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Defining Darkness (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 1)

Page 12

by K E Osborn

  But I couldn’t. He didn’t know where my hand and body had wandered during the night. At least I hope he didn’t. The fact he was practically naked under the sheets had my skin flushing like fire. I pulled away from him slowly, trying to keep myself under control.

  Last night was the hardest night of my life. I was turned on by a man I shouldn’t want. Nycto is bad for me, of that I am sure, but every inch of my body was screaming for him. It took me hours to fall back asleep. Then when I woke this morning, he was gone. For some reason, I felt relief. Complete comfort in the fact he’d gone for the day, and I didn’t have to face him.

  Then when he opened the door to the bathroom, it was like all the air had been sucked from my lungs. He stood there, his toned abs so taut, droplets of water running down to his perfect V-shape which narrowed down into those black briefs. The water sliding down his tattooed chest made him look like something from some sexy commercial. His hair was a little disheveled from sleep. His tattooed biceps were bulging as I watched in awe.

  Nycto’s a fucking marvel to look at.

  I thought under his clothes he would be stunning, but that word doesn’t describe him well enough.

  The way his shirts cling to him, I had some idea, but I never thought in my wildest dreams seeing him practically naked would soak my panties instantly, or in this case, his briefs I’m wearing.

  I find him so undeniably attractive, my chest hurts. Seeing him like that, literally makes my heart ache. I try to deny it. I try to get mad at him. I try to fight it by pretending everything he does infuriates me. Don’t get me wrong, his ‘period’ comment was so out of line, it did anger me, but I was more riled up because I want him so damn bad.

  It can’t happen.

  I can’t let Nycto distract me from what’s really important.


  I need to get out of here.

  I must find my sister.

  Standing from the bed, I straighten myself out. As much as I want to stay and find out what this chemistry is with Nycto, I can’t leave Ivy out there to fend for herself.

  I need to make my escape.

  So, I walk over to the closet opening the right side. The wooden box is still sitting proudly in its place. Nerves filter through me. If Nycto left the key in his jeans last night where I could have easily taken it, then maybe the key in this box is exactly what I think it is.

  There’s only one way to find out.

  Opening the box, I pull out the filigree key. A sense of hope floods through me as I take one last look around the room that’s held me captive for who knows how many days.

  Finding the courage I need right now, I take a large inhale of air.

  After going out into the clubhouse last night, I took note that the exit is on the right out of the hallway and to the left. If I plan it right, I can make an escape with no one even noticing me leave.

  I glance at the heels I came here in. Do I put them on or go barefoot? Heels will make far too much noise—barefoot it is. My stomach tightens as butterflies swarm like a raging tornado. If I get caught, I don’t know what Nycto will do to me, but I can’t sit around waiting any longer. I have to try.

  Stepping up to the door, the key in my hand shakes. I place it into the lock, my heart rate spiking through the roof. I try to turn it, but it doesn’t budge. I jiggle a little more, but movement vibrates back through the metal opening. The key is forced backward and falls on the floor at my feet. I gasp as the door flies open and Nycto steps in, his eyes hard as he takes in my shocked expression.

  My eyes fall to the key on the floor.

  He follows my line of sight as my lip trembles.

  Panic washes over me as a low growl rumbles from Nycto’s chest. His eyes meet mine. A vein throbs in the side of his neck.

  This is it—I’ve finally broken him.

  Fight or flight, Eva, it’s up to you.

  I lunge forward racing for the open doorway, but he’s too damn fast. His arm grips around my waist, yanking me back inside his room as I let out an ear-piercing scream. Nycto kicks his door shut with his foot as he pulls me further inside. I throw my feet out as I scratch, clawing at him, trying to get away, but he shoves me up against the wall. His body pushes hard against mine trapping me in.

  We pant heavily for breaths as his hands grab my wrists, pinning them.

  I whimper, unable to move.

  He has me locked in his grip so tight it hurts as his darkened eyes glare at me.

