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Erotic Stories

Page 6

by Amanda Wals

  My friend, John, walked up and handed me a beer. "At least they have hooch."

  "Well, there is that." I laughed.

  "Dude, you think highly of your stuff, eh?" He motioned to the price tags on the paintings. I'd picked prices almost arbitrarily, and purposely priced them higher than I felt that they were worth. Mostly as a joke on some of the other artists. Most of the artists priced their stuff to sell, as they didn't have another source of income, believing that they could make a living once they had their degree. There was a world full of people out there with degrees in art that couldn't find a job. I really didn't care much if any of mine sold or not.

  "What? You mean to tell me you think this isn't worth $1500?" I pointed at the painting Megan had thought was erotic. "The artist needs the money for his drug habit. Heroin ain't cheap, bitch."

  "I thought that was why he gave blow jobs in the alley."

  "That's just for the gas money."

  "Ah. I wondered how you were getting home tonight." We both chuckled.

  John turned toward the front of the gallery and suddenly mumbled "Holy crap."

  "Hmm?" I asked, turning toward him.

  "Your sister is looking hot, dude," He said motioning toward the entrance. "No offense."

  I looked toward the front of the gallery and saw my parents walking in, followed by Amy. She was wearing an elegant, tight black dress with matching heels, small pearl earrings and a string of pearls around her slender, gorgeous neck. Her long, dark hair pulled up in a ponytail that cascaded down one shoulder. An electric blue stripe of hair cut through the dark ponytail. Her make up was flawless and accentuated her features beautifully. With the dress and the pearls, she reminded me a little of Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Not that I'd ever seen the movie, but I'd seen images of Hepburn from that film a thousand times. I didn't recall Hepburn's dress looking like it was painted on, either. Amy was absolutely stunning. My heart knotted at the sight of her and I completely forgot to breathe. I hadn't seen her since the night before she left for Rome and it was all I could do to keep myself from running to greet her.

  She scanned the crowd a moment and her eyes locked on mine. Her face lit up in a beautiful smile and she marched straight to me, gliding through the crowd like they weren't even there. As soon as she reached me, she gave me a hug that lingered a half second longer than would probably be considered normal, but not long enough to draw attention. She pulled away and gave me a swift look. Her eyes saying so much more than we were able to say aloud in this setting.

  "Wow, Adam, this is awesome! Your work looks so great hanging up like this." she exclaimed motioning to the paintings behind me. She sounded genuinely excited about them. Probably even more than I was.

  "They really do," my mother said, as she and my father caught up with her by my side. My dad shook my hand, and mom gave me a quick hug. They all greeted John, and looked around at my paintings.

  "Thanks for coming, guys." I managed to say, fighting hard to keep my eyes off of the beautiful girl currently holding my arm at the elbow in a fierce death grip. I couldn't help noticing that several other people in the room were having trouble keeping their eyes off of her, either. For some reason, this amused me a little. Probably because I knew she was there only for me.

  "I thought you weren't going to be here?" I asked, glancing at her.

  "No way in hell was I gonna miss my big brother's first gallery show," she said, squeezing my arm in reply. "I had to switch a few flights around, found an alternate route home. I wasn't sure I was gonna pull it off and when I realized I was, I decided to surprise you."

  "Wow, that was really cool of you. I'm glad you made it." I was impressed.

  After about a half hour of small talk, while my dad concentrated on his drink and continuously checked his watch, my mom asked Amy if she was ready to go home. Amy gave me a questioning glance and said that she would rather hang out here and ride home with me if that was okay. I told them that was fine and my mom hugged us and left. My father, as usual, barely acknowledged me. I was reasonably sure that my mom or Amy had nagged him into showing up. My money was on Amy if I'd had to place a bet.

  "Finally." Amy exhaled as she smiled at me. "I kept thinking mom would get a read on me."

  It occurred to me that it was the first time our parents had seen us together since the night before she'd left for Rome as well. I'd been so distracted by everything else that I hadn't even thought of it. That was probably for the best.

  "You look absolutely incredible." I spoke quietly.

