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Erotic Stories

Page 34

by Amanda Wals

  Skye had long been in the habit of putting a copy of her work schedule on the fridge so she could easily keep track of her shifts at the pharmacy. That made it convenient for me to know when she was least likely to be home. I picked up all the extra shifts I could get at work on her days off and spent a lot of time at the gym or hitting the bar with Kevin or one of the other guys from work. I even crashed on the couch at Kevin's apartment a time or two after we'd been out drinking far too late. But I can't say I really enjoyed myself. I thought about her all the time. I missed her.

  It wasn't like I could avoid seeing her completely, of course. Every time I did see her, my heart ached to linger and talk to her. She always lit up when she saw that I was home and tried to visit with me as much as possible. She would text me occasionally to touch base and ask when I'd be home. I could tell that she missed hanging out with me. That only made it harder to keep the distance I was trying to place between us. It was for her own good, I kept telling myself. But it fucking sucked.

  * * *

  On Thursday night, I got home from a closing shift at work to discover my sister curled up in one of the big recliners in the living room reading a book. She was dressed in a pair of light blue pajama shorts with a matching long sleeve blue top. My breath caught in my throat a little, at the sight of her. The way she was folded up into the chair had caused her pajama shorts to ride up and the sexy curve of an ass cheek was partially visible. Her hair was tucked behind her ear and she absentmindedly chewed on a thumbnail as she was reading.

  I sighed inwardly, realizing I hadn't made much headway on breaking myself of my feelings for her and went upstairs. As a brother, I was failing miserably. After a quick shower, I dressed in sleep pants and an old t-shirt. I had just started streaming a Jesu album and was attempting to read an article about invasive salvinia plants on my laptop when there was a knock on the door.

  "Hey," Skye leaned on the door frame, her arms wrapped around herself, making her seem even smaller than usual. Her top hung down to mid-thigh, longer than her very short pajama shorts, giving off the illusion that there may be nothing beneath her shirt. I felt a knot building inside and tried not to focus on how attractive she looked.

  "What's up?" I asked, turning the volume down on my laptop.

  She took a couple of tentative steps into the room, dropping her hands to lightly wring them together in front of her.

  "Are you mad at me?" She asked quietly.

  "What for?" I replied, not knowing what else I could really say.

  "I dunno, we were getting along so well and now you're avoiding me. I just want to know why." Her lower lip quivered as she spoke and her eyes started shimmering as if she were about to cry. It clawed at my guts to realize that I'd hurt her feelings by trying to distance myself from my desires. I was trying to do what was right but I just couldn't win.

  "I'm not avoiding you. Work's just been busy lately." It was a weak excuse. I think we both knew it.

  "I'm not stupid, Ryan. It's more than work. What's going on?" She took a few more steps into the room. The pleading look in her eyes told me that she wasn't going to let this go.

  I stared at the carpet trying to figure out what I could possibly say that wouldn't ruin our relationship forever.

  "See? You won't even look at me," she choked as she dropped to her knees near my chair. "What did I do? Please talk to me."

  "It's not you, okay? I promise. I'm just dealing with some shit," I tried to reassure her, allowing myself to look at her.

  "What is it, then? Tell me."

  Her long eyelashes were clinging to each other as tears leaked from her beautiful brown eyes. I'd seen my sister upset plenty of times before, but this was the first time I had seen her this upset over something that was my fault. I felt horrible.

  "I.. I just. Fuck," I stammered, reaching out to cup her warm cheek in my hand. "Please don't cry."

  She nuzzled her face against my palm like a cat for a half second with her eyes closed before rapidly pulling herself up the length of my arm to bury her face in my chest. I held her close to me and resigned myself to the reality that I was not going to get out of this conversation without coming clean. A tear of my own leaked down my face as I hugged her.

  "I'm ashamed," I nearly whispered, "Ashamed, embarrassed and scared... and fucked up."

