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Underworld - Scorching Sun: A LitRPG Series

Page 48

by Apollos Thorne

  Seeing her come around the corner atop the skeletal horse-like creature that had a vicious beak in place of its nose and two horns instead of ears made her seem like the perfect depiction of dark elf royalty from some dark fantasy game. She wore a black strapless dress with the white frame of a lotus flower over one side of her chest. Its stem curved down from one side to the other and traced the line of her hip. Her lavender hair was back in a braid and the blue-grey skin of her shoulders, neck and face was flawless. It was almost impossible to tell she was a vampire until she gave a strained smile in greeting.

  Her eyes shot to the ground when she noticed Aeris. She willed Brat to a stop.

  I reached up with a vampire’s hand to help her down. She took it and slid off the Embar like a slide. As she landed, she dared to meet my eyes with bold interest. “Your friends?” she said.

  I’d nearly forgotten that I’d left her when I’d thought Travis and Mel had been murdered. “They weren’t as dead as I was led to believe,” I replied with a grin. “You’ll meet them soon.”

  Gently guiding her in Aeris’s direction, I watched as she clammed up as if meeting a new master. “This is my fiancée, Aeris.”

  The Wind Sprite wore the silver dress I’d bought for her and which Jasmine had approved of. Also, the multilayered Wind necklace adorned her neck. I’d had difficulties taking my eyes off her since I’d arrived.

  Before Jasmine could say anything, Aeris summoned a small gust of wind that pulled the dark elf’s hand forward. Aeris caught it with both hands and she pulled herself into a more intimate distance. With a pixie-like smile, she said with melodic tones, “Jasmine. Elorion has told me so much about you. And he told me you’re pretty, but not this pretty. I’m totally jealous. I’ll probably have to punish him later.” She giggled.

  Seeing the alarm on Jasmine’s face, Aeris didn’t give her a chance to say anything. Pulling her into a hug, she squeezed her like a long-parted friend.

  Jasmine gave me a look as if requesting help, but I just chuckled.

  Pulling back, Aeris didn’t let go of her hand as she said, “We’re so happy you’re here. We’re going to be sisters from now on, okay?”

  Finally given a chance to respond, Jasmine answered helplessly, “Okay…”

  “Everyone wanted to be here to greet you, but I chased them away because meeting twenty-some-odd strangers all at once is a little too much. Instead, I’ll introduce you to them one at a time. If it ever gets too much, just tell me. We have your room with the bed Elorion gave you all ready in case you want to hide out for a while. Zorik, our Incubus chef and Water Mage, also has the huge supply of vampire drinks El brought available for you in the kitchen. He even said that some of them are commonly served frozen and mushed up like a slushy, so if there is anything you want from him, just ask. Oh, and if he asks you to spar, just tell him your sister Aeris will have words with him if he doesn’t stop bothering you.”

  By the time she was done unloading, Jasmine was nodding along. It seemed Aeris had somehow sped past the beginning stages of relational awkwardness and totally pulled the fragile dark elf away from any need to lean on me for the moment.

  I was left standing with Brat and Shamash as Aeris led her into the Outer Perimeter while chatting her up. With my eyes closed, I let out a long sigh of relief. Aeris had been much quieter than she used to be and often hid her emotions even among Olivia and the girls. I knew as well as anyone how transformative the last few months had been for her. In telling me her story and during our moments alone over the last couple days where she threw herself into my arms as if to hide, she’d revealed what she was keeping hidden from everyone else. Olivia seemed to be the only other person aware of how hard it had been on her. The moment I wasn’t at her side, Olivia would slip in out of nowhere just to be there.

  Ultimately, my greatest fear that my time away would have broken Aeris beyond repair was unfounded. She was scarred and had certainly changed, but there was also a relentless strength to her now that would sometimes reveal itself and could frighten even me. It was only when seeing her take care of Jasmine that I really began to believe that we’d be okay.

