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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

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by K. C. Stone

  Rescuing Jules

  Lawless MC Book One

  K.C. Stone


  Available Now

  Coming Soon


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35


  Rescuing Jules

  This book is a complete work of fiction. The names, characters, and events are all products of the author’s imagination and in no way real. Any resemblance of places, people, or events are purely unintended.

  Rescuing Jules. Copyright © 2020 by K.C. Stone. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles or reviews. For information contact K.C. Stone.

  Publisher: Knox Publishing

  Publishing Link:

  Cover Design: Charli Childs, Cosmic Letterz Design

  Editing: Kim Lubbers, Knox Publishing

  Proofreading: Jackie Ziegler, Knox Publishing

  Formatting: E.C. Land, Knox Publishing

  Created with Vellum

  Available Now

  By: K.C. Stone


  Demanding Dom (Free Prequel)

  Rescuing Jules (Book #1)

  Coming Soon

  By: K.C. Stone


  Breaking Locke (Book #2)


  Devil May Care (Book #1)

  Devil in Disguise (Book #2)

  Deal with the Devil (Book #3)

  Devil’s Playground (Book # 4)

  Just a warning my playlist is a bit all over the place.

  Turn the Page – Bob Segar

  The Scientist – Coldplay

  Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya – Drop Kick Murphys

  The Hunted – The Rigs

  John the Regulator – Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers

  Bruises – Lewis Capaldi

  Someone you Loved – Lewis Capaldi

  A Thousand Years – Christina Perri


  Michael – thank you for everything, thank you for having faith in me and telling me that no matter what you believe in me and that you are proud of me.

  Knox Publishing – Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to tell stories. Thank you for taking chances.

  Jessica & Kim – Thank you for all the hard work you ladies do. Without your patience and kindness, I would not be doing this today.

  Jessica – thank you for answering all my questions even the stupid ones.

  Kim – thank you for combing through my story making sure it is the best it could be.

  To the warriors, both men and woman. This story is dedicated to those who have battled the horrors of life both physical and emotional and have come out on top. You can do it, all it takes is a little faith. We each have a story to tell inside us and all it takes is faith to explore it.


  This story deals with dark issues, if you have triggers with darker issues such as rape, human trafficking, I suggest you take caution. This story deals with emotional and physical torment and torture. Please take care when proceeding.

  Here I am on the eve of my eighteenth birthday, sitting in a cellar. I have no idea where I am, and the chains on my ankles and wrists make it kind of impossible to get out of here. I don’t even know how I got into this mess to begin with. But what I can tell you is my father and family will come for me. There will be bloodshed.

  That is a promise.



  Present day

  Sometimes, being part of a high-profile family is not as great as people think. The constant let-downs and fake people, always wanting something. Never knowing who’s real and who’s just trying to get ahead. Knowing that no matter what I did, it’d never be good enough. People would always expect more because of who my family is, and what my last name means.

  I was born into a well-known family. When I say well-known, I mean infamous. Being the daughter of a motorcycle club President in our world means everything. My name is Juliane Isabella Galenti, but everyone called me Jules. My father is none other than Salvatore “The Savage” Galenti, President of the Italian Outlaws MC. One of the most lethal MC families in New York. They deal with legit businesses, and some not so legit. They’re also some of the toughest bastards around. Someone pushes, they push back harder. So hard people end up dead.

  My world can be a terrifying and lonely place sometimes. Not for the faint of heart. My family and friends are all part of the madness. Outsiders aren’t allowed. I don’t need anybody new in my life. It’d be a constant worry, chaos that would only complicate things, or so I thought.

  Opening my eyes slowly, an invisible weight slammed them closed again. Prying them open, I tried to look around, but there was only pitch-black nothingness. I felt around, running my hand across the cold dirt and gravel under me. The first thing I felt was what I was wearing. What the hell? I ran my hands over my body. A long dress shirt maybe? That’s what the material felt like as I fingered the buttons. Why were my clothes gone? At least I was still wearing panties.

  My blood grew cold. I shivered as fear set in my bones. I mentally checked myself over, shifting left and right and feeling a slight relief for the moment. The lack of pain and my underwear were the only signs that I hadn’t been violated. In the back of my brain, the words “not yet” echoed hauntingly.

  What happened? My brain had some sort of foggy haze over it and I couldn’t make sense of anything. Shivering, I slowly tried to sit up. Lifting my hands, I moved to rub my eyes, but was stopped mid-way by restraints. Some kind of chain maybe? The cold metal sent shivers up my spine.

