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Elsie's Motherhood

Page 17

by Martha Finley

  Chapter Seventeenth.

  "Abate the edge of traitors, gracious lord,That would reduce these bloody days again,And make poor England weep in streams of blood."--SHAKESPEARE

  The sun had just risen above the tree-tops as Solon led Beppo, readysaddled and bridled for his master's use, from the stables to the frontof the mansion.

  A moment later Mr. Travilla came out, gave some orders to the servant,and was about to mount, when his attention was attracted by the approachof a man on horseback who came cantering briskly up the avenue.

  "Good morning," he said, as the stranger drew near. "Solon, you mayhitch Beppo and go to your work."

  "Good morning, Mr. Travilla, sir," returned the horseman, lifting hishat and bowing respectfully, as Solon obeyed the order in regard toBeppo, and with a backward glance of curiosity, disappeared around thecorner of the building.

  "You bring news, Martin?" said Mr. Travilla, stepping nearer to thestranger and looking earnestly into his face.

  "Yes, sir and very bad, I'm sorry to say, unless," and he bent low overhis saddle-bow and spoke in an undertone, "unless you can defendyourself against a band of thirty-five or forty ruffians."

  "Fasten your horse to that post yonder and come with me to my privateroom," said Travilla, in calm, quiet tones.

  Martin, alias Snell, immediately complied with the request, and as soonas he found himself closeted with Mr. Travilla, proceeded to give a fullaccount of his last night's adventure.

  "I assure you, sir," he concluded, "I look upon it as a piece of raregood fortune that I came upon that lad yesterday, and that he mistook mefor one of the Klan; as otherwise you'd have had no warning."

  "It was a kind providence, Martin," returned Mr. Travilla, with graveearnestness, "'If God be for us who can be against us?'"

  "Nobody, sir; and that's the most Christian way of looking at the thing,no doubt. But, if I may ask, what will you do? fight or fly?"

  "How do you know that I shall do either?" Mr. Travilla asked with aslight twinkle in his eye.

  "Because you're not the man to tamely submit to such an outrage."

  "No, as my wife says, 'I believe in the duty and privilege ofself-defense;' and for her sake and my children's, even more than myown, I shall attempt it. I am extremely obliged to you, Martin."

  "Not at all, sir; it was all in the way of business, and in theinterests of humanity, law and order. No, no, sir, thank you; I'm not tobe paid for doing my duty!" he added, hastily putting back a check whichhis host had filled out and now handed him.

  "I think you may take it without scruple," said Mr. Travilla; "it isnot a bribe, but simply a slight expression of my appreciation of aninvaluable service you have already rendered me."

  "Still I'd rather not, sir, thank you," returned the detective rising togo. "Good morning. I shall hope to hear to-morrow that the raiders havegot the worst of it."

  Left alone, Mr. Travilla sat for a moment in deep thought; then hearingMr. Lilburn's voice in the hall, stepped out and exchanged with him theusual morning salutations.

  "So you are not off yet?" remarked the guest.

  "No, but am about to ride over to the Oaks. Will you give me thepleasure of your company?"

  "With all my heart."

  Elsie was descending the stairs.

  "Wife," Mr. Travilla said, turning to her, "your cousin and I are goingto ride over to the Oaks immediately; will you go with us?"

  "Yes, thank you," she answered brightly, as she stepped to the floor;then catching sight of her husband's face, and seeing something unusualthere, "What is it, Edward?" she asked, gliding swiftly to his side andlaying her hand upon his arm, while the soft eyes met his with a loving,anxious look.

  He could scarce refrain from touching the sweet lips with his own.

  "My little friend, my brave, true wife," he said, with a tender sadnessin his tone, "I will conceal nothing from you; I have just learnedthrough a detective, that the Ku Klux will make a raid upon Ionto-night, between twelve and two; and my errand to the Oaks is toconsult with your father about the best means of defense--unless yourvoice is for instant flight for ourselves, our children, and guests."

  Her cheek paled, but her eye did not quail, and her tones were calm andfirm as she answered, "It is a question for you and papa to decide; I amready for whatever you think best."

