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Power Mage 5

Page 3

by Hondo Jinx

  “Hey now,” he laughed, suddenly under attack by five aggressive women. Hands tugged at his jeans, plunged into his pockets, and groped his dick through the denim. “Y’all are shameless!”

  Remi crowed with victorious laughter, held the golden key aloft, and raced through the inscription engraved upon its shining barrel.

  Nothing happened.

  “What the fuck?” Remi blurted.

  That settles it, then, Brawley thought.

  He’d wondered if anyone else could activate the key. Now he knew. He wondered if the tome was the same way.

  Speaking of the missing book…

  “Give me the damn key,” Brawley said, swiping it from the dejected nymphomaniac. “I’m going to pop over there, take a look, and come back. I can’t stay long. I’m waiting on a ping.”

  Laughing, they pressed into him, still arguing playfully. They nipped his ears and slid their hands into his clothing to squeeze his flesh.

  He let them paw him for a few seconds then shooed them back and cleared his throat to recite the phrase that would transport him to another dimension.

  Only then did he realize they weren’t alone.

  He hadn’t even noticed Yolanda standing there, watching them.

  It was kindly jarring.

  As was the strange expression gripping Yolanda’s pretty face. Her dark eyes shone feverishly behind long, fluttering lashes. The nostrils of her tiny nose flared, and her full, red lips parted slightly, like those of a woman in the throes of passion.

  And yet there was no smile. No move to join them. No call of farewell.

  Yolanda was transfixed and enraptured, but Brawley didn’t know if the Cosmic was excited by the impending orgy, Red Haven, or something else altogether, some weird thing they hadn’t even registered, like maybe an invisible portal into another dimension only Yolanda could observe.

  Whatever the case and despite the girl’s obvious arousal, Brawley felt no warmth radiating from her.

  It was very strange. Very alien. And, truth be told, very Yolanda.

  Ultimately, he didn’t really care.

  It’s hard to really give a shit about much when you’re gearing up to have sex with five gorgeous women.

  “Send her home,” he told his wives, who jumped a little when they realized Yolanda was standing just behind them.

  “Whoa,” Nina said, leaning away from the eerie Cosmic. “Creep much?”

  “I’ll be back,” Brawley said.

  As his wives sent the strange, dark-haired illusionist away, Brawley checked his firearms, drew his arms full of fresh force, and read the key’s inscription.

  The world lost form, whipped away into oblivion, and reconfigured itself in the familiar shape of Red Haven.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  The cabin was empty.

  No woman. No book. No message.

  He paced the floorboards, scanning the room. He spotted no items, triggered no holograms, and registered no footprints. There was no sign whatsoever that anyone had visited in his absence.

  Over recent weeks, he had been spending a lot of time training here. As a result, he could now employ psi sensors, tap his Unbound strand almost as quickly as he could fire energy stored in his arms, and replace sleep with thirty minutes of Carnal meditation.

  Of course, half an hour here equaled merely a few minutes back home.

  He knelt, closed his eyes, and concentrated on his breathing. Once his consciousness, respiration, and circulation were all synced in perfect harmony, he tapped his Carnal strand and went to work marshalling energy to various points in his body like a powerful general directing forces from high above the battlefield.

  Completely refreshed, he stood, took another look around the cabin’s Spartan interior, and spoke the words that would carry him home.

  His women set upon him like a pack of starving dogs and dragged him inside to use him like a piece of meat.

  This time, Brawley didn’t resist.


  Nina took his jaw in her hands, drew his face down to hers, and kissed him passionately, whimpering as their tongues danced. He could feel new energy buzzing in her, all those kill-boosts charging her up, making her writhe with crackling desire.

  His own boost jacked him to 228 points per strand for a total psi score of 1140, making his balls throb.

  In that sense, the kill-boost was completely unnecessary, like tossing gas on a seven-alarm fire. He was horny all the time, half-hard 24/7, and surrounded night and day by drop-dead gorgeous nymphomaniacs who would do anything for him and who would love him forever and ever.

  Nina panted with desire.

  Brawley broke their kiss and peeled the shirt off his purple-haired wife, revealing her tremendous figure.

