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Reclaimed: A Devil's Riot MC Boxset

Page 26

by E. C. Land

  “Well, you gonna fucking stand in my way when I rip the fuckers dick off and ram it up his ass as I slit his throat?” The tension is running high. I know, I’m gonna blow if I don’t get this fucker soon.

  “Fuck it, I’ll hand you the damn knife.” I smile at his response. I could actually like the guy. “Welcome to the family then. You fuck me over, and I’ll kill you. No one stands in the way of me and my family,” I say as my brothers pull into the lot.

  My phone goes off as they all get off their bikes.

  “That fucker has both of them brother, Gadget screams in my ear. “I don’t know when he got her, but he got Cleo too. Worse man, there’s a video on some cult website of him raping Cleo as she’s covered in blood. Man, its bad.”

  I crush the phone between my fingers. I don’t know what happens next as I head for my bike, everything in my sight is red. I need to find Lynsdey.




  I left my brothers in the wind at the hospital after Gadget’s call. The knowledge that he has both women, and has raped Cleo, gut’s me. I can’t think of that fuckin’ sick bastard doing that to Lynsdey. It’s almost enough to bring me to my knees.

  I drive straight to the house Lynsdey grew up in with my brothers catching up to me. They know what I’m doing. I’m done with the leaving them out of it. I know Jake’s dad has to know where the fuck his kid is.

  Pulling into the driveway, I notice for the first time Bishop followed us.

  “This isn’t your concern, cop.” Burner goes to block Bishop from coming any closer.

  “Burner, let’em pass, he’s cool. He’s Lynsdey’s cousin, and he might actually be of use with this,” I say, not needing the headache.

  “What the fuck? Seriously?” Burner ask eyeing the detective up and down. At my nod, he let the man pass him before mumbling about how he better not fuck us over.

  “Don’t worry, I already told Thorn here I’d personally hand him the knife to cut that motherfucker’s dick off so he can ram it up his ass while slitting his throat. Sounds like justice to me. The fucker is sick, and needs to be put in the ground like he should’ve been years ago,” Bishop says as he walks up to me. “Let’s go see my aunt.”

  Well damn. If the man wasn’t a cop, he’d be a good brother. Hell, the man could possibly be a good ally to have on our side. Having a cop in our pocket would come in handy.

  As we get to the door, I don’t even bother with knocking. I know the dumbasses are here and heard us pull in. Taking my foot, I kick the door in with the first thrust. The scream of a woman draws my attention to the room off to the side. Standing in the middle of the room is a man holding a gun facing us as the woman tries to hide behind him. I take a good look at her, but can’t see any part of my woman in her. She may have given birth Lynsdey, but nothing about her says she’s a mother.

  “What the fuck do you want?” the man asks, keeping his gun trained on us. Fuck it, ain’t nothing but a pee shooter.

  “Where’s your son at? That’s what I want to know.”

  “I don’t know where that kid is, he does his own thing, and even if I did, what’s it to you?” The arrogant prick is gonna make me shoot his ass before it’s all said and done with. Before I can respond, a hand stops me. Looking back, it’s my Prez, shaking his head as he moves to stand in front of them.

  “Listen here, fucker, you and your bitch have five seconds to tell us where that piece of shit son of yours is, or you will get the same treatment as he will receive once we get our hands on him. He has two of our women, and we want them back.”

  “Oh yeah, I heard about Lynsdey being one of your sluts, and I’m guessing the other is Cleo. My son sure knows how to pick them.” The man smirks trying to egg us on. It would’ve worked too if Twister didn’t move when he did.

  One second, Twister is standing in front of him, the next he has the fucker in a headlock. “Now, you have three seconds to answer my question. One… Two…” he doesn’t even make it to three before the woman screeches out an answer that we couldn’t understand.

  “What was that, Aunt Tabitha?” Bishop asks.