  "Why?" The mumbled reply came from the face buried in my chest.

  "I took advantage of you at the concert. After warning you about the stuff scumbags do to girls... I'm no better. Then I was so ashamed that I didn't have the nerve to apologize. I'm really sorry."

  "Oh god, no."

  She tensed up in my arms and scooted away from me.

  "Please let me finish. Don't go, yet." Scared she was going to run before I finished, I moved between her and the doorway, holding my hands out disarmingly. I felt panicked, desperate to keep her there so we could talk. This is it, asshole. You earned this, I thought. You're going to lose everything. How the fuck did it come to this?

  Skye made no move to get up from the floor, instead, she stared silently at the far wall. She was crying softly, almost shaking and looked pale. God damn, it killed me to see her crying. It was the best I could hope for, I supposed. I swallowed hard, trying to force the lump in my throat down enough to let me get through this.

  "I can't stop thinking about you," I continued. "Even before the show, I thought about you all the time. I'm fucked up, okay? I'm in love with you. I know it's wrong. Please don't hate me. I'm an asshole."

  I slumped against the door frame and sank to the floor. It was all out there now. No taking it back. I wished I could run or something. I wanted to disappear. She should be angry with me. Or disgusted. Both. I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her but I was afraid. Would she ever want me to touch her again after finding out how fucked up I was? Her own goddamned brother just told her he was in love with her. I felt like the world was caving in around me.

  "Look, I know I'm fucked up but I'll fix this, I swear. I'll move out and get my shit together. I'm gonna see a shrink or something. Get myself sorted out."

  "No!" She nearly screamed it at me this time, with such alarm in her voice that I jumped reflexively.

  "You aren't listening. I'm in love with you and I... I can't be."

  "I am listening. But you're wrong."

  "What do you mean?" I stared at her, puzzled by her reply.

  "The concert was my fault, not yours. We were standing so close at the show that I felt you behind me. I saw the height of the rail and realized if I stood on the bottom rung, it would be just about right for my butt to be even with your... to feel you against me."

  She drew her knees up and folded her arms, burying her face in the crook of her arms.

  "I don't understand."

  "I had to get your attention. You keep talking about leaving. We'll never be the same. Never see each other. Not like we do now. I couldn't let you go without you knowing how I feel about you," She paused to look up at me, her eyes shimmering in the dimly lit room. "How much you mean to me."

  My mind was going a thousand miles an hour, trying to make sense of what she was saying. For some reason, my eyes focused on an old stain on the carpet where she had spilled a fruit drink years before.

  "Pretty stupid, right?" She asked with a mocking tone of voice. "It sounds so dumb now. At the time it made sense to me. Grind on your brother at a concert. Go for it. That's the best way to finally tell him you love him, right? And everyone says I'm so smart."

  Skye scooted across the floor to me and reached her hand up to softly stroke along my jaw guiding my gaze over to meet hers.

  "I love you, Ryan."

  The words thundered in my ears, though she had barely whispered them. This is a bad idea, I told myself. You could ruin her life. She's just confused. That's all. But the look in her eyes as she stared into mine told a different story. I could see the adoration in them as she leaned in closer.

  I tilted my head toward her voice and felt
the tip of my nose brush lightly across her cheek. She smelled amazing. We were so close to each other. My breath caught in my throat. I'm really about to kiss her, I thought to myself. My heart was hammering hard enough to feel like it could burst out of my chest at any moment.

  Suddenly our lips touched. It was soft at first, our lips barely brushing against each other, but one of my hands came up to cradle the back of her head and we began to kiss in ways that siblings shouldn't. I could taste a hint of her berry flavored lip gloss that triggered a long forgotten memory of her getting it for Christmas years before and pestering me into trying it on. My lips parted and I ran my tongue lightly across her lower lip. Her own lips parted a moment later and I felt her small tongue collide with my own. A soft moan escaped her, a sexy sound that I'd never heard my little sister make before.

