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Dargonfire: Age of Legend

Page 31

by LJ Davies

  Several buildings clipped my wings, sending me into a frantic spin, while in my blurred vision, I saw my attacker, – a large, pale-skinned humanoid creature, with swollen features and a vaguely angry expression. Dust consumed the image when I crashed through the roof of an old building, throwing the world into the chaos of a loud ringing and a pounding in my head. When I opened my eyes, the dust was settling about me. I could barely make out the outlines of several dark figures, the sound of heavy armoured boots heralding their charge.

  The blades on my wings flashed into life, illuminating the dust around me into a glowing mist. The first orkin swung at me through the cloud, missing as I jumped aside and swept a blade across his front. My tail struck a second, and a third felt the force of my other wing. As a fourth charged, I coiled back, the ensuing blast escaping my muzzle just as another jumped down from the level above, throwing me off balance. My fire breath missed, striking the roof and causing it to collapse, burying several more in the process.

  The one on my back threw a wooden shaft around my neck and pulled back in an attempt to drag me to the floor. I bucked up, throwing him over my front and snatching the spear from his grip with my mouth. The creature writhed on the floor before I finally stuck his crude blade through his chest.

  Even so, four more orkin rose to their feet before me, shaking off debris as they brought their weapons to bear. Before any of them could move, they were consumed by a torrent of fire as Ember burst in through one of the windows.

  "Are you okay?" she asked, but before I could answer, a shadow moved in behind her.

  The large orkin lifted his hammer. I moved to strike him down, but a large piece of rubble beat me to it, slamming into his face. Ember and I glanced to see Boltock in another of the windows, rocky projectiles levitating around him.

  "Thanks," Ember offered in swift appreciation.

  He simply nodded as both Neera and Risha appeared next to him. Before anyone could take a moment’s reprieve, something caught all of our attentions.

  "Flyin' things make meh mad, I smash flyin' things!" the ogre's angry voice boomed, lifting another ruined chunk from the wall.

  I instinctively coiled back, blasting the wall beside the dull creature before it could take aim. A bridge between us shook as the ruins exploded and the large brute fell forwards.

  "No, stop that, flyin' things no play fair!" it howled, effortlessly ripping a stone pillar from the foundations. "I smashes you's all into the ground!" it yelled, before charging across the bridge.

  "I think moving would be a good idea!" Neera warned.

  I agree completely. I was swift to think, when without warning, the bridge gave a firm shake before kicking upwards like a bucking horse, throwing the ogre into the air before the brute knew what was going on.

  "What? Ogres are stupid," Boltock shrugged as his concentration faded and we all looked at him. "And this city is made of stone?"

  He's just full of surprises, isn't he? I thought, feeling oddly taken back to the first time I'd really seen him use his power.

  Another loud boom immediately demanded our attention when the whole building shook. We all peered down to see that the beast had fallen directly on top of a cannon, which immediately exploded, as did the troll on which it had been mounted.

  "I suppose you aimed for that too?" Neera joked, and Boltock's look neither denied or confirmed.

  As the dust and smoke settled, I looked out over the raging battle outside, to the distant tower.

  "We need to get up there, find Balgore and kill him!" I declared, unable to help my growing impatience.

  "No arguments here," Neera added, straightening her tail feathers and hidden weapons.

  Ember and Boltock both nodded and Risha moved up beside me. I glanced back at her while my eyes wandered to something in the smoky background. Above what looked to be a large, domed building, I could see a host of silver-armoured dragons, including Zephyra and the Elders.

  "That's the ruined temple of nine, where the survivors from Dardien's defensive wings are held up," Ember informed as she moved over to get a better view.

  I glanced between the temple and the tower, when something else caught my eye. Despite the battle raging all about us, many of the cannons were aiming at the temple, only they weren't loading explosive shells. At first, I couldn't tell what the chain balls and small orbs were, until I looked down to see the same thing splayed out in the wreckage below us.

  They're nets! I looked back at the temple in alarm.

