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Dragon Spirit: Cry of Revenge (Huntress High Book 1)

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by Cory Reynolds

  "But what if I'm right? I'm not doing this for attention."

  "Well, you'll need something more concrete if you're going to convince us otherwise. I can probably get a small scouting mission put together, but you had better cool it."

  "She's going to have to cool it, whether she likes it or not," said the Major that she had met just a day ago. "I told you to make better decisions, but you didn't listen. Beginning now, you're confined to the base until further notice."

  "But why?"

  "To keep you out of trouble." Morrigan stormed out of the room. She wouldn't be confined to anywhere.


  IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT, they’re scared of accepting your story.

  She felt like it was. One of the main problems was that while her people had been using her as a force against evil, they had also been scaling the rest of the military back. When she was a little girl, it had been required that every graduating teenager attended the Benandanti University, followed by eight years in the military. Even though the witches weren't a real threat, the witches combined with the other monsters of the world created enough havoc to keep a robust military busy. But when Morrigan and Loric came along, everything had changed.

  They hadn't even asked how or why. All they knew was that a dragon could deal with a dozen witches in half of the time that it would take a company of Benandanti soldiers and their spirit animals. Even if someone with a larger mammal, like a tiger, was leading the attack, it was still likely that there would be casualties. Now because of Loric, the casualty rate had dropped so much that the military had cut themselves down to less than half the normal size. Only four years of service were required now, and there had been some talk of dropping the term by another year. The sad part of it was that even if they hadn't reduced the size of their forces, they still wouldn't have enough manpower to deal with this threat and the coming war. And what had been the deal with that witch with the white hair?

  They're very rare, like an albino.

  Is she powerful?

  She could be. She looked twice the age of any of the other witches on the mountain. Maybe she's just smart enough to keep her head down. They would have laughed you out of the room if you had included her in the report.

  A thought flashed in her mind of demons fighting with her people and she groaned. If the commanders didn't believe her about the witches and the demons, they definitely wouldn't respond well to teaming up with the demons themselves. The suggestion would probably land her in prison, or worse.

  What would be worse? Death would be better than being locked up.

  She couldn't agree more. As she walked down the halls toward Spirit Park, the training grounds where the spirit animals lived and rested, Matt stepped out from a doorway to block her path. She didn't feel like talking right now.

  "Where are you going?"

  "They still don't believe me. I'm going out."

  "Why would they? You snuck out on an unapproved visit to a classified witch meeting. They're probably figuring out how to lock you up right now."

  Morrigan knew that even if nobody else took her seriously, at least one person would. Her favorite person from the University, Professor Garmouth. He would believe her. While he was called a fanatic by some, and for good reason, he had always trusted her when everyone else had wanted to crucify the girl with the dragon. Even if the Professor hadn't seen any of the signs, he would at least listen to her. He could even help her choose the next step.

  "I'm going to go and see someone that will believe me."

  "Morrigan, you're on house arrest."

  "Are you going to try and stop me?"

  He wouldn't.

  "Not as long as you stop hiding things from me."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I've never known you to take things lying down, but there's something else going on. This is personal to you."

  He couldn't know, could he?

  I don't see how.

  "Of course this is personal. It's our family," she said.

  "Do you mean our kind? Or do you mean you and me? Because family means different things to different people."

  She stepped close and whispered, "You know that I love you Matt, but this is much bigger than us. You know that I couldn’t protect you if the wrong people found out." She stepped back and he looked at her like he knew more than he should. She hoped that there was nothing behind the look.

  "Just remember rule number three," he said with a smile. Rule number three of combat was to know the truth of everything around you. She laughed and shoved his shoulder.

  "Are you saying that we're fighting now?"

  "We fight with our family, don't we?"

  "I guess we do." She thought about asking him to come along, but she knew that it was better not to. It would just be putting his life in danger, and she had already done enough of that in the past. Those days seemed a lifetime ago now. She didn’t know what she would do if anything happened to him now. She bit her tongue and walked past him out the door into the park.

  "Rule number three," he said again as she let the door close behind her. She promised herself to heed his warning, just in case she was making a huge mistake.


  SHE WAS ALWAYS HAPPIER when she was flying through the night sky. Out of the three animal camps, Air, Sea, and Land, the Air camp was by far the best. Perhaps riding on a shark or a dolphin had its perks, but how could it compare to this?

  It helped that she could actually use a custom saddle to ride her spirit animal. The other members of Air camp were always jealous. Even if their birds or bats could fly to a destination, it was always faster for them to travel by plane with their Benandanti companions. Morrigan had stopped asking Loric to explain their connection a long time ago. He didn't seem to know any more about it than she did. It just was.

  We're being followed.

  She wasn't surprised. She expected that since they wouldn't physically stop her from leaving, they would instead just have her trailed. But she wasn't sure who from the camp would be able to keep up with them.

