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The Vampire Sextette

Page 6

by Marvin Kaye

  a cheerleader, not an assassin.

  This wasn't a vampire, but Geneviève knew she was no warm cream puff,

  either. She had killed a strong man twice her weight with a single thrust, and was

  prepared for a charging nosferatu.

  Geneviève stood still, twenty yards from the girl.

  The killer produced her stake. It was stained.

  "Meet Simon Sharp," she said. She had a clear, casual voice. Geneviève found

  her flippancy terrifying.

  "You killed a man," Geneviève said, trying to get through to her, past the


  "Not a man. One of you, undead vermin."

  "He was alive."

  "You'd snacked on him, Frenchie. He would have turned."

  "It doesn't work like that."

  "That's not what I hear, not what I know."

  From her icy eyes, this teenager was a fanatic. There could be no reasoning

  with her.

  Geneviève would have to take her down, hold her until the police got here.

  Whose side would the cops take? A vampire or a prom queen? Geneviève had

  fairly good relations with the local law, who were more uneasy about her as a

  private detective than as a vampire, but this might stretch things.

  The girl smiled. She did look awfully cute.

  Geneviève knew the mad bitch could probably get away with it At least once.

  She had the whole Tuesday Weld thing going for her, pretty poison.

  "You've been warned, not spared," said the girl. "My plan A was to skewer

  you on sight, but the Overlooker thinks this is better strategy. It's some English

  thing, like cricket. Go figure."

  The Overlooker?

  "It'd be peachiest all around if you left the state, Frenchie. The country, even.

  Preferably, the planet Next time we meet, it won't be a warning. You'll get a formal

  introduction to the delightful Simon. Capisce?"

  "Who are you?"

  "The Slayer," said the girl, gesturing with her stake. "Barbie, the Vampire


  Despite herself, despite everything, Geneviève had to laugh.

  That annoyed Barbie.

  Geneviève reminded herself that this silly girl, playing dress -up-and-be-aheroine, was a real live murderess.

  She laughed more calculatedly.

  Barbie wanted to kill her but made no move. Whoever this Overlooker —

  bloody silly title—was, his or her creature didn't want to exceed the brief given


  (Some English thing, like cricket)

  Geneviève darted at the girl, nails out Barbie had good reactions. She pivoted

  to one side and launched a kick. A cleated shoe just missed Geneviève's midriff

  but raked her side painfully. She jammed her palm heel at Barbie's chin, and

  caught her solidly, shutting her mouth with a click.

  Simon Sharp went flying. That made Geneviève less inhibited about close


  Barbie was strong, trained, and smart She might have the brain of a flea, but

  her instincts were pantherlike, and she went all out for a kill. But Geneviève was

  still alive after five hundred and fifty years as a vampire.

  Barbie tried the oldest move in girly martial arts and yanked her opponent's

  hair, cutting her hand open. Geneviève's hair was fine but stronger and sharper

  than it looked, like pampas grass. The burst of hot blood was a distraction,

  sparking lizardy synapses in Geneviève's brain, momentarily blurring her thoughts.

  She threw Barbie away, skittering her across the sand on her can in an undignified



  Barbie pulled out something that looked like a mace spray and squirted at

  Geneviève's face.

  Geneviève backed away from the cloud, but got a whiff of the mist. Garlic,

  holy water, and silver salts. Garlic and holy water didn't bother her —more

  mumbo-jumbo, ineffective against someone not of Dracula's bloodline—but silver

  was deadly to all nosferatu. This spray might not kill her, but it could scar her for

  a couple of centuries, or even life. It was vanity, she supposed, but she had got

  used to people telling her she was pretty.

  She scuttled away, backwards, across the sand. The cloud dissipated in the

  air. She saw the droplets, shining under the moon, falling with exaggerated

  slowness, pattering onto the beach.

  When the spray was gone, so was Barbie the Slayer.

  "… and, uh, this is exactly where you found Mr. Griffin, miss?" asked the

  LAPD homicide detective.

  Geneviève was distracted. Even just after dawn, the sun was fatiguing her. In

  early daylight, on a gurney, Moondoggie—whose name turned out to have been

  Jeff Griffin—looked colder and emptier, another of the numberless dead stranded

  in her past while she went on and on and on.

  "Miss Dew-dun-ee?"

  "Dieudonné," she corrected, absentmindedly.

  "Ah yes, Dieudonné. Accent grave over the e. That's French, isn't it? I have a

  French car. My wife says—"

  "Yes, this is where I found the body," she answered, catching up.

  "Ah. There's just one thing I don't understand."

  She paid attention to the crumpled little man. He had curly hair, a gravel voice,

  and a raincoat. He was working on the first cigar of the day. One of his eyes was

  glass, and aimed off to the side.

  "And what might that be, Lieutenant?"

  "This girl you mentioned, this—" he consulted his notebook, or pretended to,

  "—this 'Barbie.' Why would she hang around after the murder? Why did she have

  to make sure you found the body?"

  "She implied that she was under orders, working for this Overlooker."

