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The Horn of Moran

Page 6

by M. L. Forman


  They all turned around to see who had yelled, and they all smiled as a tall, skinny boy came racing out of the house toward the company.

  “We didn’t know you’d be back so soon,” Michael said, throwing his arms around Andy and almost knocking him over. “Father and Mother will be so pleased. Father was worried that you’d have trouble, you know, finding the members of your company. He was afraid it would take some time and that you wouldn’t be back in time for the weddings.”

  “Well, we are back in time,” said Andy. “And with a week to spare.” He grinned. “We were lucky to find our company quickly. And if you’ll let us put our horses away, I’ll introduce you to my friends.”

  Michael let go of Andy and looked around at the rest of the company, his eyes growing wide. Alex could tell that Michael was glad to see his brother and that he was also impressed that his brother had so many adventurers with him.

  “My apologies, sirs,” said Michael, bowing to the company. “I have forgotten my manners. Please, allow me to care for your horses. My father will wish to greet you and welcome you to our house.”

  “We can tend to our own horses,” Bregnest replied. “And you need not be so formal with your brother’s good friends.”

  Michael blushed bright red at Bregnest’s words, but his face showed how pleased he was. The company all laughed quietly to themselves as they led their horses to the stable. Michael stayed close by Andy, but his eyes watched the rest of the company.

  “Come, my friends,” said Andy, once their horses were taken care of. “My brother is correct in saying that my father will wish to greet you all.”

  Andy put his arm around Michael’s shoulders and led the group toward the house. Michael almost tripped as they went along because he kept looking at the company over Andy’s arm.

  Before they had reached the house, Andy’s parents appeared in the doorway. Andy’s mother seemed almost as delighted as Michael to see Andy home again, and she rushed forward to hug him and kiss him on the cheek. Andy blushed but continued to smile. Andy’s father, however, simply patted his son on the shoulder and then turned to face his guests.

  “Perhaps, when my son can break free, he will introduce us all.”

  “There is little need for formal introductions among friends,” said Bregnest, stepping forward.

  “No, I suppose not,” Andy’s father agreed. “I am Argus Goodseed, and I welcome you all to my house.”

  “I am Silvan Bregnest. Your kindness overwhelms us, Master Goodseed.”

  “Well said, Master Bregnest,” Argus replied. “Please, let us do away with all formality if you will. I am simply Argus, and that should be enough between friends.”

  Bregnest laughed softly and nodded his agreement. He turned to the company and introduced each of them to Argus. As each man was named, he stepped forward and bowed slightly to Andy’s father.

  “Alexander Taylor,” said Argus, when Alex was introduced. “Andy has told us a great deal about you. And Michael has been dying to meet you.”

  “I’m afraid that Andy has said too much,” Alex replied. “I hope I can live up to whatever he has told you.”

  “I’m sure you will,” said Argus. “And I doubt that Andy has said as much as you fear. He’s been very secretive about some of the things that happened on your last adventure together.

  “Now, my friends, let me introduce my wife, Azure,” Argus went on. “And it seems that you have already made the acquaintance of my youngest son, Michael.”

  “We have indeed made young Michael’s acquaintance,” said Bregnest. “And I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say it is a great pleasure to meet Mistress Goodseed.”

  The six companions all bowed to Andy’s mother, who blushed slightly. Michael, however, suddenly became shy and looked down at his shoes.

  “I regret that my eldest son, Lazarus, is not here to greet you,” said Argus, in a slightly harder tone. “He’s off wandering the city with his friends, but he will be here this evening to offer you a proper welcome.”

  “I should think that it would be hard to keep him at home, with such a wonderful city to explore,” said Bregnest.

  “Oslansk is indeed wonderful,” Argus agreed. “I suppose we should come here more often, but our lands are several days’ ride to the west and north.”

  Argus continued talking as he led them into the house. Rooms had been prepared for each of them, away from the busy and noisy parts of the estate. Once Alex and the others had been shown to their rooms, Mrs. Goodseed excused herself, but Michael remained next to Andy.

  “May I offer you some refreshment?” Argus asked. “We can have a bite and a drink or two, and perhaps swap tales of adventures past.”

  “A pleasing idea,” said Bregnest. “Though I think a few of my company would like nothing better than to go looking for their friends Skeld and Tayo.”

  “Ah, yes,” said Argus with a nod. “Andy, you know where those two troublemakers are. Take your friends and show them the way.”

  “Can I go too?” Michael asked in a pleading tone.

  “Not right now, Michael,” Argus answered in a kind but firm tone. “Perhaps tomorrow they will take you with them, but not right now.”

  Alex and Halfdan both bowed to Argus as they prepared to follow Andy into the city. Alex made a point of asking both Sindar and Val if they would like to come along, but they both said they would rather stay behind and share stories with Bregnest and Argus.

