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Traded: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Midnight Royals Book 1)

Page 6

by Tori Leigh

  I nodded. “I’ll order something for both of us.” I tapped into the screen. When I’d finished, I tugged her hand again. “Let me show you to your suite.”

  Audrina seemed to hold her breath as we headed past the fire pit to the back of the apartment. Nerves mingled in her scent as I led her into the master.

  “This is my room.” I motioned to the enormous space, with its king-sized bed, black flooring and black leather headboard. It was an impressive space, though it probably seemed a bit austere to her.

  She glanced at the bed, swallowing hard.

  I led her through my bedroom to a door on the far wall. “And this, Audrina, is your room.”

  Her jaw hung open as we entered. If she’d loved the room upstairs, this one appeared to make her speechless. As soon as I’d formed my plan, I’d asked my staff to update the bedroom adjacent to the master—the queen’s room. No one had ever slept there before. It was untouched and perfect, just like Audrina herself.

  In contrast to my bedroom, Audrina’s room was pure white. White walls, a white marble floor and an enormous white bed. A crystal chandelier added the final flourish.

  “What do you think?” It surprised me I felt…nervous as I waited to hear her thoughts.

  “It’s gorgeous. But why…” Her voice was hoarse. “Why is it next to your room? They’re connected.”

  “Remember what I told you upstairs?” I asked. “That my family and I are very cautious about security?”

  She nodded.

  “I want you close to me so I can protect you.” My hands curled into fists. No one had ever attacked my home, but the idea of anyone threatening Audrina made me livid. “If you are next to me, I can keep you safe.”

  I raised my gaze to meet hers. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I mean, no.” Her throat worked as she swallowed. “Not really. Are you…” She peered at me. “Is it organized crime?”

  “Nothing like that. I swear to you.”

  She nodded slowly. “But there’s something else you need to tell me, right?”

  “Yes. You should be prepared. But first, I want to give you something. This.” I picked up a tablet and a cell phone from the nightstand. “These are so you can call your sister, and also, video chat with her. I have her new number programmed into both devices. Why don’t you call her now? I’ll give you a few minutes of privacy. When you’re ready, come out—we can eat, and I’ll tell you more. Then we can get prepared for the party.”

  She accepted the phone and the tablet from me. “You already put Winnie’s number in here?”

  When I nodded, she said, “That was really nice of you.”

  I swept into a bow. “I don’t know you well, but it’s obvious how much you care for your sister. I’m the oldest, too. I know what it’s like to feel responsible for someone.”

  Audrina looked up at me with her big, dark eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Of course.” I headed back toward my room.

  “Gabriel—wait.” She hesitated. “Is it really okay for me to video chat with her? I thought you said that you didn’t want people to see your actual house.”

  “Winifred is allowed to see you in your room—I imagine it’s important for her to see that you are settled and fine. But I appreciate your discretion. I expect you won’t go into detail with her about your accommodations.”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  I left her then, closing the door behind me, blocking her scent. I eyed my big, black bed as I headed back toward the kitchen. What I wouldn’t give to have Audrina in it, naked, moaning in pleasure as I took her, again and again.

  My fangs sprang out.

  Fuck. I fled the room.

  I’d vowed never to touch her. Not only was I trying to protect her, but I’d been trying to find the edge of my self-restraint.

  Well, I’d already found it. I’d been a fool, underestimating the powerful hold this young woman already had over me.

  And now I wanted nothing more than to go back in time, to recant my vow. Actually, I wanted nothing more than to plunder the virgin who would sleep in the bedroom next to mine for the next two weeks, driving me absofuckinglutely insane.

  And there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. Unless…

  Yet another crude plan started forming in my mind.



  “That’s your bedroom?” Winnie gaped almost comically as I moved the screen around the room.

  “Wait till you see the bathroom!”’ I squealed. I showed her the huge free-standing tub, the glassed-in shower, and the gilded gold mirror over the sink. I wrinkled my nose as I inspected it more closely. “I think that’s actual gold.”

