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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

Page 3

by K. C. Stone

  Barely listening, I felt a hard kick to the shin.

  “Hey, fucker.” I looked over at Viper, laughing his ass off. He nodded toward Locke.

  Shit. Guess I’d spaced out. I looked at our President and he just smiled.

  Viper shook his head. “We good for tonight?”

  I knew what he was talking about. The same damn thing I’d just been thinking about. I nod. “Yes. The club knows what’s up. Told them if they fuck up tonight, they’re dead.” I decided to go ahead and let him know about the plans I’d put in place. “I have three prospects staying to watch the place, as well as Axel. We’re backed up on orders and behind on deadlines for the shop. But he’s one of the best mechanics we got, so he’ll keep things from getting worse.”

  I knew what I’d done was smart. See, our President, Locke, was a scary motherfucker, one who doesn’t play around. The only other person I wouldn’t mess with is Sal. So, when I made a play and directed guys to stay without letting him know, it was kind of risky. But on the other hand, our bike shop made a lot of money. It was the top-rated motorcycle shop in the state.

  When Locke called the end of chapel, I let out a mental sigh of relief. I jumped up, ready to head out. This party was going to be the death of me. Maybe I could fake a problem at the shop and cut out early.

  Straddling my lady, I turned when Viper called my name.

  He sauntered over to me. “There’s one rule Salvatore has you need to follow.”

  I eyed him. “Yeah? What’s that?”

  Viper’s slight smile was a little wicked. “The daughter is off limits.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” I smirked and pulled out ahead of him.

  Heading for the party, I blew off what Viper had said. Once I got there, the first thing I did was scan the crowd. I knew nobody was going to try anything, but I couldn’t help it. That’s how I was trained.

  The first thing that caught my attention was a pair of incredibly sexy legs that I swore went on for miles. That short skirt stopped my heart and tightened my jeans instantly. My eyes roamed up ever so slowly, taking in the view. Luscious curves, a sexy waist, and a skimpy top barely holding anything in. My mouth watered as dirty images popped into my brain at warp speed.

  But what really knocked me on my ass was a set of ice blue eyes, staring right at me. A slow smile spread across my face. When her friend whispered in her ear, her smile widened and her blue eyes flashed, stealing my soul.

  A jab to my ribs rocked me. “Stay away from her,” Viper whispered.

  Fuck! That couldn’t be her. Shit.

  She slowly walked over and took my hand.

  One touch, and I knew I was screwed.


  Climbing off my bike, I headed into church.

  Locke stopped me at the door of the chapel. Yeah, he’d already heard the news. And he knew Jules was mine. “I’m gonna let you head this up.”

  I’d worked my way up in the club to second in command, right behind Locke. So it didn’t surprise me that he was letting me head this up. But right now, I didn’t care about my position. All I cared about was finding Jules.

  With a curt nod, I brushed past him and took a seat. As chapel started, I gave a rundown of the information her father had told me.

  Viper spoke up. “You got a current photo of her that we can have the club circulate?”

  Pulling out my phone, I scrolled to one of my favorite pictures of us. Her head was on my shoulder while she sent a text or some shit. I’d looked over at her beautiful face as she was deep in concentration and snapped the picture.

  I sat back as the silence drowned me. I couldn’t just sit here. When no one else said anything for a while, I jumped up and headed for the door. I knew of only one contact who could possibly be my love’s saving grace.

  I’d reached the door when Locke called my name. “We got your back.” That was all I needed from him. “You going to see Duke?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Keep Tech on standby in case I find something.”

  I flew out the door and hopped on my bike, heading to the one person I knew could help save my soul.

  Because that’s what she was. My heart and soul. If I lost her, I wouldn’t survive.




  I shivered in the darkness, not sure if it was from the cold, or the fear trying to burrow into my bones. It was all I could do not to focus on the silence and emptiness of the room. Or the fact I hadn’t had anything to eat since yesterday. I would probably throw up if they fed me, though. I swallowed down a mouthful of bile.

  I opened my mouth to say something to the girls, when the door wrenched open. My worst fear came to life as a strange guy came down the stairs and grabbed my wrist.

  Panic tightened my already rolling stomach. “What’s going on?” The words were a croak from my dry mouth.

  He cut me a sharp look. “Shut the hell up.”

  As he freed me from my chains and dragged me up the stairs, my legs refused to cooperate. I’d been sitting there so long I couldn’t feel my feet. Tingles and sharp pin pricks of pain poked at my legs and I stumbled. Landing on my knees, I smacked the edge of a step. I let out a cry as pain radiated up and down my leg.

  “Let’s go.” He forced out between clenched teeth. “You stupid bitch.”

  Getting back to my feet, I whimpered as I took the final step up the stairs. He led me to a room and basically threw me into a chair.

  Stay!” he barked.

  I stayed put, too afraid to move or even speak.

  My heart dropped as John walked in. “You can go now, Alberto. And tell Brian to get the room set up. This won’t take long.” John pulled a chair in front of me and sat. He said nothing for so long the silence fed the fear. But it also gave me a small sense of power.

