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Dargonfire: Age of Legend

Page 37

by LJ Davies

  Her thoughts radiated through my mind; the burning memories replaced by a calm tranquillity.

  They're right... I care for no one more. I responded mentally; my own thoughts projected into her mind. But it doesn't change my fate, or theirs.

  She seemed to recognise the situation, moving her tail from under my chin as she continued to speak solely within my head.

  "Your thoughts dwell upon what you will do. Will you end this world or save it? I cannot say. Your time came long after my own, and yet I see something in you that I have not seen in others." She turned her head and time seemed to slow around her.

  "You are unlike the misguided creators of old; you may bear their power and their spirit, but they are as far from you as they are from me. You worry about who you are, and what will become of you should the day be won and this world survive the darkness set against it?"

  Once again, I could feel her sympathy, sense the pain she had felt when she'd doomed the world to an age of tyranny and oppression. I felt the sacrifice she'd made to save those she'd loved millennia past, and it hurt more than a knife to the chest.

  I don't know, I just want them to be safe. Safe and happy. I thought and she smiled.

  "Not the goal of the creators then?" she responded swiftly.

  I felt the darkness in me fade, and focused on her as time crawled to a stop.

  "You are the Guardian, child of the Ethereals, and yet you live among my dragons and you have stood true to them without fault. You should listen to them as I once did, for when they tell you the answers lay here..." She took a step back as her tail coiled and its bladed tip tapped against the gem stone amulet locked to my chest plate.

  "They are right," she finished, peering at the sparking gem with longing interest.

  "The souls of a thousand drakaran lay within you. Many are kin to those that dwell here within the realm of flame, and yet you say you have no potential for a life of your own, a life that is not bound to them?" she observed, looking up into the endless realm of fiery crystals about us. "Such things are earned, and it is for me to decide who is worthy of life, no other," she assured firmly, as the mental connection between us faded.

  I shook my head and looked back to see my friends observing me in another mildly concerned way. Meanwhile, Seraphine withdrew her tail from my amulet, drawing a lasting trail of bright embers from the gem, before setting her attention on the Cartographer.

  What did she just do to it? I thought, glancing down at the stone as it flickered with a red light, before fading back to its former white glow.

  "You seek aid in the battle against the Great Master?" she proposed knowingly.

  "Yes, great lady," the old dragon answered with a nod.

  "You bring one worthy of my legacy, one to unleash the warriors of flame," she offered, with another knowing glance toward me.

  The old dragon also glanced my way, but the time of him knowing exactly what to do was over. It was now up to me.

  "Though it seems you already lead one of the most loyal wings I have ever laid eyes upon. Guardian, know that it is not your purpose or destiny that earned you such respect," she commented, motioning to my friends.

  The three of them shifted, their wings ruffling, each of them standing tall and proud. Finally, she nodded and turned to the towering cliffs. That was when I saw them upon the countless walls, bulwarks, towers and other structures, a vast army of fiery draconic shapes, all bound within golden armour like a mirror of their elemental queen.

  "This will be the last great battle of our time, for age's twilight draws near and dragonfire will burn brightest before the coming night," she announced, spreading her wings. "Go forth, children of Enishra, warriors of the golden pyre, my blessed descendants! Meet our great foe in glorious battle and send this darkness back into the abyss forever!" she commanded, and as she did so, the dragons opened their muzzles, raised their heads, and unleashed jets of flame.

  The atmosphere became alive with a storm of fire, before the first dragon vanished in a burst of light, followed by more until the whole army began to disappear in a series of fiery puffs. The Cartographer laughed with joy and amazement, while Apollo remained quiet, his open beak looking like it could fall off. I too felt a wave of prideful determination wash over me, and while I may not have been a pure-blooded dragon, I was proud to be here, in their most sacred place.

  "The Darkness will once again know the wrath of those it thought defeated!" Seraphine exclaimed, looking at the last of her vanishing army. "Go now, fight for what is right," she directed as her gaze lowered.

