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Melted By Love

Page 16

by Lily Thomas

  “Or you could take another female on the side.”

  “They wouldn’t be legitimate.”

  “Wouldn’t matter. They would still be your blood, and they’d have the clearest claim to the throne.”

  Dryden could see that path causing arguments and potential bloodshed as well. Besides, if he married Jasmine, he wouldn’t be able to do that to her. Either they would have children or they wouldn’t.

  “I will name an heir if children are not feasible.”

  Mathar inclined his head. “That is a choice, but you will have to think about who to choose.”

  Dryden slapped him on the back. “How about you?”

  “No thanks,” Mathar responded quickly. “I prefer being a general.”

  “That’s why you’ll be so good at being king. You weren’t lusting after the position, and you know how to rule over others. You control our entire army.”

  Mathar snorted. “I dare you to do it.”

  “Kill me, and you’ll just be king sooner.”

  Mathar groaned.

  Jasmine walked along the river bed, drawing Dryden’s eyes back to her. He felt his heart do a little flip at the thought of her being his wife. Yes, Dryden was more than happy to think of her as his wife. It would give him a great deal of pleasure.

  Maybe he was a little rash, but it was good to start thinking about her future among his people. It was one solution to her living with them, and he would keep it in the back of his mind.

  As a smile formed on his face, Mathar just shook his head again. Dryden recognized his friend's disapproval, but he had a different take on the situation.

  “Have you...” Mathar coughed. They weren't in the habit of discussing any relations they had with females.

  “No, but… I’m sure we will in due time.”

  Mathar wiped a hand down the front of his face and threw his head back with a loud sigh.

  “Don't act like it’s such a bad thing. Her little body is all I can think about. I’ve never felt this way about any giant female.” If there were one person he wanted to understand what he was feeling, it would be Mathar.

  He needed and wanted Mathar to be on the same page as he was. This was not only his general but his dear friend.

  “Then I hope you’re prepared to defend her.” Mathar started to turn away, but then he stopped. “Maybe I’m wrong. Perhaps our people will not challenge her in any way.” Mathar shrugged. “I just want you to be prepared for the worst case.”

  With that, Mathar finally walked off, leaving Dryden to stand and stew in his thoughts.

  Eventually, his thoughts led to the fire giant king and the human female they had all seen on Stryme’s lap. Maybe there was someone who could understand what he was going through, after all.

  Dryden had men within Stryme’s court, and Stryme had men in his court. Perhaps he could pass a letter to Stryme about the human Dryden had seen him with. Then again, no two human females were alike. He would just have to win over his female in his way.

  He had a way with the females, and he was sure of his ability to woo her.

  The wet snow started to come down in large icy flakes. Some drifted down and caught on Jasmine’s long brown eyelashes. Shivering, she reached up and brushed at them, dislodging them from their resting place.

  Turning to take a blurry look at the camp the ice giants were setting up, Jasmine saw they had a strong fire going. It was under a small wood awning to keep the snow and wind from blowing it out, and she saw tents going up as well.

  The flames from the fire appealed to her, so she picked her way through the increasing snowfall. Jasmine shivered under her furs as the wind around them picked up, blowing the snowflakes in every possible direction. She picked up the pace of her steps.

  Jasmine took a quick look around, trying to find a spot where she could sit before the heat of the fire. She saw a spot where she wouldn't have to leave her back exposed to anyone and would still be able to see the rest of the camp.

  Jasmine wanted to keep Dryden within eyesight, or at least Mathar. There was still a part of her that was uncomfortable being around all these other ice giant men. She wanted to make sure there would always be someone to call out to.

  The giants eyed her as she sat down, but other than that, the warriors ignored her very presence.

  Glancing around, she caught sight of Dryden. A smile formed on her lips as she watched him put up his tent.

  She was more than able to imagine those well-muscled arms flexing as he worked. Too bad they were covered up by armor at the moment. Heat flowed through her, and soon she was blushing, as she thought of spending another night with him in his tent.

  Thankfully, anyone who looked at her would think her rosy complexion was caused by the heat of the fire or the fierce wind that insisted on blowing through their camp.

  Never had Jasmine thought she would be anticipating the moment she would sleep with a man, or an ice giant, as her case may be.

  Oh, how pleasant it would feel to lay naked with him, to feel the warmth coming off his skin and encasing her, as he sated this insistent need in her.

  Using her body to distract him could also present her with opportunities of freedom. At least, that was what she told herself. Jasmine didn't want to enjoy herself when her sister's life was still in danger, but if Dryden was distracted, Jasmine might get a decent chance at breaking away.

  Maybe she could try to be more adventurous when it came to bed sport. She blushed at the very idea of initiating anything herself, but this was her chance. She could tire the giant out.

  Feeling like a wanton, Jasmine took a glance around her. She knew no one could hear her thoughts, but she still felt awkward thinking about Dryden in such a way out in the open.

  Her heart fluttered against her chest as she thought of their earlier moment together. There had been something between them, she could have sworn, but maybe she was getting more involved with the giant than he was with her. She was probably the only one thinking they had a connection.

  There was a high probability she would fall in love with Dryden and get her heart broken. What she needed right at this moment was Adorra’s strength. As the younger sister, Jasmine had been left to her own devices with very few responsibilities. Her creative and dreamy side had been left to dominate most of the seriousness inside her.

  Jasmine sobered up as she thought of her sister. Here she was thinking about having intimate contact with an ice giant when her sister's life was at stake.

  Frustration consumed her. She raised her hands and curled them into fists, then smacked her thighs.

  She earned her a few stares from the ice giants nearby, but she ignored them. She was allowed a little outburst when her last close family member might die any day now.

  If this adventure had happened under different circumstance, she might have stayed around to see what could develop between her and Dryden or to at least see a new way of life before escaping. She did enjoy the idea of getting a first-hand view of how the ice giants lived.

  Feeling a little angry with herself, she stared back defiantly at the ice giants until they went back to whatever they were doing before she had drawn attention to herself.

  As she looked around, emptiness filled her hazel eyes. She still hadn’t been presented with an excellent opportunity for escape.

  There was no way Jasmine could walk all the way back to her manor from here. Heck, she didn't even know where here was. All she knew was that there was a lot of snow around her.

  Then she heard a soft snort from over her shoulder.

  Taking a look behind her, she spotted the source of the noise.

  One of those giant horses would be handy. Now, if she could take one of those, then she’d have a better chance at escaping Dryden and his warriors. She would have to keep on the move, but she might just have a shot at it.

  But then she came back to square one. Where was she?

  She could pick a direction and just go. There was a possibility of pickin
g the right direction, but at the same time she might just end up going in the wrong direction.

  Knowing her luck, she would just go deeper into ice giant territory.

  Though if she tried, at least she would know she had attempted to get back to her sister.

  A spark of hope lit in her chest, a hope of finally having a decent plan in mind, or at least what she hoped would be a decent plan.

  Chapter 10

  An hour or more passed, as Jasmine sat beside the fire. Every once in a while, an ice giant would come and tend to it, stirring around the coals and sending off waves of intense heat.

  Scanning the tents that had been put up, she noticed Dryden leaning against a pine tree, his dark eyes watching her.

  A blush crept up her face. How long had he been standing there watching her? And why was he watching her so intently?

  If she didn't know otherwise, she would’ve thought he’d read her thoughts about stealing a horse, but of course, she knew he couldn't possibly understand what she was planning. He appeared to be taking in everything about her, and it sent shivers running through her body.

  But then, he could also just be thinking about her. He could be imagining her in his tent and under his furs, naked.

  Her breath caught in her chest.

  Now she was thinking the same thing. Her blood heated at the thought of joining him under his furs.

  Her hazel eyes skimmed down the length of his body. Even in the metal armor, she knew what was under it, and she loved the feel of him. Those muscles of his appealed to her like no other. She could imagine stroking them, running her fingertips over the bulges of his arms and down his back.

  Her breathing shallowed, as those erotic thoughts floated through her mind. They teased her, making the area between her thighs grow damp with unexplored need.

  The snowfall lessened, and even from this distance, she could see his hot breath fanning out before him in the cold mountain air. His breathing quickened.

  Jasmine smiled to herself. She liked knowing the sight of her affected him.

  As her eyes collided with his, she realized he was having the same thoughts. There was hunger hidden there in his black eyes. Some might say they were soulless, and she had initially thought so as well. Now, though, she could see the emotion lying there, especially now as he stared at her.

  Ducking her head, her cheeks flushed crimson.

  No other human woman would’ve found him handsome, but she did. He had a sharply cut jawline, broad muscled shoulders, tall physique, dark eyes that made goosebumps race across her skin, and silver hair that drew her in.

  What was she doing?

  She was thinking about Dryden in a way she shouldn't be. There was no point in fantasizing about him, as there would be no possible future with him. She only needed him to help her stay alive long enough so that she could escape and get back to her sister.

  Even if she failed to escape from the giants, there still would be no future with him. There was no way he would ever make an honest woman out of her. She was a human, and he was an ice giant. So far, a very kind ice giant, but that didn't mean she was anything more than just a toy for him. She shouldn't let herself daydream about impossibilities.

  Jasmine looked down at her hands. Shame flowed through her as she thought about her sister and the way she kept fantasizing about staying with Dryden.

  When Jasmine glanced up again, she saw Dryden striding towards her. Her silly heart skipped a beat. She commanded it to stop.

  Jasmine stood to greet him, as he came to stand beside her.

  Smiling down at her, he motioned for her to retake her seat. “Please sit, Jasmine. Mathar will bring us over a small meal, once he’s finished skinning and cooking it.”

  Sitting back on the log, she made sure Dryden and all his armor had enough room to sit down next to her.

  “I prefer not seeing what fluffy animal I’m about to eat,” Jasmine stated plainly.

  Only silence greeted her, so she slowly looked up to see Dryden's face. He looked bewildered.

  “What?” she asked, taking a defensive side, knowing what he might say.

  He shook his head, yet the confusion didn't leave his face as he asked, “Do your people eat any meat?”

  “Of course we do.”

  “Then why is it such a big deal knowing Mathar has killed and skinned our dinner?”

  “I prefer not to dwell on the fact I had to have something killed to sustain my own life,” she informed Dryden, thinking he would understand her reasoning. She thought it was fairly sound.

  “I don’t understand.” His eyebrows drew close together as his dark eyes searched her face. Dryden continued, “You’re ashamed of eating an animal, yet you continue to do it. Why not accept the fact of life? You need sustenance, and they provide it.”

  Now she felt completely silly. “It’s just that in my world, mainly men do the butchering of animals. I’ve just never...” she took a breath as she thought about the next words which were about to come out of her mouth, “I’ve never had to think about the fact that a life has ended to continue my own. I’m used to befriending the animals in the barn, not skinning them.”

  “You humans continue to confuse me, over and over again,” Dryden stated, as he turned his attention to the fire. He held out his hands, palms towards the warmth.

  “Are you telling me you never loved an animal?”

  “I love my horse.”

  “And if you had to eat another horse, wouldn’t you feel something?”


  “On what?” Jasmine folded her arms across her chest.

  Dryden laughed. “Is it a matter of survival?”

  “Never mind. Forget the whole thing.” She rolled her eyes.

  His dark eyes danced in glee.

  Mathar stepped in front of them from the other side of the fire. A couple of rabbits dangled from his fist by their feet.

  Her eyes locked onto the pink, bare-skinned rabbits. She almost gagged, but managed to hold it back, and instead plastered a smile on her face.

  “Are you going to be alright?” Dryden whispered over to her, as his eyes scanned her face.

  Here she thought she’d hidden her reaction well, but of course, he would catch it.

  “Those dead rabbits brought back memories of the rabbits that lived in the manor stables. Every spring I could rely on them to always be in the stable with their adorable babies. They were always made out of irresistible fluff.”

  “You’re so sweet.”

  Mathar rolled his eyes at that comment.

  Jasmine put a hand to her mouth, smiled, and said, “I’m fine.”

  Mathar looked over at Dryden, a confused look on his face as well. “What’s her problem?”

  “Are you sure?” Dryden leaned in, after giving Mathar a quick scowl.

  “Yes, thank you, I’ll be fine. Thank you for your concern though.”

  “What’s wrong?” Mathar scowled as he looked at them both.

  “She’s never had to deal with seeing her dinner before it was served to her.”

  Mathar snorted and shook his head. “Ridiculous.”

  They both turned to scowl at him.

  Why couldn't Dryden act more like Mathar? Then she wouldn’t be attracted to him at all. All Dryden seemed to do was make sure she was happy and comfortable, while Mathar enjoyed making her feel stupid.

  She needed Dryden to be a brute, like from the stories she’d been told when she was a child. Then maybe she would have a chance at hating him.

  It was frustrating because she kept stalling when she should be saving her sister. She found herself trying to figure out a way to save her sister and still be with Dryden. Unfortunately, Jasmine had yet to come up with any ideas. Maybe Dryden could help her out with brainstorming?

  But then, why would he want to assist her?

  After all, he had never met her sister and wouldn’t know exactly how much this would mean to her.

  Just because he was nice to h
er didn't mean he had signed up to become her sister’s rescuer. Sexual attraction was not proof of any deeper feeling he might hold for her, but it was better than nothing.

  Letting her mind wander, she watched on as Mathar prepared to roast the rabbits above the fire. He grabbed a small stick and speared the rabbits onto it. He then placed two other y shaped sticks on either side of the coals, instead of over the flames.

  Soon the two rabbits were placed above the heat and cooking. Mathar slowly turned them so none of the rabbit skin would burn and the meat would cook evenly.

  Once the smell of cooking rabbits reached Jasmine’s nose, she forgot all about them being cute little fluffy creatures. Now all she could think about was eating their delicious meat. Her eyes watched the fat drip down and sizzle onto the coals below the rabbits.

  “Your eyes might pop out of your head if you stare at them any harder,” Dryden teased from beside her.

  Jasmine couldn't help but crack a smile as she glanced away from the roasting rabbits. Her eyes had been glued to their succulent meat.

  “They just might, but those rabbits smell delicious.” Jasmine clasped her hands together in her lap and then tucked the fur cloak closer around her as the wind picked up around them.

  “I’m pleased. I was afraid you wouldn't want to eat them with all your fussing about them being cute animals.”

  Mathar said something in their language, and then Dryden turned to glare at him.

  Jasmine guessed Mathar had said something about her.

  If she was unable to get away from the ice giants, she might have to get used to the idea of giants talking behind her back like Mathar just did. Though if she did end up staying with them, she would make it her mission to win over Mathar. If she could win him over, she could probably win any of the ice giants over, given enough time… and patience.

  “What did he just say?”

  “Nothing you would want to know about,” Dryden whispered back.

  Frowning, Jasmine turned away and glared at the fire. Perhaps she didn't want to befriend Mathar if he was going to be so rude that Dryden wouldn't even tell her what he’d said. She glared at the rabbits that were roasting over the spit.


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