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Marionette Zombie Series (Book 7): The Forgotten Place

Page 4

by Poe, S. B.

  “Devin, Devin this is Jahda.” The radio crackled in his pocket. Emma Grace watched as he thumbed the button.

  “We’re coming. We are almost to the gate.”

  “Who’s with you?”

  “Everyone.” She replied.

  Emma Grace’s eyebrow shot up briefly.

  “We’re on our way.” Devin said as he put the walkie back in place.

  “Everyone?” She asked.

  “That’s what she said.”

  “But what does that mean?”

  “Let’s go find out.” He started walking.

  “Just like that, she calls you on the radio and this moment is over?”

  “Huh?” He paused and looked back at her. The momentary anger he glimpsed was quickly replaced by a smile.

  “Just kidding. Let’s go.” She started walking.

  Vernon leaned against the bed and looked at the place where the tourniquet twisted around Cody’s arm. The belt was wrapped tightly and covered with towels. Devin had managed to sever the arm off just under the elbow. Vernon lifted the towel. The skin under the belt had turned almost black from the lack of blood flow. As he leaned a little closer, the smell of the puss coming from the wound hit his nose. He winced.

  “Whew, boy you stink.” Vernon said. “You need to get on up from there and wash your ass.” He laughed. “We all would like it if you did. I know Emma Grace sat up with you but I want you to know I did too. Right outside there.” He pointed to the door.

  He stood and walked over to the window. He dipped his head as he pulled the curtain back and looked out. He could see Violet and two of the new folks. “Josh and Lisa? I can’t remember for sure.” He said out loud. “Lori. That’s it, Lori. Josh and Lori. They went to get you some more stuff. Some bandages and stuff. They went over to Doc Hardy’s place to look for it. Some of the other folks went to get you a doctor. Unless they ran into some goners on the road or something, they should be back anytime. I think…”

  “Will you please, shut the fuck up,” a voice said over his shoulder. He wheeled around.

  “Cody. You’re awake.” He exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I’m awake. Shit.” He said as he leaned blinked his eyes. “What happened?”

  “What do you remember?”

  “I remember walking past the living room and seeing Violet sleeping, then I remember going to the door.” His eyebrows twisted as he tried to bring the memories. “I remember seeing Emma Grace and then, then, I GOT BIT.”

  He tried to sit up and realized something was holding him down. He tried to pull the cover back but for some reason his arm wouldn’t move. He reached with the other one and swept the blanket back. He saw the strap wrapped across his chest holding him to the bed. He looked to see why is other arm wasn’t working.

  “Oh shit. Oh shit.”

  “Calm down boy. Calm down.” Vernon put his hand on Cody’s shoulder.

  “What the fuck happened? What the fuck?” He swung the stump upward and his eyes grew wide. “AHHHHH”

  “STOP. You’re gonna get to bleeding again. STOP RIGHT NOW.”

  “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?” He screamed again.

  Vernon heard the front door slam open and several footsteps running down the hall. He turned just as the door burst open. Violet stopped in her tracks when she saw Cody trying to sit up in the bed. He strained hard against the strap holding him then collapsed back on the bed, drawing in a deep breath.

  “You ok?”

  “He just woke up.” Vernon said.

  “I was talking to him.” Violet said as she nodded towards Cody.

  “I don’t know. What the fuck happened to me?”

  “Well since you’re talking to me and not trying to take a bite out of Vernon there, I would say someone saved you.” Violet said as she nodded at Vernon.

  Cody laid back and looked at the ceiling. Sweat had popped up on his forehead and Vernon reached over to wipe it off with the towel.

  “If you would take this damn ratchet strap off me, I could do that myself.” Cody said without looking at him.

  Vernon looked up at Violet. Josh slid into the room with Lori in tow. Cody cut his eyes at them briefly.

  “Still here?” He said.

  “Uh, yeah. We’re still here.” Josh said.

  “Should I?” Vernon asked as he looked at the strap and then at Josh.

  “What the hell you asking him for?” Cody asked.