  The Cartographer nodded, before rapidly leading us out. My friends, Apollo and I all gave a bow as we turned to follow, and yet as I walked away from the founder of all dragons, I felt her divine will scratching at my mind once more.

  "Remember, Guardian, you are who you choose to be. The Darkness has yet to meet a mind it could not call its own, and yet you are strong enough for all those who have fallen. Never forget yourself," she projected while physically nodding.

  I paused, thinking on that for a moment, before I returned the gesture.

  "We will soon meet again," she added, before turning back toward the arches, with the Watcher at her side.

  Why do I feel so good, so happy, knowing what's about to happen? I didn't have time to consider my feelings for long.

  As I was about to follow after the others, Seraphine's head turned back to me, the blades upon her wings flashing to life.

  I felt my heart stop. She was no longer the considerate leader I'd just met. Her expression was as fearsome and fiery as her realm, and within an instant, I knew why – a horrifying shriek tore through the air.

  Chapter 16

  Dragon’s Legacy

  Black wings unfurled and beat furiously as a swarm of vulpomancers materialised through the reddened haze, dark plumes of smoke twisting about them. I ducked as several flew low overhead, their claws skimming my horns. A storm of fire dispatched the foremost creatures, turning them to dust as they approached Seraphine; her flames far more potent than anything I'd seen before. Those she missed swerved up and then swooped down low to bear their claws over us once again.

  "How dare you enter here, dark spawn," the lady of fire growled as her eyes focused on the creatures.

  "Run to the gateway, the Great Master's power must be growing if his servants are able to breach this place," she demanded, and with a flash of light, she leapt up into the air, cutting a pair of creatures in two before pursuing the rest.

  "Impudent creatures," the Watcher stated with a blatant disgust as he held out his empty hand and grasped the air, pulling one of the vulpomancers into his crushing grip with an invisible force.

  His sharp golden fingers melted the thrashing monster like a hot blade through butter, before it burst into cinders. Several more swooped down, standing no chance against his monstrous sword. Those left alive circled ready to dive at me, and with the sudden realisation I was dragged from my stupor.

  "Come now, we cannot remain here!" The Cartographer called, yanking me back toward the stairs.

  I wanted to stay, to fight for such a magnificent place, but he was right, and as the Watcher distracted most of the creatures, we fled.

  "How did these things even get in here?" Ember asked, maintaining a swift pace with the Cartographer.

  He's spry for someone who's over a millennia old. I noted, but uncertainty regarding my allies was over as more vulpomancers passed overhead.

  "It would seem that the numbers outside are growing. Their power will increase exponentially as reality begins to break down," Apollo answered.

  I only understood the direst meanings of his words as another screech signalled the arrival of more creatures. I stopped, scraping my claws on the crystalline surface as I leaned back to release a bolt of fire into the swarm. The impact sent one spiralling into a column of falling lava as the rest were set ablaze. Instead of disintegrating, as they had done before, the fire melted into the shadows surrounding them.r />
  What... But my fire has always been their weakness! I thought, staggering back as one struck the ground, exploding against the crystal like a drop of putrid rain.

  I thought that would be the end of it, but every burning vulpomancer began to do the same, slamming into each other in shadowy explosions, before consolidating, bubbling and blooming out into a whole new form. The bony shape of limbs, a coiling tail and a larger pair of tattered wings fused into existence, followed by a spiny crown and a hissing jaw melding together from what remained.

  They're morphing together!?

  Purple fire sparked into life within its skeletal chest, burning brightly in the back of its fanged mouth. As it leapt forwards, I leapt back, its claws sinking deep into the crystal and drawing molten magma like blood. In one swift motion, the new goliath swung round to face me, smacking me aside with a lash of its serrated tail.

  "What did you do to it!?" Risha and Ember asked simultaneously.

  The giant beast yanked its claws free of the ground and began to charge, smashing through the crystal pillars like they were frail glass.

  "I don’t know, I didn’t think they could get any worse!" I exclaimed, jumping to my paws.

