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Forever After

Page 5

by Night, Alexa

  “No walk of shame for this lady!” I said to myself enthusiastically.

  Chapter 10

  “You invited Declan Press out to dinner with us?” Samantha asked in irritated disbelief.

  “He wants to meet you guys.” I jumped to his defense.

  “You’ve known him for two fucking days, Sarah!” Sam threw her hands in the air.

  “So? Let me enjoy being caught up in my whirlwind romance, Sam.”

  “I just don’t want to see you hurt by this guy.” She frowned and pursed her lips into a thin line.

  “I can handle it. If I can handle my boyfriend leaving me to marry my sister, I think I can handle Declan Press wanting to fuck me.”

  She dropped into the chair across from my desk, the ginormous arrangement moved to a side table, and studied me for some time. Sighing heavily, she looked out the window, back at me, out the door, then back at me.

  “Sam.” I leaned forward in my chair and folded my hands under my chin. “I like him. Just be happy for me and meet him. Without the Sam attitude.”

  “Fine, Sarah. He can come to dinner with us tonight. But if Declan comes, I’m bringing Brandon.”


  “So much for girls’ night,” Sam grumbled, pouting.

  “Sam, stop. A billionaire wants to have dinner with us. Hell, maybe we won’t have to pay,” I said.

  “I guess that wouldn’t be so bad.”

  “I promise once you get to know him, you’ll like him. He’s a good guy.”

  “It’s not about me not liking him, Sarah. I just worry about you. You’re my best friend. I don’t want to see you broken-hearted again.”

  “I won’t be. I promise.” I grabbed her hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

  “How was the date last night?”

  “Amazing. He’s the most romantic man I’ve ever met.”

  “Really?” She arched her eyebrows at me.

  “Yeah. He sent those roses with a card. In the card was a ticket to the symphony. He had a limo pick me up and take me to Armanda’s. I was really upset at first because the driver said Declan wasn’t going to be there. Well, while I sat at the table a waiter gave me a rose.”

  “A waiter?”

  “It wasn’t a waiter! It was Declan! He set up the elaborate ruse to surprise me with the dinner and rose. After, we went to the symphony and back to his place,” I gushed, feeling my cheeks heat up as I recounted my evening.

  “His place?” she asked.

  “It’s gorgeous.”


  “And he gave me the most amazing night ever,” I shouted like schoolgirl.

  “Is he good?”

  “So good. By far the best I’ve ever had.”

  “Hmm, well at least he knows how to pleasure a woman.” She laughed.

  “That much he definitely knows how to do. Even if we never fall in love, as long as I can keep fucking him, I’m good.”

  “Do you want to fall in love?” Samantha inquired. Her piercing gaze always struck down to my soul. She knew when I was lying. She knew me better than I knew myself.

  I sat back in my chair and thought for a long moment. “I suppose falling love wouldn’t be so terrible.”

  “Miss Evers?” Gabby knocked on my door.


  “This package just came for you.” She placed a short, narrow box on my desk.

  She hung around as Sam and I examined it.

  “Who’s it from?” Sam asked.

  “I don’t know. There’s no card.” I picked up the box, looking for some indicator who it was from.

  “Open it!” she urged.

  I smiled and tore at the paper. A black velvet box was beneath the beautiful blue paper.

  “A jewelry box?” I asked.

  “Looks like it.” Gabby joined us at the desk.

  I opened the top and gasped. A beautiful gold chain rested against the cushion inside. A sapphire pendant surrounded by diamonds stared up at me.

  “Oh wow.” I took it out to get a better look.

  “Put it on!” Gabby’s eyes sparkled as she stared at the necklace.

  “Is it from Declan?” Sam wondered out loud.

  “Who else could afford something like this?” I held the gem up and watched as it twirled in the light.

  My phone rang as I clasped the necklace around my neck. I didn’t recognize the number, but answered.


  “Did you receive my package?” Declan’s soothing voice on the other end asked.

  “I did.”

  “And?” he asked.

  “I’m wearing it.”

  “Good. I thought you would like it.”

  “It’s amazing, Declan. I love it. But why?”

  “Why what?” he asked innocently.

  “Why did you send it to me?”

  “Because I wanted to and because I can.”

  “I don’t want you to go out of your way or spend ludicrous amounts of money on me,” I stated, feeling guilty that he had spent anything on me. I should have told him I wasn’t the type of girl he had to spend all his money on. It made me feel so awkward.

  “I can spend my money however I please.” His tone was cool and very final.

  “But why me?”

  “Why not you?”

  “Declan Press, you are too much.”

  “I’ll see you at seven.”

  The line went dead. He was like a tornado. He blew in from nowhere and was completely upheaving my happy, crazy, cat-lady life.

  I sat back down in my chair with a smile plastered on my face. He made me feel like a giddy schoolgirl and it scared the shit out of me.

  Should I let him in? Do I open myself in?