  My heart pounds so hard like it’s going to burst. Tension ripples through us as I push against him, trying with all my might to get to freedom, but he simply presses harder, his grip tighter, stronger on my wrists. As I struggle, I feel his cock strain against his jeans.

  I curl up my lip and scream, “I hate you!”

  Nycto rocks his hips into me. Oh my God, my clit throbs with desire. My eyes bore into his as the chemistry ignites. The air becomes thinner as we both pant for heady breaths.

  “I hate you,” I whimper. The words are far less believable this time as he licks his bottom lip.

  “I hate you, too,” he growls.

  His lips slam against mine. Forceful. Hungry. Passionate.

  My tense body instantly erupts in a flaming explosion of want. My lips tingle as his take possession of mine. I have no control over my body as I relax into him, my mouth instantly opening, my tongue going rogue with his.

  Wanting him.

  Needing him.

  Desiring him.

  My hands ball into fists, wanting more than anything to touch him right now, but his grip on my wrists is firm as he possesses me. The atmosphere changes, and the temperature skyrockets. It’s like my entire body is imploding in on itself.

  He bites down on my bottom lip while grinding into me with his cock.

  I whimper against him. I have no control, no desire to move away. I’ve never been ravaged like this in my life. Kissing Nycto is so much better than I thought it would be.

  His hand leaves my wrist, sliding down to grip my thigh. Nycto pulls my leg up to wrap around him. I moan into his mouth when his cock presses right against my pussy in all the right places. My free hand finally reaches up, threading my fingers through his hair, pulling him to me. Wanting him closer. Needing him closer. His tongue collides with mine, the kiss strong, rough, but full of desire. All this pent-up sexual tension, all this rage we’ve both been harboring, all this hidden emotion I’ve been trying to bury, it’s come to the surface all at once.

  I can deny this all I want.

  I might tell myself I hate Nycto, but I know he saved me. He might be keeping me captive, but I’d rather be here than where I was headed to a sex slave market.

  Nycto is no damn superhero, but he sure as hell is my kryptonite.

  His mouth leaves mine, his lips trailing down my neck, his teeth grazing along my goosebump-lined skin. I pant for breath as my head falls back against the wall with a thud. As he sucks on my skin, I whimper, while his cock rocks against me again. He lets out a deep throaty groan, then bites down on my neck, hard. I press my pussy against him, needing the friction.

  “Fuck, I hate you,” he murmurs.

  A smile crosses my face as I let out a small laugh.

  Nycto lifts his head, his iridescent eyes shining back at me.

  Now I see how ridiculous I’ve been.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  His movements still. “You don’t hate me?” he teases.

  My fingers play with his hair. “I want to. You can’t even fathom how much, but obviously… I can’t.”

  Nycto leans in, pressing his lips to mine in a softer, more casual kiss. I pull him to me, my tongue gently entwining with his. The kiss is slow, the calm I need after the ravaging from moments ago. My stomach flutters in butterflies, my lips tingle.

  His hand lets go of my thigh, and I slowly lower it to the floor. Nycto’s hand slides in around my waist, pulling me off the wall and against him.

  Both my arms wrap around his neck as
we lock in another kiss.

  His arms tighten around my waist as he lets out a small groan in my mouth. He slowly pulls back, pressing his forehead against mine. “I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you, Chiquita.”

  I try to fight my grin, but it wins out. “That was even better than I thought it would be.”

  “Is that right?”

  “I mean… just because you look like a sex god doesn’t mean you are one.”

  As he pulls back from me, his eyes fall to the key on the floor. “Why, Eva?”

  Slumping my body, guilt flows over me.

  But the reason is twofold.

  Guilt for trying to leave.

  Guilt for not wanting to leave.

  I’m being torn in two.

  With a sniffle, I bend down, picking up the key from the floor. “When I found this, I thought it might be a way out. I found it yesterday. I wasn’t sure whether it was for the door or not. After we had our fight this morning, I had to try. Nycto… I really need you to find Ivy. It’s tearing me apart inside. I can’t bear the pain anymore.”

