded down her back and some locks hung down the front, just below her navel. Every muscle shone with a toned perfection, popping out against her skin.

  While her body was bare, her face was completely done up in elegant makeup, with white dots over her eyebrows and a single teardrop at the corner of her right eye. Her lips were plump and bright red, making my eyes go right to them. Green blazed from beneath her eyelids when she finally opened them, acknowledging us with a threatening stare.

  “Who dares to enter my island without my permission?” Calypso asked. The words rolled off her tongue like a stream over rocks. However, the threat masked beneath her sweetness was unmistakable.

  I chanced a glance at my fellow soldiers. When I saw their quivering lips and uneasy stares, I remembered that none of them had seen an immortal quite like this. Sure, they all met Phae and Jade got a look at Aphrodite and Harmonia, but I had the distinct impression that none of the immortals were like this one.

  I took charge and stepped forward. “I’m Cameron Alpin, son of Hephaestus, and I would like to speak to my father.”

  Calypso’s expression didn’t change at my request. There was no surprise, anger, or disgust. She continued to look at me as if she would swallow me whole if I took another step in her direction.

  “There is no Hephaestus here,” Calypso answered with a sneer. “You have wasted your time. Be gone from here.” The goddess flicked her hand as though we were nothing more than annoying flies.

  “No,” I said defiantly. “I know he’s here, and I refuse to leave until I speak with him.”

  “And how do you know he is here, mortal?” Calypso questioned, cocking her head to the side like a dog who sniffed something delicious.

  “The Moirai told me,” I said, refusing to tell her that the Fates implied he was here. But she didn’t need to know that one little detail.

  “You lie,” she accused, jutting her chin out at me. “Not even the Moirai know of the god’s location. He had been missing for years.”

  “Because he’s been trapped on your island,” I lashed back at her. This time I took a bold step forward, not caring if she fought back.

  I had come so far that I wasn’t going to leave without meeting my father. A need deep within my very soul welled up to the surface. It was a childhood need. One belonging to a little boy who never experienced a proper father’s day, or who had to imagine other people standing beside him at his wedding. My father was somewhere on this island. I could feel it pulsing through my very veins, the half of my DNA that belonged to him singing to me like metal did when it called out.

  The goddess stared me down for a moment more and then barked out a laugh. She put her hand on her belly and leaned back as though I had regaled her with a witty pun at the dinner table. I squinted, trying to figure out this sudden change in demeanor, but I couldn’t quite understand it. From the looks on my companions’ faces, I could tell that they didn’t know either.

  “Trapped? He’s not trapped, dear mortal,” Calypso said finally after she came down off her rousing round of laughter. “I don’t have the ability to trap another god. Mortals yes, gods no. As much as I wished for that kind of power, I don’t have it.”

  A small amount of my hope broke off and became doubt. Had I gotten it wrong? Had we interpreted the poem from the Fates incorrectly? What if we traveled all this way, leaving the Academy in peril, for nothing?

  I couldn’t let that hope dim. I refused to let it rot away into doubt and sadness. The Fates led us here and they were never wrong. They were the only beings that could control the universe, mortals and immortals alike.

  “You will take me to him,” I demanded, finding courage I didn’t know I had. I had bargained with gods, conversed
with them, even fought with them but never had I ever demanded something of them.

  Calypso rubbed her hands together, then she picked at a single fingernail which looked more like a talon. “Why do you want to speak with him? Why are you looking for him? Do you simply want to meet your father or is there some other reason?”

  “I need his help to save the demigods,” I said plainly, not wanting to give more away than that.

  The goddess nodded her head and clicked her tongue at me. Then she gave me the once over.

  “I might be able to help you, Cameron, son of Hephaestus,” the goddess said. Then her lips spread into a wicked smile. “If you come to bed with me.”