  "What is it?" Risha asked.

  "It's a trap. The temple is a trap!" I exclaimed, spreading my wings. "They left those survivors there for a reason!"

  She glanced over the ruined structure, and it was clear she saw it too. I didn't give anyone time to argue, not that I thought they would. I took off toward the ruins as fast as I could manage; Balgore's tower will have to wait.


  Battling beasts of every kind filled the air around us as we finally came upon the temple. I swerved and weaved through the fight, once again coming dangerously close to the swarm of blades and arrow fire. Amidst the crumbling stonework, I saw the fallen being swiftly hacked apart by the orkin. While those that fought back were quickly overpowered before they could take off again. Jets of flame, bursts of magic and sharp claws killed orkin in the hundreds, but it did little to reduce their numbers.

  We have to break them soon, there's too many to just kill them all! I noted, yet as much as I thought about killing Balgore, I knew we'd be no better if we lost our own leadership.

  I saw the central tower loom above like a mountain as we crossed the open courtyard before the temple, and another flock of manticores forced us to dart about the ruined statues surrounding it. Flying between the towering stone impersonations of dragons, griffins and other creatures, we circled back on our pursuers and blasted them with flames, before rising over the shattered roof.

  Through the crumbling dome I could see a large force of dragons within the ruined basin, most of which had formed a protective circle about the princess and Elders, while a guard of griffins reinforced them. With a crescendo of gargled hisses, my friends and I broke through the attacking manticores that had been circling above.

  "Come on, now's our chance!" I cried, diving towards the ruined roof as the others rallied behind me.

  "You may want to double-check that," Neera responded, her words cut off by a booming roar.

  All eyes fixed on something else amidst the chaos as a shadow and loud wing beats passed over us. I recognised that sound, and it filled me with rage. The shadow was the only warning I had before the wyvern tore into me. Its claws swatted me aside, its wings tossing my friends about like gnats as it grasped me in its jaws and lifted up into the sky.

  "I's got's some scores to settle with you's, demon, and no black wyrm’s goanna stop me's this time!" Balgore declared from the creature’s back, his spiked, golden armour rattling as the beast beat its wings.

  I squirmed, but the wyvern was careful to keep my bladed wings and claws at a distance.

  "You's goanna know the full power of..."

  Before the warlord could finish, several sharp blades cut through the air, lodging between the plates in his neck. He merely grunted at the inconvenience, turning towards where the shots had originated.

  What met him was a wall of flame, forcing the wyvern's grip to loosen. Able to spread my wings, I jumped from its teeth, before slashing at its armoured head with all my strength. The etherium plates proved more than a worthy adversary for my weaponry, glowing red-hot until they finally broke, leaving enough time for the beast to bat me away.

  As I fell, the wyvern moved to grab me again. Several shards of glistening ice and a shower of stone tore at the underside of its wings, throwing it off balance. Recovering from the rough descent, I swiftly avoided a towering statue of some great humanoid lizard. Unfortunately, my spinning momentum forced me toward the rapidly approaching temple wall, and unleashing a blast of explosive fire, I slipped
through the narrow hole it blasted and into the shadowed interior.

  Spreading my wings, I steadied my landing amidst the dusty rubble the best I could, before finally hitting the floor, bouncing to a halt against a small pile of rubble. I could see my friends forcing Balgore away with volleys of fire and elemental magic, before rushing down to join me.

  "Nicely handled," I offered, shaking dust, soot and bloody grime from my dented armour.

  "I always tell you you're not the only one who can fight," Risha assured with a wry smile, her own armour marred by scars and scratches.

  The sounds of the ground-based battle raging about us stole the conversation, growing louder as we swiftly climbed across the rubble to see the small circle of Dardien guards. All the while, more dragons swooped down, instantly cooking the orkin hoard with torrents of fire as they circled and finally landed to reinforce the soldiers.

  There's just more wings flying in here! We're gathering like fish in a barrel! The moment I saw Zephyra step out from the group, I ran toward her to declare such a revelation.

