The Psionics Guild

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The Psionics Guild Page 4

by A. C. Ellas

  Cai’s attention followed the medics. He didn’t care what the marines did to the Guild house, though he hoped they did something in answer to the insults given to Nick’s body. The medics brought Nick to their field-treatment area, which had come down in the first wave of drops and had been expertly set up by the time the last wave of drops was completed. Nick was quickly given pain medicine, his wounds assessed, cleaned and bandaged. He was placed in a med-pod and transported up to the drop ship as the marines withdrew, their mission over.

  Cai’s impatience only grew as the drop ship docked with the station, disgorged the marines, minus mech suits, the medics and one med-pod, which was taken to the station medical center. Cai appropriated the sensors he needed in the medical center and watched closely as Nick was reassessed then prepped for surgery.

  To his surprise, one of the physicians looked directly at the main sensor array he was using and said, “We’ll fix the wiring, repair the bones and muscles and return him to you in as good a shape as ever. Relax. He’ll be fine.”

  “Thank you,” Cai replied, but what he wanted to ask was how the physician knew he was lurking in the station’s net.

  The man’s lips quirked. “You’re every bit the Gator I thought, and thank you for confirming that you’re following your captain’s progress.”

  Cai laughed at himself. The physician had gambled correctly—he hadn’t known. “He is my captain and my spouse,” Cai replied.

  “I promise I’ll take excellent care of him, Astrogator.” The physician grinned and turned his attention back to Nick.

  Cai relaxed now, knowing that Nick was in good hands, but he didn’t stop watching either.

  Chapter Five

  Nick woke up feeling good. A little sore but he’d expected that. After he’d been shot, Perad had ordered him stripped and thrown back into his cell. There had been something else, too, but Nick didn’t care to remember that. He had lain there, too weak and hurt to move, wondering if he was going to die. Then, the guildsmen had come again, and Nick feared more of the same, but no, they pulled him out of his cell, dragged him through the building then pushed him out their door, whereupon he tumbled down half a flight of stairs and came to rest with a spectacular view of a mechanized marine.

  It didn’t take him long to figure out what was going on. Then, the medics came and carried him off, and they gave him pain medicine, for which he would be eternally grateful. The rest of the journey had passed in the somnolent lassitude of the truly snowed. And now, here he was, clean, on a comfortable bed and his injuries had been repaired. Oh, he still had bruises and scrapes, but the damage the plasma bolt had caused—that was gone.

  “Cai,” he murmured, betting that he was within Cai’s range again and that the Gator was listening in via the sensors in this room.

  Nick, you’re awake, Cai’s mental voice responded almost before he’d gotten the Gator’s name past his lips. How are you feeling? Do you need pain medicine?

  “I only need you,” Nick replied, a smile on his lips. “And I feel fine but lonely.”

  Doctor Yanst will clear you to return to me once you’re awake and moving everything. Cai’s mental voice was part amused and part impatient and all yearning.

  Nick sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and repressing a smile as his motion set off an alarm. When the nurse entered, he said, “Please let the doctor know that I’m awake, moving and eager to return to my ship.”

  “Do you need anything? Water? Pain medicine?” The nurse seemed completely unfazed by his request. He probably heard those words, or similar words, on a daily basis.

  “Some water would be nice,” Nick agreed.

  The nurse nodded and left the room. He returned with the ice water in short order, and Nick gratefully took a sip. Plain water had never tasted so good as it did right then. He drained the cup.

  A short time later, he was cleared to depart, so he dressed in a clean uniform—one of his own, in fact, so someone from the ship had checked on him, and sauntered out of the medical center with a cheerful expression that matched how he actually felt. In spite of everything that had happened, he felt wonderful.

  Cai was waiting for him as close to the airlock as he could get, which surprised Nick, who’d imagined that Cai would be waiting in his chambers. Nick’s response to seeing Cai just inside the ship was to spring forward, wrap Cai in a bear hug and kiss him deeply. He sealed his lips over Cai’s and thrust his tongue into Cai’s mouth without hesitation. Cai tongue wrestled with him as his body sagged against Nick’s in that way that told Nick he was doing it right. Tonight, it was his turn to dominate, and he could sense Cai’s acceptance of that.