  It's not a friend.

  Morrigan turned to look behind them. Who was it?

  It looks like some witches, but I can't see very well.

  What do you think we should do?

  They're keeping their distance. We should probably stop to see what they want before we reach the University."

  They swooped down and landed facing the witches that were pursuing them. Whoever they were, they were taking their time.

  Wise on their part.

  Four witches landed several yards away from them with their hands in the air. One of them stepped forward.

  "Benandanti huntress, we come with a message, not a quarrel." Morrigan was still on Loric's back and didn't plan to get down.

  "What is your message?"

  "We know that you are aware of our new position in the world, and we come to offer a truce."

  "You know where our base is at. You should offer it to someone that cares."

  "We will never approach the Benandanti base. We would never be allowed close enough before we were killed."

  "That's probably true."

  "So hear our offer and take it to your base. We will allow you safe passage."

  That's entertaining.

  "We offer you rule over half of the continent. We will take one side, and you the other. Every major land mass can be divided in half."

  "Is this a joke?"

  "You saw firsthand the power that we now possess. We will not stop building our army until we are strong enough to roll over the Benandanti." Morrigan wasn't sure what to say. The witches didn't realize that with the demons they already had enough strength to give them a great fight. How quickly were they growing?

  Remember that we're still the greatest power in the world to them.

  "I will pass along your offer to my superiors, but I wouldn't hold your breath for a reply."

  "Thank you, Huntress. We only wish you safe passage
on your way back. We will follow to ensure your safety, and to wait for an answer."

  "No, I don't think that you will." The looks on the witches faces became more serious.

  "Huntress, we only wish to expedite this process."

  Shall I give them a warning?

  Before she could think of a response, smoke began to rise from Loric's nostrils. All four of the witches took a step back.

  "I'm telling you one time, leave here now."

  "We promise no harm." Loric opened his mouth and gave a huge roar, causing the witches to jump onto their brooms and fly back in the direction that they had come.

  They finally got the hint.

  Loric took to the air, ready to finish their flight to the Professor's house.


  THE PROFESSOR'S HOUSE was exactly what you might expect a little old professor to live in. Quaint but comfy, it was built out of stone and had just enough room for his books. His spirit animal, Rolland, was a raccoon, and the two shared a remarkable resemblance to each other. Morrigan always enjoyed her short visits to his cottage in the middle of the Kentucky woodland that cloaked the underground Benandanti University.

  Most of the professors lived within the underground cave, but the Professor had said that he couldn't appreciate the dark unless he also saw the light. They had built him his cottage, but years ago he had told Morrigan that the real reason was that he was claustrophobic. She thought that he had meant that he didn't want to feel trapped, and she could relate. Ever since she and the rest of her people had discovered that her spirit animal was a dragon, she had felt trapped.

  They landed in the clearing just outside of the cottage and Morrigan slid down to the ground. The Professor's cottage door opened and out walked Professor Garmouth.

  "Morrigan, I thought that you would have arrived a while ago."

  "How did you know that I was coming?"

  "You know that I've always paid attention. Especially when it concerns an unholy alliance."

  "So you heard?"

  "Yes, I heard that you continue to put your life in grave danger."

  "I had to."

  "Of course you did. You do it so that we don't have to, and I thank you for your disregard of responsibility." He smiled and she felt better. He had been one of the closest things to a father that she had ever had. Knowing that he supported her decisions was always a relief. She felt a sense of comfort coming from Loric and looked to see Rolland scurrying over the dragon's back. Loric and Rolland had always been the most unlikely of friends, but they had taken to each other right away at their first meeting.

  It's the furry mask. I wish I had one.

  "Had you seen any signs of the alliance already?"

  "I have to admit that I hadn't, but that doesn't mean that I don't believe your story. Often I only notice things that have been apparent for a number of years. If a joint effort between the witches and demons has just formed recently, then I'm not surprised that nobody noticed until now."

  "It may have only been in the last few months."

  "Really? And I heard that you actually saw witches and demons together with your own eyes? How many demons were there?"

  "Hundreds." The Professor’s face turned even paler in the moonlight.

  "What was the response of the base?"

  "They called me a liar and put me on house arrest."

  "Hmmm. Then it's a good thing that you came here. Of course, I never saw you, but while you're here we need to make a few plans. Come into the cottage with the others and we’ll see what mischief we can get into."


  THERE WERE HOW MANY DEMONS?" asked Professor Dunn, the head of Seaborne House.

  "Hundreds were coming out of the hole."

  "And you survived a basilisk?" asked Professor Testro, the head of Landborne House.

