Reclaimed: A Devil's Riot MC Boxset
Page 35
“Who's here?” I ask with wide eyes.
“Most of the brothers from the Franklin Charter are here along with Kenny. She brought that sweet baby boy up here to see everyone and hopefully you as well,” Momma B tells me. Oh god, this is horrible. I unsuccessfully try to kill myself and now I have an audience.
“Please don’t let anyone come in here. I don’t want to see anyone,” I whisper looking into Momma B’s eyes, pleading with her to not let anyone through the door.
“Izzy, sweetie, I know you don’t want to see anyone but are you sure? Those people out there love you more than anything,” Momma B says gently in a tone that lets me know she doesn’t agree.
“What time is it? I need to get back to town so I can go to work,” I ask trying to ignore the fact that everyone is here.
“You’re not going to work today, sweetheart; you’ve been asleep for two days straight. I was coming in here to check on you again. I’m glad you decided to wake up, otherwise, I would have had to go get a bucket of ice water to throw at you,” Momma B says standing back up. “Now, you might not want to see them and it will probably take a miracle to keep a few of them out of here, but I will be right back. I’ve got to let Stoney know you’re awake, and I’m going to get you something to eat. You might not want to see anyone but Stoney being who he is will be in here to see you.” I don’t get a chance to say anything else to her before she is out the door.
Holy fucking hell. I was asleep for two whole days. How did that happen? In fact, how did anyone know where to find me? I left my phone on Twister’s bed so they couldn’t track me. I’m so deep in thought that I don’t see Stoney come into the room.
“Well, you sure have made a mess of things, Izzy. You have that boy out there destroying my clubhouse. You know why they call him Twister?” Stoney asks looking down at me with his arms crossed over his chest. As many times as I’ve seen the man, I had never felt the raw power he carries when he walks into a room. Stoney’s the same height as his son Horse and shares his looks. If you didn’t know he was Horse’s dad, you would think they’re brothers. Kenny had told me that Stoney and Horse’s mom had him when they were fifteen.
Finally, I shake my head to answer his question when he continues to look at me with an expression that doesn’t give away to any emotion.
“When Twister becomes pissed, he destroys everything around him. He tries to keep control but soon as Momma B said you were awake and didn’t want to see anyone, he started to break shit. He threw a chair against the back of the bar, shattering all the liquor bottles. Took four brothers of mine to get him out of the clubhouse before he could do any more damage. Or better, yet storm in here against your wishes. Now, I’ve heard what he and Kenny have both said and done, I also know what you’re going through. What I want to know is what the fuck you were thinking of killing yourself? You think your brother would have wanted that,” Stoney keeps his emotions in check the entire time he speaks. When I look into his eyes, they don’t even tell me anything.
I remain quiet as I think about what he said about Twister becoming destructive over not seeing me. I don’t get it. He said he was done with me. He told me that I should just go ahead and kill myself.
“I see the wheels spinning in that head of yours, sweetheart. I may not know the exact thoughts, but your face says it all. Now, you might not want to see him or anyone else, but I have one person here that demands to see you. And I think it will be good for you,” Stoney says before going to the door and opening it enough to yell out, calling out for someone named Coyote. Who the hell is that?
“Yea, Prez?” Coyote says with a voice that is familiar, but I can’t place it.
“Come on it here, she’s awake. Want me to stay?” Stoney talks to the man that is coming in the room. When Coyote comes into the room, my mouth drops open at who it is. My brother’s best friend. I used to crush on him when I was a kid, following him and my brother everywhere.
“Baby Iz, what have you tried to do to yourself? If you didn’t have an ol’ man already, I would bend you over my knee for what you tried to do. You think Chase would want you to be doing this shit to yourself?” Cody says.
“Cody,” I whisper looking at him with tears streaming down my cheeks.
“Yeah, Iz, it's me. I go by Coyote now. Want to tell me what the fuck you were thinking trying to kill yourself?” Cody says with his voice filled with anger. I remember when he would try to talk to me those days after the accident, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t face any of my brother’s friends, thinking that they would hate me as much as my parents.