  He broke off the kiss, stepped back and straightened the hem of his uniform. “Astrogator, it’s good to be back.”

  A nearby crewmember guffawed.

  “I am pleased to see that you are recovered from your injuries, Captain,” Cai replied formally, but his twinkling eyes and lurking grin spoiled the effect. “Come, I wish to hear your full report in great detail.”

  “At once, Astrogator.” Nick stepped to Cai’s side, and they walked out of the airlock bay together. Cai’s hand found his, and their fingers intertwined, but otherwise, they refrained from further overt signs of affection until they reached Cai’s chambers.

  As soon as the door was closed behind him and the privacy lock engaged, Nick turned and grabbed Cai in a strong grip. He marched the Gator in his bedroom, stripping the slender man as they went. By the time they reached the bed, Cai’s jacket and shirt were long gone, his shoes had been kicked off, and his pants were puddled around his ankles. Cai stepped out of them and pressed himself against Nick’s fully dressed body.

  Nick set a hand in the small of Cai’s back and drew him in closer. His other hand pulled Cai’s underpants down, and once Cai’s cock was freed, Nick took it in his hand and stroked it. Cai moaned, and his hands fluttered against Nick’s frame as if uncertain of what to do. Nick looked Cai in the eye and smiled. “I want to fuck you until we’re both too exhausted to move.”

  Against Nick’s hand, Cai’s penis twitched hard in excitement. “God, that sounds good,” Cai replied. “Do you want to tie me down?”

  Nick considered it. Cai tied him often, and they both enjoyed that, both for the helplessness of being tied and the added spice of the ability to position one’s partner precisely as one wished. But he had never tied Cai. When he was on top, his lovemaking was usually gentle, sensual, but tonight... “Yeah, I’m gonna tie you up and fuck you senseless.” He tugged on Cai’s cock for emphasis and had the satisfaction of feeling Cai’s knees almost buckling in response. He let go of Cai’s cock, but only so that he could pick the Gator up and toss him onto the bed.

  Nick followed, pinning Cai as he finished stripping the man of his underwear and socks. He quickly decided on face up, so he could see Cai’s expressions as Nick made love to him. He buckled Cai’s wrists and ankles into the fur-lined leather cuffs that were usually placed on him. They were strong enough to withstand Nick’s best efforts at escape but padded enough that they wouldn’t leave a single mark no matter how hard he struggled. Once cuffed, Nick used leather straps to bind Cai’s wrists to ankles, forcing Cai’s ass to lift up. He then tied a pair of ropes around the posts at the head of the bed, one on each post, looped the end over the bound limbs and pulled them as open as they’d go before tying the rope off.

  Cai was gasping as he struggled against the ropes; Nick knew the position was somewhat uncomfortable, but he knew if Cai really couldn’t stand it, he’d say something. In the meantime, he took a few moments to admire just how beautiful Cai looked with his play areas so deliciously, helplessly exposed. He gently stroked Cai then took generous amounts of lube and worked his fingers into Cai until his spouse was stretched and more than eager for him to get on with it. He entered slowly, pushing himself in until he met resistance, waiting a second, pulling out a bit and then thrusting in further, until he was in C
ai up to the base of his cock.

  He set a fast, deep rhythm but not a hard one; he didn’t try to pound his pelvis against Cai’s bound form, but he did make sure that Cai felt very, very filled and used. He stroked Cai’s body and whispered words of love, and Cai responded by stroking him with his mind, using telekinesis to reach Nick in places he couldn’t have reached with his hands even if he wasn’t tied up. Nick gasped in surprise and pleasure, but he quickly grew used to that invisible hand, and then, he found he really, really liked what Cai was doing to him. They came together, gloriously reveling in their shared, combined ecstasy.