  "Bravo!" cried her cousin, who had listened in surprise to Mr.Travilla's communication, "there's no coward blood in my kinswoman'sveins. She is worthy of her descent from the old Whigs of Scotland; eh,Travilla?"

  "Worthy of anything and everything good and great," returned herhusband, with a proud, fond glance at the sweet face and graceful formby his side.

  "Ah ha! um h'm! so I think. And they are really about to attackyou,--those cowardly ruffians? Well, sir, my voice is for war; I'dlike to help you give them their deserts."

  "It would seem cowardly to run away and leave our wounded friend andhelpless dependents at their mercy," Elsie exclaimed, her eye kindlingand her cheek flushing, while she drew up her slender figure to its fullheight; "our beautiful land, too, given up to anarchy and ruin; thisdear sunny South that I love so well."

  Her voice trembled with the last words, and tears gathered in her eyes.

  "Yes, that is it," said her husband; "we must stay and battle for herliberties, and the rights guaranteed by her laws to all her citizens."

  Horses were ordered, Elsie returned to her apartments to don a ridinghabit, and in a few minutes the three were on their way to the Oaks.

  The vote there also was unanimous in favor of the policy of resistance.Mr. Dinsmore and Horace, Jr. at once offered their services, and ArthurConly, who happened to be spending a few days at his uncle's just atthat time, did the same.

  "I was brought up a secessionist and my sympathies are still with theDemocratic party," he said, "but these Ku Klux outrages I cannottolerate; especially," he added, looking at Elsie with an affectionatesmile, "when they are directed against the home and husband if not theperson of my sweet cousin."

  "You are to me 'a kinsman born, a clansman true,' Art," she said,thanking him with one of her sweetest smiles.

  "That's right, old fellow!" cried Horace, clapping his cousin on theshoulder. "We shall muster pretty strong;--papa, Brother Edward, Mr.Lilburn, you and I--six able-bodied men within the fortress, with plentyof the best small arms and ammunition; all of us fair shots, too, someexcellent marksmen--we ought to do considerable execution among ourassailants."

  "And God being on our side," said Mr. Lilburn, reverently, "we may havestrong hope of being able to beat them back."

  "Yes, 'the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to thestrong,'" remarked Mr. Dinsmore. "'Some trust in chariots, and some inhorses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.'"

  "And if we do so truly, fully, he will take hold of shield and bucklerand stand up for our help," added Mr. Travilla.

  The plan of defense was next discussed, but not fully decided upon; itwas agreed that that could be done most readily upon the spot, and thataccordingly Mr. Dinsmore and the two young men should ride over to Ionshortly after breakfast, to view the ground and consult again with theother two.

  "Why not return with us and breakfast at Ion?" asked Elsie.

  "Why not stay and breakfast with us?" said Rose.

  "Certainly," said her husband. "Take off your hat, daughter, and sitdown to your father's table as of old."

  "Ah, my little ones! I know they are watching now for mamma andwondering at her long delay."

  "Then I shall not detain, but rather speed you on your way," he said,leading her out and assisting her to mount her horse.

  The children had thought mamma's ride a long one that morning, and muchthey wondered at papa's unusual silence and abstraction. He quite forgotto romp with them, but indeed there was scarcely time, as he did notcome in from the fields till the breakfast bell had begun to ring.

  Grace had just been said, every one was sitting silent, quietly waitingto
be helped (the children were all at the table, for "Cousin Ronald"who had been with them for a week, was now considered quite one of thefamily). Mr. Travilla took up the carving knife and fork with theintent to use them upon a chicken that lay in a dish before him; but theinstant he touched it with the fork, a loud squawk made every bodystart, and Harold nearly tumbled from his chair.

  "Why dey fordot to kill it!" he cried breathlessly.

  "But its head's off!" said Eddie, gazing into the dish in wide-eyedastonishment.

  "Ah ha nn h'm! is that the way your American fowls behave at table?"asked Cousin Ronald, gravely, but with a slight twinkle in his eye,pushing back his chair a little while keeping his eyes steadily fixedupon the ill-mannered bird, as if fearful that its next escapade mightbe to fly in his face; "a singular breed they must be."