  “If things turned out this well for your friends,” Shamash said through mind-speak, “I suspect the Head Mistress has had a hand in orchestrating recent events. You must tell me, what has happened?”

  I didn’t turn to look at him but felt the lich’s presence as he floated up beside me. “Thank you for bringing her to me safely,” I replied. “I’ve already spoken to Russ and Clarissa. We will start construction on the new tomb for the Wraith immediately. As soon as you’re satisfied, I’ll be ready to sign a new contract. As for what’s happened. Aeris and I are now officially Sister and Brother of the succubi. I have no doubt your assessment is accurate. I need to grandmaster Light Magic as soon as possible. Once I do, do you think I’ll be able to cast Scorching Sun at will?”

  “I see. This isn’t outside our expectations. Why are you so certain you want to extend our contract now?”

  “Because until I’m powerful enough to walk through any realm in the Underworld and exert my will without fear, I will never be able to assure the safety of the people I care about.”

  “Then consider our first contract dissolved.”

  A familiar open scroll appeared floating before us. It disintegrated as if rapidly being burnt.

  “What about the Wraith’s Tomb?” I said.

  “I know you well enough to know you’ll keep your word. To answer your other question—once you have reached Grandmaster and have the 100,000 Intelligence bonus, then yes, you’ll be capable of casting Scorching Sun without a focal crystal. It will likely take longer to cast though, making it more dangerous. You wish to use it as you did on Persepolis to level quickly?”

  “I do, but only if there are places that are completely void of any honorable people and collateral damage can be prevented. I know I don’t have a choice, but I don’t want to lose myself while pursuing the necessary power. Does such a place exist?”

  “It does, but it’s far more dangerous than any place you’ve been before. The creatures there are living machines with no other purpose than to hunt or become something else’s food. I assume the Wind Sprite is coming with you?”

  “Always. Will that be a problem?”

  “Not at all. As a matter of fact, she’s one of the main reasons why I’m even considering taking you there. Even with your Light Magic ability, once you cast Scorching Sun, you’ll be dangerously low on mana for a time while you refine more. She’s the only one of your friends with the level and ability to have a chance of helping you stay alive. Also, how goes the prospect of marriage? Has anything changed in your absence?”

  “No. At least, I don’t think so. A big part of why the succubi agreed to make me a brother was because we’re engaged. Her feelings for me don’t seem to have changed and have even deepened from what I can tell. As for my own, that goes without question. But after tonight I should know for sure.”

  “Mmm,” he said, pulling up a second parchment scroll identical to the one our first contract was on. “Then we will make it a joint contract with both of you considered as one party. Her word will be equal to yours except in the chance that you disagree and are giving contradictory commands. Only then will your word override hers. We will discuss it again after your conversation with her tonight. And you’re probably not aware, but do you know why the succubi were so quick to accept her into their numbers?”

  “My thinking is that it’s because she impressed the right people. She’s good at that kind of thing.”

  “That might be the case, but there’s something more. As a Wind Sprite with the ability to transform into a Wind Wisp she’s far more powerful than average for someone of her level, but also her affinity with Wind makes her, though far from invincible, among one of the most difficult creatures to kill. No Alignments directly harm her, and as long as she’s aware, she’s nearly immune to all physical damage in her Wisp Form. Any one of he
r forms would be enough, but the Head Mistress did her job far too well when she picked your group from the human population.”

  He turned to face me and imposed his magical pressure without limit through his lich’s gaze. “How many of your group have undergone some kind of transformation or gained the ability to transform? More than a quarter? No, I believe it’s more than a third. You yourself have reached the second tier of Ascension and have two natural Light Magic Forms, not including your Blue Magic. Though most sentients have the ability to unlock an ascension or transformation eventually, your group has done it far earlier than normal. But you and Aeris are even more extraordinary. Having more than one form isn’t just rare, its borderline unnatural. There’s a possibility, though no one can be sure, that your fiancée could have one more final form. If I’ve suspected it then Head Mistress Lilith has as well… She could become a Primordial.”