  Andy led Alex and Halfdan back into the streets of Oslansk, almost bouncing as he walked. The city was large, but he seemed to know exactly where he was going, and he led his friends quickly through the narrow, busy streets.

  “Well, if it isn’t Anders Goodseed,” commented an unpleasant-sounding voice as Andy, Alex, and Halfdan walked into a large square. All three of them turned to see who had spoken.

  Standing in front of a booth that sold sandwiches was an extremely fat and unpleasant-looking young man. Alex wondered who he was, and how Andy knew him.

  “Been off fighting dragons again, have you?” the fat young man sneered. The two companions behind him chuckled.

  “Hello, Otho,” Andy replied pleasantly. “I see you’re still trying to eat everything in the city.”

  Otho didn’t say anything, but turned red as he stuffed his half-finished sandwich into his mouth.

  Andy turned and walked away, and Alex and Halfdan followed after a slight delay.

  “Who is that overweight windbag?” asked Halfdan once he and Alex had caught up to Andy.

  “Otho Longtree,” said Andy, his voice tight with anger. “He’s the heir of Osgood Longtree.”

  “And who is Osgood Longtree?” Alex questioned.

  “He’s the city magistrate,” said Andy, slowing his pace and softening his tone. “Osgood is a good man, but Otho . . .”

  Andy didn’t finish and started to walk faster again.

  “Otho seems to be a bit of a bully,” Halfdan observed thoughtfully.

  “He is,” said Andy shortly. “He thinks that just because his father is the magistrate, he’s a big deal around here.”

  “I really don’t like bullies,” said Alex, looking back over his shoulder at the fat Otho Longtree.

  “Nobody does,” said Andy, a slight smile returning to his face. “In fact, it would be hard to find anyone the people here in Oslansk like less than Otho.”

  “Then why hasn’t someone put him in his place?” Halfdan questioned.

  Andy paused for a moment. “It’s because his father is such a good man and an excellent magistrate. Nobody wants to tell Osgood that his son is a bully—or worse.”

  “Someone should,” said Halfdan in a serious tone.

  “I suppose so,” said Andy. “But I think the news would break Osgood’s heart. Most people think that Osgood’s sorrow would be worse than putting up with Otho, so no one says anything.”

  “What was his crack about fighting dragons?” Alex asked.

/>   “I told Michael about our last adventure,” Andy answered with a shrug of his shoulders. “It seems he’s been telling the story to anyone who will listen—you know, about Slathbog and all.”

  Alex knew that Andy was proud of his little brother and pleased that Michael believed the story about Slathbog. It didn’t seem to matter very much to Andy that Otho didn’t believe any of it.

  They continued across the square until they reached a large tavern on the far side. The sign in front read The Dragon’s Keep. The three of them laughed when they saw the poor replica of a dragon painted above the name.

  “Skeld and Tayo have been staying here,” said Andy as they entered. “They’ve both bought houses, of course, but tradition won’t let them move in until they’re married.”

  “This isn’t what we ordered,” they heard Skeld say loudly. “If you can’t get it right, we’ll just have to find someone who can.”

  “And who might that be?” Alex asked in a loud voice, spotting Skeld and Tayo standing at the bar next to a nervous-looking man.

  “What?” said Skeld, turning to see who had spoken. His eyes widened, and he poked Tayo in the side, making him turn around as well.

  “Alex?” Skeld said in amazement.

  “Halfdan?” Tayo echoed.

  “What—didn’t you think we’d show up?” Halfdan asked with a grunting laugh.

  There were no more words for several minutes as Tayo and Skeld rushed across the room and started hugging Alex, Halfdan, and Andy.

  “We didn’t expect to see you so soon,” said Tayo.

  “Andy said he was going to join Bregnest’s new adventure and that he hoped you would both be joining as well,” said Skeld to Alex and Halfdan. “But we weren’t sure either of you would be coming.”

  “Well, we have come,” said Halfdan. “So why don’t you finish your business and then we can talk in peace.”

  “What? Oh,” said Skeld. “All right, Oscar, I suppose you’d better try again.”

  The nervous-looking man at the bar nodded, looking relieved. He bowed to both Skeld and Tayo before moving swiftly away from the bar and hurrying toward the door.

  “What was all that about?” Alex questioned as Oscar ducked out of the tavern.

  “He’s doing a bit of cooking for the weddings,” said Tayo. “We thought we’d try to get some of the food we tried in Techen, but Oscar can’t seem to manage it.”

  “Small wonder.” Halfdan laughed. “It’s not easy to duplicate Techen food.”

  “No, it’s not,” said Skeld, looking sad. “But enough of this, let’s get a drink and have a good long talk.”

  Soon the five of them were seated around a table set off to one side of the room. They all had a great many questions to ask, and Alex found himself answering the same questions that Andy and Halfdan had asked only a week before.

  “What I want to know is how you two found women—sisters, for that matter—who would put up with you long enough to agree to marry you,” said Halfdan, shaking his head in wonder.

