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Cursed Angels

Page 17

by Edwards, Anna

  My finger moving on the mouse is hidden from view, and out of the corner of my eye, I continue to read the file, desperately searching for what I need.

  “The hormones making you temperamental, Rebekah? Maybe I should take over for a bit,” I offer with a smirk.

  “Fuck you, Archer,” she curses and powers toward me just as I find the information I seek. A victorious smile crosses my lips, and Rebekah pales as I turn the screen around.

  “Rebekah, care to tell me how you got pregnant when you voluntarily elected to have your womb removed six years ago?”

  Chapter 31


  My mouth falls open, but I shut it quickly knowing that no words I utter now will make any sense. What the fuck does he mean?

  “Archer, I think it’s time we escorted our guests—”

  Stepping forward, I pin the bitch with a glare. “What the fuck does he mean?” I voice the question that’s been on repeat in my head for the past few moments.

  “Nothing you have to concern yourself with, Samara,” the bitch smirks over at me, and I’ve had enough. Dropping to the ground, I pull at the blade that’s hidden in the strap around my ankle. From my position on the floor, I fling the blade toward her, the metal lodging itself into her shoulder.

  Seconds later, she’s on the floor, and the room is bombarded with guards. Archer steps in their way, holding up a hand. Rebekah's screeches fill the room, and I can’t help but smile at the lying bitch.

  My blood burns as it races through me, reminding me of what she did to me. Crawling toward her, I reach for the knife as the men step even closer toward me. Guns trained on me as obscenities fly from the wounded woman’s mouth.

  “Lock the bitch up! Kill her!”

  A right hook from Archer takes one of the men down, just as Hunter enters and grabs the other. A shot rings through the air, and Archer’s on the floor, blood spurting from his leg, and this time it’s my screaming that deafens me.

  The knife in my hand is ripped from my grip, and Rebekah is on me, her legs on either side as she straddles me. We fight as equals, her tiny fist slams into my face, causing pain to radiate all the way from my cheekbone down to my jaw.

  My hands find her throat, the slender column easy to grip as I pull her closer, our faces inches apart. “Let me make one thing clear,” I hiss in her face, ignoring the shouts, the punches, and even the crack of bones I hear in the background. Right now, it’s just me and her.

  Hunter is close by. I can feel the tension radiating from him.

  “This is the end,” I promise her, tugging on my hip blade and plunging it into her stomach. Twisting the metal instrument, I ensure I’m drenched in blood. The violence that courses through my veins burns like a bright fucking light, and I smile when I see her eyes widen with shock, fury, and rage.

  “Y-y-you f-f-f-ucking b-b-btich,” she simpers as blood dribbles from her mouth, over her lips, and falls on my face.

  “When they drag you into Hell, remember my face,” I tell her, pulling the weapon from her torso, and sliding it along the flesh of her chest. She screams, but the sound is gurgled as crimson bubbles fill her mouth, and I’m soaked in the metallic liquid.

  Her body slumps on mine, and even though I wanted her to suffer, being bathed in the lifeforce of my enemy is something I can now bask in. Suddenly, I’m dragged to my feet. Rebekah’s body falls with a thud to the floor beside me.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Look at me, sweetheart.” Archer’s voice cuts through the rage flowing through me, and I’m met with those eyes. His eyes. “Look at me.” His order is repeated, and I’m here, beside him. The men who were trying to kill us earlier are now standing to attention.

  Archer is staring at me, but my attention is on them. “What’s going on?”

  “They believe I’m their leader now. It’s how I have to keep things until we can remove the chips. I’ve turned off the system, but they're still under the spell somehow.”

  “What if we can’t save them?” I question, looking up at him once more.

  “We will. Hunter is taking the innocents out to the vans that have pulled up, and Mikaela is going with him. I need them free before we attempt to take down all the soldiers.”

  Nodding, I want to believe this will be easy, but nothing about these years of revenge have been easy. We’ve spent our lives broken, cursed with the darkness that was inflicted on us, and now I’m unsure of what to do or say. My vision turns blurry, and when I blink, I feel the salty emotion trickle its way down my cheeks.

  It’s over.

  “Is this it?” I ask, my voice croaky, and I glance down at Rebekah’s lifeless form on the floor at my feet as she bleeds out over the plush carpet. She’s not moving. Her slim frame is nothing more than a shell of a woman, a monster.

  “This is it,” Archer assures me. His arms wrap around me, pulling me into his solid frame, and I allow myself to cry. Two soldiers make their way closer to us, but when Archer waves his hand, they offer a nod. “Take the bodies out. Clean up in here.”

  His order is swift, and the two young men obey without question. They move around us as Archer walks us to the sofas in the corner, sets me down on the cushions, and settles beside me.

  “Mara.” His voice causes me to snap my eyes to his. “I love you. The girl I was meant to train, Reagan, she was merely a toy in Rebekah’s game. I kept her safe,” he tells me, and I see no lie in his gaze.

  “A-and she’s . . .”

  “She’s nineteen, an innocent brought it to please the soldiers. She would’ve been what you were, or would’ve been if I didn’t offer my life for yours.” His confession stills me, and I realize he did everything he could to save me. I wanted to hurt him for what he did to me, but he was just as broken as I was.

  “I never want to be without you, Archer,” I tell him. “I can’t give you a family, but—”

  “That doesn’t matter to me. You’ve heard of adoption, right?” he offers with a kind smile. “There are other ways. All I truly want, though, is you.” The conviction in his tone settles around my heart like a balm, soothing and healing me in ways I never knew I needed.

  And I offer the only response I can. “Then take me home.”

  Chapter 32


  I want nothing more than to take Mara home, but I don’t know where that is at the moment. My life has pivoted on an axis so strongly I’m not sure what is up and down. As I lead her out of the blood-soaked room, my leg throbs from where I was shot. It’s just a graze but still stings like a bitch. We keep walking until the fresh air of the outside is welcomed into my lungs.

  “Sir.” A soldier comes running up to us and salutes.

  “Yes,” I answer him holding Mara closer to my chest.

  “All of the innocents are loaded and ready to depart. What is your order for the soldiers?”

  “To return to their barracks and await further instructions from either Hunter or me.”

  “Thank you, sir.” The soldier runs off, and I slump back against the building.

  “How are they going to cope when they realize what has happened?” Mara reaches up to my face and strokes my cheek tenderly.

  I shake my head before responding, “I don’t know. The memories will haunt them forever. So many men broken by what Rebekah did. Mikaela will do what she can to help them all. She’s the final surviving sister and will inherit everything if Rebekah doesn’t have a will stating otherwise, which given I know she was a cocky bitch I doubt she did.”

  “I hope she burns it to the ground,” Mara utters in anger.

  I turn my head toward where the imposing building of my childhood stands. The place I first met Samara and fell in love with her.

  “For all the bad memories, it gave me you. I’ll always hold a fondness in my heart because it.” I can feel my heart beating deeply in my chest. Emotions drowned out by the chip for years have resurfaced with a vengeance. I’m tired and need sleep. I need Samara.

She meets my gaze with questions burning in hers. “What will happen to the children?”

  “Hopefully, they can find lives outside what has happened here. I’m going to try to be involved in their futures as much as I can. I want to know they are living normal, or what I would hope to be normal, lives.” Pushing off the wall, I lead Samara to my car and click the key fob to open it. She takes a last look at the place we grew up in.

  “I want to help as well. Maybe we could ask Mikaela to demolish the building and start again. A new home for the children. We could run it.”

  I kiss the top of her nose despite the blood she’s still covered in. “You looking to give up the assassin life, assume a new identity?” I tease.

  “I don’t need it anymore.”

  “It will be good to finally cleanse ourselves of the blood we’ve shed. I’ll talk to Mikaela. You think Hunter will want the same life?”

  “I’m not sure he and children would mix. He tends to growl at them a lot,” Samara laughs, and it warms my body with its genuine happiness.

  I help Mara into the car, and we drive in comfortable silence to the place she was sharing with Hunter. He’s not home yet, but I trust him with Reagan. He’ll look after her like he looked after Samara for me when I couldn’t. We shower, still in silence, and Mara wraps my leg in bandages. I clean the bruises and cuts on her face from her fight with Rebekah and give each one a kiss to heal.

  “Get into bed and rest,” I order her when were dressed—an old, oversized T-shirt for Mara and a pair of Hunter’s sweatpants for myself. “I’ll get some food.”

  We’re interrupted by Samara’s phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and see it’s Hunter.

  “It’s Archer,” I answer it for her.

  “How is she?” Hunter immediately asks.

  “Ok, resting.”

  Mara lays down on the bed and instantly shuts her eyes.

  I leave the room quietly and pull the door shut so I don’t disturb her, then whisper into the speaker, “What’s wrong?”

  “Cynical much?” Hunter retorts with a laugh.

  “It’s taken years of practice.”

  “Everything is fine. I was just calling to say the innocents are all safe. The children have been accommodated in other homes. The women used as whores have been checked over and are as good as could be expected. We’re still having trouble with the soldiers. I’m going to stay with them tonight. Mikaela is here, working with one of the doctors we haven’t killed, for their part in Rebekah’s organization.”

  “Ok, what about Reagan?”

  “She’s with me. I won’t let her out of my sight. You have my word on that. She didn’t want to go with the others, so I’ve kept her close. Her brother’s here. He had a chip inserted straight away.”

  “Ok. Keep me informed.”

  “Will do. Look after her, Archer.” His voice is filled with affection, and I know deep down, he cares for her deeply.

  “I’m never letting her out of my sight again. Don’t worry about that.” It’s my promise, and I will do everything to keep it.


  The line goes dead, and I place the phone on silent. Mara and I need one night together. Hunter is more than capable of being in charge. The monster is dead, but there is still much wrong to right over the next few months, possibly even years. Out there in the world are men with chips in their heads. Innocents forced into war. We have to save them all.

  I grab a few bits of food from the kitchen and head back to the bedroom. Mara lies on her side, her long hair fanning out over the pillows. She’s my angel. We were once cursed, but now, we’re free. I place the tray down, and she stirs.

  “Is everything all right?” she questions in a curious whisper.

  “Yes.” Leaning over, I press a soft kiss to her lips. She meets it and deepens it with an urgency that draws me closer to her.

  “Make love to me, Archer?”

  “You sure you don’t need to rest? I don’t want to do anything you aren’t ready for yet.” Setting the tray on the floor, I make sure nothing is between us.

  “Make me yours.” Her words cement my wavering resolve.

  She doesn’t need to ask me a third time before I meet her lips again, and this time, we don’t part. I lie down on the bed and pull her to rest on top of me. Her light frame pressed against my muscular one sends desire coursing through my body. We’ve wasted too many years. This is how I plan on spending the rest of the evening. No, not only tonight, but rather the rest of my life. Entwined with the woman I love.

  Mara lowers herself down my body, kissing my chest, and licks the defined V down toward my swelling dick. She lowers my pants, and I help her to kick them off.

  “Suck me, Mara.”

  She purrs her approval of my need and wraps her plump lips around my now throbbing shaft. Lowering and raising her mouth up and down, she uses her tongue to flick against my cock. My balls tighten in a matter of minutes. My girl’s an expert at this.

  “Fuck,” I call out. “I’m going to already, baby.”

  She doesn’t stop but increases her tempo, and I guide her further by wrapping my hand around her hair. My hips buck into her mouth, and the sound of her gagging on my cock has me seeing stars. I come with a ferocity I’ve never felt before.

  She swallows down everything I give her and comes back up to my face for a kiss. I can taste my saltiness on her lips. Flipping her onto her back, I travel quickly down her body. There’s nothing more delicious than the taste of her pussy. She’s not wearing underwear under her T-shirt, so I bunch it up and flick my tongue along her slit. Mara groans out her appreciation.

  “God, yes, Archer.”

  I feast on the woman giving herself freely to me like a man starved for years. I want to taste every drop of her sensual arousal. My tongue spears inside her warmth and laps at her. Removing my tongue and pushing two fingers inside her, I stretch her ready for my already hardening cock. I twist my digits up and flick at the sensitive spot inside her, and she ignites immediately, squirting on my face, which I hungrily drink up.

  “Archer!” Mara screams, riding out her orgasm on my tongue. I don’t give her time to rest. As she starts to come down from her high, I remove my fingers and replace them with my dick. The instant I push inside her, she comes again, her pussy pulsating around my cock.

  I want to leave her sated. No doubt after today, she’s mine and mine alone. Nobody will break us apart again. I will protect her with my life and never leave her side again. I’m going to engrain this message into her with orgasms so she never forgets.

  Eventually, I allow my hips to start moving. Slowly at first to give Samara a respite to recover, but it doesn’t last long. I’m inside the most perfect thing in the world, and this is how my life will be from now on. My hips buck wildly as my eyes meet Mara’s.

  “I love you.” The confession falls from my lips in a breathless show of affection.

  She leans up and kisses me. “I love you too.”

  Our tongues tangle in a passionate tango as we climax in tandem. Mara’s pussy milking everything I have to give her. Eventually, when my senses return, I collapse down next to her and position her in my arms, so my dick doesn’t need to leave its sheathed sanctuary.

  “This isn’t a dream, is it?” Mara nestles against my chest.

  “No. It’s real.”



  Mara’s breathing evens out, and I know she’s fallen asleep. I shut my eyes and allow my brain to switch off for the first time in forever. This is what my vision of life was like as the hopeful boy full of love for the girl with the cherry-red hair. It took us a while, but we got there.



  “Fuck.” The word is spit in frustration when I stalk through the hallway. The call we just received is that one of Rebekah's minions, Cole Middleton, has taken it upon himself to open his own version of The Factory.

  “What?” Archer’s question
comes toward me from the doorway. Even though we’re not friends, I respect how he’s been caring for Sam. He does love her; I can see it now. And he knows, if he ever hurts her, I’ll fucking break him.

  I offer him a glance before informing him, “Another one found.”

  He shakes his head, knowing what I mean before I have to voice the words. “Do what you need to do,” he tells me. “I won’t mention it to Mara because she’ll want to stop you.”

  “Thanks, man.” Slapping him on the shoulder in a show of camaraderie, he nods and leaves me to head to my office.

  Once the monster was slain, we thought it would be the end of it, but the moment my contact in Bolivia called, I knew there would be trouble. He saw the shipment coming in, and the moment they opened the doors, over sixty young women were removed from the container.

  They came from Thailand, Bali, and some other places within the same region, and none of them were over fifteen. This shit has to stop, and I’ll be the one to do it.

  With Sam and Archer trying to help the fallen soldiers and children from Rebekah’s torment, I’ll be flying out to South America to find the asshole who’s on my radar.

  “Hunter?” My feet halt at the sweet, gentle voice coming from behind me. The girl who’s spent almost every night in my bed and each morning in my kitchen comes into view. “Where are you going?”

  “I need to leave.”

  “What?” Her eyes are wide with shock, and I know she’s hurt at my abruptness, but this is the reason I need to leave. I can’t have emotions and feelings getting in the way of what I know I need to do. My job sends me all over the world. Being tied down is not something I can have when I need to focus on assholes who steal girls like her and hurt them before selling them for a profit.

  “I told you, baby doll,” I murmur, cupping her face in my hands. “This job . . . I need to do this.”

  “Take me with you.”

  “Fuck no,” I bite out harsher than I intend. “There’s no way I’m putting you in danger.” My voice is filled with emotion I didn’t think I would ever feel again.


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