  “Was it from him?” Gabby asked, nearly chewing her lips off.

  “Yeah.” I chuckled, shaking my head.

  “Why did he send it?” Sam watched my facial expressions.

  “He felt like it.”

  “Damn, you’re so lucky!” Gabby exclaimed, shaking her head and ambling away.

  “Are you lucky?” Sam asked, arching her brows at me again.

  I swear her eyebrows are always in a perpetual state of arch.

  I shrugged my shoulders while letting my fingers trace the pendant. “Perhaps. I’m not going to complain, though.”

  “And what if he just leaves?”

  “Then I’ll deal with it.” I didn’t look up at her.

  She shook her head and stood. “I have a client coming in twenty minutes. I have to go get things ready. I’ll see you tonight?”

  “Of course. Eight o’clock at Autumn. I’ll call the others to let them know the men folk are invited now.”

  Sam laughed as she disappeared down the hall.

  Chapter 11

  My workday flew by. Before I knew it, I was home and getting ready for dinner. Bob took up his usual place on my bed as I went through every article of clothing I owned. Again. He let out his usual meow in protest to me going out, but it didn’t seem to affect him much, especially when I gave him an extra treat.

  “Be good, Bob. I’ll see you tonight.” I planted a kiss on the cat’s head.

  He responded by rolling onto his back and purring.

  “Silly cat.”

  I exited the front doors of my apartment building as Declan pulled up in his Audi R8. A few guys who were standing on a corner waiting for their bus stopped talking and stared at the impressive car. He got out and met me with a kiss.

  “You look lovely.” He took in the blue chiffon dress I finally decided on.

  “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  He smiled holding o
pen the passenger-side door. The engine roared to life and we were speeding toward the restaurant. The golden letters of Autumn were lit up and stood out against the sandstone of the building. I took his hand and approached the oak podium. I took a deep breath and followed the hostess to our table. Our original dinner for four had turned into a dinner party for seven. Veronica sat there with her eyes downcast. She bit her bottom lip as it trembled. I had forgotten she wouldn’t be with anyone. I felt like the world’s biggest asshole.

  “Declan?” I whispered to him.


  I pursed my lips before continuing with my odd question. “This is going to seem like a strange request, but do you have any single friends who may be handsome?”

  He looked at me with a shocked and somewhat hurt expression on his face.

  “Not for me,” I reassured him.

  “I don’t understand.” He cocked his head to the side and brooded.

  My eyes darted toward Veronica and his lit up.

  “If you all will excuse me for just a moment.” Declan got up from the table. He vanished outside for about five minutes.

  When he returned, he had a huge grin on his face.

  “What was that about?” Sam asked suspiciously.

  “What?” Declan played the innocent card rather well.

  “You left to make a call I assume and come back all smiles.”

  I groaned and shook my head.

  “Business,” he said coldly.

  “Mm, hmm.” She pushed her salad around on the plate.

  I leaned toward Sam. “Quit it.”

  “What?” She glared at the spinach that dared not be stabbed by her fork.

  “He’s not up to anything. Trust me.”


  I squeezed his knee. She may be suspicious of everything he does, but I knew what he was doing. Moving past Sam and her nosiness, we had wonderful conversation through the appetizer. Veronica didn’t seem to say much or eat. I could see the misery plastered on her face. My heart broke for her. She was in the same spot I was just two years ago when I found out he was fucking my sister. I knew just how she felt. Her worthless ex-husband was currently shacked up with his knocked-up secretary.

  “Excuse me. I’m sorry but this gentleman says that he is part of your party.” The hostess motioned to a tall, dark-haired man who looked eerily similar to Declan, only not quite as good looking.

  “I don’t think we know him,” Liza mumbled.

  “Forgive me,” Declan started, “my cousin Liam is in town visiting from Ireland. He asked where I was and when I told him he insisted on meeting everyone. Does anyone mind?” He directed his piercing gaze at Veronica.

  She looked up and her mouth dropped. I could see her cheeks turn pink and her eyes sparkle. A telltale sign she was interested.

  “I think he should join us,” she said quietly.

  Sam looked from me to Declan, then at the excited Veronica. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Liam took a seat beside Veronica. The girls looked at me with sly smiles on their faces as we sipped at our cocktails. We chatted and watched our lonely friend smile and giggle for the first time since her divorce.

  Declan solidified his good-guy position with them and I knew that I would no longer get shit for our crazy whirlwind romance.

  “That was amazing.” Liza eyed the empty plate that had once held some sort of decadent chocolate cake on it.

  “It must have been. You ate the entire thing.” Her boyfriend, Rory, laughed.

  “Seeing as how we have finished dinner, would anyone object to cocktails at my home?” Declan suggested to the cheery group.

  Nobody objected. We left in good spirits, laughing and chatting while we waited as the valet service retrieved our cars.

  “Sarah, I want to formerly introduce you to my cousin Liam.” Declan faced the man. “Liam, this is Sarah.”

