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Flicker (Dixie Reapers MC 11)

Page 9

by Harley Wylde

  “Gonna fuck you harder, sweetheart. You ready?” I asked.

  She murmured her consent and I let go, no longer hold back as I drove into her. Soon, I was slamming hard and deep with every thrust. As incredible as Pepper felt, I didn’t want to come without her. I reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. My hips jerked, my movements not as coordinated, and I knew I was about to blow. I pinched and tugged on her clit, growling out the order for her to come right fucking now. She screamed her release, her ass clenching on my dick. I didn’t stop until every drop of cum had been wrung from my balls. Even then, I was still hard and wanted more.

  Fucking Christ! What the hell was she doing to me? I felt like a sex-crazy man when I was around Pepper. I could probably fuck her until my dick fell off and some part of me still wouldn’t be satisfied, would still crave her.

  “Jesus, woman,” I muttered, then trailed kisses down her neck. “Am I hurting you?”

  “Only in the best of ways,” she murmured. “Do it again.”

  I chuckled, but hell if my cock didn’t like that idea. I felt it jerk and twitch inside of her. I fucked her again, slower this time, and less frantic. I made her come twice before I filled her ass with my cum again. I knew she’d be sore as fuck since it had been her first time, but she’d given me a precious gift. Her body sagged in my arms and I knew she was spent, both physically and emotionally. I untied her, then ran my hands over her body in soothing strokes. After pressing a kiss to her cheek, I went to run a hot bath, then carried her into the bathroom. Stepping into the tub, I sank until the water threatened to overflow, Pepper cuddled against my chest.

  “Relax, sweet girl. I’ve got you,” I told her, lightly rubbing her arms, stomach, thighs… anywhere I could touch. The way she lay so trusting in my arms made my heart feel strange. There was a warmth that spread through me, and I wondered if this was what it felt like to fall for someone. I’d never been in love, but if anyone could knock me over that ledge, it would be Pepper.

  Chapter Seven


  A week had passed since I’d found my dad and moved in with Flicker. A week, that despite what had driven me here, had been one of the best of my life. The things I experienced with Flicker were beyond amazing. I’d never thought I’d crave the things he did to me, but I found that I couldn’t get enough. Every time we were together, I wanted more. Not just the sex, but all of it. I loved it when he tied me up, when he used the toys on me, and I especially liked it when he spanked me. I wanted to explore more with him, fantasies I hadn’t realized I needed to make reality, but I didn’t know how to ask for it. What if he thought I was a complete freak and asked me to leave?

  I craved him beyond the bedroom -- not that we confined ourselves to the bedroom for those activities -- but I also loved just cuddling with him on the couch, or enjoying a cup of coffee with him at the kitchen table. The way he looked at me, always watching, made me feel wanted. No one had wanted me. Ever. Not my mother, and none of the guys I’d met. Oh, they wanted in my pants for a one-shot thing, just to say they’d fucked me, but they didn’t want to keep me. I felt protected, desired, even needed. Coming here was the best thing I’d ever done.

  My cell phone had died sometime during my stay, and I’d discovered my charger didn’t work. Flicker’s wouldn’t fit my phone, so I’d finally asked one of the Prospects to pick one up for me in town. When my phone lit up, I saw over forty missed calls, more than a dozen voicemails, and at least fifty texts… all from Marcus. My heart was pounding as I listened to one message after another before reading over the texts, and a feeling of dread hit me. It felt like an ice cold rock had landed in my stomach and my hands shook as I quickly called Marcus. The cloud of bliss I’d been in suddenly evaporated.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” he asked, sounding damn near frantic, just like he had in his messages.

  “I’m not in Nevada and my phone died. I just plugged it in this morning. Marcus… did you find Louis?” I asked.

  “Yes and no. I know where he is now, but I can’t get to him,” Marcus said.

  “What does that mean?”

  He snorted. “You know damn fucking well what it means, Pepper. You brought this shit to our door. You’re the reason Louis isn’t safe in our apartment. Because of you and that stupid whore you call a mother, my boyfriend has been taken and they won’t release him unless I turn you over.”

