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"Chain Reaction" Power Failure Book I

Page 12

by Andrew Draper

Jack closed the file folder and rubbed his eyes, the lids heavy with fatigue. He felt like this day would never end. He still had not heard from Jenny and a sick feeling spread through his stomach as he remembered the callous threat Freemont launched earlier that morning. He got up from his chair and replaced the folder, then locked the cabinet.

  If he couldn't get her to release the Ever-cell project, Freemont might pull the funding from all the contracts and close the lab.

  Son of a bitch is just crazy enough to do it too! He thought, pacing the floor of his office as he considered his limited options.

  He had to convince her to take him up on his offer of the new job. He grimaced at the thought of his future being in the hands of a megalomaniac like Alex Freemont.

  God, I hate this! But what can I do? Freemont’s not going to change his mind on his own and I can’t change it for him. Jenny will feel so…betrayed.

  The agitated man paced the floor, his nerves crackling with tension. He considered the near-impossible task of how to convince his top researcher to give up her pet project, at the same time wondering if there wasn't another way to deal with Freemont’s unreasonable request.

  Maybe if I want directly to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? No. That won’t stop a juggernaught like Freemont.

  The phone on the hand-carved oak desk began to chirp and he hesitated for a moment before answering it, confident he knew who would be on the other end of the line. He reached for the receiver and put it to his ear. “Hello?”

  “Jack, Colonel Freemont here. I just wanted to know if you’ve spoken to Ryan yet.”

  The tone of Freemont's voice told him all he needed to know. The Colonel wasn't going to change his mind about this and Jack began to sweat inside his heavy wool suit. He also knew Freemont, as dangerous as he was, must be handled carefully or when the sky fell in it would land on everyone.

  He lied through his teeth, struggling in an uphill battle to gain a reprieve. “I think we should wait. I talked to her today and she said it would be at least a year before the battery was ready for any kind of serious field testing.”

  He naively hoped that this news might make Freemont reconsider assuming control of the project at this stage. Verde thought that if he could buy some time he might be able to either talk Freemont out of interest in the project, or come up with a bulletproof way to keep him away from it.

  Freemont didn't like being put off and, showing his volatile temper, yelled into the phone. “I told you I wanted that project under my control, and I meant now!”

  “I'm sorry Colonel, but she’s being difficult. I even offered her a Vice Presidency to get her out of the research department. She said that she had to think about it.”

  Jack could hear the expanding anger in Freemont’s caustic words as the solider began to berate the scientist. “You tell Ryan if she knows what's good for her, she'll take the new job and forget about the Ever-cell project. I don't need her permission to take it! If I consider her work to be of military value, then under authority of the Science and Technology Act of 1947, I can assume direct control of any project that presents a significant security risk or military benefit.” He paused to draw a breath, his voice returning to normal. “Also tell her I'm empowered to take into custody any and all persons that may have a bearing on those projects, and that means her! You might also remind the esteemed Dr. Ryan that the STA allows me to hold anyone I detain indefinitely.”

  Jack’s heart skipped a beat, afraid Freemont would make good on his threats. His palms grew sweaty, the damp skin clammy against the phone.

  All it would take is one call to Army Intelligence and she could disappear forever. She’s no match for somebody like you.

  His stomach clenched in a tight knot as he scrambled for an idea, any idea…any possible way out. He had to do something to calm the Colonel down and he had to do it fast.

  “All right Alex, I'll talk to her again tonight and do a little arm twisting. I'll even offer her a big raise to take the job,” he continued with his platitudes, hopping to defuse the situation. “Just let me handle it, all right?”

  Freemont ended the call with another, even more forceful ultimatum, sending Jack’s stomach into another spasm. “Don't screw this up Verde. You do whatever you have to, but get me control of that system. You have forty-eight hours. No excuses!”

  Freemont hung up, ending the discussion and leaving him listening to the dead air. Verde replaced the phone in the cradle, a sticky film of bile now burning his throat. He again punished himself for his arrogance, his critical error in judgment.

  Christ, Jenny I’m so sorry. I thought I could handle Freemont. I let my ego put your life on the line. How could I be such a fool?

  He called Jenny's office and got no answer, so he tried the lab.

  What if I told her the truth? He thought, as his conscience continued to silently rage in protest. Would she be able to handle it, or would she do something stupid, like fighting Freemont? No. I can’t tell her. She’d never understand.

  He fervently hoped that she would listen to reason and transfer the project, to protect herself from Freemont if for no other reason. I have to convince her to turn over the reigns to Freemont, no matter what it takes. He scrubbed his face in his hands, self-loathing welling up to gnaw at his innards. I know her. She’s got too dammed much integrity…she’ll want to fight him. All I can hope for at this point is to keep both of us alive and out of federal prison.

  Jack finally reached her at the lab. “Hi Jenny, its Jack. Are you free for dinner tonight? I’d like to finish our conversation on that promotion I mentioned this morning.”



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