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Elsie's Motherhood

Page 8

by Martha Finley

  Chapter Eighth.

  "A horrid spectre rises to my sight,Close by my side, and plain, and palpableIn all good seeming and close circumstanceAs man meets man."--JOANNA BAILLIE.

  It was a sultry summer night, silent and still, not a leaf stirring,hardly so much as the chirp of an insect to be heard. The moon lookeddown from a cloudless sky upon green lawns and meadows, fields andforests clothed in richest verdure; gardens, where bloomed lovelyflowers in the greatest variety and profusion, filling the air in theirimmediate vicinity with an almost overpowering sweetness; a riverflowing silently to the sea; cabins where the laborer rested from histoil, and lordlier dwellings where, perchance, the rich man tossedrestlessly on his more luxurious couch.

  Mr. and Mrs. Travilla had spent the earlier part of the evening at theOaks, and after their return, tempted by the beauty of the night, hadsat conversing together in the veranda long after their usual hour forretiring. Now they were both sleeping soundly.

  Perhaps the only creature awake about the house or on the plantation,was Bungy the great watch dog, who, released from the chain that boundhim during the day, was going his rounds keeping guard over his master'sproperty.

  A tiny figure, clothed in white, stole noiselessly from the house,flitted down the avenue, out into the road beyond, and on and on tilllost to view in the distance. So light was the tread of the little barefeet, that Bungy did not hear it, nor was Bruno, sleeping on theveranda, aroused.

  On and on it glided, the little figure, now in the shadow of the treesthat skirted the road-side, now out in the broad moonbeams where theyfell unimpeded upon dew-laden grass and dusty highway alike.

  Ion had been left more than a mile behind, yet farther and farther thebit feetie were straying, farther from home and love, and safety, when agrotesque, hideous form suddenly emerged from a wood on the oppositeside of the road.

  Seemingly of gigantic stature, it wore a long, white garment, that,enveloping it from head to foot, trailed upon the ground, rattling as itmoved, and glistening in the moonlight; the head was adorned with threeimmense horns, white, striped with red, a nose of proportional size,red eyes and eyebrows, and a wide, grinning red mouth, filled withhorrible tusks, out of which roiled a long red tongue.

  Catching sight of the small white form gliding along on the other sideof the road, it uttered a low exclamation of mingled wonder, awe andsuperstitious dread.

  But at that instant a distant sound was heard like the rumble ofapproaching wheels, and it stepped quickly behind a tree.

  Another minute or so and a stage came rattling down the road, thehideous monster stepped boldly out from the shadow of the tree, therewas the sharp crack of a rifle, and the driver of the stage tumbled fromhis high seat into the road. The horses started madly forward, but someone caught the reins and presently brought them to a standstill.

  "Ku Klux!" exclaimed several voices, as the trailing, rattling whitegown disappeared in the recesses of the wood.

  The stage door was thrown open, three or four men alighted, and going tothe body stooped over it, touched it, spoke to it, asking, "Are youbadly hurt, Jones?"

  But there was no answer.

  "Dead, quite dead," said one.

  "Yes, what shall we do with him?"

  "Lift him into the stage and take him to the next town."

  The last speaker took hold of the head of the corpse, the othersassisted, and in a few moments the vehicle was on its way again with itsload of living and dead.

  No one had noticed the tiny white figure which now crouched behind aclump of bushes weeping bitterly and talking to itself, but, in asubdued way as if fearful of being overheard.

  "Where am I? O mamma, papa, come and help your little Vi! I don't knowhow I got here. Oh, where are you, my own mamma?" A burst of sobs; then"Oh, I'm so 'fraid! and mamma can't hear me, nor papa; but Jesus can;I'll ask him to take care of me; and he will."

  The small white hands folded themselves together and the low sobbingcry went up, "Dear Jesus, take care of your little Vi, and don't letanything hurt her; and please bring papa to take her home."

  At Ion little Elsie woke and missed her sister. They slept together ina room opening into the nursery on one side, and the bedroom of theirparents on the other. Doors and windows stood wide open and the moongave sufficient light for the child to see at a glance that Vi was nolonger by her side.

  Slipping out of bed, she went softly about searching for her, thinkingto herself the while, "She's walking in her sleep again, dear littlepet, and I'm afraid she may get hurt; perhaps fall down stairs."

  She had heard such fears expressed by her papa and mamma since of lateViolet had several times risen and strayed about the house in a state ofsomnambulism.

  Elsie passed from room to room growing more and more anxious and alarmedevery moment at her continued failure to find any trace of the missingone. She must have help.

  Dinah, who had care of the little ones, slept in the nursery. Going upto her bed, Elsie shook her gently.