  “Miss Evers, my simple cousin did not do your beauty justice in describing you,” he said in a thick Irish accent. He took my hand and lightly kissed the back of it.

  Declan rolled his eyes. “Liam will inherit the Ireland office from grandfather and run things in Europe.”

  “Ah, yes, the old family business.”

  “That is wonderful.” I blushed as he released my hand and stood straight up. He was so tall.

  “I enjoy the work.” Liam smiled at me. “Thank you for inviting me. Veronica is simply delightful.”

  “Please, be good to her. We haven’t seen her laugh in a long time.”

  He winked at me and returned to her side, helping her into his car.

  “They like you,” I said as the car roared to life once again.

  “Good,” he replied, taking my hand in his.

  I leaned over, kissing his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Making Veronica happy.”

  “If it makes you happy, then it makes me happy. Plus Liam has been begging me since he got here to introduce him to a gorgeous woman. Unfortunately, I already decided I wanted you. I hope he can settle for her,” he said, smiling coyly.

  “You’re awful.” I tried to suppress my smile.

  “I have my moments.”

  We continued on in silence, my friends following behind.

  I could get used to this. I sighed happily as we got out of the car.

  His house was lit up and spectacular.

  “This is your house?” Meredith asked, joining us at the door.


  “It’s amazing,” she said breathlessly, turning in a circle to get a view of the entire front yard and front of the house.

  “Thank you.”

  Declan took my hand and led us down a long hallway. A massive oak door revealed a set of stairs. At the bottom, I realized we were in a rather impressive game room. The guys high-fived and patted him on the back. He smiled and seemed to relax a bit. I cocked my head to the side and watched as he took off his button-down shirt. I chuckled when I saw the zombie T-shirt he wore underneath. He glanced at me and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Anyone want a beer?”

  “What ya got?” Brandon asked, running his hand down the long, smooth bar.

  They all went behind the bar oohing over Declan’s wide assortment of brews. He emerged with a bottle of red wine.

  “So he’s not so bad.” Sam nudged me in the back.

  “I know.”

  “This place is incredible.” Liza sat on one of the oversized leather couches.

  “I know.” I laughed.

  “How many times have you been here?” Meredith sat on a sectional in front of a home-theater-sized T.V.

  “This is the second time,” I confessed as my cheeks blushed from the grilling.

  Veronica danced toward us. Twirling and giggling. I couldn’t help but laugh. I hadn’t seen the girl so happy since, actually I couldn’t remember when.

  “You’re in an awfully good mood.” Sam smiled at her.

  “He is amazing! And that accent! Oh my god.” She looked at me. “Thank you, Sarah.”

  “Hey, it was all Declan.” I put my hands up in defense.

  “He’s the best ever!” she squealed.

  I watched as the beautiful Liam walked up behind her and spun her around. She gasped aloud and her face lit up. He brought her into his arms and let his lips linger on hers. I blushed and glanced down at the floor.

  Wow. I wonder if they’re all so passionate.

  Liam smiled while he dipped Veronica down, planting another lingering kiss on her.

  And they all move rather fast.

  “Geez,” Liza muttered.

  “Are they all so public with their displays of affection?” Meredith laughed.
  The men shook their heads while Declan rolled his eyes. Our gazes met, and I could feel my cheeks burning. He winked at me before moseying toward the pool tables with the others. Liam finally put Veronica upright, kissed her hand, bowed low to the floor, and sashayed away. The guys clapped him on the back and laughed.

  Veronica pretended to faint onto the couch. “Ladies, I am in lust!”

  I laughed out loud. “In lust?”

  “Yes, I am in lust. I want the D, ladies!”

  “What is wrong with you, Veronica?” Liza had to put her hand on a wall she laughed so hard.

  “You sound like a teenager,” Sam added, shaking her head.

  “I feel like one!” she proclaimed, rolling onto her stomach and putting her head in her hands. “I have never felt so alive!”

  “Well you go and you get that D!” I said a little too loud.

  The guys stopped and looked at us. We all burst into a fit of giggles. We hadn’t acted so silly in years. It felt like the old days. Before we had responsibilities. Before we had heartache. Before we knew what life was like. As the night wound down, Declan insisted everyone stay.

  “I have to work in the morning,” Sam protested.

  “I’ll be sure you’re up early enough to do what you need to do,” Declan replied.

  “I work, too,” I said through a yawn.

  “How about we all get up at eight?” he suggested.

  “That sounds good. That gives us, what?, two hours to be in the office?” I asked Sam, who was leaning against her boyfriend.

  She nodded sleepily.

  “I have to be at work at nine-thirty,” Meredith told us.

  “That’s plenty of time,” I said.

  “I already called off!” Veronica said through another fit of giggles.

  We turned to look at Liza, who was holding on to Rory.

  “What?” she asked, looking at us as if we were crazy for asking her.


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