  All five women surged forward and broke into an awkward yet spirited dance as they tried to undress him, themselves, and each other all at the same time.

  A moment later, they were all naked.

  Callie jumped onto his back, wrapping her slender arms and legs around him. He could feel the wet heat of her crotch and the press of her small, firm breasts against his flesh as the cat girl’s mouth toyed with his ear, licking and kissing and purring.

  To either side, Nina and Sage rubbed their naked bodies into his. They kissed his arms and chest and face and ran their hands over his body, whispering eternal love and devotion.

  Frankie stood before him, swiveling back and forth, setting her mesmerizing curves in motion and staring up at him with her bright green eyes. The pink-and-white trucker hat sat backwards atop her long, thick tresses, which were as black as the grease-streak war paint that marked her high cheekbones.

  The luscious Gearhead knelt before him like a supplicant at the altar and reached up slowly, taking his throbbing erection gingerly in her capable hands.

  Brushing her fingertips lightly over his hardness, Frankie stared at his manhood with an awed expression.

  Bonding had changed the girls, and those changes had deepened over recent weeks.

  Nina was always ready. She reveled in sex. To her, coupling with Brawley was the purest joy possible. Her desire was inextricable from her love for him, which grew day by day, every day, impossible as that seemed.

  In Sage, bonding had cracked open a vault of deep perversion that never ceased to surprise and amuse him, especially considering the very Sage-like things she tended to say even in the middle of the wildest orgies.

  Remi was still Remi… only more so. Bold and irreverent, she was sexually aggressive toward Brawley and her sister-wives.

  Callie was constantly in heat. Even in sleep, the slim girl moaned and writhed, rubbing against Brawley as if her inflamed sex, which was always hot and sopping wet, had developed a mind all its own and was trying to impale itself on any part of him it could find.

  Some nights, he allowed her questing loins to find his finger or manhood. Callie’s throbbing sex swallowed whatever he gave her, thrusting and pumping even while the cat girl still slept. Orgasm woke her and invariably triggered yet another nocturnal fuck-fest among Brawley and his horny wives.

  In Frankie, bonding had sparked deep awe. She didn’t just want Brawley’s manhood. She worshipped it.

  Kneeling before him now, she lowered her hands, pulling his shaft downward like a lever. Her luminous green eyes shone with wonder as she lifted her beautiful mouth and pressed her lips to his swollen, purple head.

  Frankie moaned, utterly enraptured. Her soft, adoring kiss unslung a glistening strand of precum that hung like a twinkling rope bridge between his tip and her full lips.

  “Move over,” Remi barked. She dropped to her knees beside Frankie and grabbed his shaft from the hypnotized Gearhead. “Let me show you what to do with this thing.”

  Remi took him in her mouth, sucking and licking while one hand pumped his heavy shaft up and down.

  Remi’s free hand rubbed Frankie’s naked back, smoothing up and down, up and down, brushing the Gearhead from her shoulder blades down her arched
spine to the upper edge of the glorious swell that blossomed into Frankie’s big, beautiful ass.

  Even as Remi sucked and fondled Brawley, she stole sly glances at her sister-wife, studying Frankie’s reactions to her touch.

  Frankie didn’t seem to notice Remi’s light touch. She just kneeled before Brawley, rocking back and forth, utterly transfixed by his massive erection.

  It was quite a show for Brawley, who knew Remi and the girls had been trying—unsuccessfully, so far—to coax Frankie over the line ever since the voluptuous Gearhead had joined their ranks.

  Still clinging to his back, Callie ground her sex into him and nipped at his ear, her breath hot against his cheek.

  Nina kissed his side just above the hip bone and tickled her fingers over his abdomen.

  Sage stepped up beside Remi, long and lean and achingly ravishing, a runway model in sexy librarian glasses and nothing else.

  Sage masturbated slowly, staring into his eyes. Then she puckered her red lips and plunged her middle finger into her mouth. She pumped her slender finger in and out of her puckered mouth, sucking it rhythmically from tip to the base, moaning at the taste of her juices.

  Remi’s head pulled back, and he popped free of her mouth. Settling back on her haunches, the lovely Carnal drew a tattooed forearm across her smile, wiping away the slobber, and stared up at him, her dark eyes glittering with lust.

