CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1

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CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1 Page 3

by Chance, Jacob

  “I know you have. And I won’t tell a soul about our deal. Would you feel better if we shake hands on it?”

  She ticks her head side to side. “Would you rather seal our deal with a kiss?” I ask, trying to be funny. Obviously I wouldn’t object if she said yes.

  “That’s not going to happen,” she tells me.

  “Maybe not now, but you do realize we’re going to be in the public eye together? We’ll be attending fundraisers and different functions as a couple, and couples show affection toward one another.”

  “We can hold hands,” she says. “I’m fine with that.”

  “Can you at least agree not to do bodily harm to me if there ever comes a time I need to kiss you in public?”

  She hikes an elegant shoulder upward in a half shrug. “I guess I can agree to that.”

  “I promise I won’t kiss you unless there’s a pressing need or you ask me to.”

  Her lips form an amused curve. “I’m not going to ask you to kiss me, so I guess we won’t have to worry about that scenario arising.”

  “Stranger things have happened,” I reply.

  “Not to me.” Fiddling with the pearl bracelet wrapped around her narrow wrist, she looks uncomfortable. My gut tells me Nadia hasn’t had the simple past she’s led me to believe since we met five years ago. No matter how professional she may appear or act, I can see beyond the shield she puts up. Maybe it takes a damaged soul to recognize another one. I don’t hide my “fucked up” very well, but I can’t say I’ve ever put any real effort into trying to. I’ve always chosen to live life fast and hard for the whole world to see. And if someone doesn’t like me because of my behavior off the field, then fuck ’em.

  Which is how I’ve found myself in this clusterfuck of a situation.

  Maybe spending more time with Nadia will help me to behave like a professional athlete should and less like a man who doesn’t care about his future.

  Maybe being in her company will teach me how to be more invested in my future. I’ve always gone full throttle through each day without thought beyond that moment. I can no longer do that, at least not for the next couple of months. With any luck, I’ll form some positive habits and be able to sustain them when my job status is once again secure.

  “How do you want to go about making us official?” I question.

  “How should I know? I’ve never fake dated anyone before,” she says.

  Rising, I prop a hip onto the corner of her desk, and sit facing her. “What’s coming up on the calendar for me as far as event appearances?”

  Nadia receives my updated schedule from Kendra weekly. She likes to keep up on my appearances, and she helps me out by informing me who else will be attending. She’s more than just my agent.

  Even though my sister is officially my personal assistant, the two of them work closely together to keep me organized—well, as organized as I can be.

  “Let me check.” Her ringless fingers fly over the keyboard. “Looks like you have a fundraiser to attend next Wednesday night.”

  “Which charity is the event for and where’s the venue?” I question.

  “It’s for Feeding America’s Families. I meant to ask if you want me to have them waive your appearance fee.”

  “Of course I do. It’s disheartening to think all professional athletes don’t do the same. It makes no sense to take money from charities that they can put to good use.”

  “Unfortunately, I know firsthand not everyone feels the same as you. I’ve tried to guilt some of my other clients into not taking a fee and they come back at me saying their time is valuable, so why shouldn’t they be compensated?”

  “I might not be a model citizen compared to most, but at least I’m not a selfish dick. Even though you were mean and called me one.”

  Her lips twitch with a closed-lip smile. “No, you’re a selective dick, not a complete one.”

  “Hey, what’s that mean?” I feign outrage.

  She laughs. “You have your moments, but most of the time you’re okay.”

  I lean forward, closing the distance between us. “I don’t know if you heard, but I’ve got a new girlfriend and she’s a great influence on me.”

  “She must have the patience of a saint if she’s dating you,” she quips.

  Rapid knocking interrupts my next smart-ass reply.

  “Come in,” she calls out.

  Her assistant Margot opens the door, tipping her head inside. “I’m going out to grab lunch. What do you want?”

  Rising from the desk, I catch Nadia’s gaze and wink. “I’m going to head out now. I’ll talk to you later.” I walk to the doorway. “Have a good day, Margot.”

  She smiles. “Thanks, Flynn. You too.”

  I aim a final glance at Nadia before I head down the hallway. She looks frozen in place and uncomfortable as hell. Did she expect me to do or say something in front of Margot that would make her think we’re dating? I’ve got plans for our big reveal that will be way more impressive than telling her assistant. We need to kick our relationship off with a bang, and the charity event is the perfect place to do so.



  I watch Flynn walk toward the door. My eyes glide downward from his wide shoulders to his muscular ass. It should be a crime to fill out the backside of his jeans that well. He says a quick goodbye to Margot, and my gaze swings upward just in time to connect once more with his before he disappears from sight.

  I expel a long, drawn-out sigh. What have I gotten myself into?

  “What was that all about?” Margot asks.

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Really?” Her eyebrows jump upward as she walks toward me. I nod, still not sure what she’s referring to. “I felt like I interrupted something. The sexual tension between you two was intense,” she clarifies, stopping in front of my desk.