  No one had time to argue before its talons smashed down, shaking the ground and rupturing it in a flash of fire. The force sent us flying, throwing Risha and I toward the cliff’s edge. Boltock fell back along the path, while Ember jumped into the air, unleashing a torrent of flames over the monster's spiked crest. Before I realised what had transpired, another hissing and snarling vulpomancer targeted me, earning a deadly slash from my tail.

  I really didn't think they could get any worse!

  No matter how potent Ember's flame became in the realm of fire, it broke upon the giant monster's hide as it would upon a shield. All she succeeded in doing was drawing its attention and angering it even more. Meanwhile, I leapt to my paws, sending another blast into the abomination’s exposed flank. Risha did the same, but once again, the fire did nothing but frustrate the monstrosity as it focused its eyeless gaze on Ember, twisting its tail to swat Risha and I aside.

  Fighting to steady myself, I was cast over the cliff’s edge, beating my wings and sinking my claws into the crystal to save myself from the fall. Several more shadows passing overhead stole my attention and another pair of smaller, yet no less angry vulpomancers set upon me. Hopelessly exposed, I kicked up onto the ledge, but before they reached me, a beam of bright green magic lanced across both, consuming them instantly. I noticed moments later, that it wasn’t fire, but a mass of green roots, knotting up their wings and ripping them apart as they plummeted down into the sea of lava below. Apollo opened fire on the rest with several strikes of eldritch lightning, before forcing the larger beast to recoil away from Ember.

  "I thought you were supposed to be good at flying," Risha stated as she appeared above and dragged me back onto the pathway.

  "I’m sure that only counts in the real world," I retorted.

  She didn't look so convinced, but as more green beams of elemental magic joined Apollo's arcane fire, it was clear neither of us had time to debate the matter.

  "Come on, there is no time for this!" the Cartographer hollered, directing us toward the gateway, his outstretched staff the source of the earthly magic that had struck the vulpomancers.

  As he fired, Apollo's magical barrage forced the giant vulpomancer back further, and seizing the moment, we bolted.

  "It would seem that the true darkness is beginning to reform," Apollo observed, pulling his attention away from the beast and hurrying after us. "I fear if reality continues to deteriorate at this rate, these creatures will not be bound to such simple forms for much longer."

  "You think?" was all I could say as the larger vulpomancer recovered.

  We reached the front of the gateway before it could catch us, and as the others stopped before the swirling wall of fire, I positioned myself at the top of the stairs, sending blast after blast of flame into the pursuing monstrosity. My efforts did nothing more than slow it down as it raised a bony limb to shield itself against the assault.

  "Quickly, we must get back to the palace at once," the Cartographer demanded, rushing through the gateway with Apollo close behind.

  I motioned for the others to follow as I sent another bolt of fire into the creature’s head, melting several of its spines and causing it to pause, snarling as fiery breath flickered from its gnarled throat.

  By the creators, please don't tell me they can spit flames! I prepared myself to stand against the full force of its purple fire, but in that instant, it disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke and beating wings.

  "What... where?" I gasped in surprise, expecting it to re-emerge.

  "Where did it go?" Boltock finished breathlessly.

  Before I could reply, a sharp wing beat and a set of dark claws sliced across my front, forcing me back across the floor and away from the stairs. Risha rushed to my side as I staggered to my paws, as a dull, mocking laugh filled the air and black wings erupted into the fiery sky.

  That hit, that wasn't a vulpomancer.

  "Leaving so soon? I'd have thought this realm would have warranted at least a little more of your time," Pyro proposed, circling around before thudding down to block our exit.

  My heart was racing as he hissed, purple flames spouting from his muzzle like the forked tongue of a wyvern. He gave a wicked snigger as he strode forward, as if nothing had ever come between us. A wave of uncertainty seemed to cross us all, yet this time, the ebon wing didn't look so willing to toy around.

  "Ember?" he mused. "Not the least bit glad to be here?"