  “It wasn’t easy,” said Skeld.

  “And Andy didn’t help at all,” added Tayo.

  “What did I do?” Andy asked in a stunned tone.

  “It’s what you didn’t do,” Skeld commented. “You didn’t make yourself scarce. Where love is concerned, two is company, three is just annoying.”

  “Well, if that’s all my company is good for . . .” said Andy in mock fury.

  “It seems to me that Andy was trying to help you two,” said Alex. “Or maybe he was trying to help your future wives.”

  They all burst into laughter at this comment, and it was some time before any of them could speak again.

  “It’s good to see you all again,” said Tayo. “We haven’t laughed so much since . . .”

  “Since we got Andy drunk and he fell off his horse,” Skeld finished for Tayo, and they both started laughing again.

  “What did they do to you?” Halfdan asked Andy in a concerned voice.

  “Oh, it was nothing really,” said Andy, his face turning bright red. “After Skeld asked Lilly to marry him, we were celebrating a little, and I had a bit too much to drink.”

  “More than a bit,” Tayo corrected.

  “Much more than a bit,” added Skeld.

  “Well, anyway,” Andy went on, “for some reason I thought I’d ride around the square, and I just fell off my horse.”

  “Fell off and landed in a water trough,” Tayo burst out.

  “And because it was still winter, when he got back inside, he was covered with icicles and frost,” Skeld added.

  “We thought a snow beast was coming into the tavern,” said Tayo. “I’ve never seen so many people run for the doors so fast.”

  “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” said Andy in a defiant tone. They all burst into laughter once more.

  “It is good to have you all here,” Tayo said, recovering his voice. “Especially you, Alex.”

  “Why me?” Alex questioned.

  “Because Tayo and I have something important to ask you,” said Skeld, becoming more serious than Alex had ever seen him.

  “What might that be?”

  “We would like to ask you to be our ring bearer,” Tayo answered.

  “What would I have to do?” Alex questioned.

  “You bring the rings to the wedding and present them to us at the proper time,” said Skeld.

  “You’ll have to wear special clothes,” said Tayo. “But Skeld and I would be honored to buy them for you.”

  “What kind of clothes?” Alex questioned.

  “Oh, they’re normal clothes—just all of one color,” Skeld said, seeing the suspicious look on Alex’s face.

  “Yes, dark blue is the customary color for a ring bearer’s clothes,” Tayo explained. “You would do us a great honor if you would accept. Having a wizard as a ring bearer is considered good luck and a promise for a long and joyful marriage.”

  “Well, if that’s all there is to it, I accept,” said Alex, feeling slightly relieved that his friends hadn’t asked him to do anything strange or magical. He also hoped that, for his friend’s sakes, that a wizard in training would be just as lucky as a real wizard.

  “You do us a great kindness,” said Skeld, standing and bowing to Alex.

  “We are once more in your debt,” Tayo added, also standing and bowing.

  “Now we must arrange for you all to meet our ladies,” said Skeld, taking his seat once more.

  “Bregnest must come as well,” Tayo added.

  “And the rest of your company,” Skeld went on.

  “The two of you have lost your minds,” said Halfdan loudly. “I never thought I’d see you two acting this way. Thrang won’t believe me when I tell him.”

  “What way?” Skeld asked with a wicked grin.

  “The way you’re both acting now,” Halfdan answered, waving his hand at them. “It’s as if you are both bewitched, and I don’t mind saying that it scares me.”

  “Bewitched by love,” said Tayo.

  “Bewitched by beauty,” Skeld added.

  “Andy, you should have thrown them both in that water trough,” said Halfdan, letting out a loud huff and then taking a long drink from his mug.

  Alex could see what Halfdan meant, but he didn’t let his friends’ strange behavior bother him. He thought perhaps they were both more alive and more serious than they had been before, and the mix seemed to fit them.

  Over a second drink they all agreed to meet the next morning. Tayo and Skeld would take Alex to buy his new clothes, and then they’d make arrangements for the entire company to come and meet their wives-to-be. With their plans made, Alex, Andy, and Halfdan left their friends at the tavern and started back to the Goodseed house.

  “They’ve changed,” said Halfdan as Alex and Andy followed him out of the tavern. “And I’m not at all sure it’s for the better.”

  It had been a joyful reunion, but now the sun was setting and it was time for their
evening meal. As they walked back through the square, Alex kept an eye out for Otho Longtree. He’d decided that he didn’t like Otho, and if the opportunity to put him in his place arose, he might just take it.

  During dinner with Andy’s family, Halfdan was quick to tell Bregnest how strangely Skeld and Tayo were acting and how different they seemed to be. Bregnest listened to everything Halfdan said, but didn’t comment.

  Andy’s older brother, Lazarus, was at dinner as Argus had said he would be, and he was almost as excited to meet them all as his little brother Michael had been. It was clear, at least to Alex, that Lazarus was as proud of Andy as Andy was of Michael.


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