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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

Page 16

by K. C. Stone

  “Matthew, I am so sorry.” I wiped the tears from my eyes.

  “You’re scaring me, Cara. What is it?” He demanded.

  “I’m sorry I never told you. I’m sorry I lied to you. I was so scared about everything that had happened all those years ago.”

  “Cara, that doesn’t matter, sweetie. That was a long time ago.” The softness returned to his voice.

  “No! You don’t get it. I lied. I lied to you then, and I’m lying to you now!” I rushed out.

  “I don’t understand.” He leaned back.

  Taking a deep breath, I dove in. “When I left you nineteen years ago, I wasn’t alone.”

  “Okay.” He released my hand, looking nervous. “Cara, we can talk about this later. I need to go talk to Dom.”

  “Do me a favor.” I knew he wasn’t understanding me, but I was so tired and I just wanted to sleep. I’d have to tell him later.

  “Go to my house. In the closet is a black box with a silver buckle. Open it. It will explain everything.” I passed out before he could say another word.



  The next day, I took Jules, Grace, and Cara to the compound. It was surprising that Cara hadn’t fought me on going to stay at the compound and not her house.

  After we got her mother to her room, I pulled Jules aside. “Baby, I got to run. We’ve got church in a few, and I need to keep the guys up to date.” I kissed her nose. “Get your mom settled and I’ll be back.” I kissed my girl once more and walked away.

  Heading to chapel, I saw Locke and Axel sitting at the bar. Making my way toward them, I nodded to the prospect who was cleaning glasses at the other end. Without me having to say a word, he grabbed glasses and the bottle of Jameson off the shelf behind him and placed them in front of the three of us. He walked away again, leaving us to business.

  Filling the glasses, I looked at Axel. “What do ya know, brother?”

  “Damn, Dom, it looks like Sal was having issues in his own house. From what I found, looks like he might have known what was coming. Or at least that something fucked up was about to happen.”

  “What do you mean? You think he knew Jules would be taken?” Tension rose in my voice.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I wanna say no, but who the fuck knows? Let’s get into chapel and I’ll show you.”

  I sat at my usual seat at the table waiting for Ezra to get here. I was about to call him, when the bastard finally came running in. “Damn, brother. You’re late.”

  Ezra looked up from his phone, noticing there were just a few of us. “Will it be a full church or just us?”

  “Just us for now,” Locke bit out. “Now sit the fuck down so we can get started!” His tone caused all of us to look at him.

  The brothers had all voiced their concerns that he’d been on edge since Sal was killed and Cara hurt. Nobody could really figure out why. I mean, we’d dealt with rough shit before, so I couldn’t figure out why this had him losing his shit.

  Taking his seat Locke got started. “I spoke to a couple contacts. Seems like they have the same opinion of Sal as what Axel said. Over the past six months or so, his behavior changed. He’d started pulling away from people, dealing more in the dirty shit than staying in the clean business. From what people have been saying, he was acting paranoid. Constantly worried people were watching him, and someone was after him. Ezra, Axel, what do you have?”

  Axel spoke up. “He has a prospect that helped out a lot. We told him we needed info to help find the person responsible, and he spilled it all. Said that Cara was like a mother to him and he would do anything to help her out.” Locke nodded for him to go on, looking impatient. “Seems like there was shit going on behind the scenes. He said a couple of the brothers in his crew where talking hostile takeover. I guess they were sick of his paranoia and shit.”

  Ezra shook his head. “Not one person was loyal to that man except his wife and daughter. Well, daughters, now.”

  “And they seemed to want only younger blood. Their VP is young, and he seems to be pushing out the older members,” Axel finished.

  “Fuck, where is the club loyalty anymore?” Locke bit out. “Sounds like they lost it. Tech, what did you find out?”

  “Well now that I have all this information, what I found out makes a lot more sense.”

  Locke growled, his impatience growing. “Spill it, brother.”