  I dug deep and found my courage. “Why?” I asked, hoping I didn’t make him too angry, but I had to know.

  He stared at me as minutes ticked by. I bowed my head, too terrified to look in his eyes. This man had been a part of my dad’s business for the past five or six years. I’d seen him at club parties and at meetings when I was at the clubhouse. The thought that he was behind this sick and degrading business made me think about puking again.

  Finally, he shattered the quiet. “Because your dad fucked up.” My head snapped up. “See, your father never listened. I tried to tell him. Tried to make him see how much money we could make. We could’ve expanded our ties, expanded our territory. But no. He said it’d be too personal, like selling his own daughter. He couldn’t see the big picture. What he didn’t realize was that I already had some of the crew on board. I had it all lined up. All he had to do was say yes. But he had to go and have a conscience about it. Out of all the shit he’s got his hands in, he puts his foot down at selling women. Isn’t that just so heroic of him?”

  As he spit his vitriol, all I could do was stare. I didn’t realize words had formed until I spoke them. “You think selling girls is okay? That making money off them and them being made to do God knows what is all right? One of those girls is only sixteen years old and you’re selling her as a sex slave! You’re sick!” I spat at him, unable to stop myself.

  I never saw his hand until it whipped across my face. Fire followed.

  Swallowing my fear, I looked him right in the eyes and lied. “I am not afraid of you, you piece of shit,” I seethed.

  “You keep that mouth running and I’m going to show you what happens, you little bitch.” He gripped my hair with his fist and lowered his face to mine. “I tried to stay away from you because Daddy said so. Nobody was good enough for his princess.” I cringed at the thought. He was fifteen years older than me. “So, when you started messing around with that trash Irish, oh yeah, that pissed me off. You walked around acting better than everyone, but I watched you while you whored around. I stayed behind the scenes until I could make my move. When I was approached by a buyer, I knew they would do anything I asked. I only had one request. I told them I had
a girl in mind and if they gave her to me, I’d gladly help them. It’s a win-win for me.” He yanked harder on my hair. “I get money for finding little sluts for them to sell, and they give me you.” John sneered as he tugged on my hair and I cried out in pain. Running his fingers down my cheek, he gripped my chin and roughly kissed my lips. Then he whispered in my ear. “When I’m ready, I’ll take what’s mine. What I deserve. And if you fight me, well, honey, I’m actually looking forward to that.” His grin sickened me. He proceeded to yank me to my feet. “Take her back down to the cellar.” Alberto stepped forward and grabbed my arm. “And feed them while you’re at it. We can’t afford to have the merchandise waste away.”

  As I was being forcefully pushed toward the cellar, my stomach took that moment to growl loudly. My nerves and terror got the best of me and I giggled. Great. I was losing my mind. All I could do was pray my family found me in time.

  Feeling helpless as that prick, Alberto, chained me back to the ground, I pleaded with him. “Please, just let me go.”

  He growled. “Shut it. I’ll be back down with food. Don’t try to scream. It’ll only make things worse for you.” Walking back up the stairs, he slammed the door. I heard the faint sounds of arguing.

  “Are you okay?” Grace asked.

  “For now,” I replied. “We’ve got to get out of here. Somehow.” I said it with as much strength as I could fake.

  I could only imagine the disgusting plans John had for all of us, and I had no intention of being a part of them.




  Pulling up to Elicit, my bike rumbled to a stop. Duke walked around the dumpster and up to the corner.

  I forced a smile. “Hey, Duke. Got a minute to help a brother out?”

  “Anything for you, Dom.” He extended his grubby hand and I shook it.

  “I need to know if you were out here a couple days ago.”

  “Always, brother. You know me. The alley is my home.”

  Duke was the one person who could help me find Jules. Sal would do his best, no doubt. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, Sal is a bastard and can get shit done, especially when it involves his daughter. But he forgets the streets and how they work.

  When I first met Duke two years ago, he was new on the streets. I needed information regarding an issue we had, and he helped me out. We’ve been friends ever since. I told him that I owed him a marker.

  I could tell Duke was different. I’d noticed he had few belongings, all of them in a torn, dirty Army bag. Turned out, he was a vet. So, I put some money in his bag when I came to visit every couple days and he kept a sharp eye out for me. People didn’t expect him to help, nor do they usually even see him. Damn shame too ‘cause getting to know him was an honor.

  He didn’t do the panhandling thing like the others around here. He did some special shit in the military, but after he lost his buddy due to an IED, he didn’t like to talk about it much. No one could tell by looking at him there was anything wrong. He didn’t have any physical disabilities from war. Like most vets out here, his scars are all internal. An overwhelming darkness. I checked with him now and then to make sure he was doing okay. I tried to get him help, but he didn’t want it. Maybe someday, he said. All he wanted was my company.

  I handed him the bag of food I’d brought. Standing next to him, I asked my questions as he ate. “Do you remember two nights ago when a girl was taken from this corner?” The small grunt he made had my stomach tightening. “What do you know?”

  “People don’t really see me, you know. They just pretend I’m invisible or they look right past me and assume I’m crazy.”

  “Duke, did you see something?”