  "What's de matter, honey?" asked the girl, opening her eyes and raisingherself to a sitting posture.

  "Where's Violet? I can't find her."

  "Miss Wi'let? aint she fas' asleep side o' you, Miss Elsie?"

  "No, no, she isn't there, nor in any of mamma's rooms. I've lookedthrough them all. Dinah where is she? We must find her: come with me,quick!"

  Dinah was already out of bed and turning up the night lamp.

  "I'll go all ober de house, honey," she said, "but 'spect you betterwake yo' pa. He'll want to look for Miss Wi'let hisself."

  Elsie nodded assent, and hastening to his side softly stroked his facewith her hand, kissed him, and putting her lips close to his ear,whispered half sobbingly, "Papa, papa, Vi's gone: we can't find her."

  He was wide awake instantly. "Run back to your bed, darling," he said:"and don't cry; papa will soon find her."

  He succeeded in throwing on his clothes and leaving the room withoutrousing his wife. He felt some anxiety, but the idea that the child hadleft the house never entered his mind until a thorough search seemed togive convincing proof that she was not in it.

  He went out upon the veranda. Bruno rose, stretched himself and uttereda low whine.

  "Bruno, where is our little Violet?" asked Mr. Travilla, stooping to patthe dog's head and showing him the child's slipper, "lead the way, sir;we must find her." There was a slight tremble in his tones.

  "Dinah," he said, turning to the girl, who stood sobbing in the doorway,"if your mistress wakes while I am gone, tell her not to be alarmed; nodoubt with Bruno's help I shall very soon find the child and bring hersafely back. See he has the scent already," as the dog who had beensnuffing about suddenly started off at a brisk trot down the avenue.

  Mr. Travilla hurried after, his fatherly heart beating with mingled hopeand fear.

  On and on they went closely following in the footsteps of the littlerunaway. The dog presently left the road that passed directly in frontof Ion, and turned into another, crossing it at right angles, which wasthe stage route between the next town and the neighboring city.

  It was now some ten or fifteen minutes since the stage had passed thisspot bearing the dead body of the driver who had met his tragical endsome quarter of a mile beyond.

  The loud rumble of the wheels had waked little Vi, and as in a flash shehad seen the whole--the horrible apparition in its glistening, rattlingrobes, step out from behind a tree and fire, and the tumble of itsvictim into the dusty road. Then she had sunk down upon the groundoverpowered with terror.

  But the thought of the almighty Friend who, she had been taught, wasever near and able to help, calmed her fears somewhat.

  She was still on her knees sobbing out her little prayer over and overagain, when a dark object bounded to her side, and Bruno's nose wasthrust rather unceremoniously into her face.

  "Bruno, you good Bruno!" she cried clasping her arms about his neck,"take me home! take me home!"

  "Ah, papa will do that, now he has fo
und his lost darling," said a lovedvoice, as a strong arm put aside the bushes, and grasped her slight formwith a firm, but tender hold. "How came my little pet here so far awayfrom home?" he asked, drawing her to his breast.

  "I don't know, papa," she sobbed, nestling in his arms and clingingabout his neck, her wet cheek laid close to his, "that carriage wakedme, and I was 'way out here, and that dreadful thing was over there by atree, and it shooted the man, and he tumbled off on the ground. O papa,hurry, hurry fast, and let's go home; it might come back and shoot ustoo."

  "What thing, daughter?" he asked, soothing her with tender caresses, asstill holding her to his breast, he walked rapidly toward home.

  "Great big white thing, with horns, papa."

  "I think my pet has been dreaming?"

  "No, no, papa, I did see it, and it fired, and the man tumbled off, andthe horses snorted and ran so fast; then they stopped, and the othermans came back, and I heard them say, 'He's killed; he's quite dead.' Opapa, I'm so frightened!" and she clung to him with convulsive grasp,sobbing almost hysterically.

  "There, there, darling: papa has you safe in his arms. Thank God fortaking care of my little pet," he said, clasping her closer, andquickening his pace, while Bruno wagging his tail and barking joyously,gamboled about them, now leaping up to touch his tongue to the littledusty toes now bounding on ahead, and anon returning to repeat hisloving caress; and so at last they arrived at home.

  Mr. Travilla had scarcely left the house, ere the babe waked his mother.She missed her husband at once, and hearing a half smothered sob comingfrom the room occupied by her daughters; she rose and with the babe inher arms, hastened to ascertain the cause.

  She found Elsie alone, crying on the bed with her face half hidden inthe pillows.

  "My darling, what is it?" asked the mother's sweet voice. "But where isVi?"

  "O, mamma, I don't know; that is the reason I can't help crying," saidthe child, raising herself and putting her arms about her mother's neck,as the latter sat down on the side of the bed. "But don't be alarmed,mamma, for papa has gone to find her."