  “Gabriel Dalca is the richest, sexiest man alive.” Winnie sighed as she fanned herself. “So… Where’s his bedroom?”

  “Stop it.” I went back and flopped onto the bed.

  “No, I’m serious—where is it?”

  I peered at my sister, suddenly serious. “Next door.”

  She waggled her eyebrows. “You know I’m not the kind to say I told you so—”

  “Yes, you are—”

  “But when you finally give it up to that hot man, I am absolutely going to say—”

  “Stop it. Winnie, please.” I sighed. I was nervous enough without her antagonizing me. “What’s going on over there?”

  “Oh my goodness, a lot. Mrs. Finn went to Whole Foods. I think she spent, like, a thousand dollars. And the security guards are here—don’t worry, none of them are hot, and none of them are looking at me. Two of them are chicks.” She rolled her eyes. “Vivian and Eva have been hiding in their rooms, fine by me. But then a delivery truck showed up and guess what?”


  Winnie’s eyes sparkled. “They had a brand-new bed for me, a new dresser, a new lamp, all this cool stuff! And then Mrs. Finn gave me a Dalca Enterprises black American Express card, and she told me to buy a new comforter, sheets, stuff for my room and whatever else I wanted online. She even said she would take me to the mall tomorrow to buy new clothes and go to Sephora. And she’s making lasagna for dinner. I’m pretty sure I’m dead and this is heaven, except you’re not here, and we all know you’re a better person than me, so that doesn’t make sense…”

  Winnie babbled on for several more minutes, gushing over Mrs. Finn and the slew of house cleaners who’d already started whipping Hawthorne Hall back into shape.

  My heart lifted, and my eyes filled with tears. I’d never seen my sister so happy.

  “So everything is good here.” She grinned at me. “I can’t wait until you can come back and see the house—it already looks so much better. But back to you. What are you doing tonight?”

  “Um, I think I’m going to a cocktail party.” My cheeks heated; I was already nervous about meeting Gabriel’s family and going out in public with him.

  “Wow. That sounds so sophisticated.” Winnie’s eyeballs almost popped out of her head. “Can you please have a glass of champagne? For me?”

  “You know what? Maybe I will.” I’d never had a sip of alcohol in my life, but tonight might be the night. “I should get going.” My stomach twisted with nerves—about what would happen that evening, about being away from Winnie. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Oh my God, Audrina, I am awesome. This is awesome. Are you kidding me? It’s like a freaking fairytale!”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Hey.” No one knew me better than my sister. She peered at me, concerned. “I mean it—I’m fine. But are you?”

  “I am.” I forced myself to smile at her. “It’s hard being away from you, though.”

  She pointed outside the screen. “Forget about me and go git some! For once in your life, relax and have fun! Champagne and billionaires, Audrina! Things could be worse!”

  “Ha. I’ll try.” I couldn’t help it; I laughed. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Winnie winked at me before s
he hung up.

  Warmth bloomed in my chest as I thought about what she’d told me. A new bed, groceries, a trip to the mall… Gabriel had shown my sister every kindness I could ever ask for. I could never thank him enough.

  Eager to see him, I hustled out of the bedrooms, eyeing Gabriel’s big, black bed as I went.

  An image of him, naked above me, his huge pecs straining, flashed in my brain. Good lord. I fanned myself as I hurried. I shouldn’t think such things. After all, he’d sworn not to touch me…

  This was going to be a long freaking two weeks.

  Gabriel waited in the living room, seated on one of the couches. He faced away from me. A tray of appetizers was arranged on the coffee table, an assortment of breads, cheeses and fruits. A large pitcher of water with sliced cucumber and mint was also there; someone had already poured me a glass. The food was lovely, but I worried I wouldn’t be able to eat any of it delicately. I was actually starving.

  “Hi.” I sank down onto the couch across from him. I felt too self-conscious to eat, so I grabbed my water and drank it greedily. Even his water tasted better than normal water.

  “Please. Help yourself.” He’d loosened his tie; as he motioned toward the food, a glimpse of bare, pale chest peeked through his dress shirt.