  My mouth ran dry and I stared out the bedroom window. I could see my dad’s house, see the room I’d slept in that first night. The life I’d started to build for myself was unraveling before my eyes. If I went back to Las Vegas, if they got their hands on me and realized I couldn’t give them what they wanted, I’d likely end up buried somewhere in the desert. And that was the best-case scenario. I didn’t want to think about what they would do to me before putting a bullet through me. If I couldn’t give them their drugs or money, they’d want something else. I knew how those men worked. I’d be made an example, probably stuffed in a brothel somewhere to work off the debt before they slit my throat or shot me.

  “I don’t have what they want,” I said softly, “but I’ll come. I’ll get Louis back for you, Marcus. It’s the least I can do. I never meant to drag the two of you into this.”

  “I know you didn’t, Pepper, but I can’t lose him. You have to fix this shit.”

  “I know. I will.”

  I disconnected the call and let the phone drop to the floor. Looking around the room, I knew that Flicker would never understand, and neither would Sarge. They’d find a way to keep me here, lock me away until it was too late. I couldn’t let anything happen to Louis, not because of something my mother did. She’d ruined enough lives already. After all I’d been through, it seemed I couldn’t escape her even when she was dead. It looked like I’d have to clean up her mess one final time, and I could only hope the two men I loved -- the man I wanted to spend eternity with, and the dad I’d never known -- would one day understand.

  I shoved a few clothes into my bag, not bothering to take the new things Flicker had purchased. I stared at the leather outfit I’d worn here and it seemed fitting that I would put it back on to leave for what would probably be the last time. I fisted my keys and stared at them, wishing someone had thought to hide them from me. I knew it was weak, that even if I didn’t have my bike, I’d have found a way to save Louis. He’d stood by me and now it was my turn.

  I changed my clothes and shouldered my bag. I started out of the bedroom, pausing one more time. I glanced at the mussed sheets and shut my eyes. Images of the nights and days with Flicker filled me with a sense of peace. Even if it hadn’t lasted long, he’d given me the best week of my life. It was the happiest I could remember ever being. I knew I couldn’t leave without any explanation whatsoever. Before I left, I stopped in the kitchen and pulled a sheet of paper and a pen out of one of the drawers. I hastily scribbled an excuse for my abrupt departure, and made sure he knew that he’d made my life better, worth living. And I promised that if it was at all possible, I’d return to him. A drop of water hit the page and I blinked, realizing it wasn’t water. I was crying.

  Dashing the tears from my cheeks, I set the pen and paper in the center of the kitchen table and went out to my bike. He’d insisted I keep it under the carport next to his. Flicker had taken off earlier, so it was just my Indian under the covering right now. Something about club business and he’d be back later. I only hoped he didn’t hate me when he got home and found my note.

  The engine purred as I started my bike. I put on my helmet and took my time reaching the front gate. If I seemed like I was in a hurry, they’d be even more suspicious. Bad enough I had my bag with me. As I came to a halt at the gate, I felt my stomach drop. Shit. Diego. I hadn’t interacted with him much, but I’d heard Flicker discussing the Prospects a few times. Diego and King were their best two, and I knew neither of them would let me leave without a fight. Not if they thought I didn’t have permission.

  He crossed his arms an
d stared down his nose at me. Yeah, this wasn’t going to go well. I pulled off my helmet and held his gaze. I wondered if I looked as scared as I felt. He took a few steps toward me, reaching out to shut off my bike and pocket the keys.

  “What the fuck, Diego?” I asked.

  “Can’t let you leave, Pepper. Not when I can’t promise Flicker and Sarge that you’re coming back.”

  “Are you a fucking mind reader now?” I demanded.

  “Your hands are shaking, your eyes are nearly black from how fucking terrified you are, and you packed your shit. Since no one is with you, I’m going to guess this is an unauthorized trip.”

  “Fuck you. Give me my damn keys.”

  He shook his head, then pulled his phone out and sent a text.

  “Who are you messaging?” I asked, my throat going dry.

  “I’d suggest you go home, Pepper. You don’t want to be at this gate in the next few minutes.”