“Answer the fuckin’ question Elizabeth,” he yells this time.
I look down at my hands. “I couldn’t stand the pain anymore. It was my fault and everyone blames me for the accident. If I had just stayed home that night instead of listening to my friends and going out to that party, he would still be here, Cody. I’m sorry I took him from everyone. I just wanted the pain to end,” I whisper.
“Elizabeth Marie Banton, I have known you from the day you came home from the fuckin’ hospital. Hell, I even changed some of your damn diapers. Your brother wouldn’t blame you for the accident. You were a damn teenager enjoying life. Him and I both went through the same phase when we were your age. If that ol’ man doesn’t take care of your parents, then I will. They hated everyone except your brother. Always thought he was perfect. Do you know your brother threatened them, that if they didn’t start acting like your parents and show they loved you, he was gonna take you and leave and never turn back? He saw what they were doing to you even though they acted differently in front of him. None of us blamed you,” Cody says as he lifts my chin to look at him.
“It’s just so hard without him here. I miss him so fuckin’ much. Chase was my best friend. I’m sorry I tried to kill myself. I just don’t know how to deal.”
“You let your ol’ man help you. Twister is torn up about what you almost succeeded in doing. If Stoney hadn’t called me when he did, none of us would have been able to stop you. Now quit with the tears. I’m gonna go out there and tell Twister to give you ten minutes then come talk to you,” Cody tells me before getting up and moving toward the door.
Stoney, who had been standing there watching, finally shows a glimpse of emotion. “Izzy, we all love you and the next time you try a stunt like this, you will have two charters full of pissed off brothers that will stand in line to spank that ass red. Now, that being said, I’m gonna tell you one other thing before Twister gets in here. You ever feel the pain so much it’s too much to bear, call one of us. But talk to Twister, let him help you through the grief. He may not have said it but the man fuckin’ loves you,” he says before heading out the door leaving me to my thoughts.
My heart still hurts as his words whispering through my head. In my life, I’ve dealt with a lot— from parents who didn’t want me, to losing my brother, to find the man I want more than anything only to have lost him. In all reality, no matter what everyone says, I know I’m not worth love. Twister just feels guilty for what he said, that’s all this is. Once I get out of this clubhouse, I’m gonna go home and bury myself in work and leave everyone alone. They will forget about me soon enough.
I don’t need anyone. I haven’t for a long time.
Since arriving at the national charter clubhouse, I’ve refused to sleep until I can set eyes on my woman. When Stoney told me that Izzy had almost succeeded in taking her life, I saw red. It was a good thing we were still outside when he broke the news to me, otherwise, the main room to the clubhouse would have been destroyed. If it hadn’t been for one of the brothers, Coyote, being close enough to stop her, we all would have lost her two days ago.
I knew Coyote when he was a prospect before several of my brothers and I moved to our new location to start the charter we have now. I didn’t know him well but when I found out that he knew Izzy, we ended up in a fistfight. The man had been best friends with her brother growin
g up. After beating the shit out of each other, we talked and Coyote told me more about Izzy and the way she grew up.
From what all he told me about her parents, I made the decision right then and there that I would be making a trip to their home. They would have two options— get the fuck over it and leave my woman alone or end up six feet in the ground. I wasn’t gonna allow them to cause Izzy another minute of pain. It was past time for my woman to heal.
This morning, Momma B checked on Izzy only to come back down with a sad smile on her face letting us know that she was awake, however, didn’t want to see anyone. I went ballistic. It took several of my brothers to get me outside before I ended up injuring someone.
Coyote asked if he could go talk to Izzy before I went in there. He was hoping that if she saw him again, it would help with the healing process. According to Coyote, Izzy hadn’t seen or spoken to him since the funeral of her brother. She had finished school and took off. He asked that I give him thirty minutes to talk to her before I go in there. I didn’t like the fact that another man was gonna be in her room without me, but he informed me that Stoney would be there as well. Didn’t lessen the feeling but I trust my brothers.