  I blinked, surprised at the forwardness of her request. I didn’t dare look behind me at the reaction of my girlfriends. Even though we all had an understanding about the demigods, I didn’t know how they would feel about me blatantly accepting an offer to have sex with a goddess in front of them.

  “Well demigod?” Calypso said, not giving me a lot of time to consider it. “What do you say?”

  “Cameron,” Jade said from behind me. She tentatively stepped up so she could stand right next to me. “You can go ahead. We don’t mind. We’ll entertain ourselves here on the beach.”

  My groin tugged at the thought of my girls “entertaining” themselves without me. Jade squeezed my hand in hers. Her eyes told me to “Go” so I ventured forward to Calypso and offered myself to her.

  “I’ll go to bed with you,” I said, making it official.

  “Excellent,” the goddess said with a closed mouth smile. Then, she took my hand and we disappeared to a different location.

  The atmosphere was gorgeous. The waterfall rushed at a steady rate, making a pleasant and relaxing noise to the otherwise quiet environment. The mountain rose up high, hiding the top in the low hanging clouds. Trees surrounded the area, making it secluded and giving it a magical air, as though we stepped into a storybook.

  Calypso stood on the edge of the large lake that the waterfall plummeted into. She stepped into the water so that it rose up to her ankles. She held out her hand to me, beckoning me forward.

  “Come Cameron, son of Hephaestus. Lie with me,” she commanded. Her voice dipped into something sultry and tempting. My mouth ran dry at the prospect of being with this goddess.

  It wasn’t my first time with an immortal but there was something about Calypso that seemed dangerous. It brought a new level to the prospect of sex with an immortal that I hadn’t experienced before.

  Already, I was hard, my dick pressing against the fabric of my pants. I let myself fully examine her nakedness for the first time. I explored the grooves of her body, the lack of blemishes, and the perfect proportions of a pin up model.

  “You are allowed to touch, demigod,” Calypso permitted. “You don’t just have to stand there and stare.”

  I moved forward and took her hand in my own. Feeling bold, I pulled her to me, so that our bodies were pressed up against one another. Our breaths mixed together as we stood so close.

  “Well,” she said quietly. “Someone is eager.” The goddess slid a hand between us and ran it up my length. I shivered at her touch, the ginger touch lingering.

  “Then why are we wasting time?” I asked as I kissed her.

  The power flowed between the two of us. We lost ourselves in each other and the universe changed around us. Different scenes from nature flashed around us, making us feel weightless. We could have been anywhere, it didn’t matter. I lost myself in her, forgetting about everything that happened in the last several days. The only thing that mattered was her touch, her smell, her body moving against mine.

  She put me in a carefree mindstate and I wanted more of the escapism she provided.

  Her taste of sugar and strawberries intoxicated me. I licked along the outside of her lips and she moaned into my mouth.

  The water roared beside us, coming down like thunder. It rushed faster the more our tongues tangled together.

  The goddess showed off her magic when nearby vines crept forward and ripped my clothes off. I didn’t even care, now that I was naked with her, baring ourselves to one another.

  Calypso gasped as she looked down at my dick. “Yes please,” she begged as she licked her lips. “I can’t wait to see how you taste.”

  She lowered herself to her knees, still in the shallow water while I remained standing. Her mouth was soon around my cock and she sucked with my ideal pleasure. My knees buckled as my body rang with pleasure, zapping through me like lightning. Before I knew it, the vines from before gathered beneath me, giving me a makeshift chair to sit in.

  Calypso eyed me from her knees, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips before she reached up and cupped my balls. She rubbed them in a tantalizing manner, while running her tongue up and down my shaft.

  I watched as the goddess moved back and forth. I ran my fingers through her black hair, coaxing her on until I felt myself shudder at the prospect of cuming right there.

  I howled out my pleasure as the goddess swallowed me whole. She held steady as I spilled into her, shaking from the pulses racing through my limbs.

  Calypso pulled herself off me, wiping the corners of her mouth as she did so. “There is more where that came from, demigod, but I want to share something special with you.”