  Holy hell. I clutched my water glass, probably hard enough for it to break. Did he know how hot he was?

  “Thank you. Oh, and speaking of thanks,” my words tumbled out in a rush, “thank you so much for everything you’re doing for my sister. She’s so happy. Mrs. Finn’s making her lasagna, and she’s taking her to Sephora tomorrow.”

  When he looked confused, I said, “It’s a makeup store. In the mall. It’s basically Mecca for teenage girls.”

  “Ah.” He looked pleased. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  I got tears in my eyes. “Winnie’s on cloud nine. She got new bedroom furniture delivered, she ordered new sheets… I’m pretty sure she loves Mrs. Finn. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Audrina.” He smiled at me, and it was like the sun coming out. “It’s my pleasure. To see you so moved… It moves me.”

  We stared at each other for a beat.

  “Now please, eat.” He handed me a small plate, and I picked at some crackers and grapes, too embarrassed to stuff my face the way I would if I were alone.

  Gabriel didn’t have any of the appetizers. He drank from a golden goblet; I couldn’t see what was inside, but I assumed it was wine. “You’re not hungry?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Not anymore.”

  There was a brief chiming noise, almost like a doorbell, and Gabriel sat up straight. “Sir.” A voice spoke over what I assumed was some sort of intercom. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but you’re needed at the club. I’m afraid there’s been some issues with the order for the party.”

  “Thank you. Tell them I’ll be there in a minute.” He rose immediately. “I need to take care of this. If Iulian—or worse, Bianca—hears that there’s been trouble, there will be hell to pay. Will you be all right by yourself?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. My staff is having your gown brought down, it should arrive shortly. I expect you to be dressed and ready for the party when I return. You should find everything that you need to prepare for this evening in your suite—makeup, toiletries, undergarments.” His dark gaze raked over me and my insides quivered like a bowlful of jello.

  Who knew the word ‘undergarments’ was hot? Jesus.

  “You have nothing to fear from my staff—you are safe here. They’ve taken a vow to serve me and will protect you with their lives. Do you understand?”

  I frowned up at him. “Will they need to?”

  He arched an eyebrow, a small smile playing around his lips. “In the next hour? I suppose not. But I thought you might appreciate the flourish.”

  I almost laughed. “I do appreciate it…thanks.”

  “Speaking of flourishes.” He leaned over me, his face inches away from mine. “I have something else for you.”

  Unf. Whatever it is, give it to me! I mentally slapped myself across the face. Good lord, my hormones were going nuts. I tried to pull myself together. “W-What’s that?”

  He smiled and handed me a slip of heavy parchment paper. “The chef has prepared this for you—he’s beside himself that he has a guest to feed. So humor him. Order something.”

  He eyed the half-eaten cracker on my plate. “Rabbit food will not sustain you through the evening’s festivities. I have plans for you, Audrina. You must keep your strength up. I’ll see you soon.”

  Without another word, he turned on his heel and was gone.



  In Gabriel’s wake, I fanned myself with the menu.

  He had plans for me? Inexperienced virgin though I was, I giddily ran through several scenarios. But then I reminded myself of his vow not to touch me, and also, the fact that I was now basically a prisoner in his mysterious, underground bunker of a bachelor lair.

  So I stopped running naked scenarios. I had to keep my eye on the ball—performing my part of the contract and getting back to my sister and Hawthorne Hall. Gabriel had told me to order something to eat, and to get dressed. I best follow my new boss’s instructions.

  I looked at the menu. It was detailed and sophisticated, as though it was from a fancy restaurant. Steak au Poivre and Haricot de Mouton, whatever they were, were listed along with Yellowfin Tuna Tartare. The chef, whoever he was, had gone to great lengths, capitalizing the dishes and listing all the ingredients. The very last item was the one that caught my eye—Cheeseburger Deluxe with Truffle Fries. I prayed I wouldn’t insult him by ordering something so basic. I went to the link in the kitchen and ordered; it was surprisingly easy, the menu options popping up as though I were staying at a fancy, technologically advanced hotel.