  Nick rested against Cai for a while then untied him from the bed, adjusted his position and, true to his word, started all over again. This time with the added benefit of feeling Cai’s bound limbs pressing against him.

  * * * *

  Relations with the Guild house were chilly, a fact that Cai couldn’t care less about, particularly after he’d learned—from Nick’s nightmares—what else Perad had done to his spouse. In fact, Perad was damned lucky that Laughing Owl was still in the repair yard. If Cai’d had full mobility, he’d have dropped a nuke on the house.

  Instead, he did the only thing he could do legally. Cai added rape to the charges he was pressing against Perad via the Guild. Those charges were kept private, a matter internal to the Guild, and Cai requested that they remain so in order to protect Nick’s reputation and name. And then, they waited. And waited. And waited some more.

  Two months had gone by since the incident, and Cai was working on a blistering letter of complaint at being ignored when Cai received an incoming message from the Questral, the same Guild ship that had supervised his graduation exercise.

  Laughing Owl, this is Astrogator Raz, advising we are inbound at this time, ETA twenty hours. Guildmaster Ashad is requesting to meet with you and Captain Steele separately but aboard Laughing Owl.

  Questral, Astrogator Cai. Understand ETA twenty hours. We stand ready to meet with Guildmaster Ashad at his convenience.

  Twenty hours and, finally, they’d have a chance to discuss their grievances with the Guild. Cai stood and started to pace, as if that would make the time go faster.

  “I hear that the Questral is inbound,” said Nick as he slipped into the room, already naked.

  “Twenty hours, and then, we meet with Guildmaster Ashad,” Cai replied.

  Nick swept across the room, gathered Cai into his arms, and the two men managed to distract each other for most of those twenty hours.

  Chapter Six

  It was actually twenty-four hours later when Cai and Nick greeted the guildmaster and brought him into the conference room. Ashad was older, his hair entirely silver and his face wrinkled, but his bright eyes still twinkled with life, and his body was still hard and fit. Cai knew at once that this was a man to be reckoned with. His outer strength was only a reflection of the steel core of his will and the strength of his psi—Ashad had once been an Astrogator—and Cai bowed his head in respect to man and meant it.

  Refreshments were served, and all the while, Ashad watched them closely. Cai was aware of the scrutiny; he did his best to ignore it. Nick appeared oblivious to it, but Cai doubted that was really the case.

  Finally, Ashad opened his antique briefcase and set out some papers. “I have reviewed your complaints, Astrogator Cai, and the available evidence. Are you ready to hear my ruling?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cai replied, sitting a little straighter and focusing his attention on Ashad.

  “Please, Guildmaster,” Nick said, and he put his hand in Cai’s.

  Ashad’s gaze focused on their intertwined fingers for a moment. “I would like to meet with each of you separately about the provoking incident which set this train of unfortunate events in motion. But putting that aside, it is my opinion that Guild Chief Perad acted well outside the scope of his duties and powers. He will be dealt with. To you, Captain Steele, I offer the formal apology of the Guild for the pain and humiliation you were made to suffer.”

  “And what of Cai?” Nick replied, bitterness in his voice. “He lost two adjuncts to Perad’s improper conduct. Surely, he deserves more than an apology?”

  “You both deserve more than an apology,” Ashad replied with a snort. “Cai’s adjuncts will be replaced, of course. We brought some blanks with us. I’ll have them brought over so Cai can pick. It’s not much of a selection, but we based them on the same general body types that Cai has previously selected, so we hope that the small selection we could bring will prove sufficient.” He turned his gaze to Cai then back to Nick. “Along with the apology, we offer remuneration.” He passed a data card across the table to Nick. “It’s not quite enough to buy your own planet with but close.”

  Nick only snorted. He pocketed the card and returned to gazing silently at Ashad.

  “How will Perad be dealt with?” Cai asked, controlling the anger in his voice only with an effort.