  She blushed visibly, and cut her eyes bashfully at the painting next to us. "Thank you, Adam. I wanted to look nice for you tonight."

  "You could have come in a trash bag and still been the most beautiful thing in the room. But I am completely blown away."

  Amy turned even more red, but she was beaming at me. I grumbled as more people walked up and looked at my work with various degrees of interest. I was soon having to engage in forced conversations about my work with strangers who I suspected were probably just feigning interest in my paintings so they could get close to the incredible looking girl in the black dress nearby.

  "I'm going to take a look at the other art in here for just a minute and grab a drink. I'll be right back, okay?" She asked me, squeezing my arm again.

  I nodded and watched her walk away from me, admiringly.

  John appeared at my side within moments. "You gotta let me ask her out, man."

  "You go near her and I'll rip your nuts off. So ask yourself, is it worth it?" I jokingly snarled. I knew him well enough to know he was just screwing with me.

  "That depends," He took another swig of his beer, "are you going to rip them off before or after the date?"

  We both started snickering at that line.

  "This is interesting work you have done here, Adam."

  I turned to face Dr. Miller who was looking at the so-called erotic painting.

  "Thanks, Dr. Miller." I replied, waiting for him to rip into the painting. Instead, he moved to the next one, a crimson and yellow one that I'd arbitrarily named after a song I'd been listening to at the time I painted it.

  "I know you dropped my class last semester, but I'd like to see you come back," Dr. Miller said as he looked the painting over again. "Not to inflate your ego, but you've grown a bit since I saw your last assignments."

  "This is more in my element than painting flowers in vases is all."

  "You got to learn to crawl before you can walk, Adam. You have the skills to do what you are wanting to do right now. But if you work on the basic foundations, you can do so much more and tap into your potential."

  I was genuinely surprised to see him express any interest in my work. "I'll give it some thought, Dr. Miller."

  "I urge you to do that." He said, clearly looking down his nose at me as he said it. Then he turned and moved further into the gallery.

  John had wandered away when Dr. Miller arrived and was now off talking to Megan and Man-bun, who had apparently accompanied her to the show. I chuckled to myself and looked for Amy, who now had a glass of wine and was looking at some watercolor paintings a guy had hanging a few yards away. I walked up to her as she was staring intently at a watercolor of koi fish in a pond.

  I walked with her through the rest of the gallery, as she pointed out which works she liked and didn't. She caught me up on her trip to Rome, and the chaotic trip home. Whenever art snobs would descend on my little section of wall, she did an amazing job of running interference, distracting them from trying to engage me in pretentious explanations for my work. She worked the crowd like a champ and seemed to enjoy doing it. I was impressed. Finally, the opening night for the gallery wrapped up and we were able to leave.

  As we were leaving the building, I seized an opportunity to pull Amy after me into an empty side room and kissed her hungrily. Her lips immediately parted, allowing my tongue access as she wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands, taking on a mind of their own, slid down her sides,
feeling the contours of her body. A tiny whimper escaped her lips, as she broke her mouth free of mine. "I missed you so much, baby." She cooed. "Take me home."

  * *

  Back at the house, my parents were clearly interested in hearing all about Amy's trip, and she was swiftly trapped in the living room chatting with them. After a few minutes, I excused myself to go upstairs and change. I caught a quick glance of dismay from her as I headed up the stairs, and I smirked at her. She'd be stuck answering every question they had for the next twenty minutes at a minimum. I chuckled at her predicament, in that way that siblings always enjoy watching each other squirm in front of their parents. In the meantime, I could change out of these clothes and hang out in peace.

  I swapped the shirt and tie for an old Tear Garden shirt and a pair of shorts, dug around on my computer for a few minutes until I found the album I was looking for, hit play and flopped on the bed. Without meaning to, I was asleep in minutes.

  "You abandoned me" I heard a soft, pouting voice. I cracked open one eye to discover the room was mostly dark, just a soft light from the computer screen across the room. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing one of my shirts, her hair now loose and framing her face as she looked down at me. I glanced past her and saw the bedroom door was closed.