  "Yes, Loric arrived just in time." The head of Airborne House, Professor Erickson, beamed in amazement. He had always been proud to be the head of the household that not only bore a dragon on its crest but for several years had also housed an actual dragon. After hearing this story, he was speechless. They all sat around a round table in the center of Professor Garmouth's cottage.

  "Yes, Loric has been your savior a countless number of times. He's been a savior to all of us, but I'm afraid that he won't be able to save us from this."

  "I came here because I need advice about what to do next," said Morrigan.

  "Well, if our finest at the military base won't take any action, then what could we possibly do?" asked Professor Testro.

  "I had an idea that I wanted to run past you and your houses," said Professor Garmouth. "If there is a war coming, and we need to raise arms, then I have no doubt that our school will be called upon." The other professors remained silent, looking down at the table. Morrigan broke the silence.

  "When I was a student, the only thing I dreamt of was battle."

  "Of course. Like we say here, ‘It’s in our blood,’ but the other students don't have the benefit of a dragon," said Professor Dunn.

  "And yet, we know that it's true. We have an obligation to do our part," said Professor Erickson. "Otherwise, we may not have anyone left to teach." Morrigan thought about her own obligation. Having a spirit animal like Loric was a gift that she was grateful for, but could she have tried harder? If she had realized her bond to Loric earlier in life, could she have prevented the coming war?

  I've known about you since you were born.

  I know. So why do we wait so long to recognize the spirit bond?

  Loric didn’t answer. She wondered why they didn't begin their training in high school.

  Maybe they should.

  "Well, if the witches are so confident that they're offering us a truce, then we need to treat this like the war has already begun," said Professor Erickson. "I pledge Airborne House.

  "And I pledge Seaborne House," said Professor Dunn. The two professors stared at the head of Landborne House.

  "Alright, you can count on us," said Professor Testro.

  "Good. Since war is nearly knocking at our door, we will be prepared to greet it. Is there anything else that you would like from us?" asked Professor Garmouth.

  "Yes. Can you tell me why we don't begin recruiting in high school instead of college?"

  "Exactly what I've been saying for years," said Professor Testro. "We need to begin their training before they're adults. When they're still wet behind the ears."

  "If we can survive this war, then perhaps we can present the idea to the education board. For now, we have bigger monsters to slay. I’m sure that I will hear when the base has developed a plan,” said Professor Garmouh.

  “You don’t want to develop one now?” asked Morrigan.

  “No, this isn’t like the incident with the Jabberwock a few years ago. You’re a Benandanti trooper now. Will we see you again soon, Morrigan?" All of the professors waited for her answer.

  "Yes, I hope so. I'm technically not supposed to leave the base right now."

  "Then you had better get back. Thank you, Morrigan, Dragon Huntress." All four of the professors stood and bowed to her. She stood up and awkwardly bowed back to them. For the first time, she not only understood the weight of what was happening, but she also felt it. The next time that she saw the professors could be on the battlefield. She hoped that there was still enough time.

  Before she returned to the base, she had to make one more stop. She had to find The Demon and do what she knew her people wouldn't approve of.


  THEY DIDN'T HAVE much time left. The sun would rise in a few hours and they would stick out in the air like a big, gray lizard in the sky. She hoped that she would be able to find him again in the same forest she had chased him in a few days ago. It was a long shot, but she didn't know how else to find him. They landed near the end of the gully and she got down on her hands and knees to yell into the small hole.

  "Malicious! Are you in there?" She waited a few seconds and then tr
ied again. "Malicious!"

  "Yes?" She spun around and saw The Demon behind her, leaning against a fallen tree. Loric came crashing through the brush. "I see you brought your friend?"

  "I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find you again." She wasn't sure why, but she felt reassured now that she had found him.

  "All you had to do was call my name and I would have found you."

  That's creepy.

  "Everything is happening as you said. I've seen the demons and the witches together."

  "And so you want to be more than just friends?" The Demon grinned, and it made her feel warm inside. She remembered how she had felt after they had touched fingertips, right here in this spot.

  "Yes, I want to talk about the possibility of working with the demons to defeat the witches."

  "Are you speaking for the whole Benandanti?"

  "No, not yet. Right now this is just between you and me."

  "Tisk, tisk. Secrets can be fun, just like a loaded gun." He stood up and took a step closer to Morrigan.

  "I presented everything to my family and they didn't believe me."

  "Just like you didn't believe me when I first told you. How does it feel?"

  "It feels bad." He took another step closer to her.

  "I can imagine. So do you now believe that we have a common enemy?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "And that we should be working together?"

  "Yes." He took a third step toward her and was now close enough to reach out and touch her.

  Morrigan. Be careful. I can't torch him when he's this close to you.

  She took a step back.

  "Then the ball is in your court. How will you convince the Benandanti to team up with us?"

  "I'm still trying to work that out. How will I know that your demons won't just turn on us when we're at our most vulnerable?"


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