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Trophy Wife

Page 9

by Bethany Lopez

  “I’m not gonna lie, I dig it,” Margo agreed, holding out her glass of champagne and tapping it against mine. “Cheers. To Whit and Luca.”

  “To Whit and Luca,” I agreed, unable to keep from smiling, I was so excited for them. “She’s going to be thrilled when she finds out about the gifts.”

  Since they knew Whitney and Luca didn’t need the usual shower gifts, and they’d already requested no wedding gifts, Stella and Mrs. Russo had asked all of the guests to give honeymoon-related gifts.

  Lingerie, gift cards to places in Fiji, which is where they were honeymooning, money ... things like that. That way, everything would be functional, and their honeymoon would be basically paid for.

  “What did you get her?” I asked Margo.

  “The dirtiest lingerie I could find,” she replied with a smirk. “What about you?”

  “The prettiest lingerie I could find.”

  Margo laughed and said, “Sounds about right. So, how was the dinner last night? Did you get along with his friends and family?”

  “Yeah, they’re all really great. And it was cute how nervous he got when they called his name and he had to go up and speak. I mean, he’s a teacher, I’d think he’d be comfortable in front of a crowd.”

  “It’s different when it’s for something personal.”

  “I get that,” I said, then leaned in and said softly, “He did seem a little off though. When he picked me up everything was fine, but something happened in the car on the way there, he got all stiff or something and never really shook it off.”

  “Hmmm, was it something you were discussing?”

  I shook my head, still baffled by it all.

  “No, well, maybe. He was telling me the meaning of the phrase, Holy Toledo. After he told me the two historical facts, he said there was another, sexual meaning, but he couldn’t say it. I let it go at that, but afterwards is when he got weird. Do you think that was it?”

  “I don’t see why, unless it was an act he’s performed himself.”

  My eyes widened as I looked at her. No, that couldn’t be it, could it? I watched Margo’s lips turn up and then wondered, Has she done it?

  She must have read my look because she laughed and said, “No, I haven’t done it.”

  “Whew,” I said with relief. “That would have been TMI.”

  “She’s here,” someone called out and we all turned to watch as Whitney entered the room.

  She looked surprised and delighted as she took it all in. “Thank you all so much for coming.”

  Whitney walked around and started greeting all her guests and I saw Helen enter and wave to get my attention.

  She was carrying a garment bag, which I knew contained Whit’s wedding dress. I’d seen it a few times during the process of being made, but I’d yet to see the final product. I’d wanted to wait and see it for the first time on Whitney with everyone else.

  Whit had invited Helen to bring it to the shower and she was going to try it on and do a big reveal for everyone in attendance. It wasn’t the traditional way of doing things, but Whitney was excited to see it on and wanted to share it with all her friends and family.

  Instead of being all together at a bridal shop, we’d be seeing it at the shower.


  “Oh, you’re here!” I exclaimed as I met up with Helen. “I’m so excited to see it I can barely stand it.”

  “It’s gorgeous, Summer. You have a real talent,” Helen said, looking at me with pride. “I’d love to go over more of your sketches and talk about doing some pieces for the store.”

  I was so full of love and joy at her words, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was literally glowing.

  We enjoyed the hors d'oeuvres, dessert bar, and unlimited champagne. Before presents, Whitney disappeared into the back with Helen to put on the dress and I waited with barely contained excitement.

  “I can’t stand it,” I told Margo.

  “It’s going to be perfect,” she assured me.

  When Whitney walked back into the room, it went dead quiet, except for the sound of Mrs. Russo’s delighted gasp.

  My eyes filled as I watched her turn slowly for the crowd.

  “It’s the most amazing…” I lost my words as the tears spilled over onto my cheeks.

  Suddenly, everyone started talking at once. Whitney held up her hand to quiet them and said, “Thank you, but this beautiful gown would not be possible without one of my best friends, Summer. She’s the designer and I think she totally hit the nail on the head.”

  “To Summer,” Margo said, raising her glass.

  The ladies in the room echoed her sentiment and I knew it was a moment I would cherish forever.



  I put the flowers in the vase and then looked around to survey my work.

  Pretty blanket courtesy of Helen, check. Champagne on ice, check. Picnic basket full of delicacies, check.

  Satisfied that it looked as good as I was going to be able to make it, I took a fortifying breath and left the setup safely in the garden on the side of Helen’s shop to go inside and find Summer.

  I hadn’t yet been introduced to Helen when I dropped in to ask her if I could use the space to surprise Summer. She’d been thrilled to help, and I could tell she was as fond of Summer as Summer was of her.

  The door jingled as I walked inside and I looked around the pretty, frilly space to find the woman who was driving me to distraction. It had been a few weeks since the dinner when I’d realized my feelings and we’d spent every possible free moment together since. The more time went on, the more my feelings solidified, and I was finally ready to declare my love to her.

  I just hoped she didn’t think it was too soon.

  This was the kind of thing that would either propel our relationship to new heights or leave me dejected and alone.

  Shake it off, Noah, I thought, not wanting to psyche myself out before I did what I’d come to do.