  I don't know how long we kissed. I only knew that I'd never felt a kiss like it before. Her soft lips were completely intoxicating. The way that she would trap my lower lip between hers for just a moment as she kissed drove me wild. I found her little gasps for breath when our lips would part to be sexy as hell. When we finally broke for air, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled softly.

  "I've always wondered what that would be like," she whispered, smiling as she traced my jawline with her fingers. She leaned up and kissed my jaw where her fingers had been, working her way up to my ear.

  My hand slid down her side and dropped to rest on her bare thigh. I caressed the soft, smooth flesh of her hip, feeling and memorizing every contour as my hand moved closer to her ass.

  Skye's breath quickened a little as my fingers reached the top of her hip and I hesitated, unsure if I was pushing her.

  "Touch me," she breathed in my ear.

  "This is a bad idea," I whispered, trying to convince myself to stop.

  "The best bad idea you've ever had."

  Her lips were still next to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine every time she spoke. She climbed the rest of the way into my lap, using my shoulders for balance.

  I could feel the door frame pressing into my back but it was easy to ignore the discomfort with her beautiful lithe body pressed up against my front as a distraction. A moment later we were lost in another kiss.

  My arms were wrapped around her, holding her close as we kissed. She grabbed one of my wrists and guided my hand to slide down her body to rest on her ass. Accepting her invitation, I felt the full curve of her tight little butt cheek. It fit perfectly in my hand and I gave an appreciative squeeze. She let out a ragged breath against my neck and began kissing me more feverishly.

  She giggled through our kiss as she straddled me, clearly pleased with our change in position. I groped her ass with both hands now, kneading the firm globes as I pulled her tighter against me. I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy against my hard cock even through our pajamas and it made my dick throb with need. She ground her pelvis into mine, moaning softly as we continued making out.

  Somewhere along the way, her hands made their way under my shirt. She attempted to pull it off and I obliged by leaning forward from the wall a little to help. Skye kissed my bare chest a few times, running her hands over my abs and up to my shoulders.

  I began unbuttoning her pajama top while she smiled nervously at me. Inch by tantalizing inch, the smooth, pale skin between her breasts came into view. Blushing, she took a deep breath and shrugged out of the pajama top revealing a breathtaking pair of breasts. They were perhaps a little on the smaller side of average, but full and perky. Her areola were a dark rose color, standing out in contrast to the pale skin of her chest. Hard nipples, a little larger than pencil erasers jutted out proudly from her chest.

  I couldn't help staring. I had never seen my beautiful little sister topless before and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped at the sight of her.

  Unable to resist any longer, I slid my hands up along her sides and cupped her tits. They felt warm, smooth, and delightful. I massaged them allowing her hard nipples to slide between my fingers so I could catch them and pull them gently as I rubbed. Her breathing became faster again as she closed her eyes and she held one of her hands over my own.

  "Let's move to the bed," she panted.

  Whatever resolve I had left to resist her was crumbling fast. I could no longer hear the voice in my head that had been telling me that this was wrong. It was crushed under the monumental revelation that she loved me and obviously wanted me as badly as I did her.

  It took a couple of tries for us to get up and move to the bed. Each time one of us would try to move, the other would pull our bodies close again. We were so wrapped in our need that feeling the lack of warmth from our bodies against each other seemed unbearable. She giggled playfully at the third failed attempt and latched her lips to my neck, kissing me as she purposely ground her pussy against me.

  I finally forced myself to my feet, keeping one arm wrapped around her back, taking her with me. She locked her legs around my waist, chuckling into my neck as I carried her toward the bed. Her laughter stopped halfway there, followed by a low groan when her pelvis slipped down a little, making my cock slide hard against her sex. I cupped her butt in one of my hands to support her and one of my fingers accidentally settled in the crack of her ass making her buck a little and eliciting another pleasurable groan from her.

