CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1

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CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1 Page 4

by Chance, Jacob

  “Thank you.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You don’t need to thank me. I’m not blowing smoke up your ass. I’m stating the truth.”

  When we reach the top, Sadie pulls me into the hallway, leading me to a private elevator. “I’ll take you down to the locker room area and then I’ll head upstairs for dessert.”

  “Thanks. I was wondering why we were heading upstairs instead of down. But I wasn’t looking forward to doing the slow shuffle-walk in a massive crowd.”

  “I figured. And this way I know you get to Flynn before he can get into any trouble.” She giggles.

  “How much trouble can he get into in the locker room?” I ask.

  “I’d say none, but this is Flynn Shaughnessy we’re talking about. Anything is possible.”

  “Oh God, you’re right.”



  Coach comes into the locker room smiling, which doesn’t happen all that often. Not even when we win. But today we beat one of our division rivals and that makes all the difference.

  “You guys played hard and gave it your all for sixty minutes. That’s what it takes week in and week out to get to the big game. I know we came close last year, but this is a new season. And you guys are not the same as you were then. You’re better now. You’re a true team and you function together like a well-run machine. When the offense is lagging, the defense steps it up and vice versa. Every single one of you did your job today and that needs to be the case every time we play. I’ll see you guys on Wednesday. Be smart about your time off,” Coach finishes his speech, looking pointedly at me.

  I give him a quick salute of acknowledgment. I want to reassure him I’m going to be on my best behavior, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to be. Even having my job threatened isn’t enough to curb the urge to let loose. Making bad decisions is more fun than making solid ones, and I seem to excel at it.

  Taking a quick shower, I change into my clothes. I pack all my stuff away inside my wooden cubby and brush my damp hair back from my face. Glancing at my watch, I notice it’s time for me to meet up with Nadia. My mood improves as I picture her. I may not be able to drink to excess and find a woman who appreciates my company, but at least I won’t be alone. And Nadia’s cool. She’s easy on the eyes too. It’s a win-win.

  I find her at our agreed meeting spot. “Hey, babe,” I say, smirking.

  She puts a hand on her hip, staring up at me. “If you call me babe, the deal’s off.”

  “Gotcha, no saying babe. Maybe you should make me a list of words to avoid.”

  “Jeez, I hope it doesn’t come to that.” She pats my tie with her fingers. “You’re not a total loss. At least you clean up well.”

  “I feel so objectified,” I joke.

  “Now you know how women feel.”

  “Hey, I love all women. You guys are the fairer sex and I’ll even go so far as to say you’re the stronger one too. In fact, I’m pretty sure all us men are good at is spreading our seed.”

  “You won’t be spreading yours any time soon,” she retorts.

  “Damn, you had to remind me.”

  “That’s my job. I’ll be the angel on your shoulder for the next two months.”

  “I can think of places I’d rather have you sit than on my shoulder.”

  “Flynn,” she growls. “Behave yourself. Don’t make me back out before our time has officially started.”

  “I can’t make sexual comments?” I ask.

  “I’m sure there’s more to you than a dirty mind.”

  I laugh. “Don’t be too sure.” I catch hold of her wrist and give a gentle tug, taking a couple of steps and propelling us forward before releasing her. “Let’s get out of here.” We walk toward the players’ parking area.

  “Where are we going? I figured you’d just drop me at my place.” She took the train to the stadium, as she and I prearranged, to avoid traffic.

  “I was thinking we should order take out and have dinner at your place. There are a lot of things we need to discuss before we make our public debut as a couple.” I click the remote on my key ring, unlocking my truck. I open her door and assist her inside.

  “Such as?” she queries, settling on her seat.

  “How did we get together?” Closing her door, I head around and climb into the driver’s seat.

  “We can say feelings have developed over time,” she says as I start my truck.

  “I don’t know anything about your family or where you went to college,” I tell her.

  “I’m an only child and I was raised in Virginia. My parents still live there. I went to college at University of Virginia.”

  “You have the advantage because you know a lot of my background. When was your last relationship and why did it end?” I throw the question out unsure if she’ll answer it.

  “I was married for five years. We divorced six years ago.”

  “You haven’t had a relationship since?” I do my best to keep the surprise from my tone.

  “Nope. I’ve gone on some dates, but I’ve been too busy focusing on my business.”

  “Why did you and your ex divorce?” I question.

  “He wasn’t supportive of my career and he went out of his way to show me.”

  “He sounds like an asshole. How could he not like his wife being successful?”

  “I guess he felt threatened by my career. It was starting to take off.”

  “And let me guess, his wasn’t?”

  “Pretty much. He hated his job but wasn’t willing to put the effort in to figure out what he wanted to do instead.”

  “What’s your favorite dessert?” I ask to lighten the moment.

  “I love key lime pie. What about you?”

  “Fresh-from-the-oven brownies or chocolate chip cookies. What’s your favorite color?”

  “I don’t have one,” she replies. “The rainbow is my favorite.”

  “How can you not have one you prefer above all others?”

  She shrugs. “Why limit yourself? They’re all beautiful.”