  "Because I knew I couldn't keep my hands off of you if I stayed out there and would have gotten us in trouble." I replied, snatching her up in my arms and pulling her down on to the bed. She started giggling, knowing I was full of shit and not caring. But her giggling stopped almost immediately and was replaced with soft gasps as I ran my tongue along the side of her gorgeous, sensual neck and began planting a series of kisses along the damp stripe I'd left behind. She took my head in her hands and pulled my gaze to hers as our lips met. Her tongue shot into my open mouth and started to explore as my hands slid down her sides, wrapping her in a tight embrace. She sighed and relaxed into me.

  I let my hands drop to her thighs, feeling her smooth, bare skin. My hands slid slowly up her thighs, bypassing her panties, moving under her shirt causing her to moan into my mouth. I pulled my palms away from her skin, and allowed only my fingertips to lightly glide over her as I moved my hands up her back, she shivered at the feel of my fingers. I realized, suddenly, that she wasn't wearing a bra. My dick twitched a little at the realization, making me feel like I was in high school again, about to see my first set of real, live tits. When my hands were up to her shoulder blades, I allowed my hands to lay flat on her back and slide down her sides along her rib cage. I couldn't believe how soft and warm her skin felt as I allowed my hands to pull her tighter to me. She exhaled a pleasurable groan in my ear. Her breasts were smashed up against me and, even through our shirts, I could feel her hard nipples on my chest. She shivered again against me.

  "How..." she gasped softly, "how do you.-" the rest of her thought was lost as she smothered her mouth on my neck when my thumb brushed along the side of her breast as I was running my hands on her sides. I was gliding the hand back down toward her hip when she suddenly seized it and moved back up toward her breast. I had been planning to take my time and build up her anticipation by teasing her further, but I could take a hint. My hand cupped her soft, full breast, her hard nipple pressing into my palm. More like burning into my palm. My heart skipped a beat the moment my hand touched her, and she gasped loudly in my ear, shuddering and shoving her chest into my palm as hard as she could. Her hands held my shoulders in a death grip and I realized that her thighs were sandwiched together like a vice. She released a couple of whimpers between her gasps, and suddenly bit into my shoulder muffling a loud moan.

  Realizing what was happening, I caressed her soft flesh until her nipple fell into the gap between my thumb and forefinger. I gripped it lightly, pulled it toward me and that was all that it took. Amy's eyes were squeezed shut, her mouth on my shoulder to silence her cries, gasping for air in sharp quick breaths as she climaxed at my touch. I continued to pull her nipple gently a few moments longer, rolling it between my fingertips while using the rest of my hand to caress her breast and then slid my arms around her in a tight hug.

  When her breathing calmed down and she released my now quite sore shoulder, I whispered in her ear "Jesus, baby, you have no idea how sexy it was to hear you come for me."

  "Really?" she asked into my throat.

  "Hell, yes." I was still holding her tight against me and kissed her forehead.

  "I didn't mean to do that. Not yet, I mean." She let her voice trail off as if debating what she was going to say, then continued. "A few nights ago, I was laying in a room at the Palazzo in Rome getting myself off to a fantasy of the first time you touched me like that. I think I kinda set myself up for it."

  "Well," I chuckled, "it makes me feel better about nearly doing the same."

  Looking up at the ceiling for a moment, I slowly mumbled "holy shit."

  "What?" Amy looked up at me quizzically.

  "I just felt my little sister's tit and told her how sexy it was to listen to her have an orgasm."

  "...and it freaked you out?" Her worry was palpable.

  "It should, shouldn't it? But it doesn't. I think it's pretty bad ass that I can make you come just by touching you like that." I made a big show of buffing my nails on my shirt and smugly examining them.

  The worry fell from her face and she tried hard to suppress a smile. "I'll let you have that one. But you're going to have to put in some work before I decide whether or not you get to keep that ego of yours going."

  "You are a dirty tease."