  Elsie and her husband began to recover from their momentary surprise andbewilderment, and exchanged laughing glances, while the latter, turningto his guest, said, "Capitally done, cousin! wouldn't have disgracedSignor Blitz himself or any of his guild. But I had no suspicion thatventriloquism was one of your many accomplishments. What part shall Ihelp you to?"

  "The leg, if you please; who knows but I may have use for more than twoto-night?"

  A gleam of intelligence lighted up little Elsie's face. "Oh! Iunderstand it now," she said, with a low silvery laugh; "cousin is aventriloquist."

  "What's that?" asked Vi.

  "Oh I know!" cried Eddie. "Cousin Ronald, don't you have a great dealof fun doing it?"

  "Well, my boy, perhaps rather more than I ought, seeing it's very apt tobe at other folks' expense."

  The guest, mamma and Elsie having been helped, it was now Vi's turn toclaim papa's attention.

  "What shall I send you, daughter?" he asked.

  "Oh nothing, papa, please! no, no, I can't eat live things," she saidhalf shuddering.

  "It is not alive my child."

  Violet looked utterly bewildered: she had never known her father to sayanything that was not perfectly true, yet how could she disbelieve theevidence of her own senses?

  "Papa, could it hollow so loud when it was dead?" she askeddeprecatingly.

  "It did not, my little darling; 'twas I," said Cousin Ronald, preventingpapa's reply, "the chick seemed to make the noise but it was really I."

  Papa and mamma both confirmed this statement and the puzzled childconsented to partake of the mysterious fowl.

  Minna, standing with her basket of keys at the back of her mistress'schair, Tom and Prilla, waiting on the table, had been as much startledand mystified by the chicken's sudden outcry as Vi herself, and seizedwith superstitious fears, turned almost pale with terror.

  Mr. Lilburn's assertion and the concurrent assurance of their master andmistress, relieved their fright; but they were still full ofastonishment, and gazed at the guest with wonder and awe.

  Of course the story was told in the kitchen and created much curiosityand excitement there.

  This excitement was, however, soon lost in a greater when the news ofthe expected attack from the Ku Klux circulated among them an hour ortwo later.

  It could not be kept from the children, but they were calmed and soothedby mamma's assurance, "God will take care of us, my darlings, and helppapa, grandpa and the rest to drive the bad men away."

  "Mamma," said Vi, "we little ones can't fight, but if we pray a gooddeal to God, will that help?"

  "Yes, daughter, for the Bible tells us God is the hearer and answerer ofprayer."

  Elsie herself seemed entirely free from agitation and alarm; full ofhope and courage, she inspired those about her with the same feelings;the domestic machinery moved on in its usual quiet, regular fashion.

  The kitchen department it is true, was the scene of much earnest talk,but the words were spoken with bated breath, and many an anxious glancefrom door and window, as if the speakers feared the vicinity of somelurking foe.

  Aunt Dicey was overseeing the making of a huge kettle of soft soap.

  "Tears like dis yer's a long time a comin'," she said, giving the liquida vigorous stir, then lifting her paddle and holding it over the kettleto see if it dripped off in the desired ropy condition; "but dere, disole sinnah no business growlin' 'bout dat; yah! yah!" and dropping thepaddle, she put her hands on her hips, rolled up her eyes and fairlyshook with half suppressed laughter.

  "What you larfin' at, Aunt Dicey? 'pears you's mighty tickled 'boutsuffin'," remarked the cook, looking up in wonder and curiosity from theeggs she was beating.

  "What's de fun, Aunt Dicey?" asked Uncle Joe, who sat in the doorwaybusily engaged in cleaning a gun.

  "Why, don't you see, darkies? de soap ain't gwine to come till 'bout detime de Kluxes roun' heyah; den dis chile gib 'em a berry warmdeception, yah! yah! yah!"

  "A powerful hot one," observed the cook, joining in the laugh; "but deywon't min' it; dey's cobered up, you know."

  "'Taint no diffence," remarked Uncle Joe, "de gowns an' masks, dey'snuffin but cotton cloth, an' de hot soap'll permeate right tru, an'scald de rascal's skins!"