  “Well, he’s sorta in charge. Until the big guy gets back.”

  “Big guy? You mean that son of a bitch that sucker punched me? Where did that asshole go?”

  “To get you a fucking doctor you dick.” Lori said.

  Devin stood at the gate. The latch was the standard wood gate fare wrought iron with a large bolt through the locking hole. He withdrew the bolt and waited. He could hear the vehicles coming towards them. The roar of the bus was distinctly louder than the rest.

  “What is that?” Emma Grace asked.

  “The bus, probably.”

  “Bus? How many of you are there?” She asked.

  “Let’s see.” He stuck out his fingers as he named them. “Dottie, Martin, Ham, Jahda, Bridger, Raj he’s the doctor and his wife Tilly. Then Ed, Kate, Scott, Evelyn, Charlie he’s the one like you and his daughter Jennifer. Plus me, Josh and Lori make what, sixteen? Sixteen.” He smiled at her.

  “That’s a lot of people to just be living in the middle of the woods.” She said.

  “I guess, but that’s what we’ve been doing. It’s like a little compound. Some survivalist built it and we kind of inherited it when he died.”

  “Died?” Emma Grace raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, kind of happens in this new world.” Devin said. He looked at her sideways. He wasn’t sure she was quite ready for the whole truth. The radio crackled as the sound of a truck turned into the driveway opposite the gate.

  “We’re here. Open up.” Jahda said.

  Devin swung the gate open and stepped back. The truck pulled through about fifty feet then stopped. The bus pulled in behind it. Devin grabbed the handle on the fence and started to swing it shut. He looked back out into the street and saw the other smaller truck rounding the corner. He waved it through as it pulled into the drive then swung the gate shut and put the bolt back in place. He turned to see the bus door swing open and Raj come stepping off first. He trotted over to him.

  “Raj, Raj, this is Emma Grace.” He said as he turned to the girl next to him. “Raj is the doctor.”

  “Let’s go.” Emma Grace said as she turned.

  “Just a second. I’ve got someone on the bus I need to get somewhere more comfortable.”

  “Who?” Devin asked.

  Bridger, Kate and Evelyn walked over to the bus to join the others.

  “Dottie, she’s, well she’s not doing so great.” Raj said.

  “What’s wrong with Dottie?” Kate asked.

  “I’M DYING.” Came a call from inside the bus. Dottie slowly climbed halfway down the steps and stuck her head out the door. “But I ain’t dead yet. I got cancer. Secrets out. And I’ll tell ya another damned secret, when I do kick the bucket y’all better slow ya asses down long enough to pick up and shovel and bury me proper like or I’ll haunt everyone of your asses.” She cackled before settling into a hoarse cough and climbing back onto the bus.

  “We need to get to Cody.” Emma Grace insisted.

  “We will.” Raj said. “Where can we go?”

  “I’ll tell you what, just pick any goddam house you want. That’s what y’all are gonna do anyway. I’ll be at my house with my brother, unless y’all want that one too.” Emma Grace turned and walked off.

  “Emma Grace.” Devin called after her but as soon as she heard his voice she took off running. “Emma GRACE.”

  “Sorry man.” Devin turned to Raj.

  “My fault. It’s just, it’s Dottie.” Raj said.

  “I know.”

  “Go on Raj. We’ll get her somewhere. We’ll make her comfo
rtable.” Kate said.

  “Thanks.” Devin said.

  “Y’all two take one of the trucks on up. We’ll be right along.” Bridger said.

  The others stood in the road beside the bus and looked down the access road they were parked on. They could see houses lining one street.

  “Well, she said just pick one. Let’s get to picking.” Tilly said.

  “Let’s head to the center of town and start from there.” Bridger said.

  “Where’s that?” Kate asked.

  “That would be the same way they’re going.” Jahda said as she pointed towards the truck as it pulled away.

  They loaded back up. Kate sat down next to Dottie on the bus.

  “I told him not to worry about me. If he had listened that girl wouldn’t be pissed at us right now. Now he’s gonna have to save her brother just to get us back to even.” Dottie smiled.

