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In Our Dream

Page 3

by Don P. Bick

my purpose. Which cost me nothing, considering the prize.

  Your picture returns to me. The softness of your face. The sensuous lines of your mouth. That precious smile. ­­The sparkle of life within your eyes. The fire inside is rekindled. Flares up. And consumes me.

  I burn. And walk through the burning ground, becoming cleansed. Purified. Filled with the wondrous beauty of life. With the pure essence of spirit. With love. As a golden chalice filled to overflowing, I spill forth my heart. My life's blood. Into your hands. Unto your safe keeping. For your consumption. And yours alone.

  I long to see you. To hold you. To walk hand in hand in the sunshine. To share an hour. An afternoon. A week. Perhaps a lifetime. To gaze into your eyes. And hear you laugh. Just to be in your presence. Even for a moment.

  And I will. If only in my mind. For I miss you.

  Won't you reconsider?


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  Aspire. Raise the aspiration of your heart’s desire to the highest realms of possibility. For all things are possible. Know that what appears to be is not. Behind all is truth. Is life. Always shining. Always radiant. Always awaiting birth. And the dawning of a new day.

  Soar through the ethers. Along the lighted passage. Amidst the stars. Lining the gauntlet with their radiant splendor. Showing the way. Guiding. Encouraging. Protecting.

  Pierce the golden disk. And alight upon a lone glorious star. A point of light within a sphere of darkness. A sanctuary of peace. Of bliss beyond description. Of love which passeth understanding. And begin life anew.

  Be not afraid of change, which is death. It is not. Nor will it ever be. Dare to enter the fire. Tread the burning ground with head held high. Knowing you are the undying soul. The immortal One. A fragment of love. And the pure essence of life. Filled with the wisdom of the ages.

  When our Earthly work is finished. For this time. We will meet in the upper chambers. Share the fruits of our experience. And plan our next adventure. Together.

  Then once more we will enter the darkness of the lower reaches. Through sacrifice. Helping to irradiate the sons of men. To work on the plan. To pass whatever love we are able. And give, so that all units of life may live more abundantly.

  Be light of heart. Be uplifted. Cast your weary eyes upward. To that secret place where dwells the most high. To the center of your own heart. And know yourself to be life itself. And love. For there is naught else.

  Soon we will rest. And share a good story. And laugh. Before our next sojourn

  But above all that, we will live. Forever. And beyond.


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  ‘There’ is a place. It's very near. So close you could touch it, if you knew but how. Are you interested?

  We're here. It is ‘There’.

  ‘There’ is blue. Blue is the color of love. ‘There’ is also white. White is the color of purity. ‘There’ is pure. Here is not.

  No pain. No heartbreak. No loss.

  ‘There’ is free. Freedom of movement within the limitless reaches of the starry vault. Thought is boundless.

  Love is eternal. Love is ‘There’.

  Close your eyes. Now open your heart. Wider. As wide as you can.

  Now let your heart soar with your mind. Up. Ever upwards. The higher it goes the lighter it gets, the more it becomes filled with love. Your love. My love. Our love.

  ‘There’ is happiness. Togetherness.

  Now take my hand. Firmly. I have it.

  We're ‘There’.


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  The Sun. Heat. Mirages. A blade of grass wilts under the direct assault of the fiery celestial orb. A flower bows its head under the strain. I sit on the beach, looking out over the incoming waves. With you on my mind.


  The Forest. A moist path. It leads me deeper into the quiet and peaceful sanctuary. Beneath a high overhead canopy. The trees are so thick the bright summer sunshine barely penetrates to the floor. A lone deer stands up ahead on the edge of the walkway. I stop and watch. It’s cool in the shade. I wish you were here.

  A Sunset. Multiple streaks of various hues paint the sky. The sun turns bright orange. It appears stationary in the distance. Blazing but tempered by the cooling air. Then it settles below the horizon. The colors brighten for a moment, then slowly fade. Another day has ended.

  Leaves. Yellows. Reds. And gold. The hillsides are covered with breathtaking color. I watch a single leaf float downward from it's once high perch. There is no wind. Another falls. I continue to watch. As we used to, together.


  Clouds. Large, billowing and white blow across the blue background of the midday sky. Dark shadows pass over me. Alternating light. Reflections of my mind.


  The wind. Leaves blowing, swirling from the trees. It penetrates to the deepest reaches of my warmth. It reminds me of the cold and emptiness inside. I walk with my head lowered, eyes down. Missing you.

  Skies. Overcast. Dark and menacing. Deep gray permeates everything. The air seems heavy and sluggish. Oppressive. No difference can be discerned on the horizon. Dull color, gray. I grasp the mood. It becomes me. I walk with it.

  Snow. The first tiny flake falls. It lands upon the dormant grass. It stays. Another. Soon the grass is no longer visible. All is white. The trees have donned their winter clothing. Fireplace smoke fills the air. I miss the warmth of your hand.


  A Barren landscape. The wind sweeps across the brown grass. The fields are empty. Deserted. The trees are bare. Stark, skeletal tree branches hang heavily in the wet cold air. The heavens have been painted a permanent gray. The scene underscores my loneliness.


  Rain. Nurturing drops of water. Falling. I can almost hear new life drinking their fill of the fresh pure liquid. The streams begin to flow. Life’s blood. It cleanses away the gray, winter washes out to sea. I stir inside. I begin to feel different, better. The pain eases.

  Hills. Covered in light green. The beginning. New buds form on dormant trees. They pulse to life. Birds chirping. Emerging life. Hope. Promise. My thoughts turn to future possibilities. I accept your loss.


  Flowers. Fields of bright colors. Hues of every shade. Petals opening. Bees flying, collecting pollen. Seeds cracking beneath the fertile soil. The first tender shoots emerge into the light of day. They kiss life. And fulfill their destiny. My world looks brighter. I look upon your memory, fondly.

  Life courses through my veins once again.

  The Firewalker

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  Dancing. Shimmering. Searing. Burning particles of life. Covered with white and blue tipped flame. Flickering. Fanning wind whipped emotions. And skipping across the endless boundaries of the mind.

  I stand. Alone.

  Downward I gaze. Into the dim retrospect of time. The misty depths are covered with water. My mind fills with pain of past memories. While my emotions spin in utter turmoil. I turn cold as I plunge beneath the frigid liquid and descend. Deeper. And deeper into the murky past.

  The journey begins. And the past becomes my future.

  I am lifted in death. Each time I plunge anew. Always the spiritual warrior. Forever attempting to achieve the mountaintop. Struggling to liberation. To salvation. But on my own terms. And in my own time.

  Time appears as a sheet of glass. Though it exists not. Yet they stack against the heavens. They separate within my mind. I see myself move forward against the strife. Bleed while attacking the enemy. And I help not. Nor do I seem to care. I send out strength guised as nurturing love. But my other self knows it not. For there is only focus in a lifetime of self difficulty.

  I continue to watch. And wait.

  Each new success brings reward. A fire is ignited. It smolders within the deepest chamber of my heart. A tiny flickering flame of blue begins to warm. And the struggle renews in earnest.

  The fire grows. The heat builds. Time afte
r time I dive into the icy cold. Up the rocky pathway I fight. Sword in hand. The enemy seeking to vanquish me from the mountainside. I persist. And move forward with each battle scar and drop of blood lost on the steep way.

  My vision begins to clear. A light penetrates the darkness. I climb higher. Faster. The skies lighten. The world is brighter from my vantage. And the fire rages within me.

  The top. I reached the highest pinnacle. Fire. Fire everywhere. The mountaintop is covered with the fire of life eternal. The fire of pure love.

  Within me the flames beckon. I recognize myself on the other side of the inferno. The coals are white. The heat without equal. My emotions are calmed. My mind rests in decision. And my heart consumes me with fervent, ardent love.

  I step into the fire. And walk the burning ground. The heat hurts me not. The flames burn me not. I’m consumed with passion. The love rages brightly from within the deepest reaches of my heart. I join my other. I become whole. I merge with the fire. I am the fire. And I stand alive.

  For I am the Firewalker.


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