  "Dat's so; an' take de skin off too."

  Uncle Joe stopped work and mused a moment, scratching his head andgazing into vacancy.

  "'Clar to goodness dat's a splendid idea, Aunt Dicey!" he burst out atlength. "An' let's hab a kettle ob boilin' lye to tote up stairs in dahouse, 'bout de time we see de Kluxes comin' up de road; den Aunt Chloean' Prilla can expense it out ob de windows; a dippah full at a time.Kin you git um ready fo' den?"

  "Dat I kin," she replied with energy, "dis consecrated lye don't take notime to fix. I'll hab it ready, sho' as you lib."

  Meanwhile the party from the Oaks had arrived according to appointment,and with Mr. Travilla and his guest, were busy with their arrangementsfor the coming conflict, when quite unexpectedly old Mr. Dinsmore andCalhoun Conly appeared upon the scene.

  "We have broken in upon a conference, I think," remarked the oldgentleman, glancing from one to another and noticing that the entranceof himself and grandson seemed to thrown a slight constraint over them.

  "Rest assured, sir, that you are most welcome," replied Mr. Travilla."We were conferring together on a matter of importance, but one which Iam satisfied need not be concealed from you or Cal. I have had certaininformation that the Ku Klux--"

  "Stay!" cried Calhoun, springing to his feet, a burning flush rising tohis very hair, "don't, I beg of you, cousin, say another word in mypresence. I--I know I'm liable to be misunderstood--a wrong constructionput upon my conduct," he continued glancing in an agony of shame andentreaty from one astonished face to another, "but I beg you will judgeme leniently and never, _never_, doubt my loyalty to you all," andbowing courteously to the company he hastily left the room, and hurryingout of the house, mounted his horse and galloped swiftly down theavenue.

  For a moment those left behind looked at each other in dumb surprise;then old Mr. Dinsmore broke the silence by a muttered exclamation, "Hasthe boy gone daft?"

  "I think I understand it, sir," said his son, "poor Cal has beendeceived and cajoled into joining that organization, under amisapprehension of its deeds and aims, but having learned how base,cruel, and insurrectionary they are, has ceased to act with them--orrather never has acted with them--yet is bound by oath to keep theirsecrets and do nothing against them."

  "Would be perilling his life by taking part against them," added Mr.Travilla. "I think he has done the very best he could under thecircumstances."

  He then went on with his communication to the old gentleman, whoreceived it with a storm of wrath and indignation.

  "It is time indeed to put them down when it has come to this!" heexclaimed, "The idea of their daring to attack a man of your standing,an old family like this,--of the best blood in the country! I say it'sdownright insolence, and I'll come over myself and help chastise themfor their temerity."

  "Then you counsel resistance, sir?" queried his son.

  "Counsel it? of course I do! nobody but a coward and poltroon wouldthink o
f anything else. But what are your plans, Travilla?"

  "To barricade the verandas with bags of sand and bales of cotton,leaving loopholes here and there, post ourselves behind these defenses,and do what execution we can upon the assailants."

  "Good! Who's your captain?"

  "Your son, sir."

  "Very good; he has had little or no experience in actual warfare, but Ithink his maiden effort will prove a success."

  "If on seeing our preparations they depart peaceably, well and good,"remarked Travilla. "But if they insist on forcing an entrance, we shallfeel no scruples about firing upon them."

  "Humph! I should think not, indeed!" grunted the old gentleman;"'Self-defense is the first law of nature.'"

  "And we are told by our Lord, 'all they that take the sword, shallperish with the sword,'" observed his son.

  The arrangements completed, the Dinsmores returned to their homes forthe rest of the day.

  About dusk the work of barricading was begun, all the able-bodied men onthe plantation, both house-servants and field-hands, being set to workat it. The materials had been brought up to the near vicinity of thehouse during the day. The men's hearts were in the undertaking (not oneof them but would have risked his own life freely in defense of theirloved master and mistress), and many hands made light and speedy work.