  She has a point. “If you’re curious about mine, it’s blue.”

  Turning in to her driveway, I park the truck. “How did you know where I live?” she asks, looking surprised. I guess she was too busy answering my questions to realize where I was driving.

  “I have resources too,” I say.

  “I guess I’m inviting you in?” Her obvious hesitance turns it into a question.

  “Only if you want to. I don’t want you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable,” I tell her.

  “Flynn, you don’t make me uncomfortable. This situation is weird and a little nerve racking, but you’re fine.”

  “Okay. I’m glad to hear that. But, if anything happens that upsets you, I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that without worrying what I’ll think?”

  She nods. “Yeah, I can. Let’s head inside. I’m starving, and the least you can do is feed me something amazing.”

  I open my mouth to make a crack about what I can feed her, and she points at me. “Zip it, Shaughnessy. You’ll be needing to take the locker room humor down about one hundred notches. I’m a lady, not your teammate.”

  I bow my head in a slow nod. “Point taken. I’m sorry.”

  Following Nadia to her side door, I enter her Charleston home. Natural light pours through the large windows, flooding the narrow home and making it seem larger than it is. Although everything looks new, I know she moved here three years ago. I remember offering to help her, but she had already hired a moving company.

  I’m not sure why this modest home is surprising me so much. Nadia is nothing if not practical, and it would be unlike her to purchase a massive home just for herself.

  This place is perfect for her, and the splashes of vivid color she’s spread around using artwork and area rugs remind me of how she chose a rainbow as her favorite color. While not being quite so literal, it gives off the same feeling. I’m flabbergasted by how much I like it. H
er house feels like a home—a space you immediately want to kick back in and relax.

  “This place is great,” I announce.

  She snorts. “I’m glad I have your approval.”

  “I’m just stating my unsolicited opinion. But I really do like what you’ve done with it. You fit here.”

  “Thank you. That’s nice of you to say. Decorating this house has been a labor of love for me. Sometimes I wondered if I’d ever finish.”

  “Maybe we should swap houses for a while and you can make mine look as good,” I suggest.

  “Are you crazy? Do you know how long it would take me to decorate what I assume is a giant-ass house?”

  “No. How long would it take, because I think I want to hire you.”

  “Too long. I’ve got enough to do already between being your agent and your fake girlfriend. I’m not adding anything else to my plate. No siree.”

  “How about you make suggestions for things I should do and I’ll hire someone to take care of the projects?”

  She nods. “I guess I can do that. But two months is not enough time for me to do all of your house. Interior design isn’t an exact science. I need to spend time in a space before I know what it should look like.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem since we’re a couple now.” I wink.

  “I don’t even know how I’m going to keep a straight face when people mention we’re together.”

  “Hey, I’m a catch. You should be proud to be my woman.”

  “No one’s going to believe you can be in a faithful relationship. But if you sleep around on me, I’ll cut your dick off.”

  “How can I sleep around on you? We’ll be spending all our free time together.”

  “Whoa, wait a sec. I never said I was willing to devote all my free time to this farce. I was thinking a couple of dates a week would do the trick.”

  “Nadia, I hate to burst your bubble, but there’s no way that would work. On average, there are a few events each week I’m required to attend, and you’ll need to be on my arm. In addition to that, we’ll need to be out and about at the most popular spots in the city so people can witness how devoted I am to you.”

  Her hand caresses over her forehead as if hearing what I said is painful. “I’m going to change and I need wine, badly. Why don’t you open the bottle in my fridge,” she tells me, removing her high heels one at a time before carrying them up the stairs. My eyes linger on her shapely calves before gliding up to her curvaceous ass. Having Nadia on my arm for the immediate future will be a pleasure, and I’ve already begun looking forward to the buzz it will create. People will think I’ve finally wised up. I hope our act won’t create any problems for Nadia. Saving my ass may be the goal, but I certainly don’t want any blow back to hit her.



  How the hell did I get myself into this mess? I sweep a hand over my brow and my fingers come away damp. If I don’t calm down, the makeup I painstakingly applied is going to melt from my face. I’ll look like a zombie and then it’s a given that no one will believe Flynn and I are legitimately together. It’s imperative that we’re convincing. His career is on the line. Talk about putting pressure on me.

  Slipping on my high heels, I grab my small bag just as the doorbell rings. Oh crap. I’m not ready yet—emotionally that is. Pausing, I close my eyes and slowly breathe in and out three times. The doorbell rings again, and my eyes snap open accompanied by an aggravated growl.

  Stomping in heels isn’t easy, but I do my best, shouting, “Hold your horses.” I yank the door open, ready to blast him for his impatience, and lose my train of thought when my eyes land on Flynn’s mouthwatering form. Wearing a charcoal gray suit and a dark blue dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, he’s undeniably handsome.

  “Like what you see?” he asks, a smirk twisting his masculine lips.

  “You’ll do.” That’s all I’m willing to give him. He knows how attractive he is. Besides, stroking his ego isn’t part of our agreement.