  “You can not make us not worry about you.” Kate said.

  “That’s sweet, stupid, but sweet. I’m about done. We all know that. We gotta do what’s best for everyone, even if it hurts.” She said. Ham had turned and was looking over the back of the seat. Dottie gave her a wink.


  Strange Places, Familiar Faces

  Emma Grace ran up the steps and opened the door. She turned in the doorway and looked back. A truck pulled up to the curb. She slammed the door and ran down the hallway. She spotted Josh sitting in the big chair with his feet up on the desk in the office and paused.

  “Just make yourself at home.” She said. She looked at Lori lying on the couch. “You look comfortable.”

  “I am.” Lori said without looking up.

  “I bet you are.” Emma Grace said as she continued down the hallway.

  “What the hell was that?” Lori asked when she heard the door slam shut.

  “I don’t know. Some of these folks are beginning to get irritating.” Josh said as he leaned back in the chair. He looked up as Violet walked down the hall and out the front door. He shrugged.

  Emma Grace swung the door shut. She turned and walked down to the bedroom and pushed the door open. She saw Cody sitting up in the bed.

  “CODY!!” She said as she cupped her hands over her mouth. “You’re awake.”

  She ran over to the other side of the bed as Vernon slid out of the way. She wiped his hair back on his head and kissed him on the forehead.

  “I knew you would come back. I knew it.”

  She heard the door open and looked up to see Devin and Raj.

  “They brought a doctor. He’s gonna help you now. Oh I’m so glad you’re awake.”

  She smiled at Devin. Raj stepped beside the bed. Vernon and Emma Grace stood at the footboard watching as Raj began his examination. Devin closed the door behind him and went back down the hall.

  “What’s up guys?” Devin asked as he came in the office.

  “Just sitting here wondering what the hell we got ourselves into.” Lori said.

  “Well, we’re all in it now. Bridger brought the whole gang with him.” Devin said.

  “What?” Josh said as he sat up. “My mom’s here?”

  “Your mom, brother and everyone else.”

  “Well hell let’s go.” Josh said as he stood up.

  He strapped the rifle over his shoulder and handed the shotgun to Lori. She stood and grabbed the now empty backpack and followed him out the door. Devin paused on the porch.

  “I think I’ll wait here. In case Raj needs me.”

  “Yeah, Raj.” Lori smiled and walked down towards the road.

  “Where y’all going?” Violet called. She rose from the shady spot beneath the tree in the yard and stepped from the shadows.

  “Our people are back. We’re going to…” Josh started. He heard the bus rounding the corner, and they all turned to look.

  Devin turned back inside and went into the office. Emma Grace appeared at the door when he sat down. He stood back up.

  “Emma Grace.”

  “I’m sorry. I need to go apologize to your friends.”

  “What was that all about?” He asked. She rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight.

  “I was just so worried. I don’t know why I acted that way or said those hateful things. Can you forgive me?” She pulled away and looked at him.

  “What did Raj say?” He asked.

  “Oh he hasn’t said anything yet. Just a lot of questions about what happened and what we had done to keep him alive.” Emma Grace said.

  “Well it sounds like the others are outside.” Devin started towards the door.

  “Oh not yet. I’m too embarrassed. Please apologize for me.” Emma Grace “I’ll do it myself later but I just couldn’t right now.”

  “They’re good people. They’ll understand.” Devin said. “Come on.”

  “I said not yet. I’m going to go back in and check on Cody.” She spun on her heels and walked away. Devin shook his head as he walked out the front door to meet the group at the road.

  Kate shielded her eyes from the sun and looked around as she watched the others file off the bus. The house they stood in front of was the biggest on the street. The other houses were mostly the same size and newer. The grasses growing in the yards were a foot tall in spots and the azalea bushes that dotted the lawns were in full bloom. Pinks, whites and blues shimmered against the shaggy green background. Ivy had begun to creep up some of the sides of the houses and wildflowers grew in the space between them. She tried to picture what it would have looked like before and couldn’t. The world had moved on.