  “I said please don’t kill him. Jake has a hunting shack on the other end of the property. It’s where he lives. Please don’t hurt him, he’s never done anything wrong. I swear, he’s a good boy. He’s just doing the work of our lord. He’s the vessel for our lord to join us here.” I think I’m gonna be sick, but fuck, at least we have an answer to where he is.

  “Take them both to the shed. We’ll deal with them later. Hell, they can watch what we do to their vessel,” Twister orders. “Come on, let’s go get them. We better do this on foot though, don’t need him to hear our approach and take off with the women.”

  “I agree. The fucker is quick to move if need be,” Bishop says. I look over at Twister as he eyes Bishop, getting a feel for him before nodding his head, accepting him for his words. Only time will tell if he can be trusted.

  As we start to scour the woods looking for this shack, night starts to fall. The smell of smoke draws us closer to what we believe is the right place. To be safe, we sent a prospect to get a better look. When he returns, his face is pale as he bends at the waist and throws up right at our feet.

  “What the fuck man?” Burner having been the closet to him got it all over his boots.

  “I’m sorry but you didn’t see what I saw. You guys need to hurry. That man is one sick fuck,” The prospect says in a rush.

  At the sound of a phone going off, I look over at Twister who is answering the call. “Talk to me.” After a moment, he takes the phone from his ear before hitting a button. “Alright, Gadget, you’re on speaker. Wanna say that again?”

  “Fuck no, I don’t wanna say that again, but I’ve been continuously checking that cult website and there’s a scheduled live feed for this evening. Supposedly, the vessel will merge with their lord, and marry his dark angel. It’s supposed to start in two minutes.”

  “Fuck. Lynsdey told me that Jake kept calling her angel. Fuck… Fuck… Fuck…” I run my hands through my hair. The sick fuck is gonna rape my woman.

  When I get ahold of him, I’m gonna do more than cut his dick off, I’m gonna skin his ass alive. I’ll get revenge for my woman and kids.

  “Alright, brothers, let’s go put a stop to this shit once and for all. Let’s get Lynsdey and Cleo back where they belong—with their family,” Twister says before we check our guns and make sure were ready.

  Lynsdey, babygirl, I’m coming for you, just hold on for me. Almost there.

  Just hang on for me.



  “It is almost time, angel, for you to meet our lord. But, I’m in need of my pet, so why don’t you join us in the altar room.” I don’t know what time it is considering the windows are all bordered up in this room. Once he has the chain unhooked from my ankle, he has me follow him and Cleo.

  The room isn’t any bigger than the one I was just in. The difference is the color splashed all over the room. It looks almost like wet paint and if I hadn’t seen Jake’s appearance earlier, and even now, I would’ve thought that, but I know this is blood.

  Blood of his victims. How many? I don’t even want to know.

  “Now, come kneel in front of me, my pet, and please me until it’s time.” He sits on some makeshift throne next to an altar. Looking at the altar, I remember seeing pictures of something like this in my mom’s room once, with an upside down pentagram-thing with the head of a ram. The weirdest part is that this alter has a real ram’s head hanging in the middle.

  Turning back to Cleo, she moves directly in front of him before kneeling down at his feet. Jake pets through Cleo’s hair before snatching the long locks and making her look up at him. “Take it, pet. Take my dick in your mouth. Please me before the ceremony.”

  I think I’m gonna puke!

  I close my eyes and try to block out the sounds of Jake fucking Cleo’s mouth. How is she going to survive this
if we ever get out of here? I can’t even begin to think of what’s going through her mind.

  “Fuck, I love your mouth, pet,” Jake groans. I don’t even try to peek to see if he’s done, I don’t want to see him. I want to envision being with Thorn, somewhere just the two of us and our two precious babies.

  “It’s time for you to meet our lord, angel.” I look up in horror at Jake standing before me but instead of seeing Jake’s face, he has the skull over his head.

  Oh shit! What is he going to do?