  Tech raised a brow. “He was getting messages from this unknown IP address that I still can’t trace. Weird ones going back almost a year. As well as text messages from an untraceable number that said he was dead, and he shouldn’t have turned his back on them. But it never says who “them” is. That’s the issue I’m having. I can’t nail anyone down. I mean, the fucker had a list of enemies as long as my dick.”

  “Well, if it’s as long as your dick, it should only take us a few minutes to find out who it is,” I quipped.

  “Very funny, fucker. Ha-ha.” Tech got serious again. “Anyways, the emails talk about how he backed out on some deal and they were not happy about it. They said something about making him pay, and how no matter what happened they would get what they were owed. One did say something interesting. I have it here. It says, “You thought you had me, but when you least expect it, I will rob you of everything you love, just like you robbed me. You will regret crossing me.” I have no idea what the fuck that means.”

  “They aren’t signed or anything?” I asked.

  “Nope. But I’m hoping I can figure it out. I’m still digging through them.”

  “Damn it!” I roared, slamming my fist onto the table. “What in the hell was going on in that place?”

  Axel jumped in. “What about Cara? I mean, maybe she knows something that could help us figure out what the hell is going on, and if there’s any more shit that’s going to happen. That way we can at least prepare the best we can for whatever shit storm Sal dragged us into.”

  I shook my head. “She’s asleep right now. When she wakes, I’ll have Jules let her know we want to talk to her, but I won’t have all of us going in there making her feel like she did something wrong. So just me and Locke will go.”

  Locke nodded, but he had a weird look on his face. What was going on with him? “Keep digging, Tech. Ezra, see if the girls need anything. And see if Grace saw or heard anything while she was there. Axel, Viper, go back to the compound and see if you can shake shit up. Put feelers out and see who bites. I’ll be damned if we get caught in the crossfire with our dicks in our hands and no warning like last time.” Locke barked his orders and we all started to head out. He caught me. “Dom, when Cara wakes up, move her to my side of the compound. I want to make sure she’s under heavy guard at all times. I want you and Jules over there too.”

  “I get that boss, but why Jules and I?”

  “Because, Cara won’t go without one of her daughters. And I can tolerate the two of you, but damn if I want to walk out and see that every fucking day.” He pointed to the pool table where Ezra had Grace pinned, shoving his tongue down her throat.

  I whistled to catch Ezra’s attention. “Kid, take that shit somewhere else. That girl is about to be my sister-in-law. I don’t want to see that!” I barked.

  “I swear he’s as pussy whipped as the rest of ya’ll,” Locke took off laughing.


  As I got Mom and Grace settled in their rooms, I wondered why I bothered with Grace’s room. She probably wouldn’t be spending any time in there. I saw how Ezra doted on her and watched her. I was thankful he was so protective of her. Even though she was a little young to be starting something with somebody, I was glad she had Ezra.

  I headed to our room to shower since Dom was still in church. I sat on our bed for a minute, but exhaustion took over and I sagged back onto the bed. Placing my head in my hands, I wept, releasing every pent-up tear, and some of the frustration and weight of everything that had occurred over the past however many days. It felt like the shit just kept on piling up.

nbsp; I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep until I felt gentle fingertips graze my face and soft lips kiss my eye lids. I opened my eyes but they ached and burned, so I closed them again.

  Dom’s voice whispered in my ear. “Hey, baby, did you have a nice nap?”

  “I guess I was more tired than I thought. I must look like hell, all red and puffy.” I got up and looked in the mirror. “Holy hell! I look like a raccoon!” I tried to tame my hair.

  His arms wrapped around me and I turned and placed my forehead on his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down the nape of my neck. I relaxed into him, loving the warmth of his body. Running my hands up and down his back, I leaned further into him, pressing myself against him. When this man was around my body tingled in all the right places.