  His perusal of me is blatant and leaves me feeling flushed. “Let me say that you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. Do you need anything before we go? A bottle of water? To use the bathroom?” I babble awkwardly, as if this is a real date.

  He smiles. “Are you nervous?”


  “Why? We’ve been friends for a long time,” he says.

  “I’m not worried about spending time with you.” Although that’s not entirely true. “I don’t want the attention being with you will bring my way.”

  “Don’t think about that part. You and I are going to have fun and that’s what matters.”

  “Isn’t too much fun what got us into this mess?” I remind him.

  “We’re allowed to have good, clean fun. Maybe a drink or two, but that’s the extent of getting wild.”

  “Okay. We might as well get going. The sooner we arrive, the sooner we can leave.”

  “If we don’t stay long enough, everyone will assume we left early so you can have your way with me,” he says.

  “Ha. Maybe they’ll think you’re having your way with me.”

  His eyes skate down my frame before oh so slowly gliding back up. “With that dress on, they’re sure to.”

  Caressing the soft material of the skirt, I smile. “Going to this event with you gave me an excuse to wear my new dress.”

  “See, the night’s barely begun and you already found something positive to focus on. You’re a good influence.”

  “You better hope so, for your sake.”

  * * *

  The fundraiser is taking place at a well known hotel in Charleston’s French Quarter. The brick exterior and architectural details reflect the area's southern charm. It’s not my first time coming here, but I’m still taken aback by the opulent interior when I step inside. Shiny marble floors, thick white pillars, an enormous crystal chandelier, and a curved double staircase are some of the showstoppers in the main lobby. The ornate gold framed mirrors hanging on the walls remind me of a time long past. It’s the perfect location to hold this two-thousand-dollar-per-plate dinner.

  When Flynn takes hold of my hand, everything else falls away. His warm palm presses to mine, his long fingers wrap around and swallow my much smaller hand. I’m not sure how, but I feel it down in my knees that have weakened.

  “Come on,” he directs, as if he knows I need the reminder to walk forward. Fortunately, my legs respond accordingly, and we follow the signs directing us down a long hallway.

  The banquet room is done up with crisp white cloths, and large, colorful centerpieces are situated in the middle of the round tables. Sconces, evenly spaced along the walls, are lit and the overhead lighting is dimmed, giving the room a romantic ambience. Oh great.

  Just what we need.

  We progress across the floor, and I sense too many pairs of eyes zeroed in on us. What are they thinking about us holding hands?

  My high heels click annoyingly against the hardwood and it’s chill inducing for me, like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  When we reach our table, Flynn releases his hold and pulls out my chair. I sink down on the seat and audibly sigh out my relief. So far, so good.

  Flynn takes the chair next to mine and we look around. We’re the only ones at our table for the time being.

  He leans closer. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “What? Holding your hand?” I ask.

  “Yeah. It wasn’t too repulsive was it?” His lips lift upward at the corners with the hint of a smile.

  “It could’ve been worse,” I tease. If he knew the effect his touch had on me, he’d never let me live it down. Which is why he’ll never know.

  “I’m going to go to the bar and grab some drinks for us. What would you like?”

  “Something that packs a punch but won’t make me legless.”

  He chuckles. “I think I can handle that. I’ll be right back.” He rises and walks away before I can protest. I
don’t want to be left alone. It’s awkward as hell sitting here with no one else. Instantly, I flash back to the high school cafeteria and eating lunch by myself because I was the nerdy, shy girl. No matter how much time has passed, I can still conjure that same feeling up as if it happened only yesterday. You’d think with all the personal success I’ve had with my business it would crush those old insecurities to smithereens, but that’s not the case.

  Fiddling with my small purse, I remove my phone and check for messages or missed calls. Since there aren’t any, I scroll my emails quickly, but there isn’t anything that needs my attention. Figures, the one time I’m looking for something to keep me busy, there’s nothing. Any other time, I’d be inundated with business texts and emails.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  I snap my head up and find Sadie and her fiancé, Brian, standing there. I know my face must show my relief as I stand.

  Sadie moves in for a hug. “You looked like you needed saving from yourself.” Her red lips form a gentle smile as I step back.

  “It was that obvious, huh?” I ask.

  “Only to me.”

  “Nadia, it’s nice to see you again.” Brian steps in for a brief hug.

  “Please tell me you guys are sitting at this table,” I say, my hands poised for prayer.

  “Sorry. I wish we were. We’re stuck at the table with my parents and some of their friends. It’s gonna be a wild night.” Sadie rolls her eyes. “I don’t want to leave you alone, but my mom is flagging me down as we speak.”

  “She’s not alone,” Flynn’s deep voice replies from behind me. Turning, I take my drink from him and he slides into place beside me, placing his palm on the small of my back.

  Sadie’s observant gaze bounces between us, no doubt noting Flynn’s solicitous behavior toward me. My stomach dips with nervous energy. I know she’ll be bombarding me with questions soon, definitely before the end of the night. This is what we wanted. We need people to see us and accept that we’re together. So why am I so keyed up?

  The three of them exchange pleasantries while I stand here sipping my drink, lost in the doubtful thoughts swirling inside my head.


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