  “I am the vessel for our lord to walk this earth. I am the vessel for our lord to claim his bride. I am the vessel that he will use to plant his seed,” Jake chants as he moves to stand in front me, pushing me backwards until I fall on a podium across from the alter. “I have been looking forward to claiming you, my dark angel. You will take the vessel’s seed, bare a child, and join me in this life where you will be by my side.” I scream as he lifts my legs, fighting to keep him from spreading them enough to gain entrance.

  Fuck this. I’m done being a victim. I don’t know where the energy comes from, but I sit up enough to gain the momentum to tackle him to the floor. Fuck that hurt. “Cleo, help me, and we can get out of here.” Screaming for her is useless. I go to attack Jake more, only to have him roll me to the floor, straddling my legs.

  “My dark angel, do not fight me. I am to powerful for you to overtake. You are mine. Mine to command as I see fit!”

  “No, you lunatic, I’m Thorn’s.” I have been since the moment we first laid eyes on each other.

  As I try to fight him, a gun goes off. The sound makes my ears ring.

  Damn, that’s loud.

  Everything seems to move in super speed as Jake is ripped off me, and I’m in Thorn’s arms.

  “Baby! Please tell me you’re okay? That he didn’t do anything to you.” I wish I could say he didn’t, but watching everything he did to Cleo will haunt me for the rest of my life. I shake my head before looking for Cleo. She’s huddled in on herself, trying keep distance between all the men that have become our friends and family since meeting them.

  “No, Thorn, I’m not okay, but neither is she. I need to get her out of here now. Can we just torch this place, please? I want to know it will never stand again.”

  “Yeah, babe, we’ll torch this place. Let’s get you two out of here and to the hospital,” Thorn says as he lifts me off my feet and carries me out of the house and to an SUV.

  I’ll never understand how these men can be so quiet about things but somehow, they were able to sneak in and save me in time. I just wish they could’ve done the same for Cleo.

  I watch from the safety of the vehicle as the flames begin to grow higher.

  “No! Don’t touch me! Please… please…” Cleo screamed as if she were waking up from a nightmare. The screams of pain continue as Rage moves to her, holding her in his arms, letting her hit his chest over and over as she sobs soaking the shirt he wears.

  “Please tell me you left him in there to burn.” I turn my attention to Thorn. The dark look that takes over his features tells me he doesn’t want to answer me.

  “Babygirl, He’ll be getting what he deserves for the pain he’s caused not just you, but Cleo as well. Now that I have you back and you're safe, the rest is going under club business, so don’t ask again. Got me?” From the stern tone of his voice, I know he’s not playing games. He doesn’t intend to tell me what he plans to do. And honestly, I couldn’t care less if I never have to see the bastard again.

  “Okay, Michael. I wanna shower and to see my babies. I need to see them,” I say softly placing my cheek against his chest.

  “After you get checked out first, babe. We’ll get you cleaned up, checked out and cleared. Once that’s all done, I’ll take you to our babies, and you can stay with them as long as you want.” Thorn kisses the top of my head as he hugs me closer to him.

  This man is my life. How could I have been stupid enough to think he’d mess around with that Sofia bitch?

  Sofia! Fuck a duck!

  “Sofia, she… she helped Jake take me from the hospital. I don’t know what happened to her after we got to the house. All I know is when he put me in a room, he was clean, and then I heard screams and he came in again naked and covered in blood.” Whimpers from Cleo draw my attention to her to she has her eyes shut tight and her hands are balled into fist like she’s trying to ward off demons as I talk. Maybe I should just wait to finish.

  “Fuck, that’s who helped him. The cameras couldn’t get a good enough image of either, but we knew it was him just didn’t know who the female was,” Thorn mutters quietly almost to himself.

  “I’m sorry about what I said the other night at the clubhouse.”

  “Don’t worry about it, babygirl. It’s over with. Let’s put it behind us, yeah?” Thorn says gently.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  I close my eyes and drift, thinking it’s finally over.

  I just hope Thorn is able to help fight the demons that will haunt my dreams.