  "Brave soldiers of Dardien, we have come to aid you in the..." the princess began.

  "It's a trap!" was all that escaped my muzzle as I almost skidded into her.

  "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed…" Zephyra asked, but I silenced her question immediately as every set of eyes turned to me.

  "Balgore’s not in the tower, he's trying to lure you all here!"

  "Indeed, it would appear the Guardian may have a point. This site would make for the ideal ambush," Apollo chimed as he hovered behind her.

  "He's right, your highness, the orkin are preparing cannons to bombard the temple as we speak," Ember reinforced.

  Come on, she has to believe us! Zephyra glanced up at the shattered ceiling, then nodded.

  "Defensive formations, make for the sky!" she commanded, and instantly an armoured wall of dragons formed about her and the Elders.

  The wyvern’s recognisable roar and the crash of Balgore slamming through the temple wall punctuated her command as the warlord swiftly batted aside a battling flock of dragons and griffins. One leatherwing wasn't so lucky, and Balgore's mount plucked him from the sky, before landing on the crumbling head of a large draconic statue. Bloodstained, the squirming dragon in the wyvern’s grip struggled until, with a loud crack, the beast shattered his spine and dropped him like a rag at the feet of the sculpture.

  "At last you show yourself, fiend!" Zephyra called firmly as she locked eyes with him.

  "I's been waitin' to get you's all right where I’s wants you's!" he growled confidently. "I's got a little present for you's all!" he added, as I glanced around for any sign of what he may be up to.

  "You's all's think you's can beat's us!" he boomed, raising his golden hammer high, a cracked grin parting his rocky face. "Instead's, I's goanna watch you's all die!"

  With a heavy flap of its wings his hideous mount battled back toward the centre tower. I lurched forward when the deep boom of cannon fire thundered, sending a rain of nets down over us. Many snagged on the rubble, but those that made it, pinned us like a fisherman's catch.

  I lashed out, my glowing blades making easy work of the chains, before I cut my struggling companions free.

  Is that all he's got? I thought, turning to take off after Balgore.

  Before any of us could spread our wings, the ground shuddered as the rubble below the statue erupted in a shower of dirt, forcing the temple floor to sink into a newly-yawning pit.

  "You need to get out of here!" I insisted as a feathery slash from Apollo cut the princess and her guard free.

  "I'm afraid I must agree," the construct announced, cutting himself free with several more blasts.

  The ground shook again, and with a deep, reverberating roar some kind of stone monstrosity spewing green flames crawled up from the pit. The moment I saw it my mind instantly considered the monstrous silhouette I'd glimpsed deep within the ice fire foundry of Valcador, only now there were no chains to hold it back.

  It was a huge, worm-like thing with a body formed from pulsating rows of sharp stone and molten green barbs. Two clawed legs supported its vast bulk on either side of its spiked, metal-clad head. While crude orkin armour was grafted to its stone hide by welded chains and metal rivets.

  Shifting like a great serpent, it twisted and coiled. The ground gave another shudder as part of the temple collapsed and the beasts spiked tail whipped around. Green fire crackled under its stone hide, while an eyeless helmet covered a huge jaw and a great beak of rock.

  That confirms how the orkin dig their burrows so quickly. I noted as someone amidst the crowd called in terror.


  The hideous beast roared, sending a torrent of green fire into the chamber’s far side. The baleful flames singed the air as smoke would one's lungs, filling it with a sickening, horrific scent. It was then that its true nature struck me as I looked in horror to see the flames reduced even dragons to nothing but charred bones glistening with green embers.

  But... Dragons are fireproof? I thought as their deaths drew cheers from the orkin onlookers.

  "Basilisk fire is the most potent known. Its poison will kill anything it touches!" Boltock explained with a frightened eagerness.

  "Go, find Balgore and kill him, we’ll handle this abomination," Zephyra ordered.