  The detective touched his eyebrow as if to tuck his smelly cigar behind his ear

  like a pen, and made great play of thinking hard, trying to work through the story

  he had been told. He was obviously used to people lying to him, and equally

  obviously unused to dealing with vampires. He stood between her and the sun, as

  she inched into the shrinking shadow of her trailer.

  She wanted to get a hat and dark glasses, but police tape still barred her door.

  " 'Overlooker,' yes. I've got a note of that, miss. Funny expression, isn't it?

  Gives the impression the 'Overlooker' is supposed not to see something, that the

  whole job is about, ah, overlooking. Not like my profession, miss. Or yours either,

  I figure. You're a PI, like on TV?"

  "With fewer car chases and shoot-outs."

  The detective laughed. He was a funny little duck. She realised he used his

  likability as a psychological weapon, to get close to people he wanted to nail. She

  couldn't mistake the situation: she was in the ring for the killing, and her story

  about Barbie the Slayer didn't sound straight in daylight What sane professional

  assassin gives a name, even a partial name, to a witness?

  "A vampire private eye?" The detective scratched his head.

  "It makes sense. I don't mind staying up all night. And I've got a wealth of

  varied experience."

  "Have you solved any big cases? Really big ones?"

  Without thinking, she told a truth. "In 1888, I halfway found out who Jack the

  Ripper was."

  The detective was impressed.

  "I thought no one knew how that panned out Scotland Yard still have it open.

  What with you folk living longer and longer, it's not safe to close unsolved files.<
br />
  The guy who took the rap died, didn't he? These days, the theorists say it couldn't

  have been him."

  "I said I halfway found out."

  She had a discomfiting memory flash, of her and Charles in an office in

  Whitechapel in 1888, stumbling over the last clue, all the pieces falling into place.

  The problem was that solving the mystery hadn't meant sorting everything out, and

  the case had continued to spiral out of control. There was a message there.

  "That wouldn't be good enough for my captain, I'm afraid, miss. He has to

  answer to Police Chief Exley, and Chief Exley insists on a clearance and

  conviction rate. I can't just catch them, I have to prove they did it. I have to go to

  the courts. You'd be surprised how many guilty parties walk free. Especially the

  rich ones, with fancy lawyers. In this town, it's hard to get a conviction against a

  rich man."

  "This girl looked like a high-school kid."

  "Even worse, miss. Probably has rich folks."

  "I've no idea about that."

  "And pretty is as good as being rich. Better. Juries like pretty girls as much as

  lawyers like rich men."

  There was a shout from the beach. One of the uniformed cops who had been

  combing the sand held up a plastic evidence bag. Inside was Barbie's bloody


  "Simon Sharp," Geneviève said. The detective's eyebrows rose. "That's what

  she called it. What kind of person gives a pet name to a murder weapon?"

  "You think you've heard everything in this business and then something else

  comes along and knocks you flat. Miss, if you don't mind me asking, I know it's

  awkward for some women, but, um, well, how old are you?"

  "I was born in 1416," she said.

  "That's five hundred and, um, sixty-five."


  The detective shook his head again and whistled.

  "Tell me, does it get easier? Everything?"

  "Sadly, no."

  "You said you had—uh, how did you put it?—'a wealth of varied experience.'

  Is that like getting cleverer every year? Knowing more and more of the answers?"

  "Would that it did, Lieutenant. Sometimes I think it just means having more and

  more questions."

  He chuckled. "Ain't that the truth."

  "Can I get into my trailer now?" she asked, indicating the climbing sun.

  "We were keeping you out?" he asked, knowing perfectly well he was. "That's

  dreadful, with your condition and everything. Of course you can go inside, miss.

  We'll be able to find you here, if there are any more questions that come up? It's a

  trailer, isn't it? You're not planning cm hitching it up to your car and driving off,

  say, out of state?"

  "No, lieutenant."

  "That's good to know."

  He gallantly tore the police tape from her door. She had her keys out. Her skin

  tingled, and the glare off the sea turned everything into blobby, indistinct shapes.

  "Just one more thing," said the detective, hand on her door.

  The keys were hot in her fingers.

  "Yes," she said, a little sharply.

  "You're on a case, aren't you? Like on TV?"

  "I'm working on several investigations. May I make a bet with you, Lieutenant?

  For a dime?"

  The detective was surprised by that But he fished around in his raincoat pocket

  and, after examining several tissues and a book of matches, came up with a coin

  and a smile.

  "I bet I know what you're going to ask me next" she said. "You're going to ask

  me who I'm working for."

  He was theatrically astonished.

  "That's just incredible, miss. Is it some kind of vampire mind-reading power?

  Or are you like Sherlock Holmes, picking up tiny hints from little clues, like the

  stains on the cigar band or the dog not howling in the night?"

  "Just a lucky guess," she said. Her cheeks were really burning, now.

  "Well, see if I can luckily guess your answer. Client confidentiality privilege,

  like a lawyer or a doctor, eh?"

  "See. You have hidden powers, too, Lieutenant."