  I don’t know how I kept from putting a bullet in the fucker’s head, but I did. The image Lynsdey being straddled by Jake cover in blood will be forever burned into my brain. Fuck, the sight of Cleo, for that matter, will cause nightmares for the rest of my life.

  I feel for my brother. I hope he will be able to help her. She couldn’t even stand to have any of us near her, let alone have Rage lift her into his arms. Her screams of agony were just as painful to hear as seeing the cuts and bruises that littered her body.

  What I don’t understand is why he did all that to her, yet left Lynsdey, for the most part, unscathed. When I get ahold of him, I’m gonna ask that first. I need to know just as I’m sure Rage will want to know too.

  Questions continuously run through my head as I watch my woman being evaluated from across the room. I’m gonna have a hard time taking my eyes off her after this bullshit. Fuck, I don’t even want to blink, thinking if I do, she won’t be there when I open them again.

  “I’m okay, seriously people, can I get cleaned up now? I want to get this shit off me and see my kids.” I smirk. Lynsdey is evidently done with the poking and probing of the nurses and doctors.

  “Ma’am please, we need you to rest and make sure these tests are good first. We also need to close your stomach back up. The sutures have all popped, and it needs to be closed so you don’t have a worse scar than you already will have,” the doctor says looking down on Lynsdey, like she’s grown two heads.

  “Can you hurry it the fuck up? I’ll rest after I see my kids. You have your blood work and samples, now let me shower and see my kids then… then I’ll rest. Now get to it.”

  And just like that, my dick gets hard. My woman has a way of making me get a boner even in a fucking hospital.

  Down boy, now ain’t the time. Hell, it won’t be the time for weeks. Fuck!

  “Fine, but you need to be extra careful not to pull your sutures again,” the doctor tells Lynsdey.

  “Right, I’ll make sure to tell my kidnapper to watch out for them if I’m abducted from this place again. You moron, where the fuck is Dr. Connors?”

  “I’m sorry, but Dr. Connors isn’t here right now. She had an emergency that required her attention. I’ll hurry this along, but you need to calm down for me to do so, ma’am.”

  “Babygirl, let him do his job so you can get to our babies quicker,” I finally say when she goes to say something else, shutting her up.

  Finally, for once, she listens.

  “Sir, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna need you to step out of the room for a minute so I can help her into the shower,” the nurse who assisting the doctor says.

  Like fuck I’m taking my eyes off her.

  “I’ll be okay, Michael, you’re just gonna be outside the door anyway. I’m not going anywhere, I swear,” Lynsdey whispers as she looks at me, trying to assure me with her eyes.

  “Alright, babygirl, I’m only g
onna be right outside that door. You need me, yell out. Got me?”

  “I got you.”

  With one last look, I walk out of the room. I need to call and get an update on everything anyway. I pull out my phone and dial Prez’s number. “You know, if I weren’t expecting you to call, I’d say you have a bad habit of interrupting me getting my fuckin’ dick wet.”

  “Sorry about that, Prez.” I knew he went back to the club house to oversee Jake and those other two secured in the shed. “You got any news for me?”

  “We got them chained to the floor. They ain’t going anywhere until you get here. Prospects are keeping an eye on them. Stoney is heading this way. According to Horse, when he talked to him and told him what all had happened, the man went ballistic and hung up on him, but not before telling him he’d be down here later.”

  Fuck, it’s been over forty-eight hours since I actually slept, and I’m feeling it right now.

  “Okay, when he gets there, give me a call and I’ll head there so we can handle those pieces of shit.”

  “Brother, we’ll get to them. Guarantee you that. Stoney is gonna be heading to that hospital first thing. He’s gonna want to see the girls first, and check on Kenny before he does anything else.” Stoney has a soft spot for Kenny and her friends. Kenny being about to pop, I bet he’ll stay more than a day or two before he goes back home to.

  “Yeah Prez, well, I guess I’ll see you guys when you get up here. I’m gonna check on Rage and Cleo before Lynsdey and I go down to NICU.”

  “Alright brother, see you then.”


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