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Melted By Love

Page 12

by Lily Thomas

  “Now what are you thinking about?”

  “You don’t miss anything, do you?”


  “Just wondering if your women will be just as tall and muscular. If so, I will be a misfit among all of you.”

  Dryden chuckled. “You’d be anything but a misfit.”

  “Uh huh.” She didn’t believe him for a second.

  Unbelievingly, she felt a small pang in the center of her heart.

  It was definitely an exciting adventure. She had been raised in such a safe and sure world, and she was surprised by a little thrill inside her to be in this strange situation, living with ice giants, of all things! She was unsure whether she enjoyed the experience or not, but if it weren’t for her sister, she would be tempted to stay for a while with the ice giants and learn more about them.

  If she was worried about her safety, all she’d have to do is get closer to their leader. At least then she would have the strongest ice giant around to defend her.

  A snort forced its way through her nose, as her ridiculous thoughts flitted through her mind. Surely, she was going crazy, if she was thinking of staying close to Dryden. She needed to escape as soon as she was able.

  With nothing to do and only time to think, Jasmine's mind once again returned to her sister Adorra. There was nothing that Jasmine wouldn't do for her older sister, whom she loved more than anyone else. Adorra was the last of her family, and she didn’t want to be alone in this hard world.

  Frustration and despair built in her chest as the image of her happy and loving sister lying dead at Lord Gothar’s feet floated through her mind.

  Jasmine wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. These ice giants had no idea the drive Jasmine had coursing through her system to save her sister and bring down Lord Gothar.

  Dryden watched the expressions on Jasmine's face change as he folded up the tent. Every time he was able, he found himself glancing in her direction. It was like she was a magnet that his eyes couldn't get enough of.

  Though some of the expressions she displayed made him feel uneasy. Every once in a while, he saw determination settle in her hazel eyes, and he thought perhaps she was thinking about trying to get away from them.

  The idea that she wanted to run away from him didn't settle well, even if he understood it. He just wished she could understand he meant her no harm. He was unable to let her go for fear of what her people might do in retaliation.

  He saw her frown as she thought of something unpleasant.

  How could he not wonder about her past?

  Her showing up in his mountains was not a mistake, which she had confirmed, but she wasn’t giving him everything. He was sure there was more to the story, and he was curious what she knew that had put her life at risk.

  It might have struck him as weird that he could read her body language so well since he hadn't known her for very long, but she seemed to be the sort to wear her emotions on her sleeve.

  In some ways, he wanted to help her escape or to at least allow her the chance. This world wasn’t one she was born to. He couldn’t do that, though. If she told her people, there could be irate humans wandering through the mountains. Then Dryden would have to kill them before they harmed his people in any way, and then he would wind up with a war on his hands, a war he did not want. His duty was to protect his people, and defend them he would. None of his people deserved the problem of a war. Not to mention how persistent humans could be. A war with them would end up lasting until one of their kind was wiped out.

  “Stupid rock giants,” he muttered as he continued to roll up the tent.

  “What did you say?”

  Dryden glanced up to see Jasmine looking over at him.


  “You said something about the rock giants.”

  “I did.”

  “What about them?”

  He shook his head. “I think the rock giants are crazy for attacking the human kingdom. They are stupid for starting a war.”

  “You don’t agree with them?” She seemed shocked by that.

  “Of course not. Until now there were only minor skirmishes along the borders. Things had been fine, tense, but fine. The rock giants blew this all into a larger problem.”

  What had possessed them to do such a foolish thing? Why had they even bothered with the humans?

  He paused with the tent folded in his arms and just stared at Jasmine.

  She was beautiful. More beautiful than any giant female he had ever seen, and that included fire, rock, and ice giants. Jasmine had silky, butt length, brown hair. Strange how he hadn't noticed her cute pert nose before, but now he did. It was charming and looked so dainty.

  She was so careful, always watching her surroundings, even while he could tell that her mind was in a completely different place. He just had to wonder where her mind was straying.

  “Surprised to hear my feelings on the subject?”

  “Yes. I would have thought you would side with the rock giants.”

  Dryden frowned. “We might be similar physically, but that doesn’t mean we agree on every issue.” He sent her a smile. “We’ve even been known to have skirmishes of our own.”

  She looked doubtful, but he’d let her stew on it. In time, she would see he was speaking the truth. As she lived among his people, she would get a first-hand look at the way they lived.

  He doubted he could convince her to be happy among them, but he couldn’t change the situation they were in. She had such a spirit inside her tiny body. He’d have to keep a good eye on her, just in case she decided to attempt an escape.

  If his people viewed her as a threat, then his hand would be forced. Though death was not an option, she could be locked up for both her safety and the safety of his people.

  As he watched her, he decided it would be in everyone's best interest if he convinced her to stay and forced her to understand she could never leave. They just couldn't risk her returning to her people.

  Quickly, he finished tying up the tent, which he then tied to the back of his saddle.

  Patting the rump of his black stallion, he glanced over to Jasmine, who was still staring into space. He was extremely curious about what she could be thinking about. This was not the first time that he felt like there was something heavy weighing on her mind, and that it might have something to do with her being dumped in the forest.

  Then a thought came to him.

  She might have a family, a mother, father, sisters, and brothers. Or she might even have a husband and children wondering where she had gone. Maybe the husband had gotten rid of her for some reason.

  If he had a female like Jasmine, he wouldn’t dispose of her anytime soon.

  The thought of her belonging to another man and longing for that mystery man didn't sit well with him. He wanted her to long after himself, even if it might be wrong of him to wish it.

  A human and a giant were an odd combination. Dryden was still perplexed over Stryme and his human female. It was quite the coincidence for a human princess to go missing and then see Stryme coming back from that area with a human female. Dryden shook his head. The audacity to steal a human princess from their land.

  The whole world was going insane. First the rock giants, and now Stryme.

  Even if Jasmine had loved ones she wished to return to, she was now stuck with him and his people.

  He walked back to where Jasmine stood under her fur cloak. No more shivers were coming from her delicate body. It was good to see she had recovered and was able to keep herself warm out in the frigid weather.

  Chapter 8

  The crunch of snow brought Jasmine out of her thoughts as she turned her head to see Dryden striding back towards her. He looked like a demon from one of her dreams, but a very sexy demon.

  His silver hair flowed out behind his shoulders, his onyx eyes focused on her as if there was nothing else interesting to see, and his black armor molded to his body to perfection.

  Jasmine shook her head
. She needed to stop daydreaming about Dryden. Even his name sent shivers racing over her skin in excitement.

  When Dryden reached her, he put an arm around her shoulders to guide her alongside him.

  Jasmine didn’t shake his arm off. It was comforting, and she needed that right now. She liked having someone she could trust since he hadn't given her any reason not to believe him. He also provided some warmth, being so close to her.

  The smell of roasting meat tickled her nose. Sniffing the cold air, she felt the saliva build in her mouth to the point where she was basically licking her lips.

  “Leading me to the promise of food you made earlier?” she asked.

  “Yes. The pheasants should be ready by now.”

  Her stomach created a chorus of sounds in anticipation.

  “Hopefully I killed enough,” he chuckled.

  “The food smells good, and I have no idea when I last ate something. Can you blame my stomach for growling?”

  “I only hope you enjoy them.”

  Soon the scent of smoke from the fire blew past her. Within seconds, she got a clear view of the campfire. The flames licked up the logs that were built up in a circle of stones. She smiled. She couldn't wait to be sitting in front of the warm blazing fire with a meal in her stomach.

  As they neared the fire, she felt the heat radiating off of it. Jasmine closed her eyes as memories assailed her.

  “Why have you stopped?”

  Jasmine opened her eyes to find Dryden in front of her. “Just remembering a time of my life that has long since passed.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  She cocked her head to the side. Did he wish to know more about her? She would oblige him then. “I have fond memories of sitting in front of the fireplaces at our manor when winter came. They are some of the only memories I still have of her mother and father.”

  “I’m sorry.” She could see he meant it.

  “I can still remember those carefree, relaxed days when I stare into the flames.” Before she and her sister were abruptly thrown into the harsh reality of life.

  “Still. To lose your parents.”

  “I don’t wish to drudge up the past right now.” Jasmine waved a hand in the air. This was getting a bit too personal for her liking.

  Dryden relented and guided her over to a spot on a log that the ice giants must have cut from a tree in the forest.

  Glancing around, Jasmine saw a few other campfires like the main one, where ice giants were eating, talking, and laughing, while other ice giants packed and readied their horses.

  They looked almost ready to leave camp and head out.

  “Where are we headed next?” she asked, but Dryden was too far away to hear her over the throng of ice giants.

  Was the destination going to be the ice giant stronghold?

  A little alarm sparked inside of her, but as she looked up at Dryden, she thought of how foolish she was. He had promised to keep her safe, and she believed he was a man of his word.

  It was just the thought of even more ice giants around her that put her nerves on edge.

  As she sat down on the log, Jasmine smoothed her dress under her bottom with both hands. The log was bumpy and rough, but she liked that they weren't going to have to sit on the ice-cold ground.

  If there even was ground under all this snow. She was starting to have her doubts. The only proof of actual ground under them was near the fire where the heat had melted the nearby snow.

  Her eyes roamed eagerly over the flames, and she perked up as she caught sight of the roasting birds. They were speared on sticks, and one of the ice giants slowly turned them over the heat of the fire.

  Her eyes zeroed in on every little drip of fat that drizzled over the birds before plopping down into the flames, where they sizzled and disappeared. The saliva built in her mouth as she watched and smelled the cooking birds.

  When her stomach growled out loud once again, Dryden wasn't the only ice giant who turned to stare at her.

  Embarrassed, Jasmine shyly smiled at all of them.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered as she stared once again at the fire.

  “There’s no need to apologize for your hunger. It is understandable. You’ve been through a lot, and I’m sure your body needs some sustenance by now. We need you to keep up your strength.”

  She was thankful for Dryden’s understanding, but it was still embarrassing to have her stomach growl loudly enough for the ice giants to hear.

  Slyly, Jasmine glanced over at Dryden without turning her head and watched him as he pulled out a dagger and began to sharpen it. She watched as the light from the dancing flames cast shadows across his face.

  Yes, she could see him being a feared warrior when in battle. There was a hardness to him that this environment had shaped him for, yet she knew gentleness from him. He’d cared for her, making sure she was healthy and warm.

  There was also a clear attractiveness to him as well. He had the body of a man who was used to battle and hard labor, and she no longer denied the appeal of all those muscles. She’d felt them up close and personal while they’d been sleeping next to each other last night.

  She’d never thought about being with a man who was built as well as he was. All the men she had known at court, the few times she had gone, were either thin and weak or large and soft, men who hired other men to do all the hard work for them.

  And here was a man who was able and willing to do all the hard work by himself. He probably went into war side by side with his warriors. Unlike all the lords she knew, like Lord Gothar, who would send others in their place.

  Jasmine frowned as a thought occurred to her. Maybe Dryden had a woman waiting for him wherever he lived. The thought soured her mood, and she let a slight pout form on her lips. She hated the idea that there might be another woman that Dryden wanted to snuggle up to.

  Perhaps that was why he hadn’t tried to do anything with her so far.

  Weirdly, she felt envious that some other woman might have caught his eye. It was an insane feeling, but it was still there. She shouldn’t feel this way. He was her captor, and she had a life she needed to return to. These feelings were just silly.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Hmm?” Jasmine tried to focus on Dryden’s question.

  “Your eyes have taken on a distant look.”

  Jasmine stretched her legs toward the fire and tried to act indifferent. “I was just wondering about your life.”

  “My life?”

  Jasmine looked down and started to carefully arrange the folds of the fur cloak across her knees. “Do you have any family?”

  “Of course.”


  “Not as of yet.” He swiped the blade of his knife over a wet stone.

  “Will I be living with you?”

  “You’ll have a room in our castle.” He glanced over at her, his eyes roaming over her form.

  “With a guard watching me day in and day out?”

  Dryden chuckled. “I can’t trust you quite yet. Why are you so interested in my personal life?”

  Jasmine shrugged. “Who knows how long I might be here. I should get to know you and what kind of person you are.”

  “I’m an honest man who enjoys receiving honesty in return, and I like to think I’m fair in my judgments. Anymore I can answer for you?”

  Jasmine shook her head. After a moment, Dryden leaned away and proceeded to speak to the ice giant who was turning the birds above the fire.

  Jasmine listened in, even though she was unable to understand a single word they said. She was curious about their language. It consisted of growls, grumbles, grunts, and a deep rumbling noise that came from somewhere down in their chests.

  The sound of the deep rumbling comforted her when it came from Dryden. For some reason, he made her feel at ease, which was strange. She wished she didn't feel so comfortable with him since she should despise him.

  Dryden and the other ice giant proceeded to
remove the birds from the fire and divide them up.

  Dryden turned to Jasmine and pulled a leg off one of the small birds. Holding it delicately between his long fingers, he held it out to her. Though she was hungry, Jasmine just stared at his outstretched hand.

  He expected her to eat without utensils?

  Glancing up at him, she pulled away a little from the leg he was offering her.

  “It’s not good enough for you to eat?” Dryden demanded, looking insulted.

  “No, it looks delicious, but I can’t hold it with my hands.”

  “I will not feed you like a child, Jasmine.”

  Jasmine folded her arms in front of her chest. “I wasn’t asking you to feed me. I’ve just…never eaten without the proper silverware.”

  “There are no plates here, Jasmine. If you want your strength back, you must eat the bird leg with just your hands. This is a warrior’s camp, not a castle.”

  “You’re right. I have no idea why I even brought it up.” It had been silly to bring up. Why would she expect silverware out here in the woods?

  Jasmine reached out to take the bird leg from him. It was a decent sized leg, and it looked absolutely delicious. And, oh did it smell good. The fat from the leg dripped down her fingers.

  Her stomach growled more ferociously at her, yelling at her to fill it with the meat from the delicious-smelling leg.

  She brought it to her mouth, and ever so tentatively she took a slight nibble. Juices ran down her chin, and Jasmine smiled over the piece of meat in her mouth as the flavor exploded across her tongue.

  With her other hand, she wiped at her mouth, which caused her to smile even more broadly. This was more fun than sitting at a table with a lot of other stiff lords and ladies, trying to use forks and knives to eat their meals in tight clothing.

  After the first tentative bite of the roasted pheasant, she took bigger nibbles, and before she knew it, the leg was gone.

  Dryden ripped off the second leg for her. “I’m glad you are finding yourself with an appetite.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said, as she took the pheasant leg from him and began devouring it.


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