  He reaches out, taking the key from me with a drawn-out exhale. “This key… it’s a part of my past. Something I want to tell you about one day, but trust is important to me, Eva. I can’t let you in if you’re going to shut me out.”

  I hear what he’s saying, and I know he’s right. I can’t deny there’s something between us, but Ivy has to come first, especially when she’s God only knows where having God only knows what happening to her.

  “I don’t want to shut you out anymore, Nycto, but I’m so scared when I think about Ivy. The thoughts of her being treated like… oh God, I can’t even voice the words, it’s driving me insane. You have to see where I’m coming from?”

  Nycto threads his fingers with mine pulling me over to the bed. “Sit with me.” The serious nature of his tone concerns me. He turns facing me, a heavy expression on his face. “There’s a reason I’m here, Chiquita. I have some news for you.”

  I sit taller as my insides quiver in anticipation, and it’s not the good kind. “If it’s bad, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” He gulps a lump down his throat which only serves to make me even more nervous. “Oh God, is she dead?” I blurt out, tears filling my eyes.

  He grips both my hands. “Fuck! No! Eva, we found Ivy.”

  My heart stops.

  Then thuds so hard I see stars.

  My breathing is so frantic, I have to close my eyes to stop the blackness from taking over.

  My eyes fill with tears that overflow and flood down my cheeks. A small squeak comes from my mouth as I rush forward into Nycto’s arms, burying my face in his neck. My emotions are all over the place. I want to get lost in him right now.

  He’s found Ivy.

  Maybe he is a superhero.

  Maybe I’ve pegged him all wrong.

  His hands smoothing up and down my back as I cry into his shoulder.

  “Thank you. Thank you, Nycto. When will you be getting her?”

  Smoothing some hair from my face, he pulls back from me. “That’s the thing, Eva…” My chest tightens, dreading his next words. If he can’t get to her, I don’t think I can handle it. “I wanted to make sure she was okay first. Make sure whatever she went through, she could handle seeing you.”

  “I… I don’t understand.”

  Something crosses his face, a pained expression, or maybe something else. I can’t quite decipher it. “She’s here, Eva, at the clubhouse.”

  My eyes widen as I jump from the bed in excitement. “Holy shit! Is she okay? Did they hurt her? Where has she been? How did you save her? Does she know I’m here—”

  “Whoa! Slow down, Chiquita.” He stands as I bounce on my toes while glancing at the door. Knowing she’s out there has my skin tingling. “She’s aware you’re here. She’s desperate to see you, too. She’s fine. The man who held her didn’t hurt her. He had her locked up in a room. That’s all I could get from her…” He hesitates. “We brought her in yesterday—”

  “Yesterday! Why am I only being told this now?” Anger flares through me as I glare at him.

  “Like I said… we needed to make sure she was okay before we brought you two together.”

  “I need to see her!” I head for the door.

  He stands, walking with me. “Eva...”

  “What?” I snap at him in a vicious tone.

  “Understand I was trying to protect you. Both of you—”

  “Just take me to her, Nycto.”

  He wavers but walks to the door. “I don’t want you to leave the clubhouse, Eva.”

  I scoff. “That’s not your decision to make anymore.” I push past him, opening the door, for the first time letting myself out of his room. That right there was so fucking empowering. He follows me, and I enter the hall, but my power trip soon evaporates because I don’t know where Ivy is located. I exhale obnoxiously as I turn toward Nycto.

  He’s assessing my every move with precision. “What’s your next move, Eva?”

  Rolling my eyes, I jut out my hip. “Just take me to Ivy!”

  “That’s not the way to ask for something.”

  “Can you take me to Ivy… please?” It’s totally sarcastic, but I don’t care as I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Of course, Chiquita. Whatever you want,” he mocks equally as sarcastic.

  I might revisit hating him again, after all.

  But I’ll worry about that later.

  Right now, I need to see my sister.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Nycto walks me through the clubhouse. Brothers watch me like they know some shit’s about to go down, but all I can do is be on my mission to Ivy. Nycto tries to take my hand, but I yank it away from him.

  I’m angry.