  “Yes, I saw them. There were three of them. A girl about here,” he gestured to his shoulders. “With long dark hair. And another girl about the same height with short hair. They came around the corner where a van was waiting. It was too dark, I couldn’t really see color, but two men came out and grabbed the girl with the long hair. One handed the other girl something. I couldn’t tell what. But I could hear what they were saying. Some of it anyways. They were arguing over what to do with her. I did hear one say John was gonna be happy.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to wrap my mind around the information. “Anything else?”

  “No. Sorry, Dom. They just got in the van and left. They did turn right, if that matters.”

  “Thanks.” I wasn’t really sure what it all meant, but I had a feeling in my gut Sal would.

  I walked to my bike after making sure Duke didn’t need anything and took off toward Sal and hopefully some answers.

  That incessant pain in my gut told me I wasn’t gonna like what I was about to hear.

  Damn. I prayed that maybe Tech could help. I pulled my phone out and called him. I needed to figure out who the fuck John was and why the fuck he wanted my girl.




  I closed my eyes, hoping to escape for a little while, even if it was only in my mind. I let my mind wander. Images bombarded my brain.

  I thought of Dom and our first date.

  He’d picked me up on his bike. The way he’d looked straddling his lady, the sinew of muscle, the way his arms flexed squeezing the chrome handle bars, drove me to the edge. His smell, his strength, and the way he flexed when I wrapped my arms around him. Feeling his body against mine, hard and warm. It was all perfection.

  He gave me that sexy grin. “I have a surprise. It may be corny, but I think you’ll like it.”

  Little did he know, I hated surprises. But the sexy way he said it I couldn’t tell him that. He started his bike and we made the trek toward whatever he had planned. The vibrations from his bike triggered a throb radiating to my core, roaring to escape.

  After being on the road for what seemed like forever, we pulled up to a lighthouse. Immediately, I knew standing would be a challenge, due to a mixture of anticipation from what was to come mixed with the pleasure of the ride. Looking around, I realized what he had in mind. After we’d first met, I hadn’t heard from him for a day or so. Then I’d received a text.

  315-265-9871: I simply can’t stop thinking of you. - Dom

  I’d laughed because that wasn’t what I’d expected.

  Me: How did you get my number?

  Dom: We have a brother named Tech. He can hack into anything and find any information we want.

  Me: How romantic. A hard ass biker with a soft and mushy center.

  Dom: Fine. Fuck, woman, I can’t stop thinking about your ass. Is that better?

  Me: No. I prefer them sweet and dirty!

  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I waited for his reply.

  Dom: Oh, baby. I can do dirty! I do dirty really well!

  We kept texting, getting to know one another. A little sweet, a little sexy, increasing the tension. I enjoyed playing a little dirty too sometimes.

  Dom: What’s your idea of the perfect date?

  That one was easy.

  Me: The perfect date would be in a beautiful place that isn’t surrounded by the city.

  So now here we were at Tibbitt’s lighthouse. He’d remembered.

  Still regaining my ability to walk, all I could do was stare at the amazing panoramic scenery. The way the clouds sat just right around the lighthouse. The flowers in bloom. The pink primrose blending with the yellow sunflowers. The breeze that carried the sweetest fragrance from the mixture of wildflowers.

  Dom took my hand and gently kissed the top of it. He guided me up the walkway. “This place is my getaway. I come here to think. It’s just mine. Nobody knows.”

  “How did you find this place?”

  His eyes glazed over as if he’d drifted away into a memory. “Being the only child of parents who don’t care if you live or die can really take a toll on you. So during my teen years, just after I started working at the shop, Locke helped me get a bike. I started riding every time I felt like I was getting ready to drown with
the day to day shit, ya know? I’d get on the back of my bike and just ride. One day I drove by here and the beauty made me stop. I think I sat here for hours that day, just hoping for a better life. A way out of my hell. The view is magnificent when you look out and see the water.” He pointed. “The waves crashing on the shore, leaving white foam. It’s breathtaking. Did you know the lighthouse is a beacon to the ships? Almost like a siren call beckoning them to come in. Just like a person’s soul calling out to another’s, finding it in the sea of life.”

  I was so blown away by his passion I couldn’t speak. I didn’t want to break the moment. We stood there watching the waves crash against the shoreline. He moved behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Thank you for saving me.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about at the time.

  He told me he had another surprise and led me to the path at the bottom of the lighthouse, right at the edge of the shoreline. I gasped as I saw a blanket on the grass, complete with a picnic. We sat down and he handed me something to drink. I just looked at him, falling even deeper for this man who seemed to understand my soul. It felt like he was already there.

  Dom asked me if I wanted to dance and then pulled out his phone. He searched for a minute before finding the song he wanted. He took my hand and pulled me into his arms. We swayed to one of my favorite songs of all time. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. I couldn’t believe he’d remembered.

  I let out a small laugh.

  “What is so funny?” he asked.

  “I was just thinking how the big, bad biker is Prince Charming.”

  “Well baby, my daddy always said, when you find the one, treat her like the princess she is. And every princess needs a prince. Even if he does ride a Harley instead of a horse.”


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