  "Where, daughter? she cannot have gone out of the house, surely?"

  At this instant Dinah appeared and delivered her master's message.

  To obey his injunction not to be alarmed, was quite impossible to theloving mother heart, but she endeavored to conceal her anxiety and toovercome it by casting her care on the Lord. The babe had fallen asleepagain, and laying him gently down, she took Elsie in her arms andcomforted her with caresses and words of hope and cheer.

  "Mamma," said the little girl, "I cannot go to sleep again till papacomes back."

  "No, I see you can't, nor can I so we will put on our dressing-gowns andslippers, and sit together at the window, to watch for him, and when wesee him coming up the avenue with Vi in his arms, we will run to meetthem."

  So they did, and the little lost one, found again, was welcomed bymother and sister, and afterward by nurse and mammy, with tender, lovingwords, caresses and tears of joy.

  Then Dinah carried her to the nursery, washed the soiled, tired littlefeet, changed the draggled night-gown for a fresh and clean one, andwith many a hug and honeyed word, carried her back to bed, saying, asshe laid her down in it, "Now, darlin', don't you git out ob heyah nomo' till mornin'."

  "No, I'll hold her fast; and papa has locked the doors so she can't getout of these rooms," said Elsie, throwing an arm over Vi.

  "Yes, hold me tight, tight" murmured Vi, cuddling down close to hersister, and almost immediately falling asleep, for she was worn out withfatigue and excitement.

  Elsie lay awake some time longer, her young heart singing for joy overher recovered treasure, but at length fell asleep also, with the murmurof her parents' voices in her ears.

  They were talking of Violet, expressing their gratitude to God thatno worse consequences had resulted from her escapade, and consultingtogether how to prevent a repetition of it.

  Mr. Travilla repeated to his wife the child's story of her awaking andwhat she had seen and heard.

  "Oh my poor darling, what a terrible fright for her!" Elsie exclaimed,"but do you not think it must have been all a dream?"

  "That was my first thought; but on further consideration I fear it mayhave been another Ku Klux outrage. I dare say, the disguise worn by themmay answer to her description of 'the horrible thing that shooted theman;' I judge so from what I have heard of it."

  "But who could have been the victim?" she asked with a shudder.

  "I do not know. But her carriage was probably the stage: it was aboutthe hour for it to pass."

  Day was already dawning and they did not sleep again.

  Mr. Travilla had gone on his regular morning round over the plantation,and Elsie stole softly into the room of her little daughters.

  Though past their usual hour for rising they still slept and she meantto let them do so as long as they would. They made a lovely picturelying there clasped in each other's arms. Her heart swelled with tenderemotions, love, joy and gratitude to Him who had given these treasuresand preserved them thus far from all danger and evil. She bent over thempressing a gentle kiss upon each round rosy cheek.

  Little Elsie's brown eyes opened wide, and putting her arm about hermother's neck, "Mamma," she whispered, with a sweet, glad smile, "wasnot God very good to give us back our Vi?"

  "Yes, dearest, oh, so much better than we deserve!"

  Violet started up to a sitting posture. "Mamma, oh mamma, I did have adreadful, dreadful dream!--that I was 'way off from you and papa, out inthe night in the woods, and I saw--"

  She ended with a burst of frightened sobs and tears, hiding her face onthe bosom of her mother who already held her closely clasped to herbeating heart.

  "Don't think of it, darling, you are safe now in your own dear home withpapa and mamma and sister and brothers." Tender soothing caressesaccompanied the loving words.

  "Mamma, did I dream it?" asked the child lifting her tearful face, andshuddering as she spoke.

  The mother was too truthful to say yes, though she would have been gladher child should think it but a dream.

  "Perhaps some of it was, daughter," she said, "though my pet did walkout in her sleep; but papa is going to manage things so that she cannever do it again. And God will take care of us, my darling."

  The sobs grew fainter and softly sighing, "Yes mamma," she said, "Iasked him to send papa to bring me home, and he did."

  "And papa came in here this morning and kissed both his girls before hewent down stairs. Did you know that?"

  "Did he? Oh I wish I'd waked to give him a good hug!"

  "I too;" said Elsie, "Papa loves us very much, doesn't he, mamma?"

  "Dearly, dearly, my child; you and all his little ones."

  Vi's tears were dried and when her father came in she met him with acheerful face, quite ready for the customary romp, but days passed ereshe was again her own bright, merry self, or seemed content unlessclinging close to one or the other of her parents.

  While the family were at the breakfast table, Uncle Joe came in with themail, his face full of excitement and terror.

