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Modern Buddhist Healing

Page 14

by Charles Atkins

manos-vijnana, 7, 146

  mantra, 147


  visualization, 21, 35–52, 147

  and battling cancer, 106, 107, 135

  and belief, 51

  exercise, 41–42

  and pain management, 49–50, 91

  and raising blood count, 125–130

  summary of, 50–51

  Mayo Clinic, 73–74

  meditation, 13–15, 32

  Miao-lo, 23, 146

  mindfulness meditation, 32, 147

  Mr. M., 127, 129

  Mr. S., 112

  Mr. Z. 124

  Mrs. E., 112, 136

  mudras, 147

  myofascial pain syndrome, 92

  Mystic Law, xvi, 17, 20, 33, 51, 71, 80, 84, 89, 112, 124, 128, 133, 147


  Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, 147

  and buddhahood, 20

  and changing karma, 9, 12, 33

  chanting non-sectarian, xv

  and integration of body

  and mind, 16

  meaning of, 18

  pronunciation and visualization of, 37–39

  and samadhi, 15

  and youthfulness, 23

  nausea, psychosomatic, 109

  near-death experience, author's, 118–122

  near-death experiences, 116–118

  Nichiren Daishonin, xvi, 4, 10, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 33, 49, 86, 103, 148

  and daimoku, 17–23

  Nichiren Shoshu, 148

  nirvana, 148

  nitrogen mustard, 98


  “On the Buddha's Behavior,” 86

  “On Curing Karmic Illness,” 10–11

  “On Prolonging One's Life Span,” 33

  One Great Vehicle, 5, 149

  “Ongi Kuden,” 16, 37


  Pali Canon, 5, 149

  paramitas, 14, 149

  Pearsall, Paul, 28

  prana, 17, 149

  Prayer Is Good Medicine, 29

  prayer, adding visualization to, 42–45

  how to word, 47–49

  non-specific vs. specific, 47–49

  prayer matrix, 63–64

  praying for others, 46

  prednisone, 132

  pre-Lotus Sutra teachings, 6, 149


  Qigong, 150

  quantum consciousness, 28, 121, 150


  radiation therapy, 131, 132

  side effects, 132

  “Record of Orally Transmitted Teachings,” 16, 37

  relaxation response, 26, 150

  remembered wellness, 26, 150

  remission, 135

  “Reply to Ota Saemon-no-jo,” 23

  Rossman, Martin, 31


  samadhi, 14, 15

  Samgha, 11

  Seikyo Times, 37

  Shakya, 5

  Shakyamuni Buddha, 4, 13, 21, 150

  Shijo-Kingo, 19, 128

  shiki-shin funi, 15–18, 150

  shunyata, 11

  Siddhartha, 5, 150

  Siegal, Bernie, 30

  Simonton Method, 31, 150

  Soka Gakkai International, 64, 79, 151

  soul, existence of, 8

  Southwest Oncology Group 7808 protocol, 99

  Spindrift, 47

  Superimmunity, 28

  superluminal, 151


  ten evil acts, 12–13

  Ten Worlds, 19, 82, 109, 151–152

  Tendai School of Buddhism, 11

  Tenth World, 51

  Three Thousand Worlds, 151–152

  Three Vehicles, 152

  T'ien-t'ai, 16, 152

  Timeless Healing, 26

  Toda, Josei, 90, 152

  Toynbee, Arnold, 17

  Tsuji, Takehisa, 37


  visions, 86–90

  visualization scenarios, 44

  visualization, using, 42–45

  World Tribune, 136


  yoga, 153

  Zen Buddhism, 13

  Tell Me About Your Experience

  For some time now, I have been compiling the experiences of people who have used Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and/or used visualization to overcome their illness. I am very interested in your experience. If you would like to share your story with me, you can write to me in care of Nicolas-Hays, Inc., P. O. Box 2039, York Beach, ME 03910-2039.

  Readers who wish to learn more about the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin can visit the American Soka Gakkai Web site at or the organization in Japan at for information about a community center near you.


  CHARLES ATKINS studied and practiced magick, divination, and Eastern religions in the 60s and 70s, then began practicing Nichiren Buddhism in 1974 with the Soka Gakkai. He has been a professional freelance writer on mysticism, healing, and business since 1970.




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