  "Well, Miss Dieudonné, I do what I can, I do what I can. Any idea what I'm

  going to say next?"


  His smile froze slightly, and she saw ice in his real eye.

  "Don't leave town, miss."

  On rising, she found Jack Martin had left a message on her machine. He had

  something for her on "Mr. A." Geneviève listened to the brief message twice,

  thinking it over.

  She had spent only a few hours asking about John Alucard, and someone had

  gotten killed. A connection? It would be weird if there wasn't. Then again, as the

  detective reminded her, she'd been around for a long time. In her years, she'd

  ticked off a great many people, not a few as long-lived as she was herself. Also,

  this was Southern California, La-La Land, where the nuts came from: folk didn't

  necessarily need a reason to take against you, or to have you killed.

  Could this Overlooker be another Manson? Crazy Charlie was a vampire hater,

  too, and used teenage girls as assassins. Everyone remembered the death of

  Sharon Tate, but the Manson Family had also destroyed a vampire elder, Count

  von Krolock, up on La Cienaga Drive, and painted bat symbols on the walls with

  his old blood. Barbie the Slayer was cutie-pie where the Family had been skaggy,

  but that could be a 1980s thing as opposed to a 1960s one.

  Geneviève knew she could take care of herself, but the people who talked to

  her might be in danger. She must mention it to Martin, who wasn't long on survival

  skills. He could at least scurry down to Mexico for a couple of months. In the

  meantime, she was still trying to earn her fifty dollars a day, so she returned

  Martin's call. The number he had left was (typically) a bar, and the growling man

  who picked up had a message for her, giving an address in the valley where she

  could find Martin.

  This late in the afternoon, the sun was low in the sky. She loved the long winter


  In a twisttied plastic bag buried among the cleaning products and rags under

  her sink unit was a gun, a ladylike palm-size automatic. She considered fishing it

  out and transferring it to the Plymouth Fury but resisted the impulse. No sense in

  escalating. As yet, even the Overlooker didn't want her dead.

  That was not quite a comfort.

  The address was an anonymous house in an anonymous neighbourhood out in

  the diaspora-like sprawl of ranchos and villas and vistas, but there were more cars

  and vans outside than a single family would need. Either there was a party on, or

  this was a suburban commune. She parked on the street and watched for a

  moment. The lights from the windows and the patio were a few candles brighter

  than they needed to be. Cables snaked out of a side door and round to the


  She got out of the Plymouth and followed the hose-thick Cables, passing

  through a cultivated arbour into a typical yard space, with an oval pool, currently

  covered by a heavy canvas sheet that was damp where it rested on water, and a

  white wooden gazebo, made up with strands of dead ivy and at the centre of

  several beams of light. There were a lot of people around, but this was no party.

  She should have guessed: it was another film set. Sh
e saw lights on stands and a

  camera crew, plus the usual assortment of hangers-on, gophers, rubberneckers,

  fluffers, runners, and extras.

  This was more like a "proper" movie set than the scene she had found at

  Welles's bungalow, but she knew from the naked people in the gazebo that this

  was a far less proper movie. Again, she should have guessed. This was a Jack

  Martin lead, after all.

  "Are you here for 'Vampire Bitch Number Three'?"

  The long-haired, chubby kid addressing her wore a tie-dyed T-shirt and a

  fisherman's waistcoat, pockets stuffed with goodies. He carried a clipboard.

  Geneviève shook her head. She didn't know whether to be flattered or

  offended. Then again, in this town, everyone thought everyone else was an actor

  or actress. They were usually more or less right.

  She didn't like the sound of the part. If she had a reflection that caught on film

  and were going to prostitute herself for a skin flick, she would at least hold out for

  "Vampire Bitch Number One."

  "The part's taken, I'm afraid," said the kid, not exactly dashing her dreams of

  stardom. "We got Seka at the last minute."

  He nodded towards the gazebo, where three warm girls in pancake makeup

  hissed at a hairy young man, undoing his Victorian cravat and waistcoat.

  "I'm here to see Jack Martin?" she said.


  "The writer?"

  She remembered Martin used pseudonyms for this kind of work, and spun off

  a description: "Salt-and-pepper beard, Midnight Cowboy jacket with the fringes

  cut off, smokes a lot, doesn't believe in positive thinking."

  The kid knew who she meant. "That's 'Mr. Stroker.' Come this way. He's in

  the kitchen, doing rewrites. Are you sure you're not here for a part? You'd make a

  groovy vampire chick."

  She thanked him for the compliment, and followed his lead through a mess of

  equipment to the kitchen, torn between staring at what was going on between the

  three girls and one guy in the gazebo and keeping her eyes clear. About half the

  crew were of the madly ogling variety, while the others were jaded enough to stick

  to their jobs and look at their watches as the shoot edged towards golden time.

  "Vampire Bitch Number Two, put more tongue in it," shouted an intense

  bearded man whose megaphone and beret marked him as the director. "I want to

  see fangs, Samantha. You've got a jones for that throbbing vein, you've got a real


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