  “What the hell is this?”

  A single line of faint light filtered into the room. Maybe it was a crack from a door. My way out. I hoped. Being trapped in the dark, unaware of what the future holds, was making me reevaluate. Bound by the emptiness, all the shit I used to find unbearable suddenly seems worth fighting for.

  I yanked on the chains to try and free my wrists. The metal bites into my skin. As the fog clears, the sting reminds me I needed to get free before the fog overtakes me again. I heard a whimper from the darkness. I freeze. It never occurred to me I might not be alone.

  Too terrified to chance being too loud, I barely whispered, “Who’s there?” When another whimper echoes, I try a little louder. “Who’s there?”

  Seconds later, my heart sinks as another whimper sounds from a different direction. A wavering, agonized voice floats across the black.

  “Please whisper so they don’t hear you.” She couldn’t have been more than sixteen, maybe seventeen. Her gut-wrenching fear vibrates in my bo

  I need to regain some sense of reality. “This can’t be happening. This shit only happens in movies, right? This has to be some fucked up joke or game. No way could this actually be happening.” I tug at the restraints, harder this time. I cry out when the chains rip at the raw skin on my wrists.

  Small sobs break out from the same direction as the tiny voice.

  “Don’t cry and they won’t hurt you too bad.” Another voice. From a different part of the room.

  The panic must be setting in. Multiple voices? This couldn’t be real. “How many?” I asked, terrified to know the answer.

  Another voice spoke up, cracking, like she hadn’t had water in days. “Five of us. There used to be more, but they came and took some away. They never came back,” she croaked, and then coughed.

  My heart stops with the knowledge I am not alone. There are more people here, captured and trapped. What was this? I can’t wrap my head around what is happening. The fear they must have felt. I’d only been here for maybe hours. I can’t imagine days or even longer.

  Unsure what to do, I decide to keep them talking to find out more information, figure out what is going on, and how I can get us out. “What are your names? How did we all get here?” My mind runs through questions faster than I could possibly form them. “What’s going to happen to us?” Panic nearly chokes me. I needed to breathe to keep a level head. “We have to get out!”

  “Lower your voice!” One of the girls says, her tone adamant yet still mixed with fear. “My name is Leah, and they can’t hear you if you whisper. Please whisper so they won’t come down here. What is your name?”

  Uncertain if I should tell her because of my family’s dark past, I take a steadying breath. “Jules. My name is Jules.” I suck in deep breaths, trying to focus on anything else.

  “My name is Grace,” came the small voice from my left. Maybe the direction where I heard the first whimper?

  “How old are you?”


  Trying to figure out where each voice comes from is too hard. I can’t pinpoint anything in the darkness.

  There is a beat of silence before another voice echoes from the back of the room. Whispering, yet it seems so loud at the same time. “I’m Storm. I’m twenty-one.”

  “What happened to you?” I ask, knowing I need to keep them talking.

  “I go to SU. I was headed to my dorm room from a late-night study session when my phone vibrated. I was reading a text message, so I wasn’t paying attention when a van pulled up and arms grabbed me. Then I felt a sting in my arm, and everything went dark. I woke up here, chained to the floor.”

  A sniffle breaks the silence and tears sting my eyes in response. I push them back, swiping my free hand across my eyes.

  Yet another voice breaks through. At this point, I can’t tell from which part of the room. “My name is Faith, and I was out with my best friends. We were at a party with some of our friends from another college. This guy asked me to dance and grabbed me a drink. We were dancing, having a great time, and everything was fine until the room started to spin. I asked him to help me find my friends and he started to lead me outside. I thought he was trying to help me, when his buddy came up to us. Everything went fuzzy, my head started spinning more, and I think I may have fainted.”

  “Do you remember anything else? Maybe a voice? Anything that could help?”

  “I’m sorry.” A sob threatens to rip from her throat. “The last thing I heard, one said I was beautiful enough to catch a good price at auction.” Her voice was barely audible as it shook with fear.

  How long had they been here? Had they already given up hope? My stomach rolled. My heart stopped completely as their words echoed in my skull. Price. She said price. The whole picture suddenly slammed into focus. She was “beautiful enough to catch a good price”.

  “Trafficking! Holy shit! They’re selling women!” I said it a little too loudly.