  No, I’m furious.

  He’s had Ivy here for a whole day, and he didn’t tell me. Nycto huffs leading me past the entrance to the clubhouse where I was planning my escape only moments ago. If I’d succeeded, I would have left, when Ivy’s here. How fucked-up is that?

  We walk to a set of stairs that head down, and he gestures for me to lead the way. The stairwell is dark, ominous, foreboding.

  Where the hell are they holding her?

  Is she some kind of prisoner?

  Taking in a long breath, I start the descent, finding myself entering a darkened area. It smells all kinds of wrong. It’s fucking eerie and strange. I step in, the walls are made of brick. Some look new, some older. The whole area makes no sense to me, but a light catches my attention at the end of the long dank room. A large brick wall is open, showing some kind of makeshift hotel suite inside.

  What the fuck is this shit?

  Nycto ushers me forward, and with each step I take, my nerves heighten even more. This place is beyond strange. Movement on the sofa catches my attention, and I pause. My heart thuds rapidly as I glance at Nycto. His lips turn up slightly as if trying to ease my nerves. It doesn’t help.

  My body trembles as I walk faster toward the room. “Ivy?” I call out.

  The figures on the sofa turn.

  Then I see her.

  She stands while I stop dead still.

  She’s perfect.

  Exactly as I remember.

  It hasn’t been a long time, but I don’t know what I was expecting. A small whimper escapes me. I can’t hold myself back any longer, so I race forward, the chill of the concrete floor sending a shudder through my bare feet.

  Ivy’s arms throw out to the sides as she rushes out of the room toward me too. “Eva!” her voice breaks as she calls out my name.

  My breathing is frantic as I run like hell to get to her. It’s an eternity, but when I reach her, we slam into each other. My arms wrap around her, holding her to me so fucking tight. I never want to let her go. Ivy clings to me as tears cascade down both our faces.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I pant out as I grip onto her for dear life.

  “No, I’m fine. C
ompletely fine. Are you all right?” she asks frantically back.

  Sniffling, I pull back from her, my hands moving to her face smoothing her hair back as I look at her—really look at her—to make sure she isn’t lying to me. “I’m fine. Just dying to find you. Jesus, Ivy, I was so fucking worried, so fucking scared. I was out of my mind.” I pull her back to me, just needing to make sure she’s really here with me and not some figment of my imagination or some nightmare I’m yet to wake up from.

  “I know. I was worried about you, too, but I was told Nycto and the guys have been taking good care of you. They’ve been nothing but amazing to me since I arrived.”

  I peek over my shoulder. Nycto’s watching our interaction intently, then I turn back to my sister. “I’m so glad you’re here. Not knowing what was happening to you was killing me.”

  Ivy winces, grabbing my hands in hers, staring right in my watering eyes. “I’m fine. I promise. Nothing happened to me. I’m one-hundred percent okay. Not a scratch.”

  I lean in pressing my lips to her forehead. “I love you… so, so much. I don’t ever want us to be separated again.”

  Ivy brings her hand up swiping under my eyes to wipe away my tears. “We won’t be. We’re a team. We do everything together. Make decisions together. Everything will be fine.”

  Guilt flows through me as I think of Nycto. Of the kiss we shared. Of the connection I feel with him, but I need to think of my sister now and her well-being. What is best for her and her alone. My feelings don’t come into this equation. “What do you want to do, Ivy? I’m not sure we can go back to Cuba. The men who took us will probably come after us again. We will have to make a way for ourselves here in America.”

  Void, who I now notice is inside the room behind Ivy, looks over like he’s suddenly interested in our conversation. I can’t help but feel the eyes of Nycto glaring into my back as well.

  Ivy narrows her eyes on me. “You want to go it alone? In a country where we have no visas or passports. No money. Nothing to help us?”

  My stomach churns as I glance back at Nycto. His expression is unreadable. I can’t tell if he’s angry, somber, or despondent. Maybe it’s all three? Turning back to Ivy, I shrug. “What else would you have us do? We can’t go back home, it’s too risky.”


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