The time felt like it took forever before Coyote came back down. When he spotted me sitting at the bar, he gave me a chin lift as he passed by, going for the exit. I took that as it hadn’t gone as planned. Stoney came in a couple of minutes later, joining me at the bar.
“Twister, you’re gonna have to get her out of her head, brother. She isn’t gonna accept any help until she gets her head right. I don’t know how you are gonna do it but you need to do it soon before she tries that shit again,” Stoney says as he shakes his head.
“I know exactly how to get her out of her head. Izzy may be pissed as fuck at me right now, but she will get over it. Thanks for everything you’ve done. It’s time she sees me for who I am,” I tell him, getting off the stool and making my way to the woman that needs me most in the world. I know I fucked up, and it's time she knows how sorry I am.
First thing I gotta do is apologize to her for the shit I said. Then I’m gonna inform her that she would be starting counseling as of next week. I’ve done some research into different therapists and found one I think will help her out. I also need to let her know that I called her work and informed them that she will no longer be working for them. Her boss didn’t take it too lightly. I can see why Kenny said the fucker is a douche. The fucker had the nerve to tell me that if Izzy doesn’t come back to work for him, she would regret it. Once we get home, I’ll have Gadget do a check on him. Her boss will be in for a rude awakening especially when I burn his office to the ground for threatening Izzy in any way. I don’t give a flying fuck if he tries to go after me for it. No one fucks with what’s mine.
The moment I finally set eyes on her, I feel a tightness in my chest that I’ve never felt before. I knew I wanted her from the moment I first saw her, but this feeling is completely different. It’s like seeing her for the first time all over but in a different light. I’ve lusted after her for so long that I thought it could have been love. Now, I know for a fuckin’ fact that she’s it for me. Izzy is my everything and holds my heart in her hands without even realizing it. Am I still pissed that she said what she said to Kenny? Yeah, I am, but nothing compares to how pissed I am at myself.
Looking at Izzy, I can tell all the grief and pain she is constantly carrying with her can’t be contained anymore. There’s no hiding it.
Clearing my throat, Izzy’s head snaps in my direction. Making my way to her, she follows me the entire time with wariness in her eyes. Getting to the edge of the bed, I sit, placing one hand on the other side of her to keep her from moving away from me. Reaching up, I lift her chin as she goes to look away from me. The tears shining in her eyes is heart-wrenching.
“Baby, I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” I whisper as I wipe away a tear. “I can’t tell you just how fuckin’ sorry I am. I didn’t mean any of the shit I said. When I said that shit, it was out of anger. I’m not trying to make excuses, but I swear on my parents’ graves that I never meant a word of it. I fuckin’ love you and never meant to hurt you like that,” I finish.
Izzy doesn’t say anything as she continues to stare at me. I let her see just how much I regret all that I did to her. My old man told me growing up to watch what I say to people especially in anger. Words can hurt more than a physical blow to the gut. I never really got that lesson until now.
“Twister, you hurt me,” Izzy finally says after what feels like an eternity.
“I know, baby, I know. I can’t take it back, but I can sure as fuck make it up to you if you give me the chance,” I whisper as I lean in to kiss away each of her tears.
“I don’t know if I can, Twist. I don’t want to feel this pain anymore,” Izzy whispers with anguish in her voice.
“Izzy, babe, I know you feel like you can’t trust me right now with that heart of yours. But I swear to fuck, I’ll never intentionally hurt you ever again. I’d rather have every one of my brothers beat the shit out of me over hurting you ever again,” I tell her kissing her lightly. I don’t let her pull back from the kiss when she goes to move back. On her moan, I deepen the kiss, showing her that I mean every word of what I said. When I finally pull back, I lay her down and begin to show her with my mouth and hands what she means to me.