  I snort, dismissively waving my hand. “Don’t be crazy. That was exasperation and nothing more. I earn every penny I make being his agent.”

  “Well, whatever that was, it was palpable,” Margot replies.

  “Where do you want to order lunch from?” I ask, steering the conversation away from the undesirable topic of my soon-to-be boyfriend. It’s bad enough I’m going to need to pretend to be in a relationship with him starting next week, I don’t want to discuss him now. And in the meantime, I plan to do my best to forget he exists.

  “How about Chinese food?” Margot asks. “I’ve been craving Lo Mein for two days.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll get my usual.” Leaning back in my chair, I slip off my high heels and rub the soles of my feet on the carpet beneath my desk. “While you’re out, can you please grab my dry cleaning?” I still dislike asking her to do things for me, even if I do so politely. I started Legacy Sports Management ten years ago, and I’ve built it from the ground up. Most days it still seems surreal that I have employees and that I’m able to pay their salaries.

  “Sure. It’s the two dresses I dropped off at the beginning of the week, right?” Margot asks.

  “Yes. I have a couple of events I have to attend this week.”

  “Don’t sound so excited,” Margot says before spinning around and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  It occurs to me exactly how much Flynn and I will have our work cut out for us. We need to be convincing enough around the people we know that they don’t question the legitimacy of our relationship. But we also can’t go overboard at first.

  Anyone familiar with Flynn won’t believe he suddenly fell for me after knowing me for so long. We’ll start off slow and let our fake relationship build just as if we were dating for real.

  I let out a groan. This is going to be a lot of work and I’m going to earn every penny of that twenty thousand dollars he promised me. As much as I didn’t want to agree to the price, that money will benefit me greatly. I’ve been saving up to have a baby, but the timing never seems to be right. And with no man in my life, I need to do it through artificial insemination,
which doesn’t come cheap. No pun intended.

  As a single parent, I’ll be the only provider. If I want to take maternity leave, I need to make sure I have plenty of savings to utilize. I also need to make sure my business is running stronger than ever. After all, I have employees depending on me to pay them.

  Part of me is afraid to take that step because I don’t want my business to backslide. It’s a risk, for sure. This is a cutthroat world, and it seems like someone is always waiting to swoop in and try to steal the most lucrative clients away.

  I like to remind myself that another agent can’t steal away one of my clients unless they want to leave. If someone is going to fire me and go with another agent, they’re going to do it regardless of what I do for them. Some athletes think the grass is always greener on the other side, and no matter what I do for them it would never be enough.

  Those same people typically bounce from agent to agent and team to team because they’re always looking for more money, more notoriety—just more.

  Professional sports can be a fertile breeding ground for narcissism. Many athletes I’ve come across aren’t satisfied with, or grateful for, what they already have. Flynn has never been that type of person. He’s always been one of my easiest clients as far as pleasing him goes, and as such, also one of my favorites. While he does come with his own set of issues I’ll have to manage as his “girlfriend,” at least he’s not an asshole.

  He has a great sense of humor, so I know the added time I’ll be spending with him will be filled with laughter. And at least we’ll have fun. We may have too much fun. Which is where one of my concerns comes in. How do I spend so much time with him and remain emotionally distant?

  He’s like a vacuum sucking in everything and everyone around him. I hope I’m strong enough to resist his powerful allure. He’s everything a woman could want in a man, and I’ve always been extremely careful to keep that professional barrier between us to avoid any temptation.

  If he weren’t my client, and he wasn’t so much younger than me, I’d give him a whirl. But he is both of those things. And now, with me pretending to be his girlfriend, that barrier will no longer be there, which scares the fuck out of me.

  * * *

  Sundays are always my favorite day of the week. My work often bleeds over into each Saturday, but I’m religious about making sure I get one full day of rest each week. Except for today.

  The crowd’s wild cheers have me tempted to cover my ears. The Pirates’ fans are notorious for being among the loudest in the league. This isn’t the first football game I’ve been to, but it’s definitely the first I’ve attended as part of a fake relationship charade. In my mind I replay the phone conversation I had with Flynn yesterday.

  “Nadia, I'm sending over a ticket for the game tomorrow.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “I was thinking it would be a good way to lead into our relationship.”

  “I’m your agent and everyone knows that. It’s not like we’ve never met before.”

  “I know. But wouldn’t a woman who was interested in a guy want to watch his game in person?”

  He’s got a point.

  “Fine,” I grumble. “Sundays are my only day to myself.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt your free time. You can console yourself by counting the money I’m going to pay you. I’ll give you five thousand up front.”

  “Flynn, money doesn’t magically fix everything.”

  “Sure it does. I’ll see you tomorrow after the game. I’ll text you and let you know where to meet me.”


  “Don’t sound so glum. You’ll have a great time. I’ll add in another ticket so you can bring a friend.”

  “Did you forget my best friend’s family owns your team? I don’t need a ticket. I’ll sit in their box.”

  “Nadia, have you ever attended a game like a real fan and sat in the stadium seats?”

  I sigh. “No. I always sit with Sadie.”