  His purple gaze fixed on the orange dragoness; sharp tone still riddled with a deep longing.

  "You have no right to even speak my name, not after all you've done!" she growled.

  "All I've done?" he asked, raising his metal forepaw to his chest. "Do you still fail to see that there is no hope for anything but what is to come? The petty band you ally yourself with is doomed!"

  "If you truly believe that, then why come back?" she demanded.

  "I came back to save the dragoness I loved from oblivion!" he finally confessed.

  She stared into his eyes as they bore down on her, her gaze as hot as her breath.

  "Loved? If I really meant that much to you, you wouldn't have become a slave to evil. You would have just come back to me!" she declared, even as sadness began to chip at her resolve.

  Pyro shook his head and snarled. Flames burst out from his flared nostrils as the metal half of his face cracked like cooling lava.

  "I am no slave. I am an ebon wing, the first of a new dynasty. I am the first of our kind’s future, and if you cannot see that future, I cannot allow you to threaten it," he argued, proudly opening his wings and throwing back his head with a breath of purple flame.

  "You're insane," Ember replied, stepping further back.

  "So be it," he finally snapped, exploding forward without another word.

  Ember raised her wing as a futile defence, still hesitant to strike him no matter what he'd become. I rushed to come between them, but he was too close. The sound of rock on metal rang out when a block of dark stone tore itself from the gateway and slammed into the right side of his face, throwing him to the floor in a fit of anger.

  Ember staggered back as the shattered fragments fell over her, and glanced to where Boltock stood. The green dragon appeared unsure about what he'd done. I could tell he knew he might be forcing her further away – and that dread filled his eyes. However, there was also no doubt that he wouldn't let any harm befall the dragoness he'd loved for so long.

  Not that it matters, I'll kill Pyro myself before I let it come to that! I inwardly declared, as the ebon wing wrapped one claw about his glowing wounds.

  "Come on, we have to get out of here!" Risha hollered, finally managing to force the words from her muzzle with one panicked breath as she pulled me back toward the gateway.

  Ember gave Boltock a fleeting gl
ance, before she bolted through the flaming portal.

  "Boltock, come on!" Risha called, pulling her brother back.

  Pyro jumped to his paws, spitting flames.

  "Go, I'll hold him off!" I instructed the pair of them, but neither appeared willing to leave, especially Risha.

  I ignored my own frustration and flared my wings, forcing them back with me as we all leapt through the gateway in a flash of fire.

  After a second of molten chaos, we all fell in a heap upon the stone floor. Staggering to my paws as fast as I could, I glanced around to see the chamber had become a battleground.

  The light of the pillar and its surrounding mechanisms illuminated the dancing shadows of vulpomancers, as they swirled and darted. It was almost as though the shard was alive and defending itself, as sparks of lightning erupted from the crystal to strike any beast that swooped too close. In the air, several dragon shapes defended the chamber as Seraphine's elementals materialised in bursts of flame. Their roaring fire burned brighter than any dragon’s, casting the foe back into oblivion.

  The Cartographer stood at the base of the stairs, his staff glowing as bolts of energy lit his features with a vibrant green glow. Apollo was above him, the construct's wing tips glowing white-hot as he expended the last of his shots and fell back to recuperate.

  Meanwhile, Risha and Boltock staggered up just ahead of me, while Ember recovered first and jumped before them. Shaking off my daze, I moved forward, and the Cartographer glanced back, striking another pair of vulpomancers from the air without even looking.

  "Go... get back to the palace!" he instructed, motioning at the exit. "Quickly now, all of you... We will follow!"

  Spreading my wings, I was hesitant to leave.

  "Go now!" he demanded, while effortlessly striking another vulpomancer.

  "Come on!" I shouted to the others, my determination fading as I caught Ember's sombre expression.

  Spreading her wings she followed the rest of us up into the air.

  Creators curse this place; the air is so still! It made flight incredibly hard, not to mention avoiding the swarming vulpomancers. I can hardly get off the ground!


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