  "Dem Ku Kluxes dey's gettin' awful dangerous, Massa," he said, layingdown the bag with a trembling hand, "dey's gone an' shot the stagedrivah an' killed 'um dead on the spot. Las' night, sah, jes oberyondah in de road todder side o' Mars Leland's place, and--"

  Mr. Travilla stopped him in the midst of his story, with a warninggesture and an anxious glance from one to another of the wondering,half frightened little faces about the table.

  "Another time and place, Uncle Joe."

  "Yes, sah, beg pardon, sah, Massa Edard," and the old man, now growingquite infirm from age, hobbled away talking to himself. "Sure nuff, youole fool, Joe, might 'a knowed you shouldn't tole no such tings fo' dechillum."

  "Was it 'bout my dream, papa?" Vi asked with quivering lip and fastfilling eyes.

  "Never mind, little daughter; we needn't trouble about our dreams," hesaid cheerily, and be
gan talking of something else, in a lively strainthat soon set them all to laughing.

  It was not until family worship was over and the children had left theroom that he said to his wife, "The Ku Klux were abroad last night andI have no doubt Uncle Joe's story is quite true, and that our poor littleVi really saw the murder."

  Elsie gave him a startled, inquiring look. "You have other proof?"

  "Yes; Leland and I met in going our rounds this morning, and he told mehe had found a threatening note, signed 'K.K.K,' tacked to his gate, andhad torn it down immediately, hoping to conceal the matter from hiswife, who, he says is growing nervously fearful for his safety."

  "Oh, what a dreadful state of things! Do these madmen realize that theyare ruining their country?"

  "Little they care for that, if they can but gain their ends,--thesubversion of the Government, and the return of the negro to his formerstate of bondage."

  She was standing by his side, her hand on his arm. "My husband," shesaid in trembling tones, looking up into his face with brimming eyes,"what may they not do next? I begin to fear for you and my father andbrother."

  "I think you need not, little wife," he said, drawing her head to aresting place on his shoulder, and passing his hand caressingly over herhair, "I think they will hardly meddle with us, natives of the place,and men of wealth and influence. And," he added low and reverently, "arewe not all in the keeping of Him without whom not one hair of our headscan fall to the ground?"

  "Yes, yes, I will trust and not be afraid," she answered, smilingsweetly through her tears. Then catching sight, through the open window,of a couple of horsemen coming up the avenue, "Ah, there are papa andHorace now!" she cried, running joyfully out to meet them.

  "Have you heard of last night's doings of the Ku Klux?" were the firstwords of Horace Jr. when the greetings had been exchanged.

  "Run away, dears, run away to your play," Elsie said to her children,and at once they obeyed.

  "Uncle Joe came in this morning with a story that Jones, the stagedriver had been shot by them last night in this vicinity," Mr. Travillaanswered, "but I stopped him in the midst of it, as the children werepresent. Is it a fact?"

  "Only too true," replied Mr. Dinsmore.

  "Yes," said Horace, "I rode into the town, before breakfast, found itfull of excitement; the story on everybody's tongue, and quite a largecrowd about the door of the house where the body of the murdered manlay."

  "And is the murderer still at large," asked Elsie.

  "Yes; and the worst of it is that no one seems to have the least ideawho he is."

  "The disguise preventing recognition, of course," said Mr. Travilla.

  Then the grandfather and uncle were surprised with an account of littleVi's escapade.

  "If Violet were my child," said Mr. Dinsmore, "I should consult Dr.Burton about her at once. There must be undue excitement of the brainthat might be remedied by proper treatment."

  Elsie cast an anxious look at her husband.

  "I shall send for the doctor immediately," he said, and summoning aservant dispatched him at once upon the errand.

  "Don't be alarmed, daughter," Mr. Dinsmore said; "doubtless a littlecare will soon set matters right with the child."

  "Yes; I do not apprehend any thing serious, if the thing is attended toin time," Mr. Travilla added cheerfully; then went on to tell of thenotice affixed to Fairview gate.

  They were all of the opinion that these evil doers, should, if possible,be brought to justice; but the nature and extent of the organizationrendered it no easy matter for the civil courts to deal with them. Theorder being secret, the members were known as such only amongthemselves, when strangers, recognizing each other by secret signs. Theywere sworn to aid and defend a brother member under all circumstances;were one justly accused of crime, others would come forward and prove analibi by false swearing; were they on the jury, they would acquit himthough perfectly cognizant of his guilt. In some places the sheriff andhis deputies were members, perhaps the judge also[F]. Thus it happenedthat though one or two persons who had been heard to talk threateninglyabout Jones, as "a carpet-agger and Republican, who should be gotten ridof, by fair means or foul," were arrested on suspicion, they were soonset at liberty again, and his death remained unavenged.

  [Footnote F: See Reports of Congressional Committee of Investigation.]


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