  She took my hand in hers and I wasn’t sure I could walk for a moment but she guided me onto the water. Hang on! Onto the water? I looked down and realized then that we were both walking on the water.

  The goddess had floated up so that she now walked along it like it was a regular old floor.

  “This is amazing,” I gasped, unable to get over the magical sensation happening before me.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” Calypso teased as she led me to the center of the lake. There she pushed me down and the water caught me, bending like memory foam. It held me steady, though there were little splashes of raindrops that came up when I moved. I stayed afloat even though the water still rose as if I had just jumped into the lake.

  It was a miraculous sight, the water suspended in the air over us as we hovered atop the water.

  “Incredible,” I breathed.

  “Thank you,” Calypso said as she spread her legs over me. I got to see her full sex, groomed and a perfect specimen of the female form. Blood rushed to my groin and I felt myself grow harder at the beautiful sight of her. I reached up and touched her opening, stroking it with my fingers, finding the wetness addictive.

  I wanted that pussy. I wanted my dick inside of her, to feel all of this goddess. So I reached up and yanked her by her hips so that she fell atop me. The water splashed up around it, creating a sky of floating raindrops, frozen in time.

  I hauled her on top of me, sliding myself into her with confidence. Calypso’s head rocked backward as she experienced all of me sliding into her.

  “Yes Cameron,” she cried. “Fill me, fuck me!”

  I did as she asked, pushing my hips up and she bounced. We moved as one, our bodies splashing above the water. We created a crystal palace around us that glittered in the sun, the magic of fucking atop a bed of water never lost on me. Her beauty was magnified by the frozen water as it came up around her, framing her face and hair. It was a sight to behold, one I would never forget.

  The goddess rode me with a ferocity that I’d never experienced before. She expelled all of her energy into keeping the friction right at the tipping point. Several times, I thought she would push me over but I kept edging, teasing me before I could finally cum.

  “Calypso,” I begged.

  “Are you going to cum for me, Cameron?” Calypso moaned.

  “Yes!” I moaned as she pounded on top of me.

  She reached down and touched herself, her fingers rubbing along her clit so that we could fall over the edge together. I jerked with pleasure, the sensations rocketing through my body as the goddess finished herself off, cuming around my cock.

  The water exploded around us, the so
und of the rushing waterfall muffing our cries of pleasure as we dissolved into bliss together.


  We spent the next several nights together. I found myself rather enjoying Calypso’s company. She was a compassionate woman with a witty sense of humor. There were times where we found ourselves talking for hours after sex which surprised me.

  We went back to the lake often but mostly kept to her chambers which were built into the side of one of the mountains. It was there that she asked me what I thought of her.

  “I think you’re lovely,” I answered honestly.

  “Did that surprise you?” she said with a pout.

  “Yes, but only because of what the myths say about you, which I found myself questioning the truth of them,” I replied, thinking back to some of the nights where I laid next to this goddess, realizing there was a kind soul behind the defensive exterior.

  “I hate those stories,” she spat. “They always depict Odysseus as the hero when he was the one who invaded my island.” Calypso pointed to her chest, hard enough to hyper extend her finger. “I was only defending it when I turned his men to pigs, which was what they really were, stealing from me like they did. And Odysseus, what a lying jerk!” she cried, suddenly sitting up in bed, too furious to lay down any more.

  “What did he do?” I asked as I rested my head in my hand, ready to listen to her side of the story.

  “He promised to get me off this island,” she said, wistfully looking off towards the mouth of the cave where the sun just started to set. “I’m trapped here, you know.”

  I nodded, figuring it best not to say anything and let her continue.

  “And he said he would find a way to get me off,” Calypso said, lowering her voice as if she didn’t want to be overheard. “I realized that he was lying and that’s when I threatened to keep him here with me. But after he left, I knew I never wanted to leave my island. It’s safe here. But a girl gets lonely sometimes.”


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