  A note appeared after I hit “enter.”

  It is our pleasure to serve you, Ms. Hawthorne. Your meal will be delivered shortly.

  There was a knock on the door—my food was here already? But it was an older man with silver hair, dressed in a tuxedo, carrying a garment bag.

  “Ms. Hawthorne, it is my privilege to deliver your gown for this evening.” He bowed to me. Not knowing what else to do, I bowed back.

  He was smiling by the time I stood up. “Master Dalca said I was to deliver it to your suite, but I want to make sure that’s okay with you, too.”

  “Of course it is. That’s very kind of you to ask.”

  His grin widened. “We are all so happy that you are here, my lady. My name is Mr. Finn. Should you need anything, simply buzz for me.”

  “Wait—Mr. Finn, as in, Mrs. Finn’s husband?”

  The skin around his eyes crinkled. “I should hope so.”

  “She’s with my sister—Winnie—she’s being so kind to her, cooking and taking her shopping.” I was babbling, but I couldn’t stop.

  “Yes, I’ve heard all about it. My wife is enjoying your sister very much. She says she’s smart as a whip.” Mr. Finn smiled kindly. “My wife will take excellent care of your sister, Ms. Hawthorne. And the staff here will take wonderful care of you. We’re delighted that you’ve come to stay with us. Master has been lonely for far too long.”

  “H-How long?”

  Mr. Finn tilted his chin and inspected me. “Longer than he’d probably care to admit. Ah, I’ve probably said too much. Let me put this in your dressing room. I hope you have a lovely evening.”

  I pondered his words as he strode down the hall, his polished dress shoes echoing against the hardwood floors. Master has been lonely for far too long. First of all… Master? Second, how long had Gabriel been single? Mr. Finn made it sound as though it had been an eternity…

  There was another knock on the door. A second staff member entered, another older gentleman, this one Asian, who had white hair and also wore a tuxedo. He carried a platter with a silver tray on top. “Ms. Hawthorne.” He swept into a bow. “Chef has prepared your meal.
Would you like to eat in the kitchen?”

  “Yes, please.” I followed him to the center island, where he placed the tray and removed the lid with fanfare. The most glorious-looking cheeseburger I’d ever laid eyes on commanded the center of a large plate; a pile of what looked like hand-cut fries surrounded it. My stomach snarled with hunger and the server smiled at me.

  “I can assure you, Chef’s cooking won’t disappoint you—he trained in Paris. Would the young lady like a glass of water? We also have seltzers, juices, champagne. Chef also had us stock something else…” His brow wrinkled. “I think it’s called a Strawberry Refresher? It’s pink. Chef believes they’re very popular.”

  “I’d love one.” The girls at my school chugged pink drinks, which were all the rage, but a five-dollar sugary beverage was definitely outside my budget.

  He took out a tall glass, filled it with crushed ice, then poured the effervescent pink liquid to the brim. He garnished it with a sprig of mint. Just looking at it made me happy.

  “Thank you, Miss.” He swept into another bow. When he rose, there was a twinkle in his eye. “My name’s Nigel, should you need anything further. And on behalf of the staff, I’d like you to know that it thrills us to have you here. Please understand that Master rarely needs much from us, but we love our jobs—and we love being needed. Anything we can do for you, or to make your stay more comfortable, is honestly our pleasure. It’s our honor to serve you.”

  “T-Thank you.”

  Nigel met Mr. Finn at the door.

  “Have a lovely evening, Ms. Hawthorne,” Mr. Finn called.

  “Please have fun—please encourage Master to have fun.” Nigel smiled again.

  With another bow each, they left me alone.

  Holy hell. It’s our honor to serve you? And what was with this Master business?

  The luscious smell of the cheeseburger overrode the blur of questions inundating my brain. I took a bite and moaned. The bun was brioche, there was some sort of aioli that was to die for, and a crunchy, fried pickle-like substance was piled on top. Then there were the truffle fries, salty and herb-y and cooked to perfection… Mmm. Could your mouth have an orgasm? It felt like mine did.


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