  While this was in progress, old Mr. Dinsmore and the whole family fromthe Oaks arrived; Rose and her daughter preferring to be there ratherthan left at home without their natural protectors.

  Elsie welcomed them joyfully and at once engaged their assistance inloading for the gentlemen.

  The little ones were already in bed and sleeping sweetly, secure in thelove and protecting care of their earthly and their heavenly Father.Little Elsie, now ten years old, was no longer required to retire quiteso early, but when her regular hour came she went without a murmur.

  She was quite ready for bed, had just risen from her knees, when hermother came softly in and clasped her in a tender embrace.

  "Mamma, dear, dear mamma, how I love you! and papa too!" whispered thechild, twining her arms about her mother's neck. "Don't let us be afraidof those wicked men, mamma. I am sure God will not let them get papa,because we have all prayed so much for his help; all of us together inworship this morning and this evening, and we children up here; andJesus said, 'If two of you shall agree on earth, as touching anythingthat they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is inheaven.'"

  "Yes, darling, and he will fulfill his word; he will not suffer anythingto befall but what shall be for his glory and our good. Now, deardaughter, lie down and take that promise for a pillow to sleep upon; andif waked by sounds of conflict, lift up your heart to God for your dearfather, and mine, and all of us."

  "I will, mamma, I will."

  Leaving a loving kiss on the sweet young lips, and another on the browof her sleeping Violet, the mother glided noiselessly from the room.

  "What is it, mammy?" she asked on finding her faithful old nurse waitingto speak with her in the outer room.

  "Miss Elsie, honey, is you willin' to let us scald dem Kluxes widboilin' soap an' lye?"

  "Scald them, mammy?" she exclaimed with a slight shudder. "I can hardlybear the thought of treating a dog so cruelly!"

  "But dey's worse dan dogs. Miss Elsie; dogs neber come and detack folksdat's sleepin' quietly in dere beds; does dey now?"

  "No; and these men would take my husband's life. You may all fight themwith any weapon you can lay hands on."

  Aunt Chloe returned her thanks and proceeded to give an account of theplan concocted by Aunt Dicey and Uncle Joe.

  Elsie, returning to the dining-room, repeated it there.

  "Excellent!" exclaimed her brother. "Come, Art, let's hang a bell in thekitchen and attach a string to it, taking the other end up to theobservatory."

  The suggestion was immediately carried out. It had been previouslyarranged that the two young men should repair to the observatory, andthere watch for the coming of the foe, and on their first appearance,probably a mile or more distant, give the alarm to those below, bypulling a wire attached to that from which the front door bell wassuspended; thus setting it to ringing loudly. Now they were prepared tosound the tocsin in the kitchen, also, thus giving time for the removalof the boiling lye from the fire there to the second story of themansion, where it was to be used according to Uncle Joe's plan.

  The detective had reported the assailing party as numbering fromthirty-five to forty; but the Ion force, though much inferior in pointof numbers, even with the addition of eight or ten negro men belongingto the Oaks and Ion, who were tolerably proficient in the use offirearms, certainly had the advantage of position, and of being on theside of right and justice.

  The gentlemen seemed full of a cheerful courage, the ladies calm andhopeful. Yet they refused to retire, though strongly urged to do so,insisting that to sleep would be simply impossible.

  It was but ten o'clock when all was ready, yet the young men deemed itmost prudent to betake themselves at once to their outlook, since theremight possibly have been some change in the plans of the enemy.

  The others gathered in one of the lower rooms to while away the tedioustime of waiting as best they could. Conversation flagged; they triedmusic, but it had lost its charms for the time being; they turned awayfrom the piano and harp and sank into silence; the house seemedstrangely silent, and the pattering of Bruno's feet as he passed slowlydown the whole length of the corridor without, came to their ears withalmost startling distinctness.

  Then he appeared in the doorway, where he stood turning his eyes fromone to another with a wistful, questioning gaze: then words seemed tocome from his lips in tones of wonder and inquiry.

  "What are you all doing here at this time o' night, when honest folkshould be a-bed?"

  "Just what I've been asking myself for the last hour," gravely remarkeda statue in a niche in the opposite wall.

  The effect was startling even to those who understood the thing; more soto the others, Rosie screamed and ran to her father for protection.

  "Why, why, why!" cried old Mr. Dinsmore, in momentary perplexity andastonishment.

  "Don't be afraid Miss Rosie; I'm a faithful friend, and the woman overthere couldn't hurt you if she would," said Bruno, going up to the younggirl, wagging his tail and touching his cold nose to her hand.

  She drew it away with another scream.

  "Dear child," said her sister, "it is only a trick of ventriloquism."

  "Meant to amuse, not alarm," added Mr. Lilburn.

  Rosie, nestling in her father's arms, drew a long breath of relief, andhalf laughing, half crying, looked up saucily into Mr. Lilburn's face.

  "And it was you, sir? oh, how you scared me!"

  "I beg your pardon, my bonnie lassie," he said, "I thought to relieve,somewhat, the tediousness of the hour."

  "For which accept our thanks," said Mr. Dinsmore. "But I perceive it isnot the first time that Travilla and Elsie have been witnesses of yourskill."

  "No," said Elsie, laughing. "My dear, you are good at a story, tell themwhat happened at breakfast this morning."

  Mr. Travilla complied with the request. He was an excellent story-tellerand made his narrative very entertaining.

  But in the midst of their mirth a sudden awe-struck silence fell uponthem. There was a sound as of the rattling of stiffly starched robes;then a gruff voice from the hall exclaimed, "There he is, the oldscalawag! Dinsmore too. Now take good aim, Bill, and let's make surework."

  Rosie was near screaming again, but catching sight of Mr. Lilburn'sface, laughed instead; a little hysterical nervous laugh.

  "Oh t's you again, sir!" she cried. "Please don't frighten me any more."

  "Ah, no, I will not," he said, and at that moment a toy man and womanon the table began a vastly amusing conversation about their own privateaffairs.

  In the kitchen and the domiciles of the house-servants, there was thesame waiting and watching; old and young, all up a
nd wide awake,gathered in groups and talked in undertones, of the doings of the KuKlux, and of the reception they hoped to give them that night. AuntDicey glorying in the prospect of doing good service in the defense of"her family" as she proudly termed her master, mistress and thechildren, kept her kettles of soap and lye at boiling heat, and twostalwart fellows close at hand to obey her orders.

  Aunt Chloe and Dinah were not with the others, but in the nurserywatching over the slumbers of "de chillens." Uncle Joe was with Mr.Leland, who was not yet able to use the wounded limb and was to beassisted to his hiding place upon the first note of alarm.

  In the observatory the two young men kept a vigilant eye upon everyavenue of approach to the plantation. There was no moon that night, butthe clear bright starlight made it possible to discern moving whiteobjects at a considerable distance. Horace was full of excitement andalmost eager for the affray, Arthur calm and quiet.

  "This waiting is intolerable!" exclaimed the former when they had beennearly an hour at their post. "How do you stand it, Art?"

  "I find it tedious, and there is in all probability, at least an hour ofit yet before us. But my impatience is quelled by the thought that itmay be to me the last hour of life."

  "True; and to me also. A solemn thought, Art, and yet might not the samebe said of any day or hour of our lives?"

  From that they fell into a very serious conversation in which eachlearned more of the other's inner life than he had ever known before:both were trusting in Christ and seeking to know and do his will, andfrom that hour their hearts were knit together as the hearts of Davidand Jonathan.

  Gradually their talk ceased till but a word or two was dropped now andthen, while the vigilance of their watch was redoubled; for the hour ofmidnight had struck--the silver chimes of a clock in the hall belowcoming distinctly to their ears--and any moment might bring the raidersinto view.

  Below stairs too a solemn hush had fallen upon each with the firststroke of the clock, and hearts were going up in silent prayer to God.

  Horace was gazing intently in the direction of Fairview but at a pointsomewhat beyond.

  "Look, Art!" he cried in an excited whisper, "do my eyes deceive me? orare there really some white objects creeping slowly along yonder road?"

  "I--I think--yes, yes it is they!" returned Arthur, giving a rigorouspull to the string attached to the bell in the kitchen, while Horace didthe same by the wire connected with the other; then springing to thestairway they descended with all haste.

  Loudly the alarm pealed out in both places, bringing all to their feet,and paling the cheeks of the ladies.

  Mr. Dinsmore's orders were given promptly, in calm, firm tones, and eachrepaired to his post.

  Aunt Dicey, assuming command in the kitchen, delivered her orders withequal promptness and decision.

  "Yo' Ben an' Jack, tote dis yer pot ob lye up stairs quick as lightnin',an' set it whar Aunt Chloe tells yo'. An' yo' Venus, stan' by de pot obsoap wid a dippah in yo' hand, an' fire away at de fust Klux dat showshis debbil horns an' tongue at de do'. Min' now, yo' take um in de eye,an' he neber come roun' heyah no mo' tryin' to kill Marse Ed'ard."

  Mr. Leland had fallen asleep in the early part of the evening, but wokewith the ringing of the alarm bells.

  "Ah, they must be in sight, Uncle Joe," he said; "help me to my hidingplace and leave me there. You will be needed below."

  "Yes, Massa Leland, dey's coming" said the old man, instantly complyingwith his request, "an' dis niggah's to demand de boilin' lye compartmentob dis army ob defense."

  A narrow couch had been spread in the little concealed apartment, and ina trice Mr. Leland found himself stretched upon it.

  "There, I'm quite comfortable, Uncle Joe," he said; "lay my pistolshere, close to my hand; then close the panel with all care, and when youleave the room, lock the door behind you and hide the key in the usualplace."

  "Yes, sah; an' please, sah, as yo's got nuffin' else for to do, keepaskin' de Lord ob armies to help de right."

  "That I will," answered Leland heartily.

  Uncle Joe, moving with almost youthful alacrity, obeyed the ordersgiven, and hastened to join his wife and Dinah whom he found on theupper veranda in front of the nursery windows, standing ladle in hand,one by the kettle of lye, the other leaning over the railing watchingfor the coming of the foe.

  The old man, arming himself also with a ladle of large capacity, tookhis station beside the latter.

  "Aunt Chloe," said he, "yo' bettah go back to de chillens, fear deymight wake up an' be powerful scared."

  "Yes, spect I bettah; dere ole mammy do best to be wid de darlins," shereplied, resigning her ladle to Prilla, who joined them at that moment,and hurrying back to her charge.

  She found her mistress bending over the crib of the sleeping babe. "I amso thankful they were not roused by the noise, mammy," she said softly,glancing at the bed where the older two lay in profound slumber, "butdon't leave them alone even for a moment."

  "Deed I won't, darlin'; de bressed little lambs! dere ole mammy'd fightde Kluxes to her last breff, fo' dey should hurt a hair ob deir heads.But don't ye fret, Miss Elsie, honey; dey'll not come yere; de good Lord'll not let dem get into de house," she added, big tears filling her oldeyes, while she clasped her idolized mistress in her arms as if she werestill the little girl she had so loved to caress and fondle years ago.

  Elsie returned the embrace, gave a few whispered directions, and glidedinto the next room, there to linger a moment by the couch of her littlegirls, who were also sleeping sweetly, then hastened to rejoin Mrs.Dinsmore and Rosie, in one of the rooms opening upon the lower frontveranda.

  They sat at a table covered with arms and ammunition. Rose was a littlepale, but calm and composed, as was Elsie also; Rosie, making a greateffort to be brave, could not still the loud beating of her heart as shesat listening intently for sounds from without.

  Elsie placing herself beside her young sister and taking her hand,pressed it tenderly, whispering with a glad smile, "'They that trust inthe Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which can not be removed, but abidethforever.'"

  Rosie nodded a half-tearful assent.

  Horace looked in. "They are just entering the avenue. Mother andsisters, be brave and help us with your prayers," he said, low andearnestly, and was gone.

  The ladies exchanged one swift glance, then bent forward in a listeningattitude and for the next few moments every other sense seemed lost inthat of hearing.

  The raiders, as was their usual custom, had dismounted at the gate, andleaving their horses in the care of two of their number, approached thehouse on foot. They came on three abreast, but as they neared thedwelling, one line branched off and passed around it in the direction ofthe kitchen.

  In an instant more the double column, headed by the leader of the troop,had reached the steps of the veranda, where it came to a sudden halt, asort of half smothered grunt of astonishment coming from the captain ashe hastily ran his eye along the barricade, which till that moment hadbeen concealed from himself and comrades, by the semi-darkness and aprofusion of flowering vines.

  The darkness and silence of death seemed to reign within: yet each oneof the little garrison was at his post, looking out through a loophole,and covering one or another of the foe with his revolver, while with hisfinger upon the trigger, he only awaited the word of command to send thebullet to its mark.

  Young Horace found it hard to restrain his impatience. "What a splendidopportunity his father was letting slip! why did he hesitate to give thesignal?" For, perhaps, the first time in his life, the young man thoughthis father unwise.

  But Mr. Dinsmore knew what he was about; blood should not be shed tillthe absolute necessity was placed beyond question.

  A moment of suspense, of apparent hesitation on the part of the raiders,then in stentorian tones the leader, stepping back a little, called;"Edward Travilla!"

  No answer.

  An instant of dead silence; then the call was repeated.

e shuddered and hid her face, faltering out a prayer for herhusband's safety.

  Still no reply, and the third time the man called, adding, with a volleyof oaths and curses, "We want you, sir: come out at once or it'll be theworse for you."

  Then Mr. Dinsmore answered in calm, firm tones, "Your purpose is known;your demand is unreasonable and lawless, and will not be complied with;withdraw your men at once or it will be the worse for you."

  "Boys!" cried the leader, turning to his men, "up with your axes andclubs, we've got to batter down this breastwork, and it must be done!"

  With a yell of fury the hideous forms rushed forward to the attack.

  "Fire!" rang out Mr. Dinsmore's voice in clarion tones, and instantlythe crack of half a dozen revolvers was heard, a light blaze ran alongthe line of loopholes, and at the same instant a sudden, scalding showerfell upon the assailants from above.

  Several of them dropped upon the ground and as many more threw awaytheir clubs, and ran screaming and swearing down the avenue.

  But the others rallied and came on again yelling with redoubled fury;while simultaneously similar sounds came from the sides and rear of thedwelling.

  The scalding shower was descending there, also; Uncle Joe and hiscommand were busy, and bullets were flying and doing some execution,though sent with less certain aim than from the front.

  Aunt Dicey, too, and her satellites were winning the laurels theycoveted.

  As she had expected, several of the assailants came thundering at herdoor, loudly demanding admittance, at the same time that the attack wasmade in front.

  "Who dar? What you want?" she called.

  "We want in; open the door instantly!"

  "No, sah! dis chile don' do no sich ting! Dis Marse Ed'ard's kitchen,an' Miss Elsie's."

  Then in an undertone, "Now Venus an' Lize, fill yo' dippahs quick! an'when dis niggah says fire, slam de contentions--dat's de bilin' soap,min'--right into dar ugly faces."

  "An' Sally Ann, yo' creep up dem stairs, quick as lightnin' an' hideunder the bed. It's yo' dey's after; somebody mus' a tole 'em yo' sleepsyere sense de night dat bloody hand ben laid on yo' shouldah."

  These orders were scarcely issued and obeyed when the door fell in witha loud crash, and a hideous horned head appeared in the opening; butonly to receive three ladles-full of the boiling soap full in its face,and fall back with a terrible, unearthly yell of agony and rage, intothe arms of its companions, who quickly bore it shrieking away.

  "Tank de Lord, dat shot tole!" ejaculated Aunt Dicey. "Now stan' readyfor de nex'."

  The party in front were received with the same galling fire as before,and at the same moment a sound, coming apparently from the road beyondthe avenue, a sound as of the steady tramp, tramp of infantry, and theheavy rumbling and rolling of artillery, smote upon their ears.

  There had been a report that Federal troops were on the march tosuppress the outrages, and protect the helpless victims, and seized withpanic terror, the raiders gathered up their dead and wounded and fled.


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