  I felt him harden against me. I gently licked the seam of his lips. That set him off like a firework. He deepened the kiss and we started fumbling to remove our clothes. There was nothing like feeling him skin to skin. Feeling him inside me was fantastic, but even just the touch of his skin brushing mine sent sparks zinging through my body.

  I was panting as I practically climbed his body, burning with need. He grabbed my ass roughly and I wrapped my legs around him. I impaled myself on his rock-hard shaft. I moaned as I felt the stretch and pleasure when I bottomed out, our hips meeting. Focused on trying to regulate my breathing, I didn’t even realize we were moving until my back hit the wall.

  He drove into me, harder and harder. The noises I made just urged him on. His hand gripped my hair and pulled my head back. While he kissed my neck, he drilled into me. I felt the buildup. I was getting ready to explode. I met him thrust for thrust as he swelled inside of me. My pussy walls clenched him tight as my orgasm detonated. I screamed his name and he picked up speed, chasing his own release.

  “Thank you,” I whispered later as we lay in bed, still sweating and panting, and basking in the unbridled passion we’d just shared.

  He kissed my shoulder. “What for?”

  “For helping me forget, even for just a little while. You help me breathe. Your touch grounds me, it centers me. When my world is full of chaos, you’re my tether.”

  “Fuck, baby. I’m glad to hear that. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I mean, damn. I don’t want my brothers to know I’m acting like a pussy here, but hell, I can’t help it.” He laughed. “Plus, your pussy is tight as hell, baby. Fuck, I can’t get enough.”

  I smiled, knowing what he meant. “You don’t want them to know you’re really a romantic, huh?” I teased.

  “Nope. I got my rep to protect.” He gave me that erotic, heart thrumming, dimpled smile, and that wink that promised endless down and dirty times like we’d just had.

  It was all just what I needed.



  The day of my dad’s funeral was surreal. That’s the only way I knew how to describe it. The atmosphere at the compound was grievous. Sadness was everywhere. Even if they didn’t know my dad, they still showed him the respect that he deserved.

  Getting dressed in our room, I looked in the mirror, trying to fix what make-up I could with mascara and eye liner running from all the crying. I finally gave up and went to find my mom and sister. I knocked on the door and found them wrapped in each other’s arms on Mom’s bed. They both looked at me and my face crumpled.

  “Oh, come here, honey.” I went to her and Mom embraced Grace and I together, holding us as the three of us prepared to say goodbye to Dad one last time.

  Before I knew it, we were sitting in the front row of the church with Mom in between Grace and me. We were surrounded by family, friends, and strangers who’d come to pay their respects. I looked around at the sheer amount of people that had showed up. Bikers, politicians, and family members. Everyone that had ever met my father had gathered to say goodbye.

  Gripping Dom’s hand as tight as I could, my eyes scanned back and forth, always assessing possible danger. Considering my dad’s past, I never knew if a person who came to offer their condolences was a friend or one of the many enemies he’d made over the years.

  Feeling eyes on me, my breath sped up. Anxiety had my foot bouncing.

  Dom released my hand and cradled the back of my neck, rubbing the base of my skull, trying to calm me. He whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry, baby. I have guys watching over the entire place, inside and out. Nothing bad will ever happen to you again. I promise, sweetheart.”

  “I feel eyes all over me, like someone’s watching me!”

  I looked around and saw Gia across the room, talking to some guy I’d never seen before. He was one of the scary looking men I’d seen in the corner earlier. A shiver ran down my spine with an eerie feeling. I made eye contact with her and she smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  I brushed it off and focused on holding myself together for my mom and Grace. Somehow, I made it through the service without breaking down too badly.

  The numb feeling I had sitting in the back of the limo riding to the cemetery with Mom and Grace was hard to describe. Almost like I was floating around but tethered to a string. The string could snap at any moment, sending me floating into outer space. Looking out the window, I stared at all the people as we passed, walking and talking and going about their days, most of them having no idea about the evil that lurked around them. The unknown around every corner. The wolves in sheep’s clothing. Watching the families strolling down the streets, I wished I could tell them to cherish every moment and hold on to their loved ones.