  Frankie leaned forward, opening her beautiful mouth, but Brawley stopped her and pushed the two girls’ heads together, cheek against cheek.

  “Tilt your heads back,” he told them. “That’s it. Stick your tongues out. Hands down. Only mouths.”

  The two dark-haired beauties obeyed his commands, kneeling side by side, hands pressed into their thighs, staring up at him with their mouths open and tongues out.

  Frankie quivered with anticipation, a thin line of saliva drooling from the tip of her outstretched tongue onto the sweet outcropping of her mountainous breasts.

  Gripping himself by the root, Brawley slapped his fat tip against Remi’s wet, pink tongue. She tried to suck him back into her talented mouth, but he shook his head, and Remi released him and dutifully took her tongue spanking.

  Frankie blinked up at him, craning her neck and straining hungrily forward with her tongue. Her big, round breasts wobbled slightly, largely restrained between her arms.

  Brawley swung his swollen manhood from Remi’s greedy mouth and dropped the heavy, purple head onto Frankie’s questing tongue. She moaned and shuddered, eyes lazing to slits as her tongue undulated gently against the underside of his bulbous, bruise-colored knob.

  As Frankie licked and moaned, Remi brushed aside the Gearhead’s thick black locks and whispered in her ear.

  Whatever Remi said, Frankie’s eyes shot open, and a fresh shudder rattled through her.

  She nodded slightly.

  Mischievous Carnal, Brawley thought, watching Remi’s lips plant soft kisses on Frankie’s earlobe. She’s as bad as Arabella.

  Frankie’s long lashes fluttered as she continued to swab Brawley’s swollen tip with her tongue.

  Remi’s hands slipped between the Gearhead’s big, shapely thighs to spread Frankie’s knees farther apart.

  Frankie jumped a little at her mischievous sister-wife’s touch but didn’t object.

  One of Remi’s hands lingered, tracing soft circles midway up the Gearhead’s inner thigh.

  Sage spread her long legs and went to work between them, pumping her honeyed sex with three fingers. She was no longer staring at Brawley, however.

  The Seeker’s blue eyes glowed, utterly fixated on her kneeling sister-wives. Watching Remi’s hand move slightly up Frankie’s thigh, Sage pinched her lip between her teeth and continued to pummel her swollen mound.

  Brawley let Frankie take his tip into her achingly beautiful mouth. She had to open her mouth as wide as she could to accommodate his girth. Even then, her perfect lips stretched tight to their limit.

  A fresh shudder went through her. Partly because she finally had him in her mouth. But Brawley suspected other factors were fueling her desires.

  Remi’s whispering kisses grew more frantic. Sucking the lower edge of Frankie’s earlobe, she inched her swiveling fingertips up the Gearhead’s inner thigh.

  Frankie bobbed her head back and forth, moaning louder and sucking desperately at his tip.

  Remi’s kisses dropped from Frankie’s earlobe, tiptoed across her flushed cheek, and descended to her neck. The Carnal’s hand slid slowly up Frankie’s thigh. Soon, her fingertips were stroking the hollow notch between the Gearhead’s thigh and her puffy sex, which sparkled with glistening juices.

  Remi lifted her lips once more to Frankie’s ear and whispered again.

  Frankie didn’t answer with words. Her mouth was still stretched to the max, full of Brawley’s throbbing tip. But her response couldn’t have been more pronounced if she’d shouted at the top of her lungs.

  Frankie’s hand found Remi’s fingertips and guided them slightly higher.

  Brawley’s balls ached as he watched Remi cup Frankie for the first time.

  He had felt this moment coming over recent weeks, had sensed Frankie warming to the advances of her sister-wives, but had done nothing to encourage or discourage his increasingly curious wife. This was Frankie’s choice, pure and simple.

  Whimpering, Frankie sucked him in short little pulses, trying and failing to fit more of him in her overwhelmed mouth. Meanwhile, she lifted her round ass from her heels, splayed her legs, and pushed her pelvis forward, thrusting against Remi’s gently stroking fingers.

  Nina appeared at Frankie’s side, crawling up to the enraptured Gearhead on all fours. Leaning her head forward with her hands still planted on the floor, Nina took one of Frankie’s nipples in her mouth.