  “Harshly,” Ashad replied. “He will be mind-wiped and re-patterned as an adjunct himself. I’ve already sent the team down to replace him and his cronies—those that played an active role will also be punished, those punishments will be determined by the Guild based on their degree of guilt as ascertained by the Guild telepaths who will examine them.”

  Cai nodded, mollified.

  “Now, about the incident that started this affair,” Ashad continued, “I will meet with Captain Steele first. Astrogator, please exit the room, and on your honor, do not listen in.”

  “Guildmaster,” Cai replied. He stood, offered a short bow and walked out of the room.

  * * * *

  Nick pursed his lips and waited for the tirade to begin the moment Cai was out of the room. He was surprised, therefore, when nothing of the sort happened.

  Instead, Guildmaster Ashad refilled his goblet of sweetened tea from the pitcher and settled back in his chair. “So, you think you’re in love with an Astrogator.”

  “I do not think this; I know this,” Nick replied. He held out his bare hand in offer. “Read me, see for yourself.”

  “Interesting,” said Ashad. “You don’t fear to be read.” The guildmaster stood, and Nick was put in mind of the mountain lions he used to watch back at home. The man moved with the same subtle power and grace as one of those big cats. “Do you even understand the risks you’re accepting in order to be with him? He’s a level five—the strongest we’ve had in decades, perhaps ever, and you think nothing of hopping into bed with him and placing your mind at the mercy of his immense power?”

  “I am apparently possessed of natural shields that prevent that,” Nick responded. “Cai had worried about that, but half the time, he can’t even touch my mind if he’s trying. Sometimes, I think I can tell what he’s thinking, but it’s rare and passes quickly.”

  “Hmm, I see.” Ashad sighed. “May I examine you?”

  “Please do,” Nick said with all confidence.

  Ashad walked around the table and set both his hands on Nick’s head. Nick closed his eyes against the wave of dizziness, and he struggled to remain still against the follow-up wave of pain. “Sorry about that,” Ashad said as the pain abruptly stopped. “Some effects couldn’t be helped. You’re attuned to Cai and reacted to my presence as a threat.”

  Nick blinked in surprise, but Ashad didn’t clarify his comment. He returned to his seat, looked at Nick soberly and said, “Please exit the room and send in Cai.”

  “Very well.” Nick stood and left, trying not to let his annoyance show.

  Cai was waiting right outside the room. “Well? What did he say?”

  Nick shook his head. “Later, love. He wants to speak to you now.”

  * * * *

  Cai grumbled, but he knew better than to delay with the master of his Guild waiting for him. He slipped back into the conference room and strode over to the table with as much nonchalance as he could manage.

  Ashad waited until he was seated before he asked, “Why?”

/>   “Why?” Cai shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  “Why risk that man’s mind for a little pleasure? Why risk your reputation, your career, for something so banal? Have you no shame? No self-respect? You’re an Astrogator, and yet, you’d rather rub your bits together and for what? Orgasm? Pah!” Ashad spat his disgust, but the spittle never landed on the table. “Orgasm is nothing compared to being one with a spaceship or to surfing a wormhole, and you bloody well know it. So, why?”

  “It’s not the sex,” Cai said after a moment. “I love him. I’ve loved him since the day I first saw him, a cadet come to tour the Guild Halls and learn how Astrogators are trained. I dreamed about him often, almost nightly. I think it was fate itself that we were reunited here on Laughing Owl.”

  “What if I said that the only way you could keep him was to relinquish your position as an Astrogator and accept duties as a trainer or administrator?”

  Cai looked at the viewscreen and saw the stars. They called to him, they always called to him and he wished he were out there, sailing the void once more. He had to give that up to keep Nick? The very thought of it broke his heart, but he nodded his acceptance. “If I must, then so be it.”

  Ashad was clearly surprised. “You would give up all of this to stay with that man?”

  “I would.” Cai wrested his gaze from the viewscreen and focused on the guildmaster once more. “What would the point be without him? He more than makes me happy; he fulfills me.”

  “I will think on this,” Ashad said, standing. “We will resume this tomorrow. I’ll contact you when I’ve made my decision.”


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