  “Please, be quiet. I’m begging you.” Storm whimpered.

  “We know. They come down and take us up for photos,” one girl said with a tremble in her voice.

  Quickly I asked, “How old are you, Faith?”

  “Twenty-one” she replied.

  “What about you, Grace? What happened to you? And Leah, how about you?” There had to be a rhyme or reason as to why this would happen. Who would do something this horrible?

  Leah was the first to reply. “I just turned twenty. I was on a run, getting ready for a marathon in about a month. I was on the trail and a turn was coming up. I rounded the corner, then I was grabbed, and a cloth of some kind was placed over my mouth and nose. The smell burned. I tried not to breathe it in, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t scream. They pushed the cloth to my face harder when I tried to scream. That’s all I remember until I woke up here like the rest, chained to the floor.” The sadness seeped from her voice.

  “For how long?” I blurted out, slightly annoyed and slightly louder than a whisper.

  “Please. Keep your voice down.” Grace pleaded. “You don’t understand. You don’t know what they’ll do. You don’t want them to come.” Sheer terror rippled in her voice.

  “How long have you all been here?” I whispered.

  “A month or two maybe. It’s too hard to tell. You kind of lose track of time down here,” Storm said in a defeated voice.

  “Storm was here first, the rest of us only a few days, a week maybe. I don’t know.” Leah whispered.

  “What about your families, loved ones, friends? Anyone who would notice you missing? Anyone who might come to look for you?” I found it hard to believe these girls had no family.

  Grace spoke, her tone void of emotion. “My parents abandoned me on the steps of a group home when I was five and never looked back. I grew up in foster care. They don’t care where I am or that I’m gone.”

  The quiet seeped into our bones as their hope faded. I could feel it in the air. But I knew without a doubt my family would come. “Stay strong. Just hold on for a little while longer,” I told them. “My family will come, and we’ll get out. Those bastards will pay!” I said it with as much courage as I could muster. I felt it in my very soul. They would come. I just prayed it was sooner rather than later. Because who knew what was coming?

  Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, images flooded my mind. My family. Mom and Dad on vacation or at gatherings. My uncles. My best friend. And the one face that’s never far from my mind.

  His smile. The way his eyes sparkled. The delicious way he smelled of musk and man with a hint of leather. His taste when we kissed the first time. I knew I had to make it out of here alive for him. I closed my eyes and remembered the first time we met. The one man who made me rethink letting anybody else in my world. The only man I have ever betrayed my father for. I lay there, closing my eyes and imagining Dominic Hayes. The one person to truly see my soul.



  One year ago

  Today is my seventeenth birthday and my family is planning a party. They didn’t think I knew about it. But my best friend in the world, Gia Di Salvo, couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. I also might have blackmailed her with some unsavory photos she took while she was drunk last time.

  I truly hated surprises.

  Anyways, my mother, Cara Galenti, was one of those smothering mothers, the kind where no matter how old you are, they thought you needed a birthday party. Or they cried about how old you were, and how you didn’t need them anymore. Don’t get me wrong, she was deadly, and could be one of the meanest, most ruthless women this side of the Syracuse when it came to her family. After all, she was married to my dad. She kind of had to be.

  My dad gave her anything her heart desired. Partly because she knew how to work him, and partly because he was a little scared of her. We all were. But in all honesty, my parents had a marriage most people craved. The adoring looks my dad gave my mother made even the hardest man soften up.

  They were passing this pa
rty off as my birthday party, but we all knew better than that. This “party” was a front for my dad to invite his “associates”. The entire family would be there, and they were going all out.

  “Agreements must be made, Jules,” Dad said as I rolled my eyes.

  Business for the club was always number one. My mom was a close second.

  The whole place looked different as they prepared for the festivities. Booze flowed everywhere, loud music, and people dancing. With this many people, you’d have thought a person would feel cherished. That wasn’t the case.

  There I was, celebrating my birthday with my best friend. Both of us looked like sin, dressed in as little as possible. We took pride in being sexy, being naturally beautiful. It had its perks. With long dark hair, small waist, and legs to die for, I was fierce in my black leather mini skirt and halter top. Mother would say a ’woman’s hair was her crowning glory. Her motto was “You must always look your best.” Gia wasn’t looking too bad either in her mini dress and spiked stilettos. Honestly, I was envious of her curves. She had a true hourglass figure. Being shiny and polished was what was expected from us.


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