  Frankie moaned as Nina suckled.

  Kissing Frankie’s throat, Remi slid a finger slowly into the Gearhead’s eager sex.

  Callie dropped from Brawley’s back and appeared behind Nina. She, too, was on all fours.

  Reaching Nina’s perfect ass, Callie spread the force mage’s thighs, leaned her pretty young face forward, and went to work, licking Nina’s slit, dragging her tongue up and down, up and down, with the firm, rhythmic pulls of a cat cleaning herself.

  Sage took Frankie by the shoulders and eased her backward. Frankie’s mouth popped free of Brawley’s tip, which jutted up tall and proud as he watched Sage lower Frankie gently to the floor.

  The gorgeous Gearhead lay on her back, staring up at Brawley through half-open eyes glazed with lust. She let her large, shapely thighs flop open and arched her back, pushing her huge breasts up and out.

  Still on all fours, Nina followed Frankie down and lowered her head to one of the Gearhead’s incredible breasts. Nina inhaled the hard nipple. Her cheeks hollowed, sucking.

  Moaning, Frankie reached up with both hands, grabbing Remi and Sage by the hair. She pulled the Carnal to her free breast and pulled Sage’s face down to her own.

  Brawley was surprised to feel the heat and pressure of impending climax rising in his balls.

  Normally, he pumped away for hours, dragging all five wives through multiple orgasms before popping off himself. But tonight, the kill-boosts and this incredibly erotic scene had him suddenly toeing the edge of euphoric oblivion.

  Frankie’s face was lost now, hidden behind the golden curtain of the crouching Seeker’s hair. As Sage and Frankie made out passionately, Remi and Nina focused their mouths and hands on the Gearhead’s breasts, making Frankie writhe.

  Callie appeared between the newest wife’s splayed thighs and crept forward, her body low to the ground and sinuous in the pink morning light falling through the windows. Then, like a cat pouncing on prey, Callie plunged her watering mouth between Frankie’s legs.

  Barely visible now beneath her licking and sucking sister-wives, Frankie stiffened as if she’d touched a live wire. For several seconds, her grease-streaked body remained rigid, electrified by her siste
r-wives’ attentions and especially the savage ministrations of the young Beastie’s tongue between her legs.

  Then some invisible switch flipped deep inside Frankie, breaking her paralysis and bringing her frantically to life. She moaned and wriggled. Kissing Sage vigorously, she rolled back on her shoulders, lifted into a bridge, and ground her sweet mound into Callie’s greedy mouth, which had abandoned catlike licking to suck vigorously at Frankie’s wet sex.

  Remi and Nina continued to suckle, but their hands left Frankie’s breasts to explore her firm and trembling flesh.

  It was hot as hell, watching Frankie come to life as the girls ate her alive. But Brawley reckoned he’d already stored up an eyeful and then some.

  He was through watching.

  Growling, he got down behind the skinny cat girl, whose shockingly juicy ass jutted up at him, twitching back and forth. He grabbed Callie’s sweet bottom in both hands and shuffled forward on his knees. His manhood pushed against her tight slit, too big to fit.

  Callie brushed her calico hair over one shoulder and twisted her head to grin up at him with one big amber eye, strands of saliva and essence stretching between her smile and Frankie’s puffy pink mound. The cat girl rocked backward, pushing her sex firmly into his tip until the purple dome inched forward, splitting her outer folds.

  Callie whimpered sharply and plunged her face once more between Frankie’s legs, redoubling her efforts. At the same time, the skinny teen thrust back hard into Brawley, forcing the issue and impaling herself on his throbbing shaft.

  The move was so abrupt and brazen, Brawley almost popped right then and there. But he tamped down his climax, wanting to savor the moment. Seizing Callie by the hips, he pumped back and forth, pummeling her with his massive erection.

  The cat girl yowled and jerked, desperately licking and slurping even as Brawley’s powerful thrusts rocked her tiny body.

  Meanwhile, Remi and Nina joined in an embrace over Frankie, making out passionately and pawing at each other’s bodies.

  Sage squatted down and lowered her smooth mound until it hovered mere inches above Frankie’s enraptured face.


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