  Pulling up to the cemetery, I was in such a fog I was startled when the door opened and Dom reached inside for my hand.

  Soon, I was standing by my dad’s grave, surrounded by my mom, Grace, Dom, Gia, Leah, Faith, Locke, and the rest of their brothers and a few from Dad’s crew. We had requested that only immediate family members be at the burial site, but Grace and I had wanted Gia and the girls there. The brothers were basically forming a barricade, ensuring nobody interrupted us.

  The silence was deafening, only broken by Mom’s quiet sobs. Grace and I wrapped our arms around her, giving her all the extra strength we had until her sobs softened to hiccups. The look in her eyes was heart breaking as we said goodbye to my dad a final time.

  I fought to hold it together until I could be alone with Dom. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to hold back the tears that welled up and the emotions that were trying to surface. Making myself hold on to the numbness, I concentrated on the out of body experience to get me through.

  After tossing three red roses on his casket as they lowered it into the ground, we turned toward the guys and headed back to the compound.

  I knew nothing would ever be the same.



  The day of the funeral was painful and nerve wracking for all of us. We had to call brothers in from a different charter just to make sure we had all our bases covered as far as protection. We’d called a special chapel, giving the guys a rundown of what was going on, giving them only what they needed to ensure the girls’ safety.

  The more we learned about Sal, the more uneasy we got. His list of enemies had grown quite large. Not to mention, for a long time before his death, his hands were far dirtier than they’d ever been. Tech and some more of the brothers were still digging into his background, but from the looks of it, we were going to have to keep Cara and the girls under guard at the compound for a while. That put all of us on edge.

  During the service, the brothers were all on high alert, knowing the amount of people showing would be staggering. As I looked at all the girls, I could see the fear and anxiety written in their eyes. All of this was just too much for some of them. I would’ve rather had them stay at the compound, but I knew some of the brothers wouldn’t be as focused as they should if the girls weren’t with them, and I needed everyone on point.

  I looked around to see that Leah had a white-knuckle grip on Viper and sweat beaded on her forehead.

  I walked over and placed my hands o
n her shoulders, knowing I could touch her without Viper having a shit fit because he knew I was only interested in helping. “Leah, sweetie, look at me.” When she did, I smiled. “Do you want me to take you somewhere you can get some air? It’d be safe, I promise.”

  She shook her head and wiped her eyes. “No, thank you. I need to be strong for Jules. She’s been so strong for us, now it’s our turn.” Her confidence seemed to grow as she spoke. Releasing Viper’s hand, she walked over to Jules and wrapped her arms around her.

  Once she was out of ear shot, I called Tech, Ezra, and Locke over.

  “What’s up, brother?” Locke asked.

  “That group of guys in the corner. I’m not liking how they’re staring at Cara and the girls.” At the mention of Cara’s name, Locke’s fists clenched and his jaw tightened. I made a note to ask him about it later. “One of those bastards has been circling Gia. Keep an eye on them. And if one of our girls says she feels like something is wrong, or if you notice someone staring way too hard, take care of it. I don’t want anything to go wrong today.” I shook my head. “Damn, they’ve had enough bad shit happen in the past couple months to last a fucking lifetime. I won’t let anyone fuck up this service, even if Sal was a lying bastard.”

  I’d been nervous since Gia had demanded to go back to her apartment. We didn’t have the energy to fight with her. It was her choice. We’d put a guard on her, and he hadn’t reported her keeping any company, but I didn’t like the way she was talking to that guy.

  The guys scattered and I went back to Jules, though I’d never been far away from her. I was not looking forward to what was coming after the service. I needed to speak to Locke and Cara about the new information we’d recently discovered. It seemed the more we found out about Sal, the more things we found that I knew would break Jules’ heart even more than it already was. He was a real piece of work.


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