  I found my hands curled up into fist before I even realized what I was doing. My anger was unjustified, but I felt his comments were like some kind of attack against her character. I calmed myself before responding. “What does that mean?”

  “You don’t have to worry about her no longer being human. If she becomes a Wind Primordial she’ll be able to take on any shape she wants. She won’t become less than what she is, she’ll become much much more. You’re somewhat familiar with the Primordial Cat, Xaphan. Why do you think such a creature dares to sleep in the succubi’s territory without worry?”

  “Because he’s too powerful?”

  “Exactly right. It’s not that he’s impossible to kill, but even if Lilith showed up and leveled everything within a hundred miles, he could walk away practically unharmed. It’s also unlikely he could kill her, but a battle between two monsters at such a level could destroy the entire region. It’s because of Aeris’s multiple Wind Forms that the possibility of her third form exists. Rarely does such an affinity occur in one person and who’s to say if there’s a limit to what she’s capable of. If she does transform, her level will have little meaning. She will grow more powerful simply by breathing and absorbing the mana in the air around her. Even Lilith will have to be wary of her.”

  I shook my head as much to encourage myself that he was wrong as to disagree with him. “How could someone become a Primordial though? Aren’t they ancient beings that have been around for thousands of years?” Even as I was trying to deny it I remembered her playing with Xaphan in her Wisp Form. It was like they had some kind of connection that even she admitted that she couldn’t understand.

  “What you say is true, but that doesn’t mean new Primordials don’t come about. No one has seen a new one being born in my lifetime but there are some that have been open about their own origin. One thing is clear: they aren’t born with their Primordial power. Even if she is capable, though, it’s impossible to know what criteria she’d have to unlock it. She could live many centuries without ever finding the answer. The important thing is that you’re aware and prepare her to search out the possibility.”

  So not only did I need to tell her, but it seemed we’d need to pay Xaphan another visit and ask him. At least, if she did become a Primordial I wouldn’t have to worry as much about her safety. “Does this mean that I’ll become some kind of Light Primordial because of my two Forms?”

  “No. There’s no record of a Light or Dark Primordial. They are strictly elemental creatures of the highest order. That doesn’t mean you won’t be able to develop the same level of power. You’ll just have to forge your own path. Under our new contract, I will help you both. You must be especially wary. It’s a wonder that the Head Mistress has kept you alive. Either one of you could threaten her once your power is fully realized, and together…”

  “Is it possible she has good intentions?”

  He answered only after giving it some thought. “All that I can say is that if she doesn’t, you might not know until it’s too late.”


  I caught up with Aeris and Jasmine a few minutes later. Olivia had joined them, and she was speaking with the dark elf vampire about their shared Nature Magic.

  As I expected, as soon as the guys were introduced to her, it wasn’t primarily fear that they showed, but amazement. They’d seen my Vampire Form and Lord Darius, but never had they had access to a real vampire, let alone a beautiful one that wasn’t too arrogant to answer questions.

  “You’re so awesome,” Richard said, as he followed close behind as the girls led her toward Russ and Lydia’s shops. I wanted to pluck him off the ground and toss him, but seeing the bashful look on Jasmine’s face, I let him be. She was handling the introductions far better than I thought she would with no little thanks to Aeris and Olivia. If he became too much, they’d take care of him.

  I followed behind them at a distance. Russ was pounding away at one of the swords from the first pile of gear I’d given him as he tested and deconstructed it. He stopped at their arrival with a coat of sweat covering his shirtless upper body. When he’d undergone his transformation he’d gone from huge to having an extremely lean and compact physique. Now, his condensed form was starting to fill out again and he was no longer just cut but chiseled. We’d spent some time together the day before, but there was far too much to catch up with for us to spend much of it on our advancement.

  Olivia introduced Russ as, “He’s smelly at times, but he cleans up well.”

  He ate up every word she said.