Taking my time, I remove her clothes, kissing my way down, settling between her legs. The woman tastes like pure heaven as I lick her pussy, slowly fucking her with my fingers and tongue. As her moans begin to get loader, I pull away, kissing my way up her body, moving away long enough to take my own clothes off before I move back between her legs, thrusting gently into that tight as fuck pussy she has.
“Baby, I’m telling you now, I can’t live without this. You are amazing and I fuckin’ love you more than life itself. I understand that you might not be able to say the words right now. But I’m not letting you go again. The past two days have been pure fuckin’ hell,” I say between thrust.
“Oh, god, Twist, please. I need more,” Izzy says writhing underneath me.
“Baby, you don’t call me that or any other name besides Jerod when I’m fuckin’ you. I want to hear you scream my name when you come around my dick,” I tell her before I pick up speed, giving it to her the way we both need. I know Izzy is close to coming when her moans turn to screams.
“Jerod,” she screams out as she clenches on my dick, drawing my own orgasm from me. Fuck, I’ve never come as quickly as I just did. Not even as a fuckin’ teenager. I’ve prided myself on being able to last longer than fuckin’ thirty minutes.
“I love you, baby,” I tell her as I pull out and roll to my side. I pull her into me so I can feel her curled into me ready to take a much needed are nap.
“I love you too, Jerod.” Unless my mind is playing games with me, those are the last words I hear before sleep claims me.
I don’t know how long I lay surrounded by Jerod’s arms. I may feel safe in his stronghold but that doesn’t mean I’m still not hurting over what he said. I don’t know if I will ever able to get over it, but I love him so much. When he apologized, the remorse in his eyes told me everything that he wasn’t able to say. I gently roll so that I’m able to look at him while he sleeps. Whenever we would sleep in the same bed, I would always pass out before him, so I’ve never seen the peaceful look on his face that he has now.
As the need to use the bathroom hits me, I try to move out of his arms only to have him tighten around me subconsciously keeping me with him.
“Where you goin’, babe?” he asks sleepily.
“I was just trying to go to the bathroom,” I tell him quietly.
“Go and come right back. I want to sleep with you in my arms. I haven’t slept in two days and need a little more sleep before I do anything else,” he says cracking an eye open to look at me.
“I’ll be right back, I promise,” I murmur as I get up and m
ove to the bathroom. When I look into the mirror, I’m horrified at my appearance. My hair is all but a rat’s nest and my skin looks dry from not being moisturized since I left the clubhouse the other day. Deciding I need a shower before I get back in the bed with Jerod, I strip out of my clothes and get in before turning it on. I gasp as the cold water hits me causing my body to shiver on impact. When it finally warms up, I turn to rinse my hair, running my fingers through it.
The sound of the shower door opening has me look up to see Jerod getting in.
“I thought you were going to sleep,” I say as I continue to wash my hair.
“And miss the opportunity to have you wet in the shower against me?” He gives me one of his smirks.
“I was just trying to get clean after being asleep for two days. You know I hate going long without taking a shower,” I tell him as I turn away from him, hogging all the water for myself.
“Babe, I know, that’s why I decided to join you. Now stop hogging the damn water and let me wash that beautiful body of yours. Since I’m not gonna be getting that nap like I wanted, we can get clean before we talk. We got a lot to talk about and you’re gonna listen to me. After that, I’ll feed you and fuck you again. Maybe then you will let me sleep more than thirty minutes,” Jerod says reaching around me to grab the soap and a sponge.
He takes his time cleaning my body before doing the same to his own. I will never get tired of seeing his body. The way his muscles flex as he finishes up in the shower make me want to just lick every inch of his body.
“You keep staring at me like that you’re gonna find yourself up against this wall with my dick deep inside that hot pussy of yours,” Jerod growls out as he leans into me, capturing my mouth. This kiss more like the ones I’m used to. However, he pulls himself back not giving in to what I know we both want. “Come on, babe, let's finish up so we can talk.”