  Amy rolled onto her side, away from me, then scooted back against me so that we were spooning. I felt her arm reaching back and feeling around on my abdomen for something and not finding it. Finally, she patted my side in annoyance. "Gimme."


  "Gimme your arm, jackass."

  I reached over and let her take my hand, which she curled up over her and held to her chest, my forearm resting between her breasts. She sighed contentedly. Her hair smelled amazing. I nuzzled her neck and kissed it. "I could kiss this neck forever. I fucking love your neck."

  The corner of her mouth twitched upward a little and she pulled her hair away from her neck to provide me more access. "I'm a dirty tease, huh?"

  "Yeah, you are." I replied between kisses on her neck. She ground her perfect ass lightly against my erection, and I flashed back on the morning I'd woken up against her in a very similar position. "Have I mentioned how incredibly beautiful you are?"

  "You have, dear brother." Amy wriggled her butt until my cock was nestled between her ass cheeks and pushed back against me harder, causing my cock to slide along her crack. Her arm snaked up above her, behind my neck, cradling my head to her. "Ooohh..." escaped her lips as the rhythm of my cock sliding against her ass was having an effect on her.

  "You..." she groaned "made quite an impression on me at... uhnn... the show tonight when you told me that."

  "You made quite an impression as well," I gasped, not quite believing that the most perfect ass I had ever seen was grinding against me right now.

  "I'm really proud of that," She breathed, groaning again as my cock made another pass. "But it kind of backfired. I wanted to be pretty for you, to make you want me. But when you looked at me like you did, and told me that... I was afraid it would become obvious how wet I was."

  My hand traveled from between her breasts to sliding back under her shirt to cup one of her breasts. She gasped, pushing her hips back against me harder. "You feel so good against me." I breathed.

  "Oh yeah?" She leaned forward and pulled her shirt off completely, dropping it to the floor. Even in just the soft light of the computer screen across the dark room, I could make out every curve and contour of her upper body, especially her breasts which were swollen in her excited state. They were full, warm and inviting. Their areola were slightly upturned and only a few shades darker than the creamy softness that they capped, with hardened, pinkish nipples the size of small mars
h mellows that I found I was dying to put my lips on. Although, to be fair, I wanted to put my lips and tongue on every square inch of her body. I pulled my own shirt off and dropped it behind me. She laid back down, facing away from me and put her ass back against my crotch.

  As soon as her bare back was against my chest, my cock twitched, and she pushed her ass back against me with a pleasurable groan. I felt my balls start to tighten and swiftly backed my crotch away from her. I didn't want to come yet. She gave me a puzzled look.

  "I'm getting a little overexcited, sorry."

  Instead of replying, she rolled over to face me and slid her hand down over my crotch. She reached her hand into my shorts and grabbed my bare cock in her hand. I let out an involuntary gasp. She let out a long ragged breath as she stroked my shaft. I moved my hands under hers and unbuttoned my shorts so that I could slide them off. She leaned up to my ear and whispered seductively, "I've been dying to know how you taste."

  She rolled with me until I was on my back and she was on top of me, her thighs straddling my stomach. I watched, completely enthralled, as she sat up, arching her back up away from me to pull her hair back behind her. It had an amazing effect of making her breasts thrust out at me. Seeing her back arched away from me in such a seductive manner just took my breath away.

  Unable to resist, my hands shot up her sides and cupped both breasts, pulled toward her nipples like a magnetic force. She jerked her arm across her face, eyes closed tight, burying her mouth in the crook of her elbow, silencing a loud moan as best she could. The heat coming from her radiated across my stomach, making me even harder. I raised up, moving one hand behind her back, and took her nipple in my mouth, giving it a hard lick with my tongue. I sucked on it like a man possessed, keeping it trapped between my lips and running my tongue all over it. First keeping my lips rolled over my teeth as I pulled it toward me, then occasionally allowing my teeth to lightly graze over it without ever biting down. The gasps above me bordered on hyper ventilation as her chest heaved. I felt her warm dampness slowly spreading over my stomach. Combined with the smell of her arousal, it made me so erect that it bordered on being painful.


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