  What the hell? Was he threatening me?

  “I can’t go home if you don’t give my keys back,” I reasoned and wondered if there was a back way into the compound. There had to be a way out other than just this gate, right?

  He arched a brow and didn’t budge. “You have two legs. Walk.”

  Fucker. I flipped him off, but he only smiled. “Motherfucker,” I muttered.

  “Nope, not my style. Unless she’s a MILF.”

  Ew. I gagged, which only made him laugh. More than I needed to know about the Prospect. Before I could decide what to do, I heard the crunch of boots across gravel and turned. My eyes went wide when I saw not one, not two, but four bikers heading my way. What the fuck? Had he used the biker equivalent of a bat signal when he sent that text?

  “Four men for little bitty me?” I asked, turning to face Diego again. “Am I that dangerous?”

  “You’re Sarge’s kid. I’m not taking any chances,” he said.

  I narrowed my eyes before glancing at the others again. I’d met them briefly, but didn’t know them well enough to know how this would play out. I needed to leave or Louis could die. I could only imagine what those sick bastards had done to him so far. My life was too harsh for someone like Louis. He’d grown up in a middle-class home with loving parents, and every creature comfort he could want or need. Even if they didn’t agree with him having a boyfriend, he hadn’t exactly had a tough life. If ever there was a place where someone could be openly gay, it was Vegas.

  “Pepper, get your ass off that bike,” Preacher said.

  “Aren’t you a man of God?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you try not to cuss?”

  He pointed to his cut. “Do I look like a fucking priest? Just because I’m an ordained minister doesn’t mean I’m an angel. Don’t make me repeat myself, little girl. Get your ass off that bike.”

  I tensed my jaw and glared at him.

  “Don’t be difficult, Pepper,” Savior said. “Flicker would have a damn fit if he came home and you were gone.”

  “Sarge won’t be too happy either,” Bats said.

  “You don’t understand. I need to leave. If I don’t, someone could die,” I said, hoping to reason with them.

  “So you want us to let you leave so you can die instead?” Saint snorted. “Ain’t happening, sweetheart. Like it or not, you’re one of us. Family. We don’t send family off on suicide missions, especially a woman.”

  “Well, that’s the most sexist thing I think you’ve said around me,” I muttered. “I might not have a dick, but I can hold my own.”

  “Who’s in charge?” Preacher asked. “I know all the officers are gone, as well as a few members like Wire and Cowboy.”

  “Bull,” Saint said. “He’s the most senior brother with the others gone.”

  Preacher snickered. “I’m telling him you called him a senior.”

  Saint flipped him off. “Asshole. You know what I fucking meant.”

  Preacher pulled out his phone and made a call, speaking to someone I could only assume was Bull. He nodded a few times and when he hung up, he stared at me, then the others. “Church. And he said to bring Pepper.”

  Before I could do anything, Saint hauled me off the bike and carried me toward the clubhouse, tucked under his fucking arm like I was a Goddamned football. As I stared at the ground, I ground my teeth and plotted my revenge. I’d find a way to get back at him for this. Make all his shit pink, put itching powder in his underwear, add blue dye to his shampoo. Something to embarrass him as much as it embarrassed the fuck out of me to be carried like this.

  When we entered Church, he dropped me to my feet and pointed to a chair that I knew was Flicker’s. “Sit.”

  I sat with a huff and folded my arms, staring at them like a petulant child.

  Bull came into the room, with several other brothers on his heels. They all sat in what I assumed were their regular spots, despite the fact the other chairs were vacant. I guessed it was a respect thing, and I’d likely been given Flicker’s chair since I was his. I didn’t have a property cut yet, even though Flicker said he’d requested one, but Zipper had inked me not too long ago. I’d just wanted a simple Property of Flicker in black ink on my forearm. No frills or extras.

  “I’m too tired for this shit,” Bull said. “Just tell me what’s going on and we’ll go from there.”

  “Pepper was leaving,” Saint said. “Said someone was going to die if she didn’t.”

  Bull stared at me. Hard enough I squirmed under his gaze. It felt a little like being sent to the principal’s office.