  Jasmine kept her comments to a minimum, but I could tell the affection she saw between them affected her.

  Even though I’d hinted to everyone that she’d been abused, only Aeris had been told the full truth other than me, and I emphasized to all that she was a Trueblooded vampire, which made her a noble of her people. They didn’t need to know the rest and were clumsily polite.

  Only after she’d met everyone did we all sit down for a meal. I did have to tell everyone to be seated so they didn’t crowd our guest. She joined me at the table with the council of leaders, sitting just shy of leaning on me like a half-cowering child. Despite that, her apprehension was slowly dissolving.

  “This is your new family now,” I whispered through mind-speak. “What do you think?”

  “It’s unreal,” she replied while secretly scanning everything going on around her. “No one is this nice.”

  “They can get angry, jealous, and throw tantrums just like anyone else. But most of the time this is exactly what they’re like. To them you’re fascinating, and they genuinely want to get to know you. They won’t knowingly harm you and will probably annoy you with all their questions. Especially the guys. Just remember that you promised me you’d become one of us and do your best.”

  “I will.”

  If I wasn’t wrong, she seemed to be just as captivated by them as they were by her.


  Travis and I found each other by accident between the Pits and the Master Chamber. We casually greeted each other, but after passing, we both stopped. There hadn’t really been a chance for the two of us to talk in private since he’d recovered and there were certain things that needed to be said.

  Spinning to face one another, I was the first to speak. “How are you doing? Really?”

  He swallowed down what he was about to say and instead chuckled. “Honestly, I’m still freaking out, but I’m a lot better than I was. I still have no idea how I did what I did.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m just glad to have you back. And the fact you didn’t leave for the surface…”

  “In the end, it was impossible for me to go. There’s too much I’d be leaving behind. Besides, the government would probably turn me into some superhero secret weapon, and who would want to deal with baby werewolves on the surface?”

  We shared a laugh.

  “I’m going to need your help coming up,” I said, trying to seem composed. “I trust the others, but…”

  “Yup. Enough said.” He smacked me on the shoulder.

  I huffed at the thought of what we’d b
een through, then grabbed him in a bear hug, doing my best Russ impression.

  He gave me a manly double pat on the back. “I love you too, man. From one werewolf to another, whatever shampoo you’re using smells great.”

  Letting him go, I stepped back. “You had to make it weird.”

  “You really think I’m going to let being melted by Fire-Acid mess with me?”

  “Of course not. I’ll buy you a bottle of the stuff next time I’m at the vampire grocery store.”

  “Really? I mean I was joking around, but you do smell nice.”

  “Uh. You’re not going to lick me, are you?”

  He gave an extra toothy grin. “Maybe? Just a nibble.”

  “I’m going to go now.”

  “Yeah. Having my brain regrown might have affected me more than I thought…”

  “No. You haven’t changed a bit. I’m still glad to have you back, just don’t bite me.”

  He shrugged. “I can do that.”

  “You can go without biting me, or you ‘can’ bite me…”

  With an exaggerated wink, he walked away.

  Great. Travis had somehow been possessed by the spirit of Sai.


  That night as Aeris and I were retiring for the day, I led her to a mostly unused hall a few columns down from our normal rooms.

  “Where are you going?” she said.

  “You’ll see. There’s something Clarissa was helping me with that she finished today,” I replied as if it wasn’t a big deal.

  Still, she could sense something was going on and grabbed ahold of my arm with both hands. I literally dragged her as she floated beside me about an inch off the ground.

  As soon as we neared one of two thousand halls filled with identical rooms, it was immediately noticeable that this one was different because there were hinges on the rim of the doorway. Swung open was a door as heavy as cast iron but also pearl white. It was only when we were nearing to enter that she could see its surface clearly. It had the imprint of what looked like a phoenix eagle hybrid with its wings outstretched in all its glory. But just as quickly as she saw it, she looked past the incredible image to see what else was awaiting her.


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