  "One day," she growled, "I want you to take me like this."

  I nearly fired my load right there on the spot. I'd never heard her talk like that. The hungry tone in her voice and her words rocketed right through me.

  "Ooh, you liked that idea. I felt like you get harder." Her hot breath washed over my ear as she panted out each sentence.

  I don't know if I got harder or not, but she definitely had me turned on.

  I felt the edge of the bed hit my shins and turned my back to it before sitting down, bringing her with me. I kept my right hand on her ass, kneading her flesh while leaning back so I could massage her tits with my other hand. She rolled her hips against me, groaning loudly.

  "You're unbelievable," I whispered.

  She smiled from ear to ear as I pulled her back down to me and rolled on top of her. I kissed my way from her neck down to her breasts, while she purred contentedly and ran her hands through my hair.

  "Oh god, that's..." She didn't finish her thought as I began sucking on her right nipple. Her hands held my head in place as I continued to lick and suck her nipple. I loved how her nipple became even harder between my lips. Her hips bucked up toward me as I worshiped her breast. I moved to her other tit and gave it the same treatment while sliding my hand into her shorts. I felt no hair as I began moving my fingers gently over her wet slit.

  The throaty moan she released when my finger parted her lips sounded so sexy that my dick jumped in my pants. I'd always loved the sounds that women made in bed and Skye was delivering some of the most erotic ones I had ever heard.

  I gently slid my middle finger into her and began fucking her with it in a slow rhythm as her hips raised against my hand with each thrust. She pulled my face up to hers and gazed at into my eyes through half-closed lids. Her panting breaths were increasing in volume as I picked up the pace with my hand. I was breathing pretty hard, myself, feeling my need for her growing with every passing moment. I added a second finger in her wet pussy and put gentle pressure on her clit with my palm. The mildly musky scent of her arousal hung in the air around us, triggering a flashback of her being on my shoulders at the concert. It hadn't been my imagination that I smelled her, I thought.

  Skye's hands roamed my back and shoulders, sometimes gripping the back of my neck for a moment before continuing to rub over my upper body. The look in her eyes became more focused and intense as she stared into my own. Her breathing was more harsh and erratic, punctuated with little whimpers and moans.

  "I'm gonna..." She began but suddenly slammed her mouth against mine in a kiss. A hard kiss. Her breath entered my lungs in a muted scream as her body writhed uncontrollably below me. Her orgasm hit her
hard, shaking her to her core. I couldn't have removed my hand if I wanted to as her legs were squeezed together around it with all her might. I held her against me with my free hand, continuing to kiss her as her twitching slowed and the death grip she had on my shoulders began to loosen.

  Watching her orgasm was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen in my life. I'd always made sure to get every girl off, not that there were many. It was a point of pride with me. Those had been nothing compared to this. My god, was everything about this girl so amazing or was I just this in love with her?

  My sister went limp on the bed beneath me, breathing hard. A sheen of sweat had formed across her chest. I rolled off of her, giving her room to breathe and cool down. I brought my hand up to my face and licked the fingers clean that had been inside her, purposely letting her see me do it. She blushed slightly at the sight but smiled. My erection ached for attention, but I forced myself to let her catch her breath.

  "That was incredible." She breathed, reaching a hand across my chest. "I've never cum that hard in my life."

  "You look so beautiful," I replied as my eyes wandered over her topless body. I shifted my body closer to her and she rolled to her side, resting her head on my shoulder.

  Her hand drifted down and felt my hard cock that was straining against my sleep pants. She felt its length over the fabric, causing me to groan and raise my hips toward her hand.

  "Bigger than I thought," she whispered huskily. From what I'd read online as a teen, my equipment was well within the normal range, and I'd never given it much more thought. I'd never had complaints from the few women who'd been kind enough to give it a look.

  Her fingers snaked into my pants and wrapped around my shaft. She slowly moved her hand up and down my length. It felt great but I needed more right now.


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