  "Princess or not, I'm not about to leave you all down here with that thing!" I declared, but she spread her wings and looked at me confidently.

  "Today is not the day upon which we find our deaths, not by this evil's hand. Now go!" she insisted, and without another word, she took off, rallying at least half a dozen dragons, including Soaren and Apollo behind her as she flew claws-first into the basilisk’s head.

  I felt the urge to fly up with her, but as they captured the creature’s attention, something tugged at my wing.

  "They won't last long against that thing; we have to break the orkin now!" Risha demanded.

  I glanced between her and the aerial battle, before nodding reluctantly.

  "Stay close," was all I added as I beat my wings and took to the sky.

  There was no argument from any of them as they emerged from the temple’s shattered roof behind me. Manticores and arrow volleys surrounded us once more, but the tower loomed just ahead. Surging upwards, we circled round the mass of wooden beams and scaffold supporting the bulk, blasting archers with jets of flame before the beasts and their ratty goblin allies scattered as we finally landed on the wooden sprawl.

  A large web of blackened beams, taught ropes, tattered cloth and rattling chains covered everything around us. Swiftly moving forward, we carved our way up through the maze of walkways towards the armoured platform at the summit.

  It didn't take long for the orkin to regroup, and before I knew it, several manticores swooped by and another large orkin cluster scaled the ramp behind us, while more took up firing positions on the opposing walkways. With no thoughts other than command, I looked to Boltock and Ember.

  "Do you think you can handle them?" I asked, harbouring no doubt.

  "No problem," both nodded eagerly in agreement.

  "Can you deal with them?" I asked again, this time directing my words at Neera while nodding to the archers on the walkways on either side of us.

  "Consider it done," she confirmed, immediately taking off, darting amidst the wooden structure with skill and precision.

  As fire engulfed the pathways behind us, I finally looked to Risha. Her expression told me she knew exactly what I was about to say. It was fortunate, because the manticores crawling down toward us didn't give me much time to say anything more.

  "Follow me."

  The feline beasts let out angry roars, forcing their chitinous tails forwards like poisoned lightning bolts. I swept at one barb with my wings, cutting it to a sizzling stump. As the creature recoiled, I ducked low, cutting at its forelegs with my claws as Risha jumped up and over my back, colliding claws-first with its rider.

  The orkin swung wildly as his mount staggered, while Risha sank her claws deep into his hide, coiling her tail around to stab him in the back with the blade at its tip. She leapt back to me with a neat flap of her wings as the thrashing manticore rolled off the walkway, taking the dead rider with it.

  We had little time to rest, the moment the first was out of the way, another pounced. Risha jumped back, her tail kissing the fiery combat behind us as I leapt across to another beam. The orkin looked between us with an air of indecision, before he finally fixed his attention on me.

  Good to see they still consider me the better prize. I thought as with one kick of his spiked boots, he ushered his mount on to an opposing beam.

  The weak timber gave an uneasy groan as I lowered myself, and did my best to stay balanced. The orkin laughed as he crept closer, while I focused on his every movement and eventually, tucking my wings at my side, ran straight at him. He appeared perplexed for a split second, but hurriedly readied his weapon and pulled at his reins to flash the manticore's sharp teeth.

  I leapt into the range of its claws, the sudden movement dislodging several large icicles. The first one hit the feline beast’s raised paw, knocking it off balance, while the rest sank deep into the top of its head.

  As his mount collapsed, I ripped the shocked rider from his saddle, sinking my teeth deep into his neck. Vile black ichor flooded my mouth as he gargled and went limp, until I released him to fall after his mount into the pit below.

  "Good work," I concluded, unable to hide my satisfaction, as I landed next to Risha.

  She nodded once, as we glanced back to see Boltock and Ember had the orkin on the run, while Neera had torched most of the archers. Another group ran up a stairway to our right, intent on cutting us off.

  We have to stay together! I started to move toward the others, but Risha caught me before I could.

  "Come on, the way is clear, it's our best chance," she urged.


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