  She turned and saw three people coming down the walk. She smiled and stuck her arms out as Josh approached.

  “Hey mom.” Josh said.

  “So glad you’re safe.” Kate said. “You too Lori.”

  “Thanks.” Lori said.

  “Hi, I’m Kate Toles.” Kate said as she stuck her hand out to Violet.

  “Violet. Violet Parnell.” She shook it.

  “Violet I need to get Dottie, she’s one of our group, somewhere comfortable. Do you have any suggestions?” Kate said. Josh wondered why she was using her teacher voice but decided to not ask.

  “Uh, sure. We can take her right across the street. The Baker’s left the other day.” Violet pointed to the house.

  “Thank you.” Kate said.

  Kate helped Dottie to her feet. Evelyn followed them as they started across the street.

  “What about the rest of us?” Charlie asked.

  “Well to be honest all of these houses are empty. Now.” Violet said.

  “Where do you live?” Tilly asked.

  “Next street over. I…” Violet started but paused and without a word, turned and walked back into the house.

  “That was weird.” Tilly said.

  “Yeah, all these folks are a little weird.” Lori said.

  “Well we’ll cut em a little slack. It has been a pretty messed up few days for them.” Jahda said.

  “Why don’t y’all check out those other houses across the street.” Bridger said. “I’m going to go inside and see if Raj needs any help.”

  “I’m just going to walk around a bit. Check out the neighborhood. Anyone wanna tag along.” Tilly said as she shouldered the shotgun.

  “I’ll go.” Scott said.

  “I’ll go too. I need to get some fresh air.” Devin said.

  “I’ll show y’all around a bit.” Ed said. Besides, I know where I’m staying.”

  “Yeah, where’s that?” Bridger asked.

  “I’ll be as far away from that house right there as I can.” Ed said as he pointed towards the big house. “Yep, didn’t have no use for the Smalls before and ain’t got no use for em now.”

  “We’ll go check those other houses.” Jahda said. Martin and Ham joined her as they started across the street. Charlie, and Jennifer fell in behind them. Cameron’s limp had improved, but it was still noticeable. He paused at the porch and sat in the rocking chair as they began to look through
the house.

  “Alright, but everyone back here in an hour.” Bridger said. He walked up the sidewalk. Lori and Josh followed him. He turned on the porch.

  “An hour.” He looked back at Tilly. She gave him a half salute and turned down the street.

  They walked a few yards down the street and Ed turned to Tilly.

  “Okay Red, I know when you’re looking for something. What is it?” Ed said.

  “Show me the bridge.” Tilly said.

  “This way.” Ed turned right.

  Bridger leaned against the desk in the office. Josh sat in the chair while Lori wandered around the room. She pulled a book down from the shelf and thumbed through it. After a few minutes the door opened and Raj came out with Emma Grace in tow.

  “But you can fix it right?” She asked as they came down the hallway.

  Raj looked at the group gathered in the office and gave a quick wave. Bridger nodded. He turned to Emma Grace.

  “Look the tourniquet saved his life. It kept him from bleeding out but…”

  “But what?” she asked.

  “But it’s also done a lot of damage to his arm. Everything below that belt is dead. It has to come off or he will die of infection. Soon.”

  “So take it off.” Emma Grace said.

  “It’s not that simple. It’s basically surgical amputation. I’ll have to cut off the dead tissue, all of it.” Raj said.

  “But you know how right?”

  “Yes, I know how. But…” Raj started.

  “Good. Thank you, thank you.” Emma Grace hugged him and walked back into the bedroom.

  Bridger looked at Raj as he turned back towards them. He raised his eyebrows.

  “Look, I don’t know if I can do what I just told her.” Raj said. “I mean I know what needs to be done and basically how to do it but I’ve never done it.”


  “What if I do it and I can’t stop the bleeding? He could die.”

  “And if you just leave it like it is?”

  “He’ll die from infection within a week.”

  “Your call.” Bridger said.

  “My call?”


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