  “That’s what I thought. I’ll send over the tickets. Talk later.”

  “Flynn,” I call out, but he’s already gone.

  And true to his word, two tickets were dropped off to me at my office along with a personal check for five thousand dollars.

  “Whoo,” Sadie shouts beside me. It’s difficult to believe the Pirates super fan sitting next to me is the same Vice President of Operations I met with two days ago. Wearing a tight team tank top with her blonde hair loose and blowing in the breeze, she’s the polar opposite version of her work self. I haven’t seen her looking this relaxed and having this much fun in ages. Wish I could do the same.

  “Nadia, drink your beer. You’ll enjoy yourself more if you’re not so sober.”

  Reflexively, I take a sip of the cold liquid and it turns into a long, refreshing gulp. It’s hot and noisy, but I must admit there’s a sense of excitement in the air. It’s like everyone’s balancing on the edge of their seat waiting for something big to happen. I even find myself perched there, the hard edge digging into the bottom of my ass cheeks, while my eyes remain glued to the field.

  Who am I kidding? My eyes are glued to Flynn.

  The ball gets snapped into the hands of Darren, the quarterback, and he takes a three-step drop, backpedaling into the pocket. His eyes scan down the field, locating an open receiver before he fires a rocket in his direction. It’s a beautiful throw and the football sails into Flynn’s hands with ease. He runs the ball in for a touchdown, and the roar that erupts throughout the stadium is deafening.

  Sadie and I jump to our feet so fast, I spill beer on my hand. Shrugging, I gulp down the rest and cheer along like a seasoned ticket holder.

  My gaze stays on Flynn as his teammates close around him to celebrate. His touchdown has placed them firmly into the lead.

  “So much talent,” Sadie says, sighing.

  “He really is gifted when it comes to football,” I agree.

  “I hope he can get his shit together off the field. As you saw, my dad is none too happy about his never-ending shenanigans.”

  “It was clutch that you suggested giving him another chance. I really appreciate how you mentioned that,” I say.

  “We don’t want to lose him, but if he gives us no choice, we’ll have no other option. Does Flynn understand what’s going to happen if he doesn’t have a complete turnaround in his behavior?” Sadie asks.

  I nod. “He does. We spoke about that, amongst other things.”

  This would be the perfect time for me to lay the fake relationship groundwork with Sadie. I should tell her I’m interested in Flynn. I can explain how my feelings for him changed and took me by surprise. Even though I should do those things, I can’t bear to outright lie to her. The thought of her seeing us together and jumping to her own conclusions somehow seems less dishonest.

  “Good. He’d be impossible to replace, but this team has always been held to high standards on and off the field. My dad may be getting closer to retiring, but he’s certainly not getting lenient.”

  “I don’t think there will be any problems going forward,” I try to reassure her.

  “One thing’s for sure, he’s hotter than the South Carolina sun.” Sadie fans her face.

  “Hey, you’re engaged,” I tease.

  “I am, but Brian’s not here.” She winks.

  “Speaking of Brian, did he decide where you’re going on your honeymoon?” I ask, taking the opportunity to change the subject.

  “Yes,” she squeals excitedly. “We’re going to the Carribean. Hot sun, beautiful beaches, and little to no clothing.”

  “That’s awesome. I’m a little jealous. I haven’t been someplace tropical in way too long.”

  “You should book yourself a trip. You deserve one.”

  I nod my agreement, but all I can think about is how busy I’ll be with Flynn. If we make it past the two month relationship goal calamity free, I’m taking a long fucking vacation.

  The rest of the game speeds onward, and before
I know it, I’m jumping up and down with the rest of the fans, celebrating the Pirates’ win.

  “God, it was fun watching the game from here. Fun but hot as fuck.”

  “Does that mean you’ll be forgoing the owner’s suite from now on?” I ask teasingly.

  She presses her lips together and shakes her head. “Hell no. I like air conditioning too much and the food’s to die for. How about next week you join me?”

  “That’s the best offer I’ve had in ages,” I say.

  “Well, that’s just sad. We need to find you a man to take you out places.”

  Here’s another chance for me to tell Sadie about Flynn and me.

  “I’m so busy as it is,” I reply.

  “We should get out of here before we’re stuck in the line. Want to head up to the box with me and see if there’s any dessert left over?”

  “No, thanks. I told Flynn I’d meet him after the game.”

  Sadie squeezes my upper arm, leading me up the stairs instead of down. “Look at you going above and beyond duty to help out your athlete. I knew you’d do your best to keep him in line.”

  Oh, you have no idea the lengths I’m going to.

  “Of course I will. But as hot as Flynn is, he’s equally as stubborn.” We slowly climb the cement stairs.

  Sadie grins. “Not as stubborn as you are.”

  I briefly wrinkle my nose. “I don't know that I’m stubborn.”

  Sadie clicks her tongue against her teeth. “Oh, please. You’re a badass female sports agent in a man’s world.”

  “It’s not as male dominated as it used to be,” I downplay.

  “Shut up and take the damn compliment,” she scolds.


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