  “You already know my mom stole drugs from some bad people. Since they couldn’t find me, they took my best friend. If I don’t go back to Las Vegas, then Louis could die. They’ve already had him several days,” I said.

  “Not happening,” Bull said.

  “You can’t keep me here,” I snapped. “I’m not your fucking prisoner.”

  “No, you’re Flicker’s old lady, and club property. It makes you one of the most prized possessions around here, Pepper. He’s the last of the officers to claim someone, and he would totally lose his shit if you took off and we stood back and let it happen. Not to mention Sarge would tear the fucking place apart.” Bull ran a hand through his long hair. “Look. I get it. You feel responsible for your friend and you want to save him. Running off without a plan isn’t the way to do it.”

  “They aren’t going to release him just because you show up,” Savior said. “He knows too much, has probably seen things he shouldn’t, or heard things. He’s a liability to them now.”

  “So I just leave him there to die?” I asked. “I’m sorry but I’m not that fucking heartless.”

  The men studied me in silence. I had to make them understand. Louis was the only true friend I’d ever had, and even though we weren’t constantly up each other’s butts and shoving our noses where they didn’t belong, it didn’t mean we weren’t close. Probably as close as I’d ever gotten to someone before coming here. We’d lived our lives and met once a week for coffee or dinner. But he’d been all I had, and I wouldn’t abandon him now.

  “What clubs do we know out that way?” Saint asked.

  “Reckless Kings has a compound outside Vegas. Savage Knights aren’t too far away from there either,” Grimm said.

  “Lords of the Void are in Northern California. Wouldn’t take them long to reach that area,” Coyote said. “I have some connections with that chapter.”

  “I don’t know about clubs, but I have some ex-military buddies out that way,” Rocky said. “I’m sure they’re up for a bit of excitement.”

  I eyed the man, not sure what he meant by excitement, or who the hell would think going up against gangsters would be a good time. There were times I felt like I’d fallen down a rabbit hole, even these guys were kind of tame compared to the people my mom had hung around in Vegas. Or so I’d thought. If going after criminals was their idea of a good time, I might have been mistaken. I knew they weren’t fluffy bunnies, but they’d seemed like good men.

  Bull tugged on his b
eard and nodded. “Okay. Pepper, you’re officially on lockdown. You’re going to keep your ass at Flicker’s house, and I’ll assign two men to make sure you don’t leave. In the meantime, Coyote, reach out to the Lords of the Void and see if they’ll help. Saint, contact Reckless Kings. Tempest, you know someone with Savage Knights, don’t you?”

  Tempest nodded, but his lips thinned into a hard line and I had a feeling he didn’t want to be the one to reach out to them.

  “Rocky, reach out to your contacts and see who can help. We’ll need reconnaissance for certain, find out where exactly they’re holding her friend and our best options for extraction. Bats and Gears, you take first shift watching over Pepper. I’ll send someone to relieve you in a few hours. Four-hour shifts until Flicker gets home. Then he can decide what to do with her.” Bull stood up. “Get the fuck out and handle this shit. I’m going home and going the fuck to sleep.”

  Coyote snickered. “Darian wearing you out, old man?”

  Bull growled at him. “She wants another kid. The other two are more than enough, but every time I blink, she’s crawling into my lap and begging me for a baby.”

  “And there’s something wrong with that?” Tex asked. “If Kalani could still have kids, I’d gladly give her more. Stop bitching and be grateful.”

  Tex looked a little pissed, and if he wanted more kids and couldn’t have them, I understood his frustration over Bull’s whining. I didn’t know much about their situation, or Kalani, but if his wife wanted more kids and couldn’t have them, then it must be painful for both of them. I’d noticed early on that women who wanted kids often had trouble conceiving, then the ones who made shit parents seemed to pop them out like fucking rabbits. I’d always thought it was unfair.

  Bull shrugged. “I know. I don’t exactly have a rough life with Darian and the kids, but I’m getting too damn old for midnight feedings and diaper changes. I’m sixty for fuck’s sake! I’ll be dead before the baby would even graduate from high school.”


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