  “Noah?” I’d been so stuck in my head I hadn’t seen Summer until she was right upon me.

  “Hey,” I said, my nerves leaving me at the sight of her happy smile.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came by to take you to lunch,” I replied, taking her hand in mine. “I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s more than okay, it’s perfect,” she said, leaning in and tilting her head back for a kiss.

  I love it when she does that.

  “Great, I’ll just wander around until you’re ready.”

  She nodded and spun around, and I browsed the store while I waited.

  A few minutes later, Summer came bouncing over to me and said, “I’m ready.”

  We went outside, and when I led her around the building to the garden, nerves hit me once more.

  “Oh my gosh, what’s all this?” Summer cried when she saw the picnic setup.

  “I know you don’t get a lot of time for your break, so I thought it would be easier if I brought the meal to you,” I said, taking her hand and helping her onto the blanket.

  “This is gorgeous. You really outdid yourself, Mr. Mason,” Summer said as I sat next to her.

  “I aim to please,” I said, handing her a glass and then pouring the champagne I’d already opened.

  “Champagne, wow. Are we celebrating something?” she asked, before taking a sip.

  I poured some into my own glass and then looked into her green eyes intently.

  “Summer,” I began, pausing to clear my throat. “I know we’ve only known each other a few months, but even in that short period, I’ve come to cherish our time together.”

  “Me, too,” she said, softly.

  “I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about you,” I admitted, struggling to keep the emotion out of my voice and get out all I’d practiced saying. “I find myself daydreaming in class about your smile, your laugh, and the way you make every space sparkle. As I fall asleep, I replay our conversations in my mind and inevitably dream about you. You�
��re the kindest, sweetest person I’ve ever met, and I can’t believe we’re sitting here because you wanted to pursue me. It defies the laws of nature,”

  I paused to take her hand in mine and bring it to my lips.

  “What I’m trying to say, is that I’m falling in love with you. Trent told me that when I knew I should shout it from the rooftops, but the only person I need to say it to, is you. You’re a gift I know I don’t deserve, but I desperately want to keep.”

  “Noah,” Summer whispered, her breath catching as she cried softly. “You say the most beautiful things.”

  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to reciprocate my feelings, I know it’s early yet. But I wanted you to know where I’m at, and for you to know I take this relationship seriously. I’m enjoying getting to know you every second and there’s no one else I want to be with.”

  She put her glass down on the ground behind her and launched herself into my arms.

  I laughed as she rained kisses all over my face.

  “Are you kidding?” she asked between kisses. “I have been falling for you since the second I saw the picture of you on my phone, in that tweed jacket and those sexy glasses. I knew we’d be great together.”

  “You think my glasses are sexy?” I asked.

  Summer looked down at me and nodded. “Oh, yeah, completely.”

  “Good to know,” I said, tucking this new information away for use at a later date.

  “You are so sweet. Planning this whole thing for me? I’ve never had anyone do something so romantic.”

  “You deserve all the romance the universe has to offer.”

  She dipped her head then and sealed our declarations with a long, slow, enticing kiss.

  “Mmmm. I’m suddenly starving,” she said, breaking our embrace and moving to open the basket.

  I was now starving as well, but not for food.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t the time or the place, so I got my libido in check and helped Summer make our plates.

  Fresh fruit, cheese, and paninis from a local eatery were consumed with a gusto. Who knew proclamations could make a person so famished? Once we’d eaten everything in sight, we packed up and stood so Summer could go back to work.

  “Thank you for this,” Summer said, throwing her arms around my waist and hugging me tight.

  “You’re welcome,” I replied, looking down into her upturned face. “I love you, Summer.”

  “And I love you, Noah,” she said sunnily.

  And just like that, it was the best day of my life.



  Margo and I had gone all out planning Whitney’s bachelorette party.

  We’d started the day with a pole dancing class. Which was as hilarious as it was informative. Once I got over feeling self-conscious, I’d learned some moves that I was excited to try out on Noah later.

  After the class we’d showered and gotten ready for the rest of the evening, which involved vineyard hopping and a lovely outdoor dinner at one of the venues. Our group was small, but we were having a fantastic time.

  It included me, Whit, and Margo, of course, as well as Luca’s sister Charlotte, their sister-in-law, Sara, and a couple ladies who worked with Whitney.

  The champagne was once again flowing as we rode in the limo to our first destination.

  “Don’t be surprised if Luca sends you both gift baskets tomorrow,” Whitney said with a light laugh. “He’s going to be feeling really generous after I show him what I learned in that pole dancing class.”

  Sara nodded and said, “Vanni will pitch in.”

  “I’m so happy you liked it,” I said, shooting a satisfied look at Margo. “Margo thought I was nuts when I brought it up.”

  “I stand corrected,” she replied, raising her glass at me.

  I mirrored the gesture and nestled back into my seat.

  “This limo is so comfy,” I said, turning toward Charlotte, who was sitting next to me, frowning at her drink, which prompted me to ask, “Are you okay?”

  She blinked slowly and shifted to look at me.

  Her eyes were incredibly sad.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t want to bring a downer and ruin Whitney’s party.”

  “You won’t,” I assured her. “What’s going on?”

  “I told my husband, Nigel, that I want a divorce.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.”

  She gave a half shrug and said, “It turns out all of those business trips he was taking was just an excuse to get away from me and Sky and sleep with other women. He’d been distant ever since I told him I was pregnant … I should have known when I saw how he was with Sky. He rarely held her and never fed or changed her. I just thought he was having a hard time bonding with her because he was away so much.”

  I placed my hand over hers and squeezed it gently.

  “You don’t deserve that. You’re an incredible woman and Sky is the most adorable little girl.”

  “Yeah, he sounds like a total fucker,” Margo said, leaning around me to look at Charlotte. “You’ll both be better off without him.”

  “Thanks,” she replied softly. “And I know that in my head, but my heart’s pretty bruised up right now.”

  “Oh my God,” I cried, making Charlotte jump in her seat. “Sorry, but I just realized something wonderful.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, her tone skeptical.

  “You can be one of us! A member of the Jilted Wives Club,” I said in a rush of excitement. “We go out to dinner on Thursdays and generally hang out and support each other. You’ll be a great fit.”

  “Totally,” Margo agreed, then after a pause asked, “So what does that mean for Whitney? She’s not going to be a jilted wife anymore once she’s happily married to Luca.”

  I shook my head and said, “Doesn’t matter. Once a member, always a member.” Then I clapped my hands and told Charlotte, “This is going to be so great.”

  “I don’t know … I’ve got Sky.”

  “Don’t worry, you don’t have to come every Thursday, but I promise you’ll want to. We have the best time and it’s just great to get together and hang out with women who want nothing more than to lift you up, ya know?”

  “And I bet your mom would love to watch Sky so you could come,” Margo added.

  “Yes,” I agreed. “Give her some grandma time and you some me time.”

  The limo parked and the chauffer came around to open our door, so I gave her a smile and said, “Just think about it. No pressure.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  We were led back to the tasting room where our table was reserved. It was tastefully decorated with flowers and white accents. It was preset with some fruit, cheese, and nuts, and we’d scheduled tastings of their whites, since that was what they were famous for.

  Our next stop would be reds, with our final stop having dinner and the wine selection being each individual’s choice.

  By the time we reached our final vineyard, we were all feeling pretty good, so Margo and I requested bread and dipping oil for the table so we could try and soak some of the alcohol up.

  Margo and I sandwiched Whitney, her soon-to-be sister-in-law sat across from us, and everyone else filled in around the table.

  “Thank you both so much for today, it has been so much fun,” Whitney said, her cheeks rosy from all the wine and champagne.

  “We were happy to. Thanks so much for asking us,” I told her.

  “Yeah, it was a blast. And you deserve it, Whit. You deserve the best of everything,” Margo added.

  Whitney’s eyes got misty. “You two are the best friends a girl could ever have.”

  “Oh,” I cried, getting emotional myself.

  “Don’t you dare. Either of you. No sap,” Margo ordered.

  “Okay, but before the no-sap rule goes into effect, can I tell you that Noah and I said I love you to each other for the first time? He planned this whole picnic out to tell me. It was the sweetest thing ever.”

>   “That makes me so happy,” Whitney said, now weeping slightly.

  “Jeez, go ahead,” Margo said. “But only a few tears and then you’re both cut off, got it?”

  Whitney and I nodded.

  “It’s nice to know the professor’s got game,” Margo said, raising a glass as Whit and I gave each other a quick hug.



  I was sitting in my chair drinking scotch neat and reading when I heard a knock on my door.

  After checking the time, I got up and went to see who could be on my porch at such a late hour.

  When I looked out, I saw Summer, bouncing from foot to foot as she waited.

  “Hey,” I called when I opened the door. The last I’d heard from her, the bachelorette party was in full swing.

  I heard a few cat calls and looked out to the street to see about a half-dozen women hanging out of a limo.

  “Yeah, Summer … get some.”

  “Aww, he’s a cutie.”

  “Get it, girl!”

  Those were just a few of the phrases I made out before I was propelled backward as Summer crashed into me and shut the door behind us.

  “Hi,” Summer mumbled against my neck, before adding, “I really have to pee.”

  Suddenly, I was standing alone in my entryway, while Summer ran like a flash to the nearest bathroom.

  I chuckled and headed back to my chair to wait for Summer to return.

  “Sorry about that,” she said as she came into the room. Her cheeks were rosy and eyes a little glassy as she looked me over. “Aren’t you the cutest thing. Is that a robe?”

  I looked down at the robe, which was covering my pajamas, and said, “Yes.”

  “Oh my gosh, and the glasses too? You’re killing me here.”

  “I am?” I asked, unsure how a robe and glasses were getting this sort of reaction.

  “Mmm-hmm,” she replied, nodding almost too enthusiastically. “I learned some stuff today.”

  “About wine?” I asked, since I knew they’d gone to a few tastings.

  Summer shook her head and took her phone out of her purse before flinging the purse onto the nearest surface. Seconds later, music strained out of the phone speaker, and she put it down.


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