Sacrifice (Bloodline Vampires Book 1)

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Sacrifice (Bloodline Vampires Book 1) Page 7

by Katee Robert

  I swallow hard, the movement pressing my throat more firmly against his fangs. “Wolf.”

  “I like the way you say my name, love.” He doesn’t move back, but he also doesn’t close that last minuscule distance between us to draw blood. “Makes me think I’ll like it even more if you say it while I’m inside you.”

  I shiver. “You seemed busy.”

  “I am. Malachi and I just hit pause for a brief moment.” He gentles his grip on my upper arm and then his thumbs brush the sides of my breasts. “It’d be a shame if you got the wrong idea. That look back there was an invitation.” He eases me back more firmly against his chest. His cock presses against my ass, which is right around the moment when I realize he’s still naked. “Join us.”

  Join us.

  Climb into bed with those superior predators and hope I lived long enough to enjoy the consummation. I lick my lips. The unforgivable dark part of me wants to do exactly that. I don’t think I like Wolf, and I’m not sure I trust Malachi, but my body doesn’t care. It craves pleasure in a way that scares me. One hit might be enough to chain me to them forever. I can’t risk it. I refuse to. “No.”

  “Mmm.” He keeps stroking my arms, a relatively innocent touch if I could ignore the naked body and giant cock pressing against my back. “Malachi’s made his wishes clear. Your precariously short life is safe with me.” His lips brush my throat with each word. “Life. Body. Pleasure.”

  The man weaves a spell with his words, and it’s like my pulse responds to him, each beat of my heart a surge of desire I don’t want to feel. If I didn’t know better…

  I jerk away, and he releases me easily. The feeling doesn’t get better with a few feet of distance between us. It’s as if he’s stroking my body without touching me, sending heat to my breasts and pussy. I press my hand to my chest, realization dawning. “Blood.”


  I stare. “You’re bloodline’s power is actually blood.” I suspected as much, but this confirmation staggers me. He could kill me so easily, all without raising a finger. A thought and he could send all the blood in my body surging free, draining me in seconds. I shudder. “Stop it.”

  “If you insist.” He shrugs. “I hear it’s quite pleasurable.”

  It is. That’s not the problem, though. I am outclassed and outmatched and every second I spend in this house only reconfirms the truth I’ll never have the upper hand. Malachi’s fire is scary enough. How can I battle against the very blood in my body? “Don’t do that again.”

  “Fine.” Another of those put-upon sighs, but then he grins, his pale eyes lighting up. “I promise not to do it again…until we fuck.”

  “Who says we’re fucking?”

  He smooths a hand over his short mohawk, his grin widening. “Fun little side effect of my powers is I can sense blood. Do you know what gets the blood flowing, love?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer. “Desire.”

  Impossible to argue when he already has evidence of it. Especially because I can’t blame a bite for it this time. No, it’s just my fucked up head that looks at two men who can easily rip me limb from limb and decides that is what’ll get me off. “Feeling desire and acting on it are two very different things.”

  “So they are.” Another shrug as if he couldn’t give a fuck.

  Somehow, in the midst of all this, I forgot he’s naked. Now that the shock of his powers has faded a little, it’s impossible for me to keep my attention on his face. His skin is several shades lighter than Malachi’s, a pale that almost looks unreal. Though he’s built leaner than Malachi, too, there’s plenty of muscle definition drawing my eye down, down, down, to where his hard cock juts forth.


  “Another perk.” His amusement is cutting. “With a little blood in my body, I can keep it up for days if I want to. Think of all the pleasure I can give you, love. Come back to the bedroom with us.”

  I shake my head slowly. The thought of fucking for days blows my mind. I can’t… I shouldn’t… I swallow hard. “I said no.”

  “So you did.” He turns and starts ambling toward Malachi’s bedroom. “Ah well, consider this an invitation to watch, then. I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  “Do you have a best behavior?”

  He laughs. “Not even a little bit.” Wolf pauses in the doorway. “But Malachi does. He’s got enough for all of us.” He disappears into the room before I can form a response.

  What is there to say?

  Walking into that room is a mistake. It’s a choice. I can’t pretend someone forced my hand or I was influenced by anything but my own lust. If I cross that threshold, there’s no uncrossing it.

  Isn’t that what I came here for tonight, though? I didn’t bargain on Wolf, but I should have. Malachi as much as told me he and Wolf have a long and complicated history. I might not have fully comprehended they were a package deal. But that doesn’t change the fact apparently they are. Can I live with that?

  I don’t know. There’s so much I don’t know.


  All I’m doing is stalling, putting off the inevitable. I made my choice already. It might be the first fucking choice I’ve ever made, but it’s mine. I close my eyes and inhale slowly. I don’t think I’m ready to jump into bed with both of them. But the idea of watching?

  I want that. I didn’t realize how much I wanted it until Wolf offered that option. A way to dip my toes into the water. I know I’m making excuses to do what I want, but it doesn’t matter as I retrace the path to Malachi’s door.

  The men have their heads close together and are speaking in low voices. They turn as one and I have to fight the instinctive urge to flee. I swallow hard. “I’d like to…watch. If that’s okay with both of you.”

  Wolf grins. “You know it’s more than okay with me, love.”

  I glare at him, but it feels half-hearted. Against my better judgement, I’m starting to like his irreverent attitude. Kind of. I don’t know what it says about me, but I’m nowhere close to a place where I want to analyze that. I lick my lips and focus on Malachi. “Is that okay?”

  He searches my face for a long moment, but must find whatever he’s looking for because he nods slowly. “Yes, it’s okay.”


  I don’t know what I expect, but it’s not for the vampires to start making out as if I’m not in the room. I look around and finally move to the chair near the bed and sink onto it. Wolf digs his fingers into Malachi’s hair and wrenches his head back, deepening the kiss. They’re like two titans clashing, powerful predators at the top of their game and grappling for dominance.

  It’s really, really sexy.

  They seem totally lost in each other, which allows me to settle into the strangeness of this situation. To begin to enjoy myself. Malachi shifts in one of those blurring moments and bears Wolf to the bed hard enough to make the other man grunt. The sound reaches across the distance and sends a bolt of pure pleasure through me.

  I shift in the chair, pressing my thighs together. It doesn’t alleviate the pressure at all. If anything, it makes it worse. Gods, I need to get control of myself.


  Do I?

  Malachi brackets Wolf’s neck with a big hand, forcing his head to turn to face me. “Look what you’ve done.” He hardly sounds like himself, his voice deeper and containing a rumble which nearly makes me moan. “Started something neither of us can finish tonight.”

  Wolf grins, completely unrepentant. “Speak for yourself. Not all of us have that inconvenient noble streak of yours.”

  He growls. Literally growls. “Mina, stroke your clit or I’m going to come over there and do it for you.”

  I jolt. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  I am seriously tempted to call his bluff, but I’m not sure it is a bluff. I’m also not sure I want to pull the tiger by his tail. Malachi’s managed to restrain himself until now, but if I keep poking him, he might finally force me to put my money where my mouth is.r />
  I reach down beneath the hem of the oversized shirt I’m wearing and touch myself lightly. My breath hisses out before I can stop myself. The evidence of my need wets my fingertips and it’s a wonder I haven’t soaked through the chair. I lean back against it and drag my middle finger over my clit. This time, I can’t stop my moan.

  Both men give moans of their own, the merging sounds making me look up and freeze. They’re both staring at my hand, their eyes gone molten with their respective magics. Malachi drags his thumb along Wolf’s jaw. “Pull your shirt up, little dhampir. Show us.”

  We’re dancing on a bladed tightrope. One wrong step and this will blow up right in our faces. Or maybe only mine. How far can I push these two before I end up in bed and we all throw my hesitance right out the window? Do I want that?

  I pull up my shirt before I can admit the answer to that question, barring myself from the waist down. After the slightest hesitation, I spread my legs a little, angling so they can see everything. Wolf starts to sit up, but Malachi pins him down and reaches between them with one hand. I can’t see exactly what he’s doing, but a few seconds later Wolf tenses and moans. Malachi begins moving and… Oh. Oh. He’s fucking Wolf.

  Oh my gods.

  I stroke myself faster, watching the roll of his hips, watching the way Wolf’s muscles flex as he tries to take Malachi’s cock deeper. Wolf curses softly. “He’s got a giant cock, love. Feels so fucking good inside me.” He grins, his eyes going crimson. “Just imagine how good he’s going to feel inside of you.”

  I don’t know if I can imagine it, but my mind is only too happy to make a liar out of me. Desire spikes and I have to force myself to slow down, to draw this out. I don’t want to come too fast. “I’m imagining it,” I whisper.

  Malachi slows down, seeming to give me his full attention despite being seated deeply in Wolf’s ass. “We aren’t fucking you.”

  “Pity,” Wolf murmurs.

  “We aren’t fucking you,” Malachi repeats more firmly. A slow smile pulls at the edges of his lips, an expression downright wicked. “But you’re welcome to Wolf’s mouth while I fuck him.”

  That’s a mistake.

  I ignore the voice and nod. “Yes, I want that.”

  “Thought you might.” He pulls out of Wolf and takes the other man’s jaw in a tight grip, forcing him to meet Malachi’s eyes. “One wrong move and I gut you.”

  Wolf laughs. “It’s always gutting with you. That shit hurts, Malachi.”

  “Which is why it’s a deterrent and a punishment.” He leans back and slaps Wolf’s side. “On the floor in front of her.”

  He moves slowly, obeying but doing it on his own timeline. Wolf kneels in front of my chair. He looks at me for a moment and then moves in a rush, grabbing my shirt and hauling it over my head. I’m naked in an instant and he bands his arm over my lower stomach as I lurch forward, instinctively grabbing for the shirt. “Ah ah. Give our Malachi something to look at.” Another of those infectious grins. “He’s a breast man and yours are superior.”

  I’m still trying to form a response as he lowers himself and takes my pussy with his mouth. There’s no other way to describe it. Wolf doesn’t ease into it. He doesn’t taste. He simply devours me. I moan, every muscle going molten even as every nerve ending lights up.

  Malachi moves to kneel at Wolf’s back. I catch sight of a bottle of lube in his hand and then he’s fucking Wolf. It must feel amazing, because the other man moans and starts fucking me with his tongue.

  I don’t know where to look, what to feel. Wolf’s hands gripping my thighs, his eyes crimson as he edges me closer and closer to orgasm. At the lean strength of his body which flexes with each thrust Malachi makes.

  Or at Malachi himself.

  He has one hand on Wolf’s hip and the other on the opposite shoulder, holding the other man in place as he fucks him in short, brutal strokes. But his eyes are on me. His gaze touches on my mouth, my neck, my breasts, before moving down my stomach to where Wolf’s head is buried between my thighs.

  “She tastes divine, doesn’t she? Just as sweet there as she is in her veins.”

  Wolf makes a sound of agreement, but doesn’t lift his head. He works my clit with his tongue, finding the touch which has me clenching in response and repeating it mercilessly. I reach back over my head to grip the chair. The position puts my body on display, and the way fire flickers in Malachi’s eyes speaks to how much he likes the sight.

  Words rise up, words I’m not sure I won’t regret.

  I changed my mind. Fuck me. Fuck me until we forget all the reasons this might be a mistake.

  My orgasm hits me before they can slip free, barreling into me and bowing my back. I cry out as the pleasure goes on and on and on. Malachi finally curses and grabs the back of Wolf’s neck, wrenching him off me. Or trying to. The other man drags me with him, taking me half out of the chair. I let loose a startled cry, but then it’s too late. I’m on the floor with them.

  Malachi curses and Wolf pins me beneath him.

  I freeze at the feeling of his cock pressed against me, at his face so fucking close. His beauty is downright otherworldly, and I know I should be scared, but I can’t quite manage it. I lick my lips, and he follows the movement. One thrust and he’ll be inside me. I can feel Malachi holding his hips, holding him back from that last little bit of distance.

  “I’ll hold still, love.” His voice is pure sin, as tempting as Lucifer himself. “Rub yourself all over me while Malachi fucks my ass.”

  Reckless doesn’t begin to cover agreeing to this, but I’m already nodding. My body doesn’t care about the risks. His hard length pressing against my pussy is a temptation I can’t resist. “Yes.”

  Malachi grips Wolf’s throat and bends him back a little, shifting so his face is nearly kissably close to me. He looks at me, but his words are all for Wolf. “That virgin pussy is mine, Wolf. If you fuck her tonight, I’ll rip your goddamn throat out.”

  Something like shock flares on Wolf’s face, but it’s gone in an instant, replaced by what I’m coming to recognize as his default expression; a mocking smile. “And here I thought we were sharing the pretty toy.”

  “We will.” He says it so casually, as if it’s a foregone conclusion. I’m not sure he’s wrong. “But not the first time.”

  I swallow hard. “Do I get a say in this?”

  His expression goes downright forbidding. “Not tonight, you don’t.”

  I start to argue, but what’s the point? He’s honoring my wishes, even if I’m questioning my own fortitude to maintaining those lines. I reach past Wolf to brush my fingers against Malachi’s mouth. He holds perfectly still, letting me drag my thumb over his bottom lip. I shift my touch over his jaw. “Okay.”

  “Not arguing?”

  “No, not arguing.” I shift a little, all too aware of Wolf’s body against mine, of Malachi very carefully not adding his weight into the mix. “Thank you.”

  He grabs my wrist and turns to press a kiss to my palm. “Now be a good girl and rub your pussy all over Wolf’s cock until he comes.” He starts moving again, resuming his fucking, each thrust making Wolf jolt against me a little. It’s beyond sexy.

  I arch up as Wolf bears down, closing the distance so there’s no chance of him slipping inside. I roll my hips, rubbing myself up and down his length. It’s positively decadent, the sensation heightened by the feeling of playing with fire. One wrong move and we cross the line Malachi drew in the sand. I don’t necessarily want to cross the line, but the knowledge it’s there heightens my pleasure.

  Wolf catches my hips, urging me into longer strokes that send my thoughts scattering like flower petals in the wind. “I bet you feel empty right now, don’t you? Needy.”

  He’s right, but I can’t catch my breath to tell him so. Each stroke has me dancing closer to the edge. “Gods, Wolf.”

  He goes stock still. “Fuck, but I like it when you say my name.” He kisses my neck. “What do you need, love?”

bsp; I answer before I can think about the wisdom of it. “Bite me.”

  He doesn’t hesitate before sinking his fangs into my throat. I grab his hips and frantically chase my orgasm. One stroke. Two. Then I’m coming, crying out in a ragged breath as I do. Except it doesn’t stop. The orgasm rolls over me again and again, and I can’t stop writhing, rubbing against him, trying to get closer, desperate for something I can barely conceptualize.

  “Wolf.” Malachi’s snarl slams me back into myself. He’s farther away than I expect. I catch sight of him standing in the bathroom doorway, a cloth in his hand.

  Wolf and I both go still. My heart is beating so hard, I feel dizzy. Or maybe that’s the danger screaming through my veins at the feeling of the broad head of Wolf’s cock pressing against my entrance. “Wait.”

  “She’s so wet.” I can’t see Wolf’s expression with his face buried against my neck, but his voice is downright feral. “So tight, Malachi. So needy for a cock.” His hips flex, pushing into me the tiniest bit. “Might be worth getting my throat torn out.” He strokes a hand down my side, but I can’t tell if he’s trying to soothe me or hold me down.

  Another of those tiny flexes and he pushes farther into me. It feels good and bad and, oh gods, I don’t know if I want him to stop.

  I don’t get a chance to decide. A blur of movement and then something hot and wet hits my chest and stomach. I freeze, my fangs aching at the copper scent filling the air.

  Wolf slumps to the side of me, bleeding from his throat. Even as I watch, the wound starts healing, fusing together faster than I could have imagined possible. That doesn’t change that Malachi just…ripped out his throat.

  And then Malachi is there, covering me with his big body. Wolf’s blood slicks our skin against each other, the scent of it only heightening my desire. I reach down with a shaking hand and drag my fingers through where it coats my breasts.

  Malachi catches my